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Earthbound - over

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
@Kraken Puns: I was about to say I detest that question and everything about the person that you choose to be, but then I read Badwolf's last post and I think I do agree after all.

Confirming Kantrip half, confirming we've yet to make an account.
What about his initial posts made you sea sick ?

Odd thing to pull out out of everything but not something that raised my eyebrow.

The explanation is stretching it, I don't even think Kraken Puns implied that "why should we keep you until endgame" means that that particular slot is going to be there at endgame. It seems like a forced interaction at this point, consider my eyebrow raised.

Is tc a girl?

Again, forced.

No eyebrows raised from this post.

Doubt tc is scum with TBG. Asking Ran "is something bugging you about TBG" is the main reason.

@AM: First off, I was unimpressed by TBG setting up an "I'm sick" back-door to make low content excusable. It was less to do with what TBG had or hadn't provided up to that point. Additionally, I don't feel he sufficiently answered your questions. Driving it home is the fact that he felt entitled to say "you guys will get what I give you and deal with it". Whether or not that is within his rights is irrelevant, I made my stance on the matter known.

Now tell me, how was my coming into the game similar?
Oh TBG, maybe you're not so bad after all. Just don't maintain the back-door or know that you will be held accountable.

So even though you're sick and all, can you tell me if AM is scum?
Dafuq changed in such a short time here ?

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
I wanted to give the impression that I found his "you can RVS me if you want" post displeasing but honestly I'm pretty sure I was just messing around.

I liked the picture (hypocrisy, I think it said?) that he gave to AM. Made me smile. That post was more in jest and less of a read thing.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
EBWOP: Also for the second point I find people are more willing to answer your questions when you're nice to them so I made that post to TBG nice so he would be more likely to give me his read on AM


May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son
~ Deadline is February 13th 11:59:59 PM EST. 7 to lynch. ~​

Votecount 1.12
Gheb 1 - Vinyl.
T-Spin 1 - BadWolf
TBG 1 - Aggressive Mediation
Red Ruy 2 - Ranmaru, Glyph
Traveling Cat 2 - TBG, Red Ruy
Aggressive Mediation 1 - T-Spin
Not Voting 5 - Frozenflame751, Swiss, Gheb, Kraken Puns, traveling cat

[collapse="Voting Log"]TBG -> None -> Kraken Puns -> TCat
Aggressive Mediation -> TBG
Kraken Puns -> Gymmo -> None -> Badwolf -> None -> Red Ryu -> None
Red Ruy -> Aggressive Mediation -> Kraken Puns -> none -> TCat
Frozenflame751 -> None
Ranmaru -> Gymmo -> T-Spin -> Red Ruy
Swiss-> T-Spin -> None
Vinyl. -> Gheb
Traveling Cat -> T-Spin -> None
Gheb -> Red Ruy -> None -> Swiss -> None
Glyph -> None -> Red Ruy
Badwolf -> Vinyl. -> T-Spin
T-Spin -> Traveling Cat -> Badwolf -> Aggressive Mediation[/collapse]


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Nobody is ever asking the right questions. This game is painful.

How so ?

If you simply say: I'm town; Then that's the end of it;

It only comes back to bite you if you make a big deal out of a simple thing from my pov.

The ****.

I think Wolf is scum. I do not see a scumbuddy relationship so much between Ran and Wolf. I may need to re-*****.

Kraken, I want you to focus more on my line of questioning here than the "Are you scum" line. It's honestly a bad question to ask anyways. Even so, you got a reaction from Badwolf. Nothing else to gain with continuing this convo but disagreements, I think. Just make your conclusion and just see how he responds to my query. Agree?
You're off kilter, Ran.

Different, more considered, care more about what people think of you. You are being too measured, calculated. You are scum.

#193 wolf town

Thinking Ryu and AM are scummier than T-Spin and Crackhead Buns.

Vote Ryu

Please tell me this is a joke.

Why RR?

Well Gheb is town if nothing else. I remain unconvinced on scumRR.

Badwolf, he just posted it. #200. I actually want you to vote along with him. Tell me what you think of his reasoning.

Gheb, I agree with your reads. Yet I still think Tale-spin is also scum. I'll also tell you why I missed the "Oh you are defending Tcat... interesting..." comment. It's because I was focusing on his question in that same post, and not the whole post. I'll go into why I agree with your reads momentarily.
Come on, this has to be a lynch.

