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Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Have you ever had a weird dream you just had to tell someone about? Well tell us about it here! Want someone's opinion on a dream? Well, we might not be licensed psychologists, but Proomers are the next best thing! Even if you just want to talk about dreams as a concept, talk about it here. Also... never let the Proom be the last thing you see before you sleep. You'll have really, really weird dreams.

A few rules:
1) Nothing to "adult". This is a public forum so keep it PG-13 at the worst.

2) This thread is likely to become chatty considering it's general topic. Try to keep the chattiness down and the mods happy.

3) If you had a particularly disturbing dream please do not go into great details. Again, this is a public forum and some things just aren't appropriate.

4) If you come in here looking for serious help, DON'T. Go see a doctor and get professional help instead. We can give you opinions but if you or someone else you know thinks something is wrong, go get real help.

Azua and Xsyven, if you guys think anything needs to be edited in go ahead and throw it in.

Ok, let's get things started!

Does anyone else always have some sort of theme music playing when they dream? I seem to keep hearing the FF7 Battle music (the piano collections version) in a lot of mine.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
I had a dream that used to repeat itself a lot when I was little, I had it many nights.

I would be walking to the beach.. towards the water, it would be semi-dark, like dusk or dawn...

And I could see this man far off in the water.. he would be about waist-deep and then he'd go inside the water, and stand back up, but he would be a different color.

Usually colors like blue, red, yellow, orange, purple, green, etc.

He'd just keep going down and coming out a different color... I never knew why but that dream always creeped me out.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Have you ever had a weird dream you just had to tell someone about? Well tell us about it here! Want someone's opinion on a dream? Well, we might not be licensed psychologists, but Proomers are the next best thing! Even if you just want to talk about dreams as a concept, talk about it here. Also... never let the Proom be the last thing you see before you sleep. You'll have really, really weird dreams.

A few rules:
1) Nothing to "adult". This is a public forum so keep it PG-13 at the worst.

2) This thread is likely to become chatty considering it's general topic. Try to keep the chattiness down and the mods happy.

3) If you had a particularly disturbing dream please do not go into great details. Again, this is a public forum and some things just aren't appropriate.

4) If you come in here looking for serious help, DON'T. Go see a doctor and get professional help instead. We can give you opinions but if you or someone else you know thinks something is wrong, go get real help.

Azua and Xsyven, if you guys think anything needs to be edited in go ahead and throw it in.

Ok, let's get things started!

Does anyone else always have some sort of theme music playing when they dream? I seem to keep hearing the FF7 Battle music (the piano collections version) in a lot of mine.
I have done several years in studying hypnosis, dream analysis/interpretation, and Lucid dreaming.
If my services are needed.

I had a dream just a few weeks ago.

I was walking into a big executive building, when I walked in I directly noticed that the floors were marble, milky black and white and the walls were a glowing silver and on the corners and sides where it reached the ceilings and floor was golden trim, there was also a elegant chandelier, which would flicker with such beautiful colored flames. I heard people talking, but alas, I could see no one... I knew that there were people around me but I just couldn't see them. Instinctively I knew that I had to take the stairs to the 51st floor. For the elevators where filled with the 'people'. The stairs were in a helix spiraling up and downwards. But it was misty so that my vision was impaired I could only see about 3 meters above/below me, the stairs had no railguards. Normally I am afraid of heights however this time I wasn't.
So I proceeded upwards, on the 4th floor there was a door with glass in the middle of it, behind it there was a corridor with what looked like an infinite amount of doors on the left side. I heard a very familiar voice, and it made me feel warm and safe, it was one of my friend, I knew that she was in the 3rd room. She was talking and laughing, though I couldn't exactly hear what she was saying I knew that she was safe, So I continued on.
Getting towards the 6th floor there was another door just like the first, with the same corridor as the first. But this time I decided to open the door and walk towards the 7th room, in it was three of my other friends. They were playing a video game, and were having a good time. So I went back to the staircase and procceded upwards once more.

