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Earthbound - over

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
Still like Red Ryu and agree with his reads.

Kraken Puns explain your Badwolf vote right now in-depth or admit it has literally no backing. I won't tolerate that jump because it's utter crap.
see: my latest post;

Tl Dr;

Last time I was in a game with wulf he rode up on ryker harder than a small dog on any object. Every time it was brought up he could hardly substantiate it ; Without doing yet more of the same(i.e consistent and hard buddying). Read his notes on AM; Felt the same to me; Voted him; We'll see what he does with this AM read;



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Tale-spin, what is your read on Kraken?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Alright cool, so are you seriously going to keep the BadwolfTOWN reasoning to yourself? Care to share that with the rest of the class?

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
I dunno, I play like that. Kind of stream of consciousness when I gain a read in the thread, and a lot of the time I don't find it worth my time to flesh it out unless A) I'm trying to get them lynched or B) I'm trying to deter a lynch. Sometimes it's C) I'm getting heat for the stance and need to substantiate it.

(No that doesn't mean if you guys pressure me for my BW explanation I'll feel obliged to share it. I want to let him continue playing naturally)

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
According to things I can't directly quote;

Kary is more or less null on tcat as per the last time he mentioned him.

And is more interested in yourself(Talespine) and BW.

From my side it's essentially the same; I haven't seen anything that bothers me(Rake) , nor anything that makes me pause and go: *townstamp*.

TBQH i don't know why you'd expect much more than that at this point.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
So you're both null on tcat and you don't feel like fulfilling my dreams and doing what I requested?

By whatever means necessary, obtain a more concrete read on tcat by the end of the Day phase. Sooner is better than later.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
According to things I can't directly quote;

Kary is more or less null on tcat as per the last time he mentioned him.

And is more interested in yourself(Talespine) and BW.

From my side it's essentially the same; I haven't seen anything that bothers me(Rake) , nor anything that makes me pause and go: *townstamp*.

TBQH i don't know why you'd expect much more than that at this point.
I'm wondering why you voted me based on a meta that I said I'd abandoned. Plus after stating that all my reads as of right now are very non-committal. And the fact that I haven't sheeped him at all gets on my nerves.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Kraken, I want your thoughts on these two quotes, just wait for them to answer me first before expressing your thoughts, thanks.

Not saying anything on AM.
Can you say what game it is you are reading? It would not only help you, it'd help us all. I also expect you to bring this eventually.

Your logic made sense. Base line. It's the beauty of the game.

13. Potassium/T-Block hydra - Tiny bit of like. Want to watch him.
Ok, so you are saying my logic makes sense... Does that mean you'd vote along with me? Can you do that?

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
How so ?

If you simply say: I'm town; Then that's the end of it;

It only comes back to bite you if you make a big deal out of a simple thing from my pov.
How I see it.

Option 1 (the only slightly better option IMO): I say I'm town. I do something stupid either while or slightly after saying it. You can then use that as a weapon against me while saying that I claimed.

Option 2: I say I'm scum, you kill me. The end.


#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Ok, so you are saying my logic makes sense... Does that mean you'd vote along with me? Can you do that?
At this point I'd be alright with voting with you for a while if you went with someone other than TDK. I don't like my read on him just yet because of his posts so far. Right now I'd rather go for TC or KP.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
But why? You say you agree with my reasoning, so why NOT Tale-spin? That is what is confusing me. I want you to go deep into this. Go into detail, explain why Tale-spin is townier in conjunction WITH the reasoning. Tell me how the reasoning may fit with a town Tale-spin.

I'm going to sleep now, more tommorow morning.

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)

See for me Badwulf it's more along these lines:

a) You say your town; That line ends there; You do something after i find questionable ; That becomes it's own track; I can't bring up that you soft-claimed, because I was the one to initiate it; If you however you did it of your own volition , then that would be a different story.

And no one ever goes for option 2, lol.

I've seen maybe 3 people claim scum flat out.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Kraken, I want you to focus more on my line of questioning here than the "Are you scum" line. It's honestly a bad question to ask anyways. Even so, you got a reaction from Badwolf. Nothing else to gain with continuing this convo but disagreements, I think. Just make your conclusion and just see how he responds to my query. Agree?

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
Wulf , is it just indecisiveness which stays your hand ?

Do you think as per Ryu's logic me and TC are a team ?

What keeps you from voting either of us as you've clearly shown interest in one of us.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
But why? You say you agree with my reasoning, so why NOT Tale-spin? That is what is confusing me. I want you to go deep into this. Go into detail, explain why Tale-spin is townier in conjunction WITH the reasoning. Tell me how the reasoning may fit with a town Tale-spin.

I'm going to sleep now, more tommorow morning.
I don't trust myself, that's why. I don't feel comfortable putting another vote on him without being more certain of him being scum.

However because you asked:
I think Tale-spin's 'raised eyebrow' reactions are fake, same as his stance on TC/Kraken.
I don't feel comfortable voting him just yet because of this. I agree that his reactions are fake but I don't see a point to killing him just yet. It's more because I think he may have faked them to get something out of TC but I'm not sure just yet.