Ran will be pushing a buddy..he wants to LyLo

@ AM: I don't remember you extending that kind of an offer to me. What game was it in? Was I in a hydra or something? Show me the game that was in and I'll think about it. =P
Oh well this is new and exciting.

Ran and FF are scum...I'll need to do some digging first

whale this is all very interesting.


we put our heads together. provided all four were active, we think we'd have the hardest time reading AM. and no, we weren't ignoring the question.

on the subject of your questions, what led you to start the game with that style of post? It's something I more expect from say Swiss than yourself.
Well noticed.

I've learned to adapt it since I think it helps get my reads going a bit better, it's what led to my Badwolf town lean, it also helps me get some insight on possible connections developing.

I shamelessly copied Swiss, but I like what it can accomplish so I do it in my games now. Same thing with reading into how people word their posts, that is a very very good skill to learn and it useful for getting reads.

I'd like your opinion of Ranmaru and Gheb so far with what they recently posted, more so Gheb's reads and reasoning.
Since this post is a tacit admission that I am your superior, your liege, your inspiration. I will suggest we work in tandem, together, as friends, allies, staunch and valiant. To stand for what we know is right and true. Join me.

Join me or die.

Right now:

Super town:
4. Red Ryu

Town lean:
6. Ranmaru
12. BadWolf28738
13. T-Spin Double Kill (Potassium/T-Block)

11. DtJ Glyphmoney
8. Vinyl.
10. Gheb_01

Want Info:
1. TBG
2. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry)
7. Gymmo
5. frozenflame751

Scum leans:
9. traveling cat
3. Kraken Puns (Anomandaris_Rake/Kary)

just popping in to say ran you're an idiot lol
Said the pot to the kettle.

Town: Gheb, Spin, Kraken, RR
Scum: Ran, FF, AM

Tcat will likely need to be copped at some stage, intelligent player.
Wolf leans town, whim.
Rest are null.

I'm coming back tonight with a vengeance.

Ruy explain to me how both Crack 'N Puns and TCat are scum together.
Explain this painfully in depth.

Skipping Kraken posts

I hate it when Glyph plays like this.
Stop being scummy.

**** this, I'm not sitting here while dumb ****s coast and Ran playing like an complete dip **** repeating Hearts Mafia and Simpsons

I'm Buzz Buzz, Town Weak Doctor

I'm a Doctor who dies when I target scum.
You claimed why.

Why is Ran still alive?

I was planning on trying to target players I thought were town and claiming on D3 with two people who were cleared.

That is why I was trying to be more careful this game even more so with my stipulation of targeting scum = I die.

I wanted to bring this forward later and not now with the bull**** that happened.
Dumbest claim since Sword CC'd a dayvig.

Spin, you are not good. Do not spend the game waving your e-**** around because your'e in a hydra.

Page 11 on looks boring.

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
As for the Kraken v TCat stuff.


Kraken has some meh questions but nothing sticks out like loaded here, arrogant, sure, but not loaded from my perspective.
Explain what changed your mind after your re-read in detail, including why both of us are now null;

This post came after me stating dislike for traveling cat. Just asking questions, not voting me or giving any indication that tc thinks what I'm doing is scummy.

Ran comes along and says what I'm doing is scummy and tcat says "it's like you're reading my mind." Considering I made no points between this quoted post and the one above, tcat has a shift in perspective that is not triggered by me (aka what he should be looking at as town.) Instead it is triggered by Ranmaru voting me. This could be just a town-who-is-unconfortable-starting-pressure type of deal but I don't think it is because tcat doesn't seem to lack for confidence or experience.

Therefore, tcat's intentions in voting me are not "I think T-spin is scum".

I am increasingly confident in my tcat scumread. I don't think Ranmaru is chainsaw defending scum, because tcat saying "you're reading my mind" and jumping on is not scum partner behaviour. I think Ran is just incorrectly reading me and tcat is taking that opportunity to jump on me as well.

In conclusion, Ranmaru town, tcat scum.

Up next, explanation for my RR read.
Why at this point could it not have been a pressure vote;

If that isn't the vaguest response...