I finally reached the 51st floor, This time the door had no window, but instead was an well furnished wooden door. I entered through the door, inside was a room with a lot of cubicals, a normal looking office, I still heard voices and phone ringing, and the papercopiers, faxes being made. But yet I saw no one.
I then procceded to walk in to a confrence room. In the room was rectangle table, with 21 chairs. There was a overhead divice and a screen in the front of the room. At the end of the table was man, he looked at me and he smiled. I felt safe, yet in danger at the same time. I started talking to the guy and suddenly for some reason I went into a fighting stance, waiting for a fight. But all of a sudden I was bound to the chair that the man was sitting in. He was behind me and had his mans on my shoulders. He then said something and patted me on the head and walked out the room.
Still bounded, I tried to free myself. While I looked downwards there was a glass floor, That gave me a view of all the things below me, my friends that were playing video games before where now just sitting on a couch and eating while talking, and my other friend in the first room was sitting at a table with a piece of paper and a pencil, beside her was another friend. They were just talking and writing things down on the paper. I then saw another room with a man that had just left he was spreading his arms in the air like he was streching.
I then looked up and tried to get out of the bounds. I saw a fire that was in the middle of the desk and then started to crawl towards it. I then burned the rope and procceded to go towards a room with a lot of monitors in them. I started to smash them all and afterwards I return to the room that I was held in, the man returned and we started to argue. He then gets angry and leaves leaving me alone. All I do is return to the main chair and look downwards at everyone. I could now see the lobby, and I notice that I am in the chandelier. I get up and pace back and forth, after a while I decide to get out of the room. As I exit I extingish the fire by simply licking my fingers and snuffing it out.
The room then falls once I exit and I can now see the people. I walk down the stairs and I go back to the lobby. Everyone in down there cleaning up the chandlier and once it is all cleaned the doors of the building open. Then all of the people leave including my friends. I feel a cool breeze and a slight warmth. I look at the vacant room and I see a glittering peice of the chandalier. I pick it up and put in my pocket. I smile and then I leave the building to the outside. Where it looks like a city but mixed wtih a suburb. I decided to take a walk.

I woke up right after that.
Sorry for the long read. A lot of the dream would seem to make rational sense, but it honestly is weird. It gets personal, and really only makes complete sense if you really know me. I will post the meaning of it later but for now my hands are tired.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Weird Proom dream incoming...

I had this one last week when I couldn't sleep:
My family was on some road trip and my parents wouldn't tell us why. So our cars breaks down in front of what looks like a big highschool. While the rest of my family was standing around the car I decided to go inside and see if anything was going on. I get inside and the words "Abandon hope, all ye that enter" float in front of me. Of course I ignore them and keep walking in. I end up running into Hedgedawg and he said he'd show me around the place. So he's showing me around this school building and there's all these posters up that saying "Vote Livvers in 2009 for class mod!"

Anyway, the next part was kind of blurry, I remember that "smooth criminal" was tagged on every other wall in pink spray pain. Then Hedgedawg yells "oh ****! I gotta run!" and he runs off down the hall. Now I'm standing there all confused, so I decide to go get the triforce out of my crawl space (it's a dream, it doesn't have to make sense) because I think he'll need it for something. So I go back to my house and get the triforce in an obvious plot-hole. I needed to get to triforce back to him ASAP so I ended up hopping on the LGBT Thread Bus. It was kind of loud at first but the driver would sporadically yell "STAY ON TOPIC" when things got to loud so it was a relatively peaceful and on-topic ride.

The LGBT Thread Bus stopped and I got kicked out in front of the washington monument. There were a few more posters that said "vote Livvers in 2009 for class mod!" and next to it was a sign that said "Rave tonight at (couldn't read this part)". Anyway, so I go inside the washington monument and I'm greeted by Xsyven and Azua... who were married and had 3 kids... If it means anything they were stunningly beautiful children. Xsyven hands me one of the rave fliers and a smoothie and he and Azua say "We'll see you there, right?". I kinda roll my eyes and say "yeah sure".

