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Ducktales Mafia - Game over

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
DH said:
Soup. Explain to me wtf exactly went through your head this game in terms of strategy. I understand playing scummy enough to not get NKd, but what were you trying to accomplish by replacing out one day before the deadline while there was already support for your wagon. Did you honestly think your slot would be let of scot free once you requested replacement? Why did you let your slot stagnate for that long just to give it up to another play if your goal was survival? Are you fine with the GLG lynch because you think he's scum or because he's dead-weight? Read on Classy Raptor, since he's not on your town list.
There wasn't a deadline omitted before i replaced out, therefore i thought i had enough time to give me replacement some breathing room and clear some things up.

Because i thought playing intimidating would be enough, i mean seriously, i didn't really play that bad, i just was arrogant, but you can clearly see where i stand most of the time in this game, i just never really pushed anything.

About CR..

look at his #287.

Classy Raptor said:
ZacBlock said:
You placed your vote on Ryker, wanting to lynch him as scum. Then you wonder why people aren't weighing the option of TvT when talking to you. Do you have knowledge the rest of us do not possess?
That was a merely a baited question seeing if I could catch an easy slip. As already mentioned in simpler terms.
The thing that bothers me here is that Ryker was already a weary subject in the first place, so i don't see the reason to bait a question, furthermore, why on ryker? he's not the type you do that to people, this reads to me as either distancing or simply arbitrary defense.

Classy Raptor said:
DH said:
@Raptor: Why the quick switch from the GLG to the Ryker wagon despite saying you wanted GLG dead first? Regardless of PFP's case, which one of those two do you personally think is scummier?
I never was on GLG. I have, however, said I wouldn't mind to see him go. To me I would rather go for the scum than go on a lurkerhunt, which is what GLG is. Even though Ryker's presence is just non-existent anymore.
a bit contradictory here, GLG and Ryker are basically the same boat of 'lurking' more-so GLG seeing how Ryker was V/LA, which makes me believe that CR is just pulling straws at this point, i don't think i've seen much besides the blatantly obvious, and it's not like that's bad in some situations, it's just the way he has done it, at first he wanted to call a slip on ryker or whatever, then states he was never on GLG, but wouldn't mind for him to go.

yeah, that's wonderful, but you said you don't want to lurkerhunt and your two picks are lurkers, i just think this attempted slip is fake and i'd look at CR if ryker flips scum.

DH said:
...and Raptor has been playing the IC, trying to break down and overanalyse fairly simple concepts such as here. I've never actually seen how Chaco plays to this could be textbook Chaco but it just looks like he's very conscious of asking everyone's thoughts after every point he makes. Seems a little overcautious.

@Raptor: Can you explain your suspicion of SN? I read your post a few times but I still don't really see what you're getting at.
I wouldn't say IC, per se, but I was trying to go through and clean up PFP's case and actually apply tells to it so that it is more concrete. My play is always different, and the lapse of time since my last full mafia game is the resulting style. I could further explain the taking time to read instead of gutting this because I am near 100% unfamiliar with the playerlist, and that would explain it all. However, your "accusation" of overcautious is by far a stretch. Asking questions gives material to work with, and this game was stale.

Lastly, the suspicion on SN is a stretch off Ryker. There was a tel that sometimes beat my *** on MS that I never picked up on, over explanation from co-mafia. In an attempt to raise they're thread presence and whatnot the scum partner would continuously question the other mafioso. I could apply links but it's been so long since I've been on there (1.5 years) that it would be fruitless to check.
playing to IC becuse unfamiliar to player-list? sounds like a scum trying to gain appeal to him, ****, reminds me of gheb in dissidia.

Yeah, i've seen that before, but the points still stands.


Feb 9, 2011
@Soup: But you've played other games as town PRs where you played fine and still survived pretty long. Why choose this game specifically to post 0 content?

@TSN: Answer my question from 347.

@PFP: The wagon has already swung around. GLG is at L-1 while Ryker is at L-3 last time I checked. Weigh in on Asid Wash for me also.