I asked those questions because I did find something suspicious in your first post voting me. I wanted to hear if you had a thought process behind that vote. I also wanted to hear what you thought of KP to find his interactions less forced than mine. As Ran has mentioned in his post, you've yet to take any stance on KP, so I find it really odd that you bring up how my side is scummy but avoid talking about KP.

Ran comes in later and summarizes on how you're acting scummy with a vote and asks me to join. And without hearing a response to my question from you, I hop in to put pressure on you and get a response. And what a response! An immediate post afterwards calling me scummy for suddenly voting.

Rake side reasonably sure of town here;

It implies nothing except that I want to hear what you and traveling cat have to say about/to each other
How did this / would this have affected your reads on us at all ?

Kraken Puns was getting attention there, but what I don't like is how TCat voting TSpin with relation to this.

Nor have I liked his pushes, Badwolf push is terrible off his AM read.

No I am getting reads from this, Badwolf is not wording himself like a scummer at all, nor has he done anything worth being voted for. I have a hard time seeing Badwolf as scum with how he has responded to others.

Ran's approach to TSpin looks like a townie sure of a read over a scum one. I think he is very very wrong but I don't think his approach is bad though misguided.

@Ran: I'm not answering what game, I'm not telling you this because you need to stop overthinking like you did in Hearts Mafia. This is not a player I can drop hints for or it will taint my read on them.

Also why are you telling Badwolf to vote vote with Gheb?
What made my push so terrible , was it a scum easy vote ?

How is badwulf's wording making you feel townier over scummier specifically ?

Which interactions with other slots make it hard to believe he is scum ?

How they are interacting with each other in relation to the events going on makes me think there is a chance they are connected.

How the voting on TSpin went down seems like TCat jumped on rather fast and doesn't may much mind to Kraken's answers

I don't like this vote.

It's a fast jump on and I don't see much thought that led up to why TCat wanted to see TSpin voted himself.

Kraken and TCat seem to be rather ok with each other at this point even with Kraken going to say.

Why did Kraken go for this question, does he have a town read of TCat playing poorly?

It's something I want to look into right now, best lead atm with what has been posted.
No, i asked it because it should be the obvious question here Ryu, I shouldn't have to spell that out to you.

If he can't make the distinction, his point is bad an he should feel bad.

Man... I think I no longer have the attention span to play this game. Hello everyone =)

I dislike Gymmo already... why did he feel the need to fabricate reasoning for his first vote?

Wait, am I supposed to comment on something relevant?

I don't understand this post, or what you're trying to do KP. You vote BW, asking him to explain about AM. Then he answers some of your questions... but then before even addressing his responses you're already talking about what you're expecting to see from his responses. Are you actually interested in what he has to say about AM, or are you just putting up a facade of activity? Do you really think your questioning is going to be as effective when you've already revealed what it is exactly that you're going to do with his responses? More importantly, why has your follow-up questioning been along the lines of "are you scum", which is a waste of everyone's time, rather than following up on his reasoning on AM? Also, what was the last game you were in with him, where he was riding Ryker?
Ryu's Toonami mafia.

In point of fact, i asked him about AM, then made a logic jump and voted him due to his attitude about AM at that time. I was interested in his responses, I didn't try to reveal what I was going to do by the way, how did you see it that way ?

Didn't occur to me to post V/LA when I'd be gone for a day at most. Should I have?

Figured out what was bothering me. It's TC's replies to Kraken. They seem softball-y, like she's trying to seem threatening without actually being threatening.

I don't know what you're talking about; I expressed it in my first post.

AM was getting on me for gut being unacceptable, and then immediately said "something about this is off" without any more specifics.

Large Town read. Well thought-out posts that start talks to generate content? More please. Posts like:

I find are usually genuine Town leadership. Scum are usually more pleasing when they lead and so do things like that less.

I think calling an early D1 vote out on being weak is fairly silly. Weak reasoning D1 votes are what help establish an actual D1 rather than infinite RVS.

(submitting so I don't have a huge-*** block, part 2 inc.)
Do better, explain what changed between your early vote on me and your vote on Tcat now.

Don't like this large town read on T-Spin.

@T-Spin: Comment on this; Odd Y/N ?

@Kraken Puns:

Alright, you can answer now. (About the two quotes I showed you) You can talk about the quotes and both Red Ryu/Badwolf, because the quotes might affect your reads on them.

