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Earthbound - over

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Badwolf+1v=t-1 in this thread

T=time of play for badwolf

I'll factor important equations later but let it be known: bronies have no beauty. The are garbage!

And they're too ugly to go in the heap.


I disagree.

Can you explain once you get back?

Here's what I think so far.

I think Tale-spin's 'raised eyebrow' reactions are fake, same as his stance on TC/Kraken. I also feel his reason for doubting TC scum + TBG scum is weak. He has more evidence of TBG possibly being scum than his stance on Tcat. I don't think he really believes Travelling Cat is scum, and is being lazy scum voting whoever he can, for an 'interaction'. The reason why I feel he is not just lazy town, is because there is a vague reason for him choosing Travelling Cat over Kraken, and then it seems like he tries to maliciously force 'reactions' to make his stance on her fit, which as I said, are weak as all hell. I wouldn't think there would be any lazy town motivation to single out someone for no reason. I think it's possible he may be trying to avoid TBG, as scum (with him). I don't even see a stance on Kraken, and instead one on Red Ryu. I feel his stance on RR was just a 'Oh hey I'll just throw it out there to give the town some info, whoo hee!' stance.

I also do think TBG is scum as well, for trying to use sickness as an excuse for not elaborating on his Kraken stance, without really ever expressing it before. Just a slight scum lean though.

Unvote Vote: T-spin Double Kill

Travelling Cat, Kraken, join me?
AM, do you agree on Tale-Spin? Give me thoughts on him.
I like the logic but can we get some quotes to back it up please?

If glyfe actaully doesn't participate till D3;
I will put on some sort of extended pressure.
I hate you.


traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
The difference would be that he'd act differently. He might act more enthusiastically, depending on alignment, or do even less due to moral. We are all human, and there may be parts of the game we will always dislike with the draw. Our preferences can affect how we play and it can stick out as a sore thumb, without really trying to at all. There could have been a possibility you could have known this, and it would also draw a connection between you two that I could see myself, since you are familiar with him. That's about it though. Basically, it would simply help with my meta knowledge of him. I would also think you would have to tell the truth about it, because if I looked up TBG up saying differently, I would approach you about it.

Oh no, don't misunderstand. I noticed you say that, and thank you. I would expect a better read on AM from you then on TBG, but we still have to read him anyways, and I would still like your thoughts on him later.
Oh I gotcha. I see what you're saying.

I think he was doing slightly more than just voting, though. Underlined, you even admit this yourself. I think this negates him being a hypocrite. Do you disagree? It is true he didn't do as much as AM so far, but does he really need to do that much, to be considered doing something? Is that really a problem? :woman: (At that point in the game)
No, not really hypocrite. My post there was contradictory. But other than talking to me, he didn't bother to answer RR's question, which he could have easily done (he happily replied to Gymmo about the Kraken though >_>). Why I find it bothersome is that urging people to move along or scum hunt can be a good way for scum to seem helpful while not really doing anything.

Here's what I think so far.

I think Tale-spin's 'raised eyebrow' reactions are fake, same as his stance on TC/Kraken. I also feel his reason for doubting TC scum + TBG scum is weak. He has more evidence of TBG possibly being scum than his stance on Tcat. I don't think he really believes Travelling Cat is scum, and is being lazy scum voting whoever he can, for an 'interaction'. The reason why I feel he is not just lazy town, is because there is a vague reason for him choosing Travelling Cat over Kraken, and then it seems like he tries to maliciously force 'reactions' to make his stance on her fit, which as I said, are weak as all hell. I wouldn't think there would be any lazy town motivation to single out someone for no reason. I think it's possible he may be trying to avoid TBG, as scum (with him). I don't even see a stance on Kraken, and instead one on Red Ryu. I feel his stance on RR was just a 'Oh hey I'll just throw it out there to give the town some info, whoo hee!' stance.

I also do think TBG is scum as well, for trying to use sickness as an excuse for not elaborating on his Kraken stance, without really ever expressing it before. Just a slight scum lean though.

Unvote Vote: T-spin Double Kill

Travelling Cat, Kraken, join me?
AM, do you agree on Tale-Spin? Give me thoughts on him.
Ran, it's like you're reading my mind.
Vote: T-spin

I forgot that glyfe is a shameless coaster until d3. Gogdammit.

You've got to be kidding me. >:[

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
@T-spin: You've stated how my and KP's interactions were forced, but not how it was scum. Why did you decided my interaction was the more scummy side and put the vote on me versus KP? Or rather, why did KP's look more town than me?
This post came after me stating dislike for traveling cat. Just asking questions, not voting me or giving any indication that tc thinks what I'm doing is scummy.