A plot hole opens up and suddenly I'm at some old highschool gym with cheesy paper decorations and the entire Proom is there plus some random faceless anime crowd-people. Someone was singing in the band on stage... I think it was Dawgbowl, Riccy, and Azua/Xsyven's kids made up the rest of the band. Numbers was killed by hedgedawg, because I don't know what he looks like it was just a pichu in a bloody pile, and there was a note on his corpse that said "Perma-banned, *****." Some lights started flashing, teran and I apparently got drunk and started dancing with our shirts off while Livvers gave her acceptance speech. No one was mad at her for winning either because everyone loves her, it's true. At the end Xsyven and Eor had to escort me out and I was put on a 24-hour ban for not sleeping.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the blurry part was an argument between a bunch of people and Matt about who looked best, him or Xsyven. I kept trying to get people to look at how nice my hair was but no one would so I left.

that's why you NEVER go to sleep after reading through Proom topics.


Smash Hero
Jul 12, 2008
I have several repeating dreams, and what I call "wake-up" dreams.

The Wake-Up dreams are very repetitive -- but here is one that happens a lot:

I am suddenly on top of a cliff, and for some odd reason, I just jump off. It feels so real too, kind of scary, but as I hit the bottom all I see is whiteness (probably coming from my room) and then the next thing I know I'm being woken up by an alarm/my stepdad.

I can't think of another one, I haven't had many dreams in a while.

I've had one to do with me being a Pokemon master, lol. Can't remember my team, but then again half the time I have a dream I wake up and forget it after taking a shower.

One strange dream I had before that I still remember is me being on a type of dock out in the middle of the woods. No sea, no 'nothin, just a dock and trees. I'm travelling with this girl and some other guy, and a man with a hook for an arm comes out and takes one of them (I think the other guy)-- and he takes him behind some kind of small house on the dock and kills him, at least that's what we here. It's pretty strange, but sooner or later me and the girl run away from it.

My dreams are very, very, weird.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
Recently I had a Zombie Apocalypse dream, It was awesome.

So there we were, last vestiges of humanity held up in an ancient palace fortress. Millenniums of scientific and cultural development had been torn down in a matter of days a foul plague. In the fortress, we had but a few weapons, mostly poleaxes, swords, bows and arrows, and other ancient tools of war kept in good condition as museum pieces in the palace armory. We had fire-arms too, mostly just pistols and hunting rifles, and a couple automatic weapons, but ammunition was scarce for them. Among us there were a few scientist who had been studying this disease when the first few cases were reported.

The disease attacks the brain. The host's brain gradually dies while the parasite establishes itself in the it's place. Once the parasite has claimed the body of it's victim, it's only purpose is then to spread the disease as quickly as possible to as many others as possible. It seems as though it isn't to contagious, you could talk to a zombie and be just fine, if the zombie was willing to just talk. Precisely, the bodily fluids of the infected must be injected directly into the blood of the health for the disease to take hold. Most disturbingly, the disease can even infect those who had already been dead, even up to six months after death if the body was still in some sort of usable condition. It is unclear how the infection can live on a dead host.

However, it is clear that a butchered body is of no use directly to the parasite, but it was reported that the zombies will cannibalize limbs that have been hacked off. When we first took refuge in the keep I had witnessed it first had and up close. The zombies were hard on our heels we didn't have time to close gate, but we managed to organize a defense against them. Remnants of the military rained down a hail of lead on the zombies from the walls outside. I had taken up a long sword, and held guard with a few others who also took an ancient weapon from the armory/museum. That night was a living hell, more so than our current condition in the keep. We fought dearly, a zombie must almost be fully dismembered before it's advance could be stopped, fortunately, the flesh of a zombie is soft from a slow decay and my sword could easily slice the zombies in half. We must have killed over a thousand zombies and it must have been a miracle that we all survived that night. The military had finally closed the gate by pushing it shut with an old back hoe against the swarms trying to push their way in. The gate, is a strong, thick, and made of iron. Once it was closed, no more could enter the keep. We killed the rest in the keep swiftly and burned their remains. Outside the walls they continued to claw at walls for three days. When they finally left, they dragged the fallen away with them.

