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Earthbound - over

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
We actually did.

And yes, we would rather lynch you than those four.

Fine, you said "strongest". Your meaning was "main" though. If you know our main concern wasn't inactivity, why would you ask whether we think FF/Glyph will be more helpful than AM? Our answer would obviously be "maybe, but who cares" -_-


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
My heart, my lungs.

I'll be taking over the leadership function now. Am happy to consider other people's opinions provided they are astute.

Confim to the max!

In order to limit your scum fake claiming - describe your role briefly and vaguely. You are excited about it. "Investigative" will do. Ryker this isn't a scum slip from me.

Young wolf, before any of that;
Tell me , do you plan to not get crabby this game ?
I'll let it be known now that coral-ling shall lead you to Davy Jones locker.

And no need to be so shellfish, if you end up being our direction, you''l know it.

Do you plan to stay cod up with this game ?

Let minnow how you take kantrip's apparent enthusiasm to see your bend

If your remarkably unfunny attempts at wit get in the way of content I will lynch you without hesitation. Bear this in mind when posting.

Kraken, just do you, and we'll see if I find you bro-able. You'll know by then. Also, if you keep your puns bearable. I don't mind a few, as I don't mind a laugh, but I don't want to sift through lines and lines of puns before actually getting to your message.
Anybody get a tell from this post?

If you filter everything Kraken Puns says through babelfish into another language like Hindi or German, then translate that version back to English you remove a lot of the puns that would normally annoy you.

You did this?

#21 scumlean

The kids tell me it's good, and I do love my Ness and Lucas in Smash. I've just never gotten around to it. I think part of me kind of just wants them to make another Mother game and localize it so I can just play that.

Tangentially related, I'm actually just now getting into Fire Emblem. And by that, I mean that Awakening has piqued my interest to the point that I'm willing to buy a 3DS for it and it will be my first Fire Emblem game. Baby steps.

One of these days, I'm gonna be a real gamer. I'll get into the Shin Megami games and Chrono Trigger and Minecraft and all that stuff. And then I'll be super popular.

Where's the content, this post took time. Effort.

#36 Glyph town

vote: Aggressive Mediation

I'm gonna read more when the Super Bowl is not on.

What had you read thus far? What did you think was of note such that you explicitly state you will read more?

Quote for my own purposes.

1. TBG - Remind me, what is your favorite alignment to get and why? How interests you atm off pregame?

2. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry) - I got a gun, who do I shoot? Why do I shoot them?

3. Kraken Puns (Anomandaris_Rake/Kary) - Frozenfame, Aggressive Mediation, Glyph, Circus, who is the hardest for you to read of the four?

4. Red Ryu -- :peanut:

5. frozenflame751 - What is the gameplan for your insight right now? I know you fall behind but what do you plan to do to make up for it if it does fall a tad behind?

6. Ranmaru - One piece sucks. You can you read the best among the cast naming 2 players with reasoning.

7. Gymmo - Who are you, what can I expect from you? Do you have past game experience?

8. Vinyl. - Top three worrisome players based on who scares you the most if they rolled Mafia.

9. traveling cat - Hi, haven't played with ya much, got any past games I can read to get a good feel for how ya play? Who are you familiar with in this game?

10. Circus - Explain to me Kraken Puns and what his pregame questions mean to you?

11. DtJ Glyphmoney - You claiming to be a Volcano Taco again? :awesome: Which of Gymmo, Vinyl and Badwolf do you intend to look at the hardest off meta knowledge or lack there off?

12. BadWolf28738 - What did you learn from past games and what do you plan on doing with that knowledge?

13. Potassium/T-Block hydra - T-Block I will drop meta completely for you, but what are you intending to accomplish with D1?
Did you by any chance copy old questions of mine?

It just seems like an arrogant thing to ask. Like you have no doubt you won't be lynched or NK'd.
Are you quite sure you mean arrogant, as opposed to 'sure'?

Analyse the intent and motivation behind this, is it possible Kraken is scum?

Tcat town

What I meant was, do you think TBG is interested in playing as mafia, or as town in your own opinion? Clarify how this is odd to you. No, TBG isn't bugging me, I was wondering if you'd think otherwise due to being more familiar with him. If I had a problem with him, I'd address him, or just ask him questions if I have minor concerns. This is also why I asked you if you thought TBG liked scum or town more, since you might know more than me. Once something bugs me, you'll see.

Ok, thank you. Get back to me on TBG and AM reads, please? :3


Do tell.

What happened and what went wrong, what do you plan to do here to fix that. Rather, what got you in those situations as town and scum, and what are you going to do here to fix that?

True intent in this question?

Here's what I think so far.