Where is AM at? I find it concerning that his presence is lacking. I also agreed with Gheb on AM because I felt like AM was trying to gain support on some bull**** reads from him. I was expecting Travelling Cat to do what she did early game, because she has done it before. I asked him his opinion on Tale-spin to see what he'd say, yet I wasn't granted this because he hasn't done **** since then. We have three days until Deadline, and I can't wait any longer for him to do ****.
I'll handle this soon

AM is lurking I do not like this.

Gymno should be the #1 vig shot tonight.

Glyph is unreadable every game he does this.

FF has legit johns but gah

I wish I had a gun.

We're too spread out vote wise, we need to get our votes together. I'm not voting together on better wagons.

I'm not voting Ran, Badwolf or TSpin.

Gymno is the go to lynch if we can't agree on anyone.

I Want Krakan or TC today.
Who is your main focus now, give me a solid name and not : well this ; but this if that fails. You've dropped off me , does that make Tcat your main concern ? I'd like you to go back and read Tcat VS. TBG and give me your thoughts, as I have a opinion on this.

I do hope your reasoning is more substantial that TDK. And please specified why you find my side more suspicious now versus your earlier vote on Kraken about that.

? Speak for RR? That whole interaction comment I was agreeing to was in reply to TDK. Are you not paying attention like RR?

RR's entire play is under the assumption that I'm scumbuddy with KP and voted you to oppose the 'wagon' on KP. And he's going to be left with nothing if we're lynched.

Seriously, RR's been a broken record on me and KP for most of the day. Most of his posts have been asking players about KP and my interactions even though it's been talked to death at this point, and any questions he asks about other players don't go anywhere. I call fake scum hunting.
Where is your direction ?

Are you going to join the RR wagon ?

Your not voting him currently , so to me it almost feels like your sitting on Ryu by calling him scum but not doing anything about it.

TC that is a load of bull, my questions defiantly give me something on a town or scum flip with you or Kraken.

I know who is more likely to be scum with you or Kraken and who is less likely.
How and who ?

Badwolf I'm pretty sure is not scum who either flip I feel fine with him. His posting to you and others is a lot more indicitive of him being alone rather than being in a group since he is coming off as a lot more natural with interactions.
Again, specifics, which interactions and how so ?

TDK could but I find it be less likely than the players.

Ran is someone who would look worse if you guys flipped scum, but his play overall does not scream scummy anyways.

TGB is a toss up with his posts but his lack of commitment and reasons does disturb me. If you flipped scum I would look better with him but on a town flip I would look intently at him.
Him vs TCat is def something you need to look at closely , his TCat reasoning does not line up and he has not in any form explained what swapped him to her after previously stating a dislike for us , that I can find.

TDK is not aligned.

Gheb could be aligned.

The issue is that AM, Glyph, FF, Gymno and Vinyl are blanks and I have no good way to look into their play if at all. Their are too many inactives for my liking right now.

I'm rereading right now but,


I'm not sure Kraken is the one I want gone atm, since the inactive problem is here and there is a player not with you two that I want to look at what he did before.
Who do you want ?

Don't be silly , Vinyl is town.

I think I'm less sure of Kraken rereading his posts from the start. He's actually contributing more and seems to have a more streamline thought from start to finish. More so I think I've been reading.

I think what made me lead to this was me not liking the comment to how TCat would be poor town play over poor scum play which felt less genuine in the circumstances. I was reading the early pages and more so thought the interactions weren't telling alone, but later with the defense seemed to lead to a less genuine interaction.

Reading the overall play though...I don't think I'm right here with them. They aren't being less commitful nor not offering some form of scumhunting, kinda like Ran but I just dislike more aspects of their play.

That said, I don't think he is the proper lynch.

More later, FFT time.
What makes my play an unsure thing ?

Who's lynch are you actually after ? You can't expect to throw out : Let's lynch an inactive

and expect not to get heat for it. Give me a solid stance on a slot you want to see go under the heat lamp;

Prove yourself as town;

And calm down mate.

Alkali metal-enriched half of the hydra here.

My apologies for my absence, I've been busy with audition related stuff and supporting my girlfriend at her poetry slam competition and going to school so naturally I haven't had much time for mafia.

I'll get to questions directed to me hopefully tonight but if not they'll come when they come. Badwolf you need to take a step back and calm your hormones because you're trying to drive a point of "question dodging" when I haven't even been here. Sheesh.