Then we began to just try to survive in our tiny walled off world. We began to farm what pitifully small amount of land within the keep. And we waited, for three long weeks we waited. The people spoke very little, and all I could do was pace the halls of the palace nervously. Then one if the scientist finally gained the courage to speak. He told us everything he knew about the plague, which was far more than any of us wanted to know. The first few cases had been isolated enough, people who lived in or near swampland got infected first. Perhaps this could have all been prevented if had just nuked those places. It was believed at the time that a cure could be found quickly, so the villages that had been infected were put under a loose containment, but a zombie honors no authority, and the disease spread non the less, it spread slowly at first, from village to village, until it hit first major metropolis. Then it spread like wild fire. Many utilities were destroyed, and now we had little power, limited water, and no communication to the outside world.

As he finished speaking we said something that gave us a little hope. He said, "Before we were forced to flee our laboratory we managed to make a breakthrough, we had a soluble mineral that destroys the parasite, we aren't certain of the possible side effects, but given circumstance I think any side effects will be the least of our concerns." Sadly, he had also said something that crushed that tiny gleam of hope that we had found. "Unfortunately we were only able to escape with some of our notes, nor were we able to bring with us the samples that we had." We all grumbled and complained in disappointment. Finally the a women wearing a fine dress spoke up "Do you know the location of your lab?", "y- yes..." the scientist replied feebly.
"Then perhaps we could send the soldiers to retrieve it for you, they had were able to protect this place for us now, surely they could retrieve it for you so that you may finish your research.".
"No, no, we could not send all the soldiers out, to send so many would attract the hordes of dead back here, and then, we must get them all back within this fortress."
The young commander then piped in, "We are low on bullets, I doubt we could handle another siege forced to rely on bows and spears. Perhaps we could send a smaller group, at least then we don't need to keep the gate open for quit so long."

So it was then decided, the scientist we be escorted by three people, Two soldiers armed with automatic weapons and the last of the grenades, and me with my sword and a pistol. We would set out at dawn in an old Humvee, and we would be as quick as possible in retrieving the research. It started quit that day, we reached the lab, my heart dropped when we saw how the place had been trashed, rubbish and papers where everywhere, acids and various solutions had leaked onto the floor, windows were smashed, and so many computers were broken. "What if the zombies show up." The scientist asked nervously. "Then I shall fight," I said, he seemed as though was gonna say something else, but I went on with what I was saying. "And you shall run with your notes, perhaps you could fight too with that pistol of yours, but you would not be able to survive, besides, the hopes of everyone now rest on you returning safely with the data." Then we arrived at his lab. We were relieved to see that it was not nearly as totaled as the rest of the building. He collected his work and we began to leave. As we were leaving, one zombie showed up, it was once little girl, but now looked hideous and disfigured, I cut it down quickly and more zombies showed up. I slashed through a few more, and one the soldiers called out for us to Run. I backed off firing my pistol into the mob while the soldiers fired their weapons as well. I leaped into the back seat of the Humvee, the soldiers hustled in also, and the scientist got behind the wheel and floored it. We fired into the horde of zombies as we speed a way, but for now that was it, we had gotten away, and perhaps we had won.

Back at the keep the scientist frantically completed their data, the soldiers and I were pacing and jittery, and then I woke.

Upon waking up I was like :(, I wanna see what happens next. Oh well, if you actually read through it, you can either agree on the awesomeness of zombie dreams or agree on the awesomeness of zombie dreams.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
Three years ago, I had this horrific nightmare that will forever haunt me.

I was playing an enjoying Melee like any other fanboy does. And then afterwards I went online and saw this forum called "Smashboards." I thought to myself 'Cool. I love Smash. I'll join. What can possibly go wrong?"

Little did I realize what kind of hellish madness did I gotten into. The forums were horrible, scary, cruel, torturing!

