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Earthbound - over


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Gheb using other people using bad reasons to join the wagon, a reason to get off it. This is a connection, and remember that my read on Badwolf was also due to a possible connection, yet I find this more concerning. I have asked him questions to straighten this out, recently. I want to see if people joining on, can really dissuade him from pushing on a for sure scum read, when he hasn't thought any of them were possibly scum.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Lol and why can't it be town try hard?
Just to show you how laughable this post is: You said you think it's likely that I've instantly called out Ryu, pushed a wagon on him that got him to L-3, got him to claim, got him on the edge of getting lynched but since he's also actually my scumbuddy I'm trying to save him now all of a sudden because I didn't think anybody would join my Ryu push. That story has more holes than swiss cheese. Why would I go for such a push if I didn't actually want Ryu to be the target of a major wagon? Why would I want the wagon to happen if I realize that I don't actually want to bus my buddy? Why would I not bus my buddy if I already bother to make a solid case on him to make his lynch possible in the first place? Why would I reconsider lynching him on the risk of gaining major flak for it? There are so many "ifs" and ridiculous assumptions that you completely ignore in order to push your scumread on me that it's nothing short of absurd to think that you find it likely. In this case it doesn't even matter whether you "think" it's likely or not - it's de facto extremely unlikely.

The "town / scum tryhard" accusation on the other hand is pretty much a 50-50 case, yet you expect everybody to be A-OK with you saying "why scum and not town"? Even if the accusation itself is crap, the way you clearing yourself is absolutely worthless considering what you have given me shit for. Either give a better response to the tryhard accusation or admit that your "case" on me is complete bollocks.



May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son

Deadline is February 13th 11:59:59 PM EST. 7 to lynch

Votecount 1.13
Gheb 1 - Vinyl.
T-Spin 1 - BadWolf
TBG 1 - Aggressive Mediation
Red Ruy 1 - Ranmaru
Traveling Cat 2 - TBG, Red Ruy
Aggressive Mediation 2 - T-Spin, Swiss
Ranmaru 1 - frozenflame751
Not Voting 4 - Gheb, Kraken Puns, traveling cat, Glyph

[collapse="Voting Log"]TBG -> None -> Kraken Puns -> TCat
Aggressive Mediation -> TBG
Kraken Puns -> Gymmo -> None -> Badwolf -> None -> Red Ryu -> None
Red Ruy -> Aggressive Mediation -> Kraken Puns -> none -> TCat
Frozenflame751 -> Ranmaru
Ranmaru -> Gymmo -> T-Spin -> Red Ruy
Swiss-> T-Spin -> None -> Aggressive Mediation
Vinyl. -> Gheb
Traveling Cat -> T-Spin -> None
Gheb -> Red Ruy -> None -> Swiss -> None
Glyph -> None -> Red Ruy -> None
Badwolf -> Vinyl. -> T-Spin
T-Spin -> Traveling Cat -> Badwolf -> Aggressive Mediation[/collapse]

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb using other people using bad reasons to join the wagon, a reason to get off it.
1.) You just summarized what happened but he's asking you for scummy intent. Where is it?
2.) How is that scummy in any way?
3.) If it actually came down to a situation where I struggle to find are reason to get off the wagon I wouldn't have started the push to begin with. I've changed my mind because I second-guess my reads all the time. Why do you think I keep telling people to quit being tools and consider every option? That's exactly what I do and in this case I came to question my read an am no longer convinced. Accept it already.
4.) What exactly is poor about the reasoning? If a wagon goes to L/2 and only player manages to provide good reasoning for why that happens then I have a problem with it, whether I'm on the wagon or not. Looking at the people on the wagon and on their reasoning is a good indicator of how much the wagon is worth.

I want to see if people joining on, can really dissuade him from pushing on a for sure scum read, when he hasn't thought any of them were possibly scum.
And this is why you are a tool and I am not. Because in your mind there is such a thing as a "for sure scum read" and in my mind there is not. I've voted him and I made a case on him but that doesn't mean I have a "for sure scum read" on him or that I wouldn't be able to change my mind. Because, you know, reconsidering the options and questioning yourself is a big step at finding scum. But you never do that and that's why you don't find as much scum as I do and are more likely to be played than I am.