For the record, TBG is super solid town for me. Red Ruy continues to be a townread. Badwolf was a townread for my half and scum for T-block (which explains the "turn around" on his slot). T-block has partially convinced me to see his ways so I said he could put our vote there. Badwolf has been exhibiting the first half of his name in his play recently so I hope that lets up. Ranmaru is tunneling super hard on my slot which is causing him to only focus on the "if we're scum" side and draw connections as if we are confirmed scum which will cause him to be sorely disappointed.
Don't understand your super solid TBG town read at all, your going to have to spell this out painfully clear mate.

I love your reactions to things like this. You get all sarcastic and snarky as if what I asked of you was the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard of. There's nothing wrong with pushing someone to see how they react, just like there's nothing wrong with me jumping on you for doing nothing wrong.

HEY, maybe I was trying to see how YOU would react!

Poorly, evidently.

I did ask. I asked for your read, and then to save time I said "if it's not a solid read do something to make it more solid". Again, maybe I wanted to see how you would REACT to this request moreso than wanting to see it carried out. Actions aren't always straightforward, and I rarely ask questions for the answers. In fact, the answers mean **** all to me when I ask a question, it's about the reaction I get.

Again, you overreact and get all theatrical and it's really quite a disgusting way of getting defensive.

You don't NEED to do anything. I just happened to pick tcat as the person I wanted to try to force an interaction with. Do I care if you actually do it or not? No, I was looking for what I got right here. I chose tcat because of your interaction D1. I wanted to see what would happen if I LITERALLY forced a reaction, since I know the reaction that happened "naturally" seemed forced to me. But rather than just complying and helping me develop reads, you chose to make things difficult.

I can't tell if you're scum or just a really annoying pain in the ***, but I hope you die either way good sir.
What did my reactions tell you specifically ?

Why not try to work with me over wishing me dead ?
Your literally closing yourself off to a new opinion to consider because you dislike us.
Me no gusta.

Also, my read(Rake) is town on Tcat;

You need to read Tcat Vs TBG and tell me your thoughts, since you seem to have been on TCat for a portion of this game (and still are ?)

In few words, he's using his brain, he's thinking for himself, he's not forcing any thought processes that aren't there, and I like what he's doing and feel fine having him around. I'm too lazy to give any more than that but I'm not voting him toDay.
Don't like this.

Do better in the future.

That is what I think, yes. His #125 is a good example.

Ranmaru is Town because of posts like his #111, #185 and his campaigning for Tspin lynch. Puts him at too high visibility if he's Scum and it's a mislynch. #185's first few sentences show Town intent to get more information on current players, rather than Scum intent to appear productive, imo.

Red Ryu is Town because of posts like his #101, #102. In #101, he's defusing the situation if KP is Town, and it's not something I see him doing if both are Scum, In #102, he asks Tspin for his reasoning on why he thought RR was Town. Scum usually don't asking for reasoning that benefits them, because if the reasoning is flawed, the benefit will go away once the flaw is found.
Not a fan.

Scum can diffuse for town points, the Ryu part of this post feels thrown together.

Ran is a ******* and a brickwall.

Glyph is purposely coasting an no one gives a damn.

No one was listening to me.

I'm ****ing pissed still.
Rake was listening.

He wasn't particularly impressed, but he was listening.

What's terrible about claiming at L-3 as Doctor? Just because a bunch of tools have said those words before you doesn't mean it's a bad thing to claim in such a situation. Use your own brain.

Quite being salty and opposing lynches you yourself have swung out there, read TCat vs TBG and give me your thoughts.

Is AM going to be a thing ?

Early thoughts on Swiss ?

I didn't think that one straight, but that's pretty accurate since that's what he did, and what he's doing now. I'm free, so talk to me. And voting? That'll have to wait, but I'm all in for tcat. Also, ran playing straight as hell, but my god, I would wish I wasn't in ryu's shoes, but that's pretty inevitable. And I got your quote ryu. Be sure to tell me though since i'm always feeling ignored when asking questions. Glyph, you're good on this one for now.

Also, badwolf needs to not be so seriously mad as **** here. Holy ****, lol, I'm seeing your post right now and I'm not seeing one bit of a good logic, but pure Angry Video Game Nerd criticism. Not the best thing to be doing, man.