I woke up with a cold sweat with my pillow wet from dripping sweat. And I screamed and cried. I screamed and cried for three days! THREE DAYS! It was that scarring!

What kind of madness dream was that? Was it an omen? I'm scared!


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
Three years ago, I had this horrific nightmare that will forever haunt me.

I was playing an enjoying Melee like any other fanboy does. And then afterwards I went online and saw this forum called "Smashboards." I thought to myself 'Cool. I love Smash. I'll join. What can possibly go wrong?"

Little did I realize what kind of hellish madness did I gotten into. The forums were horrible, scary, cruel, torturing!

I woke up with a cold sweat with my pillow wet from dripping sweat. And I screamed and cried. I screamed and cried for three days! THREE DAYS! It was that scarring!

What kind of madness dream was that? Was it an omen? I'm scared!
oh my god

I'm having that dream RIGHT NOW



Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2009
Lol i had the most awesome dream ever.. it started with me opening the fridge. As i opend the fridge i saw 3 half full jars of pesto sauce i started to inspect them 1 by 1.. when i was done with the 3rd i shut the fridge and woke up..

So freaky :( but i love pesto


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2004
Dreams and the subconscious are pretty heavy topics to be discussed, especially looking into Freudian theories.

Remembering our dreams is a big step for certain people, I've been able to retain my dream usually almost every morning, but I forget it throughout the day. I've forgotten what my dream was last night, probably because I never entered the dream state as I only had 2 hours of sleep, but I've had dreams where I've actually played Smash or other games within those dreams.

I usually also dream about things I think about before I sleep. It may seem good but I usually can't get something out of my head, and it gets me into a state of insomnia. My favorite dreams -were- probably the ones where I was something along the lines of Goku and had powers to fly, kamehameha, etc.

A few months ago I looked into lucid dreaming, the idea that once you realize you're in a dream you can control it. I've only been able to do this a few times, and I do remember the dream. It's very hard to stay asleep though once you realize you're in a dream, or at least that was my experience.

Recently my dreams have varied. Plenty of regular dreams that lead nowhere, that I don't even give a second thought about.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
A lot of my dreams are based on video games that I've played, even down to the animation style and speech bubbles and everything lol. Its quite amusing when I wake up from them.

Did I see someone mention killing someone else in a dream? That would be very unnerving, I'm glad I've never had a dream like that. Though I have beatin the crap out of people in some dreams lolz.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
In your nightmares
I remember having a dream that i use to get ALOT wen i waz little. I waz skateboarding. all of off a sudden the ground dissapears brfore my feet. I see a clock & i go straight through it then.......nothing.

There waz also the dream where i saw a shadowy figure staring at me in my hallway then he acted as if he waz pulling me towards him but there waz no string rope chain he just pulled and he drawed me closer & closer then i woke up looking into the hallway.

Iv'e also had times wen I just flat out wake up & i'm immobilized can't move speak and sumtimes hear anything.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
every time i play a game with zombies i always have dreams of them. usually i am fighting and the other people are getting eaten around me. then i usually get over run or something then i wake up.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
I had a dream a few nights ago, in which I murdered my father with a knife. I've never felt so afraid or filthy in a dream before.
Uh-oh, you sure that your not going through the Oedipus complex?

Dreams and the subconscious are pretty heavy topics to be discussed, especially looking into Freudian theories.

Remembering our dreams is a big step for certain people, I've been able to retain my dream usually almost every morning, but I forget it throughout the day. I've forgotten what my dream was last night, probably because I never entered the dream state as I only had 2 hours of sleep, but I've had dreams where I've actually played Smash or other games within those dreams.

I usually also dream about things I think about before I sleep. It may seem good but I usually can't get something out of my head, and it gets me into a state of insomnia. My favorite dreams -were- probably the ones where I was something along the lines of Goku and had powers to fly, kamehameha, etc.

A few months ago I looked into lucid dreaming, the idea that once you realize you're in a dream you can control it. I've only been able to do this a few times, and I do remember the dream. It's very hard to stay asleep though once you realize you're in a dream, or at least that was my experience.