I think Tale-spin's 'raised eyebrow' reactions are fake, same as his stance on TC/Kraken. I also feel his reason for doubting TC scum + TBG scum is weak. He has more evidence of TBG possibly being scum than his stance on Tcat. I don't think he really believes Travelling Cat is scum, and is being lazy scum voting whoever he can, for an 'interaction'. The reason why I feel he is not just lazy town, is because there is a vague reason for him choosing Travelling Cat over Kraken, and then it seems like he tries to maliciously force 'reactions' to make his stance on her fit, which as I said, are weak as all hell. I wouldn't think there would be any lazy town motivation to single out someone for no reason. I think it's possible he may be trying to avoid TBG, as scum (with him). I don't even see a stance on Kraken, and instead one on Red Ryu. I feel his stance on RR was just a 'Oh hey I'll just throw it out there to give the town some info, whoo hee!' stance.

I also do think TBG is scum as well, for trying to use sickness as an excuse for not elaborating on his Kraken stance, without really ever expressing it before. Just a slight scum lean though.

Unvote Vote: T-spin Double Kill

Travelling Cat, Kraken, join me?
AM, do you agree on Tale-Spin? Give me thoughts on him.
If Ran is scum this reveals a buddy.

Hey guys.

I was going to find some creative way to enter the game, maybe crack some puns, but I think that concept's been exhausted.

Vote: traveling cat

No matter which way I spin it, tc's interactions with Kraken Puns just don't line up.
You had better explain this remarkably in depth. If you try and pass this off as a pressure ruse then you chose the single worst target from the posts made so far.

Red Ryu is not scum with Kraken Puns, pretty confident in this.
Red Ryu is town, semi-confident in this.

My math's a bit rusty, could you rephrase your problem for me AM?

TBG straight Null

The **** is spin doing.

Spin utterly dumbtown

RR town

#107 intrigues - defensive, scared almost

#111 Ran is scum, I'll see him dead. Will come back to him after catching up.

this amuses me.

Less posturing.


Taking longer than I had hoped.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ryu will likely continue to be a problematic slot unless NAs will somehow prove his claim.
I think at this point that's useless. Lynch Red Ryu.

Why does it "seem" so. If his claim is correct then his own benefit is also beneficial for the town.
I'll explain with some post numbers.

Why do you assume he's faking emotions? Stop hiding behind politishian-like phrases like "he seems to do X" to hide the complete lack of your own thought process behind this.
Same as above.

1.) The fact that every single case on him - except my own - has been bollocks
2.) Yes, it is.
1. I think that is a very weak justification. Get back on him. How does that make you any less confident of your own case? You still believe Ryu is scum, right? Why are you letting that repel you from a 'good' wagon?
2. In which way? Scum or Town?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Post #314

Here Ryu mentions his hate of Glyph's play. Is this really something to get mad about?

Post #320

Here Ryu is trying to mudsling at me by saying I was a hypocrite. I explain to him why I felt his question to me was suspicious (the one asking me if I noticed Tale-spin getting a town read on him), and then he tells me to go to hell. This is mainly why I feel he isn't genuinely interested in his own questions, and didn't bother to re-state/quote his questions, or answer my most recent question.

Post #324

Here he personally attacks me, and uses it as a semi-justification to go all 'mad' and claim at L-3. I don't see it as legit frustration because I don't see anything to have really get him worked up. I am busy with work and school, so I can't get to everything, and I don't see it as solid reason for getting mad. That, is why it seems fake to me.

Post #354

I don't like this post because he's only relying on the claim and expecting to be saved. It shows this snottiness as if he's expecting it to, yet forgets that he was scummy.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
My heart, my lungs.
In order to limit your scum fake claiming - describe your role briefly and vaguely. You are excited about it. "Investigative" will do. Ryker this isn't a scum slip from me.


Taking longer than I had hoped.
Inheritance, that's the best way that I can even try. I've never seen this role before. So yeah.

I know the feeling.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Swiss, comment on stuff that's relevant holy ****. Are you seriously gonna pull a Rajam?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
1. I think that is a very weak justification. Get back on him. How does that make you any less confident of your own case? You still believe Ryu is scum, right? Why are you letting that repel you from a 'good' wagon?
2. In which way? Scum or Town?
1.) It's not a weak justification. If a lynch is legit there should be 2 or 3 people being able to point out why. This isn't the case with Ryu. I have the tendency to quesiton myself, which is why I find scum regularly and the rest of you doesn't.

2.) Scum



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss, comment on stuff that's relevant holy ****. Are you seriously gonna pull a Rajam?

If you have an issue with me replacing into a game, fully reading it and analysing post by post then please do post more asinine garbage.