I sincerely hope kraken's being mostly played by rake instead of kary. Please. I'm looking at you and just after a few skims, it looked like you're on a bad stance. I'm gonna read further though and provide some details real later since I still got art assignments due on monday.

Ran is pretty informative, but can really tend to overdo it with the votes, but he's still looking good. Townie for now, and null for gheb and other inactives.

More left, ask me stuff if you want. I'm not looking for informative ones though since that'll be already answered in the next few posts. As long as I don't fall to sleep.
Kary's had the reigns of late, but I'm here now , so if there are things you want me to address, now would be your perfect time.

As I said, I had more originally but couldn't find it on re-read. I'm still happy with voting you over a strange interaction, the rhetorical questions, and your tone. It all screams hesitant Scum aggression.

If RR's Town he's going to be dead soon. If he's not Town, we'll know in a few days by him not being dead.

This is an awful suggestion.
Don't like, 1st part is weak, still lacking explanation on what swapped him to TCat from us.

Second part is weak back door logic, leaves him able to re-vote Ryu: "He hasn't died as claimed doc must be scum"

EBWOP: Also for the second point I find people are more willing to answer your questions when you're nice to them so I made that post to TBG nice so he would be more likely to give me his read on AM
And yet your so mean to me ;-;.


#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
dat extension

dat claim

dat mad

so yeah as has been mentioned, don't CC'd RR he's being maddumb

lol @ RR saying he's ok with going for NA WIFOM wrt his claimed power

lol @ swiss calling me scum for legitimately asking for clarification from AM

speaking of which I never got that

glyph can you teach me how to be a pro early game coaster like you because i seriously am not getting anything out the the ongoing bickering and I need to know how you translate that into something useful

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Frozen the trick is waiting until later in the game where the game isn't just petty name calling

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
I just re-read that and it sounds like I'm accusing you of being petty irt the 'pro coaster' thing but that wasn't what I was getting at

You know I love you boo


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I am running out of time..out of fuel. Won't someone feed me, supply me. PPlease.

I can only assume RR goes indepth as to why he claimed.

TBG, talk me about TCat - still gut scum?

Eh, my point was more that even if a Doctor CC'd, the Weak makes it a different Doctor role and there's always a possibility of a second doctor role to balance things out.

Second time you question my experience. I have to wonder what the point of that is.

Since I'm not feeling a Ryu lynch at this point I think we should lynch Gymmo, Glyph, frozen, AM or Tcat - that's my order of preference.

Talk to me wrt Glyph. Rest is K, omitting me.



Everybody, synopsis for me. I want your overall reads, feel for the game and anything else of note
I still want this from EVERY player. Not threatening but if you are town you won't be scared to talk to me now, will you? FYI, I am threatening.

Ranmaru when next you post it had better be spectacular.

Town: Gheb, Spin, Kraken, RR, Swiss
Scum: Ran, FF, AM

Tcat will likely need to be copped at some stage, intelligent player.
Wolf leans town, whim.
Rest are null.

#490 rake town reads tcat - why

Rake quote what you wanted me to analyse


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You're off kilter, Ran.

Different, more considered, care more about what people think of you. You are being too measured, calculated. You are scum.
I think this is the most substance you have given as to why you think I'm scum. Seeing that you quoted that, I will explain to you what I was doing there. You see, I am trying to keep the town from going too crazy. I'm pretty vocal, so I tell people to stop continuing in a tangent that may be bad, and that isn't the only thing. I have been clear about my stances, and have been pushing the Ryu wagon since a few pages ago. I'm trying to play to my strengths. I think you are seeing me play better, and you are expecting me to do the same **** as always. I'm not trying to do the same thing. I was even asking Travelling Cat if she really had a problem with Kraken Puns, because I felt she was wrong there, and going on would go no where (except a big distraction). Now, the last time you have played with me was Ryker Mafia, and I played pretty dumb there. I'm trying to make less mistakes. Even you have told me to do so, and I should be fine. (I think you said play smart, and that I'll do better than most who play dumb) So, I think you are just basing your read on meta, and you need to straighten out your pov. Does me playing differently (or even better), mean I'm scum?

Now I do want you to go more into how you think I'm being calculated, and tell me what motive you think I have, and I'll explain what my intention in playing the way I am, is.