Recently my dreams have varied. Plenty of regular dreams that lead nowhere, that I don't even give a second thought about.
Very true, the defining images can mean different things for other people, and lets not forget about Jung in the whole psychoanalysis.

For lucid dreaming. Not waking up is depending by you, yes, I know it maybe hard because your auditiory proccessing is still functioning, but nonetheless. Next time try to wear ear plugs if that is the case.

Ryan Ludovic

Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
I have had a dream last night that I was a chick in a screamo band
best dream ever!


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
I can't remember most of my dreams for crap, but I can remember SOME. Here they are:

One was when I was in some kind of YMCA building. It was modeled loosely after an indoor park I once went to on the summer. It was extremely big, and there were a lot of people there. The parts I remember about being there was when I went to the Arcade. They were really weird arcade games, they didn't really exist, but in my dreams, I apparently knew all of them. I only played 2. One I remember had something to gambling, and felt very Old-west-y. One I actually remember the name. It was called PEPPER. It's perhaps the most depressingly futile game ever. I don't remember how it was played, but I knew, somehow, that it was depressingly futile.

After that, I think I either took a swim or a shower. Something that involved me taking my clothes off. After doing that, all I could find was a robe, and my clothes were gone. I believed I lost them, and ran around the building looking for them. I kept on looking, but everyone was now going out of the building, perhaps because it was closing. I kept on looking for my clothes, to no avail. After a while of looking, I gave up, and went outside.

I suddenly found myself near 2 hills, and in between those hills was a road. I was greeted by an evil-looking floating eye, much like black doom's in Shadow the Hedgehog, and a robot Maid. (at least, I assume she was a robot. She was modeled after that robot in Kanon, so I suppose so). The maid gave me clothes, and the evil eye talked about some sort of mission. I was apparently some kind of evil agent person, which I suddenly remembered as if I was one all my life. We then went on the road, which triggered some sort of "game"

We could suddenly fly, and the whole thing played like a shooter, but from a first person view. I could shoot small red lasers in any direction, but the eye and the maid could only shoot straight. strange red balls would fly toward us, and they had things written on them. One said "NEMESIS" and a bunch of enemies flew at us, which we destroyed. One wouldn't die, but it flew away. We avoided the rest of the balls, and stopped at some kind of store.

This store had some weird stuff. The only 2 I could remember was a manga that was a crossover between Suzumiya Haruhi and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The other was a Mario Party 2 Remix album, in DVD form, and the cover had a bunch of european-looking people dressed up as mario. I remember there was something very "Chaotic" about it.

After that, we went back out and went in shooter mode. I believe there was some other kid who tagged along the way, but I didn't question it. We avoided most of the balls, until a huge ball came from behind us and said "BOSS"
Suddenly the Marx battle music came up, and a giant flying billboard appeared in front of us. We had to shoot it, and the billboard would read random stuff, which somehow attacked us.

From there, the dream ended. I wonder what that was supposed to symbolize? Maybe I'm just playing too much video games.

The next one was kinda odd, though relaxing.
I was in some kind of Steampunk ancient Japan, and I had to get somewhere. I remember having a parasol, and I had to make my way through a bunch of Japanese buildings. This meant going all prince-of-persia on them, but less cool. I had to meet some guy, he looked very pretty, no homo. He seemed to get less pretty as the dream went on though. Once I got to him, we had to promote our "Job." This job was making superheroes look more "Sparkly" (don't ask.) We'd do this by emitting sparkles from our hands.
Yeah. Then it ended. I don't know either, but it made me feel good.

aaaand, I'd tell you the rest, but they aren't interesting at all.