Ran comes along and says what I'm doing is scummy and tcat says "it's like you're reading my mind." Considering I made no points between this quoted post and the one above, tcat has a shift in perspective that is not triggered by me (aka what he should be looking at as town.) Instead it is triggered by Ranmaru voting me. This could be just a town-who-is-unconfortable-starting-pressure type of deal but I don't think it is because tcat doesn't seem to lack for confidence or experience.

Therefore, tcat's intentions in voting me are not "I think T-spin is scum".

I am increasingly confident in my tcat scumread. I don't think Ranmaru is chainsaw defending scum, because tcat saying "you're reading my mind" and jumping on is not scum partner behaviour. I think Ran is just incorrectly reading me and tcat is taking that opportunity to jump on me as well.

In conclusion, Ranmaru town, tcat scum.

Up next, explanation for my RR read.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Kraken puns ignored my question.

This is what prompted me to say the first point. Red Ryu is calling Kraken Puns out for ignoring his question. I'm not saying scum partners can't or don't do this, but bringing attention to a connection such as ignoring a question is a higher risk move. I don't believe Red Ryu is calling his scumpartner out for ignoring questions in the beginning of the game.
Do tell.

What happened and what went wrong, what do you plan to do here to fix that. Rather, what got you in those situations as town and scum, and what are you going to do here to fix that?
He asks Badwolf a question about what he has learned, gets an answer, and follows up with constructive questions that both give insight into Badwolf's possible play changes this game and serve as proactive content from Red Ryu. This is where my townread comes from. As I said, the townread is less confident than the disconnect from kraken puns but it's still there.

traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
This post came after me stating dislike for traveling cat. Just asking questions, not voting me or giving any indication that tc thinks what I'm doing is scummy.
Oh goody! You did notice that post. I was afraid it was going to be ignored if you took any longer to post.

BTW, please answer my question in there instead of using my vote to dodge the question.


May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son
oh my gorf! SWAG...everywhere! EVERYTHING!!

votecount 1.5

deadline is feb 10 12 am est 7 to lynch

vinyl (1): badwolf28738
circus (1): vinyl.
aggressive mediation (1): red ruy
t spin (3): gymmo, ranmaru, traveling cat
traveling cat (1): t spin
tbg (1): aggressive mediation
not voting (5): tbg, frozenflame751, circus, glyph, kraken puns

[collapse=voting log]tbg -> none
aggressive mediation -> tbg
kraken puns -> gymmo -> none
red ruy -> aggressive mediation
frozenflame751 -> none
ranmaru -> gymmo -> t spin
gymmo -> t spin
vinyl. -> circus
traveling cat -> t spin
circus -> none
glyph -> none
badwolf -> vinyl.
t spin -> traveling cat[/collapse]

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
As for your half of the question about why I voted you? Multiple reasons, one of which being I have never seen you play and wanted to know how you'd react. I've got my answer: poorly.

traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
If that isn't the vaguest response...

I asked those questions because I did find something suspicious in your first post voting me. I wanted to hear if you had a thought process behind that vote. I also wanted to hear what you thought of KP to find his interactions less forced than mine. As Ran has mentioned in his post, you've yet to take any stance on KP, so I find it really odd that you bring up how my side is scummy but avoid talking about KP.

Ran comes in later and summarizes on how you're acting scummy with a vote and asks me to join. And without hearing a response to my question from you, I hop in to put pressure on you and get a response. And what a response! An immediate post afterwards calling me scummy for suddenly voting.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Well, it looked like you sheeped. Giving t-spin a reaction sounds dumb and I do not really see what's t-spins reaction would mean, and since you're looking so cunning about it, I don't see your point.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Vinyl, I asked her to join, and she joined agreeing with my reasoning. Now, if you have a problem with sheeping, talk to me about this:

Agreeing that the TC/Kraken interaction feels off. vote kraken
Also, give me your thoughts on Tale-spin.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
The Weak Vote Reasoning

Forced Eyebrow Reactions

Oh hey RR stance!