Suffice it to say that you're wrong anyway. Out of the people that voted him throughout the Day I have Gymmo/Swiss and Tcat in my lynchpool. I can't have myself in my own lynchpool because I know I'm town so that means that I have 2 / 3 of the Ryu wagoners in my lynchpool. How can you say I haven't thought of "any of them possibly being scum"?


Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
3.) If it actually came down to a situation where I struggle to find are reason to get off the wagon I wouldn't have started the push to begin with. I've changed my mind because I second-guess my reads all the time. Why do you think I keep telling people to quit being tools and consider every option? That's exactly what I do and in this case I came to question my read an am no longer convinced. Accept it already.
Oh so you changed your mind because you're the sort of person who changes their mind? Well there's a seaworthy explanation if I ever saw one.

But hell keep preaching about how great you are i'm sure everyone's really interested.

Gheb said:
Either give a better response to the tryhard accusation or admit that your "case" on me is complete ********.
While i'm here, let me just disagree with this.

When someone calls you scum for something that's not evidently scummy, it seems perfectly fair to ask them to back up their accusation. Really don't know what sort of 'better' response you are expecting to the tryhard accusation when there's nothing to respond to.

But on top of that, I don't know what Ran's ability to respond to FF's callout has to do with the merit of his case on you.
Do you think Ran's case has no merit because he's scum?
Do you think Ran's scum because his case has no merit?


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
RR lynch is still horribly thought out. Leave him alive 2 or 3 phases. If he's not dead, he's probably Scum. If he's Town, he'll either be already dead or giving us multiple clears.

Swiss Town
FF needs to talk about more people
Gheb needs to stop being arrogant


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
@ Swiss: sorry but no synopsis coming from me. There's not really any content worth summarizing tbqh. I understand where you're coming from, having replaced in and all, but yeah, anyone who says they have a robust and info laden synopsis is deluding you and themselves

@glyph: its all good bro I know you weren't **** talkin me <3

AM rivaling my inactivity sketchs me out

Vote: Ranmaru cuz the more I read his posts the more I get scum tryhard vibes. Ill elaborate later when I'm not at work and on my dying phone

I also really don't like this. If you're in a hurry, why are you making this paragraph to soothe Swiss? If you're not in a hurry, why aren't you mentioning anyone but Ran in terms of reads?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
whereas Swiss just puts his vote wherever and doesn't follow up
I sincerely apologise for my timezone. It is disrespectful of me. It was also highly inappropriate to place a vote on AM and then go and have a social life.

Please forgive me.

I will now go ahead and pressure a player that isn't playing the game, as this will surely develop my read on him and enable us to discover his true alignment.

@AM why are you inactive?
@AM why are you not responding?
@AM if you don't respond I will lynch you
@AM why are you not reading this thread?

This will surely crack him wide open. Thank you for your input Kraken, I look forward to a fast paced and cutting edge game with you.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
RR lynch is still horribly thought out. Leave him alive 2 or 3 phases. If he's not dead, he's probably Scum. If he's Town, he'll either be already dead or giving us multiple clears.

Swiss Town
FF needs to talk about more people
Gheb needs to stop being arrogant
Why do you say Gheb needs to strop being arrogant, but don't mention that I need to?

I'm far more arrogant than Gheb. Though in fairness to you I have considerably more to be arrogant about.

Tcat I look forward to your synopsis, I am sure it will enable us to discuss with each other and reveal both our alignments.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
When someone calls you scum for something that's not evidently scummy, it seems perfectly fair to ask them to back up their accusation. Really don't know what sort of 'better' response you are expecting to the tryhard accusation when there's nothing to respond to.

But on top of that, I don't know what Ran's ability to respond to FF's callout has to do with the merit of his case on you.
Do you think Ran's case has no merit because he's scum?
Do you think Ran's scum because his case has no merit?
No @ literally all of this.



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I didn't say I was gunna be losing any sleep over it, but I do prefer to not insinuate horrible things about people. It ain't classy.
If you prefer not to do something, then do it - you understand that it is my job as a townie to question why.

Since you point out you believe I may be a victim of child molestation in order to try and win a game of mafia - we have to analyse what benefits you believe you may have reaped from this.

I see two avenues, yet struggle to see a true benefit.

1) Anger me into revealing my alignment.
2) You are angry and emotional, simply wanting to hurt me.

The first point seems unlikely, since I am not stupid.
The second thus seems plausible and regretfully I must conclude as null.