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
i dreamed about getting shot by my friend in a tower.

then i woke up and like felt my chest a stuff and i was like really nervous for some odd reason.

but yeah the next day(december 26h) was "boxing day" its like a day where all prices in malls are like

really low with crazy deals. and like every year thiers a shooting during boxing

day, so yeah i was really scared that day lool i couldnt even buy stuff since i was so scared and

curious about my dream.

but yeah i really want to find out what it means when you get shot in your dream.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
When I first started high school I used to have a lot of dreams where I would get hit really hard and then wake up. I got shot once, punched in the mouth once, and struck by a gorilla once, and various other things like falling off of cliffs/buildings.

But I haven't had a dream in I dunno how long. Haven't had one at all this year.

xX Boezy Xx

Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Syracuse, New York
I've had recurring dreams about zombie outbreaks. It's very odd, because each dream takes place at a different loccation and each time, the infestation gets more terrifying and more desparate. We'd be here all day if I went into detail about each dream, but so far, these types of dreams have taken place in a swamp, my house, a mall, New York city, my school (and later in that dream, a run down metropolitan area) and a large musuem. To give you an idea about how they go, here's the one about my school:

It was a Saturday morning and I had to get to school because I had landed myself in Saturday morning detention. I went to my English teacher's classroom and sat down, ready for a long morning ogf wasted time. But, I saw that I had some friends who also were in detention, and my teacher let us talk and basically hang out during the detention. Suddenly, the power went out and I remember everyone being somewhat confused as to why.

When we checked the hall to see what was up, there was only darkness and a strange man in a suit who greeted us. He explained it was nothing to worry about, and we went back into the classroom. But, just as we entered the room, we heard an odd clanking noise coming from the walls and ceiling. Next thing I knew, a zombie had burst from the wall, having escaped from the air duct into the room. There was a momentary shock, and then pure chaos. I ran out of the ran as I heard the screams of my classmates and into the hall where more chaos ensued.

I booked it down the halls heading towards my science room (I'm not sure why). The halls were extremely packed for a Saturday morning, and it was hard to make my way through the place. I eventually made it to the science wing and jumped into the nearest classroom. As I looked out into the large hallway, I saw various zombies chasing after my classmates. I ducked under the nearest desk and prayed they wouldn't enter the room. I saw that a friend of mine was also taking refuge in the room, and we huddled together.

I remember peeking out of the room occasionally and seeing horrific things. I saw corpses piled on the walls, with blood everywhere. Once, I saw the entire infected lacrosse team charging down the halls, pursuing helpless students. As time went on, the screams died down and we actually encountered other survivors. We ransacked a gun from the corpse of the school cop and tried to find other teachers or students who had survived. I heard gunshots outside the school. As we exited the school, I realized the entire city had been affected by this odd outbreak. The area was in flames. Smoke clogged the air, and a small band of people toting guns were outside, fending off a hoard of zombies. After helping fight the hoard of malicious zombies, our two small groups of survivors paired up and got ready to clear the city of infected corpses.

The second we entered our first city clearing, we heard horrific screams and watched in despair as zombies pured out of the windows, doors, and even sewers of the surrounding buildings. I got separated in the chaos, but I was still alive, and I did the one thing that seemed plausible, I ran. For what seemed like an eternity, I ran around this destroyed city, choking on smoke and watching my back for zombies. The nightmare finally ended after I took refuge in an alleyway and lay my head down. As I laid my head down though, a zombie entered my peripheral vision. I turned and saw his gaping jaws and outstretched hands, and then I woke up with a little scream, and I wrote this dream down.

Sorry about the long read. Crazy though, eh?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
In your nightmares
**** that story waz probably the best one iv'e seen on this page. You completely gave great detail like a pro stroy writer. U must be a wiz in english class.
Oct 28, 2008
Where I'm still #1
I have dreams of my childhood often. I have about a 75% chance of remembering the dream after I wake up.

There are even times I wake up and my body is very sweaty, because I would wake up from an instance in my slumber before death. That has happened about 9 individual times, I can still recall all of them, and for what would cause my death...


Smash Lord
Sep 27, 2008
Boston, MA
One time a had a dream where I was traveling to Korea to meet a grade school friend and when I got to his house he lived in this large wooden shack. And there was no floors around, just sand and dust. Then I went in and looked around and he wasn't there. So I walk outside and there all the sudden is a drive by shooting an the one manning the gun was the director of our school! So he fired a couple of rounds and then I woke up.