@ZBlock: I remember reading on your stance list that you had TSN as straight up town due to her (I view that slot as female by default) interactions with Ryker who you think is scum. If Ryker were to flip town, what would be your new stance on TSN and would the stance be based of her actual play or another type of interaction. I also see you view PFP as town just because there is no other room for there to be other scum, which I sort of understand. If one of your picks were to flip town, who would be your third in line?

@Ryker: Is the tone of CR's post clarifying PFP's case the one of a helpful townie or opportunist scum? Also tell me your read on PFP because all I've seen you say is that you hate his case on you but have not clarified if that makes PFP scummy in your eyes. Would there be JoaT in a 9 man setup?

@AW: If you were a vig and wanted to kill a player toNight based on scuminess and a different based on someone you think would hinder town/was deadweight, who would you pick for each category? In your eyes, would a scumGLG ensure a scumRyker one?

@GLG: Claim it up. Revised scumpicks if you choose to read up before the deadline.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm a really powerful role, especially in a 9-man game, i have investigation, shoot, and protect, i'm basically the top of the food-chain, but i wanted to seem like the bottom.


Feb 9, 2011
I'm a really powerful role, especially in a 9-man game, i have investigation, shoot, and protect, i'm basically the top of the food-chain, but i wanted to seem like the bottom.

Why would you ever tell us your JoaT powers in thread?

Remember that talk we had about jumping the gun?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
EBWOP: i've never played JoAT, i just assumed that was the standard for JoAT.


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2011
UTDZac / T-block
Sigh... JoaT could track/watch/whole bunch of other stuff, Soup =\

If Ryker were to flip town, my read on TSN would drop to null. I do think Ryker vs TSN is SvT with scumRyker, but TSN did not go looking for that fight, so a townRyker flip would not incriminate TSN. However, TSN hasn't done much at all... pretty much all their activity can be summarized as likes ZB, fights with Ryker, wants Soup dead. I said in an earlier post that I want to see more from them, and I stand by that. They're just not a priority for me atm because of Ryker/GLG.

My third in line would depend on which of my picks flipped town. If GLG were to flip town, I would probably look at a AW/Ryker scum team, and probably you as well, DH. If Ryker were to flip town, I would feel better about AW and DH, and would probably look into CR... possibly PFP, but the most recent post by Sword has me feeling better about them.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
so, are we going GLG or Ryker, i really want ryker dead.

Classy Raptor

Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2011
About CR..

The thing that bothers me here is that Ryker was already a weary subject in the first place, so i don't see the reason to bait a question, furthermore, why on ryker? he's not the type you do that to people, this reads to me as either distancing or simply arbitrary defense.

I have never played with Ryker. This point is automatically null. And how is it distancing? Arbitrary defense?

a bit contradictory here, GLG and Ryker are basically the same boat of 'lurking' more-so GLG seeing how Ryker was V/LA, which makes me believe that CR is just pulling straws at this point, i don't think i've seen much besides the blatantly obvious, and it's not like that's bad in some situations, it's just the way he has done it, at first he wanted to call a slip on ryker or whatever, then states he was never on GLG, but wouldn't mind for him to go.

GLG's 9 posts versus all of Ryker's? And PLEASE, if you have the proof, prove where I ever voted, made a case, or attacked GLG. He was lurking so I ignored him. You accuse me of grasping straws, but I in no way have. Your entire "case" thus far has been one massive grasp that is in no way accurate.

yeah, that's wonderful, but you said you don't want to lurkerhunt and your two picks are lurkers, i just think this attempted slip is fake and i'd look at CR if ryker flips scum.

Uhm, Ryker was V/LA. I called him out on lurking because he changed his avatar while V/LA, that's activity. Simple call out.

playing to IC becuse unfamiliar to player-list? sounds like a scum trying to gain appeal to him, ****, reminds me of gheb in dissidia.

Yeah, i've seen that before, but the points still stands.
Soup, to be honest, everything you've done in the post reeks of scum. You reach, try to paint me as scum with false information, and misquote information from me everywhere. That'd be enough to provide a hefty case on you, however, you've outed yourself as our JoaT, and now not only are you effectively useless, you've outed your abilities.

