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Earthbound - over


May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son
Deadline is February 13th 11:59:59 PM EST. 7 to lynch

Votecount 1.13
Gheb 1 - Vinyl.
T-Spin 1 - BadWolf
TBG 1 - Aggressive Mediation
Red Ruy 2 - Ranmaru, Glyph
Traveling Cat 2 - TBG, Red Ruy
Aggressive Mediation 2 - T-Spin, Swiss
Not Voting 4 - Frozenflame751, Gheb, Kraken Puns, traveling cat

[collapse="Voting Log"]TBG -> None -> Kraken Puns -> TCat
Aggressive Mediation -> TBG
Kraken Puns -> Gymmo -> None -> Badwolf -> None -> Red Ryu -> None
Red Ruy -> Aggressive Mediation -> Kraken Puns -> none -> TCat
Frozenflame751 -> None
Ranmaru -> Gymmo -> T-Spin -> Red Ruy
Swiss-> T-Spin -> None -> Aggressive Mediation
Vinyl. -> Gheb
Traveling Cat -> T-Spin -> None
Gheb -> Red Ruy -> None -> Swiss -> None
Glyph -> None -> Red Ruy
Badwolf -> Vinyl. -> T-Spin
T-Spin -> Traveling Cat -> Badwolf -> Aggressive Mediation[/collapse]

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Well there's your problem

Seriously though I don't know what your plan is here but all its accomplishing is making me wonder if you were like molested as a kid or something

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Well I imagine whatever it was had to have been hella traumatic, you know?

Honestly I feel a little bad saying these last two posts but hey can't let a thing like morals stand in the way of mafia games right

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Yeah I haven't read yet but uhhhhhhh probs RR scum since I'm voting for him


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

Here's what we should do. We continue to lynch Red Ryu. I feel Travelling Cat has brought up good points as to why keeping RR alive and 'letting him' confirm himself to us is a bad idea. I still think Red Ryu is scum, for his early and mid game play, and his near death play. Like I mention in the collapse, I think he doesn't really care about finding alternative's to his own (I think he only discussed alternatives with gheb, and hasn't been present since) He has been trying to personally attack me when there were others on his wagon. I still feel he was trying to pull every trick he could to stay alive as mafia. Gheb's reasoning for leaving the RR wagoning is very weak, and he doesn't even look at anyone joining the wagon, and instead just tries to fall back on a lurker. I feel he is the best go to guy for an investigation, not Travelling Cat. We also lynch Swiss after Red Ryu. He has been trying to frame me as being very cautious and calculating, and I explain to him that I'm trying to play better, and being more concise, etc etc... Long story short, he doesn't really try to understand what I say, and just says I'm acting dumb, when I'm not. He's trying to oppose me, for god knows what. His suggestion for Travelling Cat to be copped is insane. He shall die.


[COLLAPSE="Synopsis"]1. TBG

TBG I have a null on. On the surface, his non-commital stance was concerning, but he is most likely a question mark, and will continue to be. Yet, he is not my priority.

2. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry)

Didn't like how he was trying to blow hot air at the start of the game, and how he has lurked. Yet, this isn't really malicious, but it's good enough for a last minute lurker lynch, but I'm not looking for that.

3. Kraken Puns (Anomandaris_Rake/Kary)

He's town in my books. Acting as usual rake I would know when I see him. (Meaning, when I think it's Rake) I don't see a problem with them. They can be my buddy.

4. Red Ryu

Still scum numbah one. I still feel he is scum, and should be lynched! DO NOT WAIVER FROM HIM and his BULL ****ING **** AtE. Let us continue. He isn't trying to find scum now, he's letting Swiss do some work, and giving me quips whenever he is given the opportunity "Oh ran never did answer that question..." How about being proactive about it and quoting it for me? Nope, he comes in and asks for an AM prod and does nothing else. This shows he doesn't really care about what he asks for, but only sling mud at me whenever he can.

5. frozenflame751

A null to me.

7. Gymmo Swiss

As of recently, scum numbah #2. He quotes many of my posts and just says 'scumlean', and is saying that I'm being calculating, careful. I try to reason with him, and ask him to look at other games, and he tells me I'm acting dumb. What else can I explain to him? When I give him a paragraph, he doesn't respond back to the things I have told him, he gives me a sentence. Only a sentence, he doesn't care about what I'm saying, he's trying to discredit me so he CAN push on me. I am guessing he is doing so because I am quite vocal. I am fine with lynching Swiss as a compromise, or tomorrow after we lynch Red Ryu.