Oh Ran I'm dayvig - so if you could claim or some such because you're a dead man.
I'm not claiming. I have no reason to.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Almost every post you make reads surface to me, your word choice etc. Your posts seem to have the #1 priority of appearing reasoned, the balm to an itching town - and really useful second.

I want a synopsis from you. Now.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Surface? Elaborate. My word choice is the same as always, have I said new words? I'm not studying vocabulary here. I use the words I like. I use the words I know how, that can express what I want to say. That goes to Gheb as well. I'm trying to be more concise, and have less dumb posts. What's wrong with that? I tried it in LoLupick, and am doing the same here, with the inevitable quote/quotewall here and there. I also like my posts looking nice.

No. You have my stances (that you should have read) through the thread. If you have any specific questions, I'll answer those.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Surface? Elaborate. My word choice is the same as always, have I said new words? I'm not studying vocabulary here. I use the words I like. I use the words I know how, that can express what I want to say. That goes to Gheb as well. I'm trying to be more concise, and have less dumb posts. What's wrong with that? I tried it in LoLupick, and am doing the same here, with the inevitable quote/quotewall here and there. I also like my posts looking nice.

No. You have my stances (that you should have read) through the thread. If you have any specific questions, I'll answer those.
How do you want me to elaborate....it reads surface....shallow.

Don't act stupid, Ranmaru. Don't sit there and say "OH WAT BUT I ALWAYZ USED WERDS". In any game that we have played or that I have read involving you, you have never played in such a careful, considered, measured way. You ADMIT this by saying you think your posts look nice whilst normally saying you don;t think that much of your play. This is a new arena for you. Do not intentionally act dumb and do not anger me.

I take no issue with you trying to progress as a player, **** knows you need to, but I am left in the position where I still need to establish your alignment.

Do not be under the misguided view that you have a choice in posting your synopsis for me. I am telling you to do something which in no way is detrimental to town. You do it without question and without pause. I am trying to process 500 posts new posts in a new game which I have been in for less than 24 hours.



#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ran never did answer anything I asked nor appear that he read anything I referenced, fun.

Swiss I'll get that later, after work and after I cook for my mom.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Now, assuming Ran does work with us here I'm freed up to pursue other avenues.

RR - thanks. I'd like to see as much on Tcat as possible, she thinks like Zen which is toxic to my read style.

Is anyone actually averse to lynching AM?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
@ Every other player.

I want a synopsis from every one of you. I despise replacing in with a passion as I play reliant on momentum. Any players here that wish to see me actively contribute and scumhunt in a reasonable manner should post a synopsis to help me hit the ground running and to create interaction between me and each player in the game. Any players that wish to see me unable to hunt properly whilst resorting to threats and stalling lynches 'till I get my way are welcome to do so.

For any players here that aren't familiar with me, I am accustomed to getting my way. I get my way because people know me and recognise the alternative. I'm sure Gheb can clarify to each of you how spectacularly bad of an idea it would be to challenge me to derail this entire day phase over people posting a synopsis.

I look forward to actively and usefully contributing to the downfall of each and every scum.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm not acting dumb. There have been many games that you haven't played with me. That's your problem. How about you read LoLupick and see if you see the same thing. It's the most recent game I have played in, and this was the next, there is no other game because I came off a break. Oh, and maybe Rockin's game, and Simpson's, and an ongoing game. If you don't, you are helping to harm your ability to read me. There is nothing else I can do, unless you bring up an exact quote and ask me what I was trying to do. Now, when I say I always use the same words as always, is because I have had trouble communicating before. Using words/phrases like 'seems to' helps me to express what I exactly mean, and not cause confusion.

Alright, you are left with finding my alignment. I'll do your synopsis, but be warned, for I do not have the time to do it today, and I have work Mon-Wed, and class Thurs. Don't expect it anytime soon.

I am fine with AM as a compromise.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ran never did answer anything I asked nor appear that he read anything I referenced, fun.

Swiss I'll get that later, after work and after I cook for my mom.
Quote it, and I'll respond Red Ryu. I told you this already, while you were getting 'mad'.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No I'm not, you are just trying to make it seem that way. You aren't even trying to understand what I'm telling you.

I'll do it when I got time.

traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
MOD: I Unvoted in #411

You all overerstimate Glyph's capabilities as a player by a colossal degree if you think his later play will justify what he's doing right now in any way. The fact that he plays every game this way doesn't mean it's OK for him to do it now - it simply means that he should be D1 lynched on principle every single time.