I want to like you, Gheb. I really do. I try. But you are such a prick that it becomes somewhat challenging.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Did you by any chance copy old questions of mine?
I didn't read back at your old games and copy paste, I sat here and asked questions to them so I could get something started, a lot of them I thought I would try and get them to start commenting on other players as a start and then move the game forward.


True intent in this question?
Minorly, Reading Badwolf's words on his own play, judging what I could on that.

Majorly. To see how he would change from past games and many see if he learned what not to do.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

TBG - keeping a low profile, got flak from AM though most people don't agree it's been deserved. Pretty much completely null to like everybody in this game.
AM - generally considered a solid lynch for whack activity and lame pushes. Pretty worthless slot so far
Kraken Puns - Controversial, he's fluctuating a lot on people's scum lists I think. He's a tool but town imo
frozen - only one post. Has IRL johns, legit ones this time
Ran - Active, solid input, kinda useful, not sure about his reads. Generally seen as town I think. Most people seem to think he's dumbtown.
Swiss - is ugly, mayne.
Vinyl - Has a hand injury so his input was limited. Pretty nullish.
Tcat - active in the beginning and has gotten flak for some of her posts. Ryu has tried to link her to Kraken which was garbz. Seen as null-scummy by most
Gheb_01 - this bamf replaced in for Circus and is talking to you right now you turd!
Glyph - Worthless. Solid compromise lynch whenever nothing better comes up
BW - salty and hateful but prolly a good guy. Hasn't really been on a lot of people's radars though.
T-Spin - started strong with very strong stances and well backed up point. His play sucks now though and almost everything he posts looks completely wrong to me.


T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
We've sorted out our lack of communication between heads and I can confirm that the reads list that was posted has my support as well as my other head's.

Gheb's chainsaw defense of AM is very telling to us. He found our slot to be town and even opposed everyone else who said otherwise, but then when we made a push for AM and put Gheb as our 4th least-favourite slot he shifted his read on us to scum. What's even stranger is that Gheb himself claims that he would support an AM lynch, but when others show interest in that course of action all he can do is chastise them for their reasoning and diffuse the pressure to them rather than AM. His whole "I support these wagons" is a bait and switch so he can jump down people's throats for bad reasoning. It is the most opportunistic thing I've seen in a while. I talked to my other head about how much info we could get off of an AM push, and Gheb's reaction to it was a big component. TownGheb would support the wagon, we agreed. That's not what we got, even though Gheb has stated he has AM in his lynchpool. Furthermore, rather than answering questions about his reasoning and how it's better, he defaults to saying "I already gave it go look for it", which is inherently scummy (blowing off questions by saying they were already answered and not making any effort to point the questioner in the right direction).

Gheb is scum. AM is scum.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
-dead- @ chainsaw defense accusation.

Fyi I never said I read you as scum. I just said that my read on you has changed more towards scum than towards town.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What had you read thus far? What did you think was of note such that you explicitly state you will read more?
Missed this, skimmed hard pregame, thought there might have been something there weak as it was.

Why state, idk just did. Felt like it is better to inform of content than to not to.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Could you point form your points against AM for me? I'll do mine right now:

-Questions are not followed up
-Has been playing to appease other players which is very out of character for them: "Sorry RR I neglected to answer your question"
-Things they focused on lacked direction and didn't progress the game
-Behaviour during the "TBG is sick!" arc of voting T-spin. Just re-read that interaction in general
-Postured for thread control for the sake of thread control*
-Made a flurry of posts to look proactive then disappeared

*note: This is not scumtell from that slot on its own. It's very in-character as either alignment. However, when coupled with how they didn't use their thread control to progress the scumhunting and how their play has gone in general, I'm more inclined to believe the thread control posturing had scum intent.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Could you point form your points against AM for me? I'll do mine right now:

1.) Questions are not followed up
2.) Has been playing to appease other players which is very out of character for them: "Sorry RR I neglected to answer your question"
3.) Things they focused on lacked direction and didn't progress the game
4.) Behaviour during the "TBG is sick!" arc of voting T-spin. Just re-read that interaction in general
5.) Postured for thread control for the sake of thread control*
6.) Made a flurry of posts to look proactive then disappeared
1.) and 6.) are redundant because they condition each other.
3.) and 4.) happened in the same context and are borderline redundant. I agree with that point though.
2.) and 5.) aren't scummy per see and matter only depending on how much you hold the other points against him. Your case is not as big as you make it look - you post as if there were 6 accusations when it's more like 2 1/2 accusations.

Here's where I posted my issue with AM waaaay before anybody else had the brains to do so [talkin' bout tools!]: http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=15313363&postcount=199


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gonna agree with Gheb here.