8. Vinyl.

Null, also not his fault since he got his hand destroyed by the wall. GG wall vs Vinyl, Vinyl loses lol. (I have won against wall jsyk, but my foot didn't do so well against it... So don't feel so bad)

9. traveling cat

Town. I so no reason for her to ever be lynched, nor to be a cop target. I also feel like Swiss's reason to investigate her is bull****. Because she's an intelligent player? I have a better idea on who to cop.

10. Circus Gheb_01

Scum numbah #3. He makes a very convincing case on Red Ryu, and I agree. I give reasoning to why, and he jumps off after the wagon gets some speed. He says the reason is because too many stupid people were getting on it. I feel this is suspicious because this shows he doesn't really care in lynching obvious scum, but doesn't even find it SUSPICIOUS that others have used dumb reasons to get on. Instead he just fell to voting GYMMO, a frickin' Lurker!! This guy, is our cop investigation.

11. DtJ Glyphmoney

Town baby.

12. BadWolf28738

I find it concerning that says something and then contradicts himself, especially when it comes to my TDK logic. Another question mark, yet I don't find him a priority either. So null.

13. T-Spin Double Kill (Potassium/T-Block)

I actually liked their #471, which they talk about Gheb's recent behavior, I just like that they were looking at him when he did something questionable. I actually may be wrong on them, and will try to re-consider them upon Red Ryu's flip.[/COLLAPSE]

Short version:

Red Ryu, Swiss, Gheb.

Will not lynch:
Travelling Cat, Kraken Puns, Glyph

Need to Reconsider:


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Literally have you never read any of my posts
He has, but it's just because he is scum. He was doing the same to me, telling me i'm acting dumb, but not really trying to get what I'm saying. He's trying to frame me as scum because I'm playing differently to him, when he hasn't played in most of the games I have played (because he rarely plays, his 1 game rule).

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Ran I wouldn't be so rash as to say its because he's scum. Sure he's an ******* but surprise its swiss it'd be weird if he WASN'T being an *******.

So do me a solid and don't call him scum based off that, find something else to derive it from goddamnit I'm playing mafia

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
You don't feel bad. You shouldn't lie to me.
I didn't say I was gunna be losing any sleep over it, but I do prefer to not insinuate horrible things about people. It ain't classy.


so what did you think if the superbowl? I only just got around to watching it
The Super Bowl is scum lets lynch it


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm not mad or anything. Do remember I have played with him before and haven't called him scum for being the way he is in those times, but mostly just got frustrated at him and voted him (lol). I'll take back the comment, but not the stance.

Kraken: I don't believe he is a weak doctor. I think he is fake claiming. He can't prove that heis the weak doctor. Having others using their NA's on him would be a waste, because I really do think he is scum. I don't see a utility for him. What do you think? Do you think we should keep him?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Whoops, I mean: "He can't prove he is A weak doctor"

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
When was the last game a doctor like this was used? Anyone know?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
@Glyph: do tell me more about that RR seascumread when you get a chance :woman:
I actually did some (gasp) reading on the subject once I saw that he had claimed, and now I need some insight from people who have been in dgames while I was gone irt my last question


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No, didn't have the time. Btw, can you answer this for me? Post #323

I'm re-evaluating. As of recent actions, I feel there may be more scum intent from Swiss and Gheb, instead of TDK and Badwolf.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Glyph, I don't actually remember seeing a weak doctor that dies when hitting scum. Only thing I have heard of that dies when targetting scum is a masoner. :3

Which question, Ryu?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Quite being salty and opposing lynches you yourself have swung out there, read TCat vs TBG and give me your thoughts.

Is AM going to be a thing ?

Early thoughts on Swiss ?
1.) Both players tend to avoid the more obvious subjects. Not sure what to think of it yet but it might be useful to look back on later
2.) It's a viable option
3.) Not fond of his push against Ran

Gheb: If we lynch Gymmo, do you have any follow up leads for D2 whether if he comes up Town/Scum? Normally, I'm all for lynching lurkers, but I think we got enough material even if there is a mislynch to resort to that. Agree/Disagree?
We're not lynching Gymmo because he is not in this game anymore. Even then I'm not sure on whether I can agree or not.

Also, TDK's reason on AM may be generic, but do you think it honestly negates his points on AM?
I've already covered that in ample detail. Why do you feel like asking these questions now that they have already been discussed?

Reason's for lynching me? You've pointed out how I'm questionable, seem scummy by town, and have lumped me together with inactives/lurkers for lynch, but I haven't seen any reasons why I'm a good lynch.
You're not doing anything of relevance and that post kind of proves my point. You've asked me about a player that has already replaced out, you asked me something that I've discussed with Spin ad nauseam and your most notable exchanges have been with Crackhead at the beginning of the game [about pretty much nothing] and TBG about something that nobody really remembers about what it was.