I'll be getting to the other parts of this thread, shortly. This stunk so bad I had to get rid of it first.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Okay, don't have but about 5 minutes. I'll be back in about an hour. For now, two things.

First, tunneling is ALWAYS a scum tell because the only positive things it can accomplish can be accomplished by pressuring people without failing to give reads and updates on current issues outside of your target.

Second, redirection of pressure? How the **** is that a scum tell? You're telling a townie he can't scum hunt just because he's in the spotlight and that's ********. I'm not making some underhanded attempt to undermine your entire case. I'm questioning your motivation because I don't like it at ****ing all.

Will get to everything else shortly. Probably won't continue the battle of walls with PFP and will break it down to be more manageable.


Feb 9, 2011
I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. I hate my computer.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
why does it matter if you have or have not played with ryker? you can still distance.

abritrary = random defense.

GLG's 9 posts versus all of Ryker's? And PLEASE, if you have the proof, prove where I ever voted, made a case, or attacked GLG. He was lurking so I ignored him. You accuse me of grasping straws, but I in no way have. Your entire "case" thus far has been one massive grasp that is in no way accurate.
that's not my point, i don't care if you voted, made a case, or attacked GLG, and you just said you have been ignoring him, so why do you want him dead if you have no stance against him?

Uhm, Ryker was V/LA. I called him out on lurking because he changed his avatar while V/LA, that's activity. Simple call out.
He was at a tourney.


Feb 9, 2011
Good thing my computer didn't eat that post, too much ****ing content in there.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
"Uhm, Ryker was V/LA. I called him out on lurking because he changed his avatar while V/LA, that's activity. Simple call out."

Warned people in the V/LA thread that I wasn't gonna do jack **** on Sunday night. If you looked hard, you'd see I was actually fairly active on SWF in the Alabama Thread, HASL Tournament & Results threads, and the Alabama PR thread. Don't pull this **** with me.

Gone for real now. Gotta go get food.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Oh, and, I never said I was playing IC. Once again, misquoting.
People called you out to playing like an IC, then you say:

CR said:
I wouldn't say IC, per se, but I was trying to go through and clean up PFP's case and actually apply tells to it so that it is more concrete. My play is always different, and the lapse of time since my last full mafia game is the resulting style. I could further explain the taking time to read instead of gutting this because I am near 100% unfamiliar with the playerlist, and that would explain it.
wait why am i saying something i already said

Classy Raptor

Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2011
Uhm, Soup...?

furthermore, why on ryker? he's not the type you do that to people
That was your point. However, I will humor you in a later post.

And I did not know that Ryker was at a tourney, I didn't bother to look since it wasn't announced in thread.

And Ryker, I'm not now, I understand you were gone now. The reason I did that callout at the time was because I did not know.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
That wasn't my point at all, it was a step towards my point but it wasn't the main subject, now you're trimming **** to weaken my case, damn feel like J but..miscontruting.

Classy Raptor

Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2011
One, you can't say the post right, and two you just edited your post.

And no, it is not misconstruing anything, your points are so invalid and such a grasp that it is nigh impossible to misconstrue. You changed your point because the other bridge was burned, like your entire case.

Classy Raptor

Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2011
IC stands for inexperience challenged.

In newbie games on MS, they have an IC or two join to stimulate things and push in the right direction. Kind've teaching as they go.

(Which wasn't what I was doing anyways, IC was mis-used as well)


Feb 9, 2011
tl;dr version

@Soup: Like block said, JoaT could be a variety of other powers. You could have used power wifom to keep scum guessing or at least keep them in the dark completely. Now they know what you have in your arsenal.

Too late now, but for future don't ever clarify your JoaT powers especially if someone asks. That **** is hardcore rolefishing.