I also feel his reason for doubting TC scum + TBG scum is weak. He has more evidence of TBG possibly being scum than his stance on Tcat. I don't think he really believes Travelling Cat is scum, and is being lazy scum voting whoever he can, for an 'interaction'.
Again, not as sure. I want to flesh him out a bit more before I throw another vote on him.

The reason why I feel he is not just lazy town, is because there is a vague reason for him choosing Travelling Cat over Kraken, and then it seems like he tries to maliciously force 'reactions' to make his stance on her fit, which as I said, are weak as all hell. I wouldn't think there would be any lazy town motivation to single out someone for no reason. I think it's possible he may be trying to avoid TBG, as scum (with him). I don't even see a stance on Kraken, and instead one on Red Ryu. I feel his stance on RR was just a 'Oh hey I'll just throw it out there to give the town some info, whoo hee!' stance.
Forgot to ask this. What do you think his stance is on Kracken? What's your stance on Kracken?

Questions for TDK next!


#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
The real problem I have with TDK right now is that I feel more scum in KP. However, I'll digress for the remainder of this post.

Basically this entire post is meant for TDK:

In your 69 can you show somewhere that you really don't like with their interactions?

75: What was the point of it?

94: Why were you posting for length? I also agree with your back-door call out on TBG but I want to know why you laid off of it.

124: Why the dodge? You had interesting parts of the post but you didn't say anything about the question itself. Can you please answer the question now?

129: Again with the dodge. Why?

171: I'm not sure I like this response. It lacks care. Again not necessary doesn't make it bad. I think I'm going to ask for the explanation now tho.


Ok bedtime for me.

I want answers at my desk by tomorrow.



May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son

votecount 1.6

deadline is feb 10 12 am est 7 to lynch

vinyl (1): badwolf28738
circus (1): vinyl.
t spin (3): gymmo, ranmaru, traveling cat
traveling cat (1): t spin
tbg (1): aggressive mediation
kraken puns (1): red ruy
badwolf (1): kraken puns
not voting (4): tbg, frozenflame751, circus, glyph

[collapse=voting log]tbg -> none
aggressive mediation -> tbg
kraken puns -> gymmo -> none -> badwolf
red ruy -> aggressive mediation -> kraken puns
frozenflame751 -> none
ranmaru -> gymmo -> t spin
gymmo -> t spin
vinyl. -> circus
traveling cat -> t spin
circus -> none
glyph -> none
badwolf -> vinyl.
t spin -> traveling cat[/collapse]

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Circus has requested replacement. Frozenflame has been prodded.

Marshy is the best co-mod.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Thinking Ryu and AM are scummier than T-Spin and Crackhead Buns.

Vote Ryu


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008


I don't think so buddy. Not trying to play teacher's pet or anything but you can certainly give more if you're already here and posting.
What more do you want? He's acknowledged and been called out for not giving anything but a gut read. He's been cautioned that he won't be allowed to do so in the future.

You yourself made an eerily similar post, so can you explain why there's an issue?
You're asking me to perform decent analysis (that I will most likely be held to) while I'm sick and tired enough that I barely want to participate.

What part of that does not strike you as unreasonable?
I dunno, but something about that seems off to me.

Vote TBG
If you question T-Spin for not being clear on why there's an issue then why are you pushing TBG instead of T-Spin? I don't think T-Spin ever sufficiently explained why there is an issue to begin with [even after the exchange was over] or what the issue actually was. There was nothing more off with TBG's response than with any of his other posts up to this point.

First I want all of you to tell me what you think about Crack 'n Puns' loaded question at the start of the game, and then I want your thoughts on Tcat's response.
The "loaded" questions are null, tcat's responses are null and nobody would have earnestly taken a harder stance on that exchange unless he wanted to force us out of RVS via a wagon. There was nothing to be gained from that exchange. A Math Teacher is supposed to give us equations that lead us to positive or negative integers, not to ±0. Such a worthless question FoS AM


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Hmmm...interesting note here.

You come back to defend TCat.
How did nobody take note of this terrible, terrible remark? Crackhead has merely asked why it is scummy poor rather than townie poor. This is one of the most commonly tossed around question in dGames and a complete null-tell. You can't possibly read a defense out of that.

Hmmm...joins the opposing wagon to Krakan Puns.

Might have something here.

Vote: kraken puns
Yeah ... no. There was no "opposing wagon" to Crackhead because there never was a Crackhead wagon. And how the hell was the T-spin wagon "opposing" a potential Crackhead wagon? Because you have drawn a "connection" between Crackhead and Tcat that is absolute bollocks? You've taken two rather trivial, harmless comments in an attempt to establish the idea of Crackhead / Tcat possibly working together and being unaligned with T-Spin - who happens to be the strongest supporter of a Ryu townread.

No, you don't have "something here" because all you do is spread misleading garbage and pretend to hunt scum. The fact that half of your posts are pretty fruitless questions only make matters worse and show a calculated side to your postings that make me lean away from bad townie play and towards scummy intentions.

What makes it that unlikely and more likely he actively ignored it to avoid making content?
You think scumbags "actively ignore" questions to "avoid making content"? They might as well put a rope around their necks. You're way off here - too off to be only a misguided townie.

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