What do you have to say about Ryu, his claims, the opinions on lynching him? Do you know what people think about him? What Ran, Swiss and I are thinking about him? I doubt you have a grasp tbh.
Who do you think should be lynched? You've never given us any idea on your tendencies. Any push you think is worth pursuing? Why do I have to pull every single answer out of your mouth right now? It's not hard to understand why nobody opposes your lynch right now. It's not like you're really helping it.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
10. Circus Gheb_01

Scum numbah #3. He makes a very convincing case on Red Ryu, and I agree. I give reasoning to why, and he jumps off after the wagon gets some speed. He says the reason is because too many stupid people were getting on it. I feel this is suspicious because this shows he doesn't really care in lynching obvious scum, but doesn't even find it SUSPICIOUS that others have used dumb reasons to get on. Instead he just fell to voting GYMMO, a frickin' Lurker!! This guy, is our cop investigation.
You base your entire scumread on me on the assumption that Ryu is scum? You think it's more likely that I've called out my own scummate from the moment I replaced in, forced him to claim, nearly got him lynched single-handedly and am now trying to defend him ... rather than just me having changed my mind on it? The scenario you're pushing to justify your scumread on me is extremely unlikely: you assume a scenario that'd - if I were scum - leave no benefit for me whatsover, no matter what Ryu is gonna flip. Why do you think such an unrealistic course of action is more likely than me simply second-guessing myself [which is something you should know I always do]? As if this wasn't shaky enough a reason to have me as your #3 scumpick, it's also entirely based on the premise that Ryu is going to flip scum in the first place. And what if he actually flips weak doctor? I don't think you've really thought this through at all, let alone looked at things from my point of view.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I think it is likely. I think you were the first vote on Ryu, and I was the second. I don't really think you expected me to get more votes on him. That's why it seems more like distancing to me. I just don't like your reasoning for getting off. You say that it may be second-guessing yourself, but this would mean that you would start to think he may not be scum, so wouldn't this mean you would be thinking one scum may have joined among the ones who had bad or non-existent reasoning? I don't actually see you say that your STANCE on him changed because of this. I also notice that Tcat points out that you yelled at me (which I can't get frustrated at EVER AGAIN after seeing you at Apex man :woman:) for saying that Red Ryu seemed to be trying to save himself, but not her when she brought it up. Why didn't you address her about it? I want to know exactly how people getting on with bad reasoning unconvinces you of a sure scum read. Yet, this is why I only have you as a possible investigation.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
See Ran you dodged the point, what changed with Badwolf other than, just a reread along with TDK?

You saw a post that changed you mind why did that alone change your mind and not anything before?

If you said your going to reread Badwolf's games and Allstars when I pointed out the difference of Ryker grabs thread and why I didn't say it earlier, why did you not attempt that when you obviously were reading the game.

See this has been my problem with your most recent posts.

My problem here is that I do not think you are reading into intent and analyzing, you already knew what you wanted from the start.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Nothing changed with Badwolf. I felt there was more scumminess from Gheb and Swiss, than Badwolf and TDK. That, in turn, makes me go "Oh, maybe I am not right on those two" yet consider I still keep Badwolf as a questionable slot. Tale-spin is a slot I would want to consider more upon your flip. It should make sense, after a phase of time in a mafia game, things make me go "ok maybe I should re-evaluate this". I'm trying to stick to the things I find are malicious.

I said I would try to get to it, but I didn't get to it. It takes more effort to go and read a different game then just currently respond to things going on in the flow of time that is NOW.

Now if you have a problem with my analyzing, why don't you actually talk about my swiss and gheb reads? (Also, I want you to go into how you are reading them now) Also, you seemed to have had a problem before this one... but you never clarified after I explained, so can you please answer this? Post #323

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@ Swiss: sorry but no synopsis coming from me. There's not really any content worth summarizing tbqh. I understand where you're coming from, having replaced in and all, but yeah, anyone who says they have a robust and info laden synopsis is deluding you and themselves

@glyph: its all good bro I know you weren't **** talkin me <3

AM rivaling my inactivity sketchs me out

Vote: Ranmaru cuz the more I read his posts the more I get scum tryhard vibes. Ill elaborate later when I'm not at work and on my dying phone



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Lol and why can't it be town try hard? I do alot because I am every into it. I have been accused of this before. But yeah, tell me I don't try hard in my other games tho.
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