The thing that bothers me here is that Ryker was already a weary subject in the first place, so i don't see the reason to bait a question, furthermore, why on ryker? he's not the type you do that to people, this reads to me as either distancing or simply arbitrary defense.
Either I don't understand the context of this or I just don't understand it. Please clarify.

a bit contradictory here, GLG and Ryker are basically the same boat of 'lurking' more-so GLG seeing how Ryker was V/LA, which makes me believe that CR is just pulling straws at this point, i don't think i've seen much besides the blatantly obvious, and it's not like that's bad in some situations, it's just the way he has done it, at first he wanted to call a slip on ryker or whatever, then states he was never on GLG, but wouldn't mind for him to go.

yeah, that's wonderful, but you said you don't want to lurkerhunt and your two picks are lurkers, i just think this attempted slip is fake and i'd look at CR if ryker flips scum.
I don't see this. When I think of GLG, I think of a lurker almost instantly while Ryker was V/LA. I can see where CR is coming from with wanting to lynch scum over lurkers. The problem here is that GLG isn't just deadweight, he's been scummy as **** and I don't know CR's actual stance on him, whether it be that of a lurker deadweight or that of scum.

@CR: Clarify for me your view on GLG. Soup, same to you.

You also refer to a slip that CR is pushing on Ryker. I don't remember this, remind me of what are you referring to?

playing to IC becuse unfamiliar to player-list? sounds like a scum trying to gain appeal to him, ****, reminds me of gheb in dissidia.

Yeah, i've seen that before, but the points still stands.
Agreed that the oversimplification bothered me a bit and I am always wary of that type of posting since Gheb almost indeed ****ed us over in Dissidia. Still not something I would call a very convincing point on its own, though.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
One, you can't say the post right, and two you just edited your post.

And no, it is not misconstruing anything, your points are so invalid and such a grasp that it is nigh impossible to misconstrue. You changed your point because the other bridge was burned, like your entire case.
i never changed my point, where the **** are you getting this?

Classy Raptor

Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2011
Go back and read your attack on me from start to finish. Quite simple really.

@DH: I've been planning to do so, dealing with Soupa to finish first. Once that is out of the way, I'll start responding to everything else. Which is the cases on GLG and the such, which will provide my take on him.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I haven't looked at GLG, he has had 9 posts as mentioned, but never really paid attention, however, CR states he wants GLG dead but also states he has ignored him, so basically just wants him dead for bandwagoning reasons and inactive.

GLG is null, still want ryker dead, his flip will decide my read on CR and that is VERY important to me.


Feb 9, 2011
@DH: Respond to 360 please?

Getting there h/o

I had a huge post typed up earlier that responded to your entire Ryker case but I lost it and now I'm just trying to bang things out quickly before my computer eats them.


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2011
UTDZac / T-block
IC stands for inexperience challenged.

In newbie games on MS, they have an IC or two join to stimulate things and push in the right direction. Kind've teaching as they go.

(Which wasn't what I was doing anyways, IC was mis-used as well)
Gotcha. Thanks.

Getting there h/o

I had a huge post typed up earlier that responded to your entire Ryker case but I lost it and now I'm just trying to bang things out quickly before my computer eats them.
Take your time... just wanted to make sure it wasn't being ignored.



Feb 9, 2011
@Raptor: Alright.

@Soup: Summarize for me in a few points (kind of like what ZBlock did for the GLG/Ryker connection) why a scumRyker flip implicates a scumRaptor flip because I currently don't see it.

Classy Raptor

Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2011
Soup stop editing your posts.

I never stated I had ignored GLG, I stated that I have not attacked him. Check that back to the rest of my play, you'll notice my reads outlined and then attacks commenced. I was focused on Ryker at the time being.

@Soup: TBH, your case is non-existent, that's what I was trying to tell you.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
giraffelasergun [4] - ZacBlock, DatHydra, Ryker, Asid Wash
Ryker [3] - PeopleFacePunch, Classy Raptor, Soupamario
Soupamario [1] - ~The Savage Nynph~
ZacBlock [1] - giraffelasergun

Not voting:

Takes 5/9 to lynch - Deadline: Wednesday, June 29th
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