T-Spin, I can hardly take your posts serious anymore. Pretty much every time you argue in favor of something it has the opposite effect on me: Your reasoning for voting AM looks entirely kludged together and is as generic as can be, making me seriously question such a course of action. In the same hand your reasoning on why you read Ryu as town is completely worthless to me and only supports my line of thinking that Ryu's play throughout the Day is borderline impossible to justify. Earlier you said that you're hesitant to lynch frozen or Glyph because they might be useful later but then you push the AM lynch with inactivity being the strongest reason you provide. Don't tell me you legitimately think that Glyph or frozen are going to be more helpful than AM? It's not like they look that much interested in hunting for scum right now.

Vote Gymmo

If we're really going to lynch an inactive player then he's my #1 pick. My vote's not cemented here and I'll think things through before deadline. Though at this rate hemight just be the only lynch that a good majority of the active players will agree on eventually.

Gheb: If we lynch Gymmo, do you have any follow up leads for D2 whether if he comes up Town/Scum? Normally, I'm all for lynching lurkers, but I think we got enough material even if there is a mislynch to resort to that. Agree/Disagree?

Also, TDK's reason on AM may be generic, but do you think it honestly negates his points on AM?

Posts like these kind of prove to me that you don't quite have a grasp of this game. Ran would be a pretty good target because if he's actually scum nobody would've really suspected it and if he's town then he's pretty much cleared and we don't have to wonder about his reads being "scummy off" or just "wrong townie off" anymore. If you think his play is bad then you should assume him to live for a while - scum wouldn't want to get rid of him and since he's not suspicious it's unlikely that he's going to get lynched. In such a case a pseudo-investigation result would be great. The more viable results an investigator can bring into an endgame scenario the better a job he did. If Ran is town and Ryu can clear him then scum will have to consider killing Ran, something they probably wouldn't wanna have to deal with considering he's not the kind of player that tends to get NK'd. How is it not a good idea to investigate such a player?
You're ignoring the simplest scum solution: If Ran and Ryu are Town, kill Ryu and it will be impossible for Ran to be cleared since Ryu didn't survive and casts it suspicion on Ran. Weak Doctor's copping is only good after the fact and without scum knowing. Any discussion on it is pointless and distracting.

What's bad about him trying to save his skin when he's about to get lynched? Stop adding bad points, we've had too many of those already.

I brought up that point, but you question Ran on it and not me? I feel so left out! :(

Are you quite sure you mean arrogant, as opposed to 'sure'?

Analyse the intent and motivation behind this, is it possible Kraken is scum?

Tcat town
Arrogant is better to prod with.


If Ran is scum this reveals a buddy.
Do tell.

AM is actually the exception to this - it's the only player other than Tcat where we both can agree with a lynch.
Reason's for lynching me? You've pointed out how I'm questionable, seem scummy by town, and have lumped me together with inactives/lurkers for lynch, but I haven't seen any reasons why I'm a good lynch.

Where is your direction ?

Are you going to join the RR wagon ?

Your not voting him currently , so to me it almost feels like your sitting on Ryu by calling him scum but not doing anything about it.
I want to lynch TDK more than Ryu, but I finding Ryu scummy as well and would lynch him. I'm not jumping on yet since I want to more time for inactives/lurkers to come and post thoughts.

Synopsis will come later.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
No time atm

Kraken, I posted why TC over you earlier
I support AM wagon
Prepare questions for me if you have them

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
And this is why you will forever be chained to the depths of mediocrity.

You limit yourself, you limit everything, because you do not think it is possible. You choke your potential out of your lungs.
Because I don't play D1? I mean sure what you said sounds poetic and all but its also nothing like me


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Kraken, are you still fine with the direction of Red Ryu?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Because I don't play D1? I mean sure what you said sounds poetic and all but its also nothing like me
There's a reason you are not respected. A reason why you do not crush games. A reason why people ignore you.

There's always a reason.

There's a reason, there's a reason why, and you know why. You don't truly believe in yourself. In the whole of your life you act this facade, wanting to just get by happy and unnoticed. Unnoticed takes precedence. You are afraid to be in the spotlight. You would rather never try, than try and fail.

You are secondary.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Literally have you never read any of my posts
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