As an aside, I do whatever I feel necessary and fair to win a game of mafia. I will anger, infuriate, offend, barter and lie my way to victory. I will not however make a comment that could, were I to be a victim of something so horrible, re-open wounds that pale everything else I have endured in my life.

I think, Glyph, that we both know you have no idea what you just said in order to lash out at a person you are playing a game with.

So that you understand me in a little more detail and alleviate your ignorance, Swiss is a persona, a personality. I am not Swiss 'nor is Swiss me. Swiss is an amalgamation of every tactic I have ever seen which I believe is beneficial to winning a game of mafia. Swiss learns and understands that he can improve. Swiss is loud and Swiss tells people he is good, because regardless of how good Swiss is at this game, in order to influence the game to his win-con most effectively, people must believe Swiss is the best.

You think I am arrogant? I am.
Am I arrogant because I am an arrogant man? No.

I am arrogant because it gives me the ability to lead by force. It allows me to win. My playstyle took me to the top of Dgames and I believe keeps me there, I think many would agree. Look at this game on a deeper level in everything that you do, and you will see why players like Nabe, Circus, Ryker etc all think I am hella chilled. Because they see past Swiss, and see my broken heart.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I really don't want to have to replace AM, but I will start looking and let Vult Redux know that he might need to. Neither Ryker or WashedLaundry have responded.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
If you prefer not to do something, then do it - you understand that it is my job as a townie to question why.

Since you point out you believe I may be a victim of child molestation in order to try and win a game of mafia - we have to analyse what benefits you believe you may have reaped from this.

I see two avenues, yet struggle to see a true benefit.

1) Anger me into revealing my alignment.
2) You are angry and emotional, simply wanting to hurt me.

The first point seems unlikely, since I am not stupid.
The second thus seems plausible and regretfully I must conclude as null.

As an aside, I do whatever I feel necessary and fair to win a game of mafia. I will anger, infuriate, offend, barter and lie my way to victory. I will not however make a comment that could, were I to be a victim of something so horrible, re-open wounds that pale everything else I have endured in my life.

I think, Glyph, that we both know you have no idea what you just said in order to lash out at a person you are playing a game with.

So that you understand me in a little more detail and alleviate your ignorance, Swiss is a persona, a personality. I am not Swiss 'nor is Swiss me. Swiss is an amalgamation of every tactic I have ever seen which I believe is beneficial to winning a game of mafia. Swiss learns and understands that he can improve. Swiss is loud and Swiss tells people he is good, because regardless of how good Swiss is at this game, in order to influence the game to his win-con most effectively, people must believe Swiss is the best.

You think I am arrogant? I am.
Am I arrogant because I am an arrogant man? No.

I am arrogant because it gives me the ability to lead by force. It allows me to win. My playstyle took me to the top of Dgames and I believe keeps me there, I think many would agree. Look at this game on a deeper level in everything that you do, and you will see why players like Nabe, Circus, Ryker etc all think I am hella chilled. Because they see past Swiss, and see my broken heart.
That was an awfully long post to say so little. You also seem to be under the impression my posts have some kind of mafia related goal in mind.

And I've seen enough of you to know a bit about what kind of person you are. You can talk to me all day about how this is a persona you've developed to win mafia games, but to need to develop a persona that does the kind of stuff you do (ie, to have such a deep seated need to win that you need to utterly deconstruct yourself) really does lead me to believe that something horrible happened to you. Has literally nothing to do with mafia. And really, it has nothing to do with anger either. If anything I'd want you to calm down and be this chill Swiss you claim to be, because I won't deny you have a good sense of humor.

You're just also a giant *******, and currently lodged IN said ******* with this persona.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I was beaten and sexually abused by my father from when I was five up until I was twelve. I've lived in a series of foster homes since then but never really settled, I moved out and into Uni accommodation 4 years ago - I still have nightmares.

I hope this helps settle your curiosity.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Yo. Let's keep it game related. I'm sorry to hear that regardless, but there's no need for that.

Earthbound is supposed to be a happy game filled with sunshine and rainbows.

"Blue. Blue. Blue. Everything Blue. I am blue, and you should be too. You could be happy, if you were Blue."



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Green Green. Am I doing it right guys? :bee:


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Seriously though, heading out now. Will respond later.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
~ Deadline is Feblueruary 13th 11:59:59 PM EST. 7 to lynch ~

VoteBluecount 1.14
T-Spin 1 - BadWolf
TBG 1 - Aggressive Mediation
Red Ruy 1 - Ranmaru
Traveling Cat 2 - TBG, Red Ruy
Aggressive Mediation 3 - T-Spin, Swiss, Gheb
Ranmaru 1 - frozenflame751
Not Voting 4 - Kraken Puns, traveling cat, Glyph, Vinyl.