AM hasn't posted anything that I would make him a scum pick for.

His activity would be the reason I would lynch and that is only because inactives/coaster are an issue this game.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Okay I'll admit I may like to make my cases look like they have more backing by using points that are linked to each other through cause-and-effect. Just because they aren't points without co-existing doesn't mean they don't hold water. I find it necessary because people won't consider a case that has 2 good points and a spiel on inactivity if they're talking about a slot like AM.

Like yeah I look at your post that you linked and see two points. And I have included those two points in my list, along with some other points that you have labelled as "redundant" or "only a scumtell if you put weight on the other points". This is not how you said it earlier with "completely disagreeing with everything my slot had to say."

So you have 2 points and you're willing to lynch AM. I share those 2 points and have some more (even if you think they're all bad points I still have the ones you consider good) and rather than begin a wagon on AM (which you have said you are willing to do), you criticize my slot. Then when I follow up I find you didn't even have a reason to criticize my slot as our points have overlap.

Gheb, you're not making any sense. Is AM a consideration for you to lynch?

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Also you have to read my 5th point in the context of the side-note I provided. I acknowledged that it hinges on my other points and that it wouldn't be a point in some other circumstances. Point 3 and 4 could be blended so that #4 is an example of what I'm trying to say in #3 but I felt they were slightly different instances. Point #2 is scummy more for meta reasons as I feel playing appeasement is very out of character for Ryker.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gonna agree with Gheb here.

AM hasn't posted anything that I would make him a scum pick for.

His activity would be the reason I would lynch and that is only because inactives/coaster are an issue this game.
That's ... not really the point I was trying to make.

Like yeah I look at your post that you linked and see two points. And I have included those two points in my list, along with some other points that you have labelled as "redundant" or "only a scumtell if you put weight on the other points". This is not how you said it earlier with "completely disagreeing with everything my slot had to say."

So you have 2 points and you're willing to lynch AM. I share those 2 points and have some more (even if you think they're all bad points I still have the ones you consider good) and rather than begin a wagon on AM (which you have said you are willing to do), you criticize my slot. Then when I follow up I find you didn't even have a reason to criticize my slot as our points have overlap.

Gheb, you're not making any sense. Is AM a consideration for you to lynch?
The complete disagreement was in regards to the majority of your reads, not just to AM only. I actually questioned your read on Crackhead earlier and now he's a town read for you. I questioned your BW push too and now he's a town read for you. You've also put me on the same level as frozen and Vinyl. At this point of the game that's borderline insulting to somebody who has actually made things happen to get the game move forward. Generally, I think it's pretty easy to see why I disagree with your reads and which reads - you yourself have changed them after all. Is it really that hard to understand why I criticize you under these circumstances? Do you understand that such behavior doesn't entirely match the pro-town read I had on you earlier and that it's fair game for me to reconsider that read with all this in mind?
AM is actually the exception to this - it's the only player other than Tcat where we both can agree with a lynch. And yes, AM is absolutely in consideration to get lynched for me toDay. And with Swiss replacing Gymmo that possibility could easily become fact soon. Talking about a chainsaw defense here is retardedness in excelsis.


T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
KP was scum for me early as I thought KP/tcat interaction was a forced SvS interaction. T-block disagreed, and we later talked about it and I re-read and I have KP as a read that could go either way but giving T-block the benefit as of now because he actually is townreading the slot. Badwolf was someone I was trying to jab at to get reactions so I could garner a read based on if he got in a hissy or not. I started with my reason-less "Badwolf is town" to see how he responded to that, then progressed to attacking him to see how he responded to that. Then I talked to T-block and we both agreed on town. We have you at the bottom of our null category (that's not an inactive category) because we're not townreading you, and your recent behaviour has made me glad we didn't give you the benefit of the doubt just because you were "making stuff happen".

I hope that clears things about with our reads. Any more questions I can answer them because we do have reasons for everything that we've talked through. And as for your last sentences:

Vote: Aggressive Mediation

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Mostly the turnaround on my slot that seemed completely nonsensical and the way you didn't support an AM push when the opportunity came to you. If this push is gonna happen, we need to start it now and get people on-board. Otherwise, we need a fallback.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Not true, the Day phase has been extended to the 13th via Swiss' replacement. That means that there are 4 days left for the AM lynch to go through.

How is the "turnaround" nonsensical, when I just explained it to you as detailed as it gets?


T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
I am the other half of the hydra. T-block posted that list after we talked about it and I confirmed that everything there was correct at that time shortly after. What else do you want?

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
T-Spin i'm holding you to you doing better on the reads.

Don't make me lynch you off hydra johns. your both better players then to need to hide behind / get caught up in that crap.
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