Badwolf, here. I want you to tell me what you like about my logic, and tell me what you agree with. If there is something that confuses you, don't hesitate to ask. Now then, I wouldn't really have to give this to you, because this is stuff you should be reading and eye-ing over. Are you paying full-attention to the game? I want you to re-read the game carefully, and give me three [new] stances, giving details why you have come up with those stances. Finally, I want you to tell me why you wanted me to give you quotes. Why did you need them?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No, not really hypocrite. My post there was contradictory. But other than talking to me, he didn't bother to answer RR's question, which he could have easily done (he happily replied to Gymmo about the Kraken though >_>). Why I find it bothersome is that urging people to move along or scum hunt can be a good way for scum to seem helpful while not really doing anything.
Alright then, I understand. Do you think he didn't want to answer RR for some reason, or just probably missed it/didn't have the time? I'll keep my eye on him, but still waiting on their combined answer to my invite to them. My read on them is still progressing.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Post #124, Tale-Spin

Travelling Cat had concerns with you, which actually makes her wonder why you were acting in that way. It actually makes sense for her to vote you because she already was leading towards a scumread on you, since she was already questioning you. It's a good thing for someone to do, to ask questions before jumping to the attack. (Yet I always attack quickly, I'm too impatient) It's very possible she agreed with my reasoning, when she asked about the very things I have found scummy. I myself have noticed this, and this was why I asked her to join. Nice try. To me, you are trying to use the opportunity to 'strengthen' your fake stance on Travelling Cat. Your reasoning is not convincing, as I do not see malicious intent from Tcat, but I do from you.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
GLYPH. I saw you there. Vote Tale-spin. Or you know, you could wait until AM gives some reasoning for their vote, but if it takes them too long, why not join me? Cmon, be a hero. :cool:

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What makes it scum poor over bad town poor ?
Hmmm...interesting note here.

You come back to defend TCat.

Don't think it's indicative yet, since I'm not sure if either of your are my top pick atm.

Ran did you read what T-Spin Double kill said regarding their stance on me of did you gloss over it?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Hmmm. Red Ryu, you are kinda... lurky this game. What's up with you this game? (Lol you just post)

Talk to me about Tale-Spin. I did see it, it's still weak to me though. Why? What do you think of it?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Badwolf Town lean.
Ranmaru Town lean.
T Spin Town lean.

Kraken puns Scum Lean.
TCat questionable.
Aggressive Mediation questionable, want to put him in town lean but pending on me reading old games.

Glyph is a blind shot.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Talk to me about the why on T spin town and why AM is questionable.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Re-reading that statement, forget reading the old games. I want to know why now.

traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
Alright then, I understand. Do you think he didn't want to answer RR for some reason, or just probably missed it/didn't have the time? I'll keep my eye on him, but still waiting on their combined answer to my invite to them. My read on them is still progressing.
No, just seemed like he straight up ignored it. I find it unlikely he missed it, and he had chances to answer while talking with me like he did with Gymmo.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This is what prompted me to say the first point. Red Ryu is calling Kraken Puns out for ignoring his question. I'm not saying scum partners can't or don't do this, but bringing attention to a connection such as ignoring a question is a higher risk move. I don't believe Red Ryu is calling his scumpartner out for ignoring questions in the beginning of the game.

He asks Badwolf a question about what he has learned, gets an answer, and follows up with constructive questions that both give insight into Badwolf's possible play changes this game and serve as proactive content from Red Ryu. This is where my townread comes from. As I said, the townread is less confident than the disconnect from kraken puns but it's still there.
This shows work and a thought process on how he reached it and I think it's solid.

But I'm not putting him as full town read off this.

Still better than what I'm seeing with the rest of the game.

Not saying anything on AM.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
The Weak Vote Reasoning

Forced Eyebrow Reactions

Oh hey RR stance!

Badwolf, here. I want you to tell me what you like about my logic, and tell me what you agree with. If there is something that confuses you, don't hesitate to ask. Now then, I wouldn't really have to give this to you, because this is stuff you should be reading and eye-ing over. Are you paying full-attention to the game? I want you to re-read the game carefully, and give me three [new] stances, giving details why you have come up with those stances. Finally, I want you to tell me why you wanted me to give you quotes. Why did you need them?
Your logic made sense. Base line. It's the beauty of the game.

I asked because during this phase of the game, I personally as a player, can pull some reads out my butt state them and if I do that enough people follow. I wanted to know if you were doing that or actually had some reasoning behind them. I've been paying attention to the game and have been keeping notes accordingly. I have some reads ready but not all playerslots have given me enough to actually get a decent read on. And none of them have given me enough to be happy with sticking to the read at this point.

1. TBG - Don't care for, bad back door-ing and needs to calm the nerves.
2. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry) - I like him so far. Not a lot of stuff I don't like but that which I don't isn't big.
3. Kraken Puns (Anomandaris_Rake/Kary) - I want to keep an eye on him. He's weird.
4. Red Ryu - I will enjoy playing with him. Either really smart or really town.
9. traveling cat - See KP.
13. Potassium/T-Block hydra - Tiny bit of like. Want to watch him.