[collapse="Voting Log"]TBG -> None -> Kraken Puns -> TCat
Aggressive Mediation -> TBG
Kraken Puns -> Gymmo -> None -> Badwolf -> None -> Red Ryu -> None
Red Ruy -> Aggressive Mediation -> Kraken Puns -> none -> TCat
Frozenflame751 -> Ranmaru
Ranmaru -> Gymmo -> T-Spin -> Red Ruy
Swiss-> T-Spin -> None -> Aggressive Mediation
Vinyl. -> Gheb -> None
Traveling Cat -> T-Spin -> None
Gheb -> Red Ruy -> None -> Swiss -> None -> AM
Glyph -> None -> Red Ruy -> None
Badwolf -> Vinyl. -> T-Spin
T-Spin -> Traveling Cat -> Badwolf -> Aggressive Mediation[/collapse]


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Holy ****, wtf.



I failed ART I, but luckily, a withdrawal pass was used in order to automatically pass it, meaning I get a free month of getting my **** together and not **** up this time around. Also, my splint was taken off a few days ago and I'll get hand surgery by thursday. I need to confront mom about what happened and why, since missing class on wednesday because she tells me to come with her and get her splint taken off was entirely our mistake and that she shouldn't blame me from that occasion expect missing the first day of class.

My hand still ****ing hurts.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Swiss, contact me off the site. I'm not done with this conversation but this is 100% not the place to be having it.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I was beaten and sexually abused by my father from when I was five up until I was twelve. I've lived in a series of foster homes since then but never really settled, I moved out and into Uni accommodation 4 years ago - I still have nightmares.

I hope this helps settle your curiosity.
My bad.

I meant to say I wasn't.

Hurr typos. Glyph is town.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Swiss you are legitimately one of the most disgusting people I have ever had the displeasure of speaking to.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Then don't start what you won't ****ing finish.

Don't ever go into a topic like that again because you got mad over a game.

If you bring something like that up in a forum game again I will tear you open.

Were I to meet you IRL, I would have knocked you out.

Replace out of this game.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Are you kidding me? I started this?

Swiss you literally stand zero chance of knocking me out btw. I mean I'm all for pretending to be tough in mafia games but lets be a little realistic here.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Glyph, let's be real here.

You said something pretty dumb back there that may affect others if that happened to them.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
You brought up the fact you thought I was molested as a child. That's dark. Darker than needed for this game regardless of the tactics you employ. You opened the door, I simply walked through it.

I actually hold no ill will towards you, but please, don't taint this game with **** that ruins entire lives and families. I don't believe you recognised the gravity of what you actually said but there's some **** you just don't poke fun at.

Hate me all you wish, be disgusted at me for what I lead you to believe - but recognise the gravity of what you would have done to me were what I said was true had infact happened.

There is a line to pushing people in this game, I think you crossed it to a degree I will not tolerate.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
And if you decide to not replace out, we play this game on a level that the mods would be happy with.

In everything I have ever said to anger and infuriate in mafia, I do not think it adds up to fraction of what you did.

Now, assuming we can move past this and not have to waste time and effort getting angry and discussing something none of us want to...

Everyone OK with lynching AM?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Swiss, you pretended to have been molested as a child to get a read in a mafia game.

You pretended. To have been molested. For a mafia game.

You know what the worst part of this is, after I read that first post I felt absolutely like garbage. I was frustrated with some exceptionally ****ty stuff I've been dealing with offline (surprise there's a reason I haven't been here for forever) and to be welcomed back to Swiss and Gheb having somehow decided I was not only bad at mafia, but a complete moron was aggravating to say the least. But seeing that you actually had a good reason to act the way you do made me take a step back. What I said was a shot in the dark and I never dreamed that you actually had been molested, I just assumed you were a ****. Finding out otherwise really made me look at you in a different light, and I was going to talk to you off the site and apologize for saying something so offensive.

Instead I find that you were just joking! Haha! But no when I said it, it was super serious business. Too dark for mafia. Not something you joke about, but totally something you abuse for a game on the internet.

I won't pretend like what I said was okay, but Swiss you're just as deep in it as I am if not worst
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