Those reads were from post 99. I've changed KP to a slight scum read but I'm not sure it's him just yet. RR seems ok but I know he's been playing a long time so I don't want to trust my gut instinct. TC is.... different. I want to wait until D2 to actually read her solidly.

Glyph needs to play. I do not enjoy these coasters.

[COLLAPSE="Notes as of 120 (I think)"]#43 TC - Oddly suspicious. Kinda snappy.
#47 KP - WIFOM with the second question. I don't like it.
#50 RR - Woo actually getting convos started. Kinda bland questions but I digress.
#59 KP - I don't like this post. Massive hypocrisy is a sin. >.<
#60 AM- I can't help but like him. He's actually intelligent but I'd like to see some actual content rather than the filler.
#61 TC - Again oddly snappy. "And do I need to bold the 'I've only seen TBG play as town' part? Kinda hard to make a 'familiar' read if you don't have an idea on the wolf side." Don't be arrogant, that's my job.
#66 RR- I was hoping someone would catch something of mine eventually. I don't want to just lurk all game.
#69 TDK - Holy **** no way. I was thinking this a couple posts ago.
#70 AM - Love this post. KP's read is the same as mine and I really enjoyed how he put it. Kind of suspicious with the FF friend claim but whatever.
#75 TDK- Holy **** no way.... Please don't state the very obvious.
#76 AM- I might proxy my vote to his vote just because I like him right now. I'd help kill KP right now, however, staying with the Vinyl vote for a while.
#77 TBG - First post by him. More of a sheep/ugh post. Don't really care at this point but I want to keep an eye on him for sheeping.
#83 AM- Still agreed. Woo for sheep calling.
#84 TBG - lol wut. This is not right. This doesn't feel like SvS and I'm ok with believing that you're stupid but it'll only go so far.
#88 TBG - Heh he's dying. Aggressive much? Probably. Keep eye on him too.
#92 TBG - Woo riding the emo-coster down the tracks. What's with the mood swings? And why do I feel like AtE is in effect?
#93 AM - Pretty much what I've been saying.
#94 TDK - Would people stop posting for length? If you quote something, say something other than "Oh this didn't really matter kk?" However, I agree with the back door "I'm sick" thing + the "fact that he felt entitled to say "you guys will get what I give you and deal with it". " Liking TDK a tiny bit.
#98 TBG - Seems legit but keeping eyes on him anyway.
#107 KP - I hate the puns but the underlying message is alright. He needs to be pointed in a better direction but I'm feeling better about this so far.
#112 Ran - I like the logic but can we have some evidence to back it up? I don't want much just a couple of quotes...
#116 DG - The hell? [/COLLAPSE]

Stuff happened.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
No, just seemed like he straight up ignored it. I find it unlikely he missed it, and he had chances to answer while talking with me like he did with Gymmo.
What makes it that unlikely and more likely he actively ignored it to avoid making content?

Him making a stance without explaining it wouldn't get past this roaster and that Hydra knows it if they are scum.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Vote: Badwolf

Explain weird por favor.

Then die;
lol whut.

Weird by definition is out of the ordinary right? So by that reasoning, TC is a little bit odd for me to read. I haven't played with her yet but I do know she's an older player because of her interactions with some of the others. I know she's intelligent because the other players also respect her. I know she's been out of it for a while because I've been here for almost a year and haven't encountered her before. I don't know what the time has done to her playstyle nor how much weight I want to put on her words.


T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Still like Red Ryu and agree with his reads.

Kraken Puns explain your Badwolf vote right now in-depth or admit it has literally no backing. I won't tolerate that jump because it's utter crap.

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
to Ryu:

Still going to sit on this for a little bit; I want to figure out if what badwulf's saying actually makes genuine sense and isn't scum bs.

to Wolf:

Don't know. Gut read your notes circa past post 120 and went: Hm, i remember the last time he tried to lock lips similarly.

It's possible you could have figured out how to do it better; Live and learn. etc


traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
Kraken puns ignored my question.

What makes it that unlikely and more likely he actively ignored it to avoid making content?

Him making a stance without explaining it wouldn't get past this roaster and that Hydra knows it if they are scum.
You yourself stated that he ignored your question. Do you take it back?

Your post had a picture on top and was a list of questions to every player. It wasn't a one-two line post that could be missed.

Hmmm...joins the opposing wagon to Krakan Puns.

Might have something here.

Vote: kraken puns
I wasn't aware there was a wagon on KP. Please state how you got this and why it is interesting that I 'joined the opposing wagon'.
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