If anyone has one of those dream books then can you try to decode that? lol

X Shinigami X

Smash Cadet
Nov 30, 2008
Peoria, AZ
I don't have dreams I CHOOSE THEM when going to sleep I can kind of place the dreams there by telling myself to have them it's weird. Also I LOVE when I have a dream and I notice I'm dreaming you can do whatever you want it's hard not to wake up though =\

Golem the Stern Father

Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
TyfighterLAND. Location#2: Illinois? Yeah.
I forget my dreams about ninty percent of the time.

There are instances where I see myself in some war, and imagining the gates of heaven. The short and wide gate that most go in, and turning myself to a narrow and long gate where I see none go by. There are even instances where I forsee myself walking along the path, where I revolve around a mountain of some sort...

The weirdest dream was a flight to Italy, and witnessing a typhoon disrupt the inhabitants and structure of the more cultural area of town...


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
I always have dreams where my teeth are messed up or are falling out
Happens to me, too. It scares me every time. I think it was because back when I played basketball I once chipped five of my teeth and fractured one more all at the same time. I guess I'm just scared of it happening again.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
Is it just me or do most dreams seem to be about what's going on in life?

I had this dream where I was in a tropical place handing around a bunch of attractive women in this building. I didn't know any of their names and they didn't mine (weird). Towards the end I asked for this girl's number as she was getting in a bus. She said, "Look for me." Then she went to her seat as the door closed on me.

I watched the bus away and got MAD. This is where I woke up.

In another dream I was in Florida after I got of the plane. It was snowing and I was in a GIANT cathedral. I was just walking around looking at the art and how the snow complimented the beauty of this building. Haha.


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2009
I have a dream, pretty scary

I was walking down the street with my friends. Then I saw an old man trying to get across the street. I ignore it and keep hanging out with my friends. Later that night, just as I was getting ready for bed, I went to brush my teeth.
Suddenly my face started to wrink or squish together, changing it into the old man face I saw at the street.
But then blood started to drip out of my head. I was F ing scared to death.
After that dream I respect elder way more now.

Deleted member

I had recently read 1984 when I had a dream about denying something the government told me and I was taken to Room 101 where Axl Rose told me that 2+2=5. As Axl Rose electric shocked me, my wife woke me up because I was screaming in my sleep.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2008
In Synthesia
I had a dream where me and my bro was doing mercenary work. The messed up part was we were shot by this guy who was singing this Mother Goose stuff. Sure beats the Kirby dream I had when I was seven...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
I had a dream I was in American Idol. Woke up at the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. I'm friggin tone deaf.

The furosious robot has left

Smash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2009
I had a dream of a room made of Big, different legos. I was back in my youth, having a playdate with toy trucks. Than I heard a voice, telling me to get out. the voice sounded like it was evil. suddenly, my friends disappeared. There being 2 doors, I go out the Left one.The room was identical to the first, but darker colors and rearranged furniture. No parents, btw.I keep going out the left, thus in circles, but i had a feeling that I was leading a way out. I enter a door, leading into a room, almost pure white, but not clean. The graphics of my dream now switched to that of the MMO runescape. I was my character, in a casual outfit.I knew that if I stayed too long, I would somehow die. I walked accross the ledge, trying not to fall into the crevice. I cross with ease, making it to a door with a square floor infront. No walls, no cieling and nobody else. I open the door, to see Another character that looks like another player, designed to pk. but it was posesssed and I for some reason knew it. It also was holding a knife, and would use it. I woke up.

Meh. I did the best i could.

PS: Thank you for my 25th posts, people will no longer think of me as a "he has no idea what he is talking about", but they will think of me as a "Pretty inexperianced, but he might have something good to say"


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
I had a dream when I was little that my whole preschool class was being thrown up out of my mouth like a rollercoaster. I probably had a bad pb&j or something ;)


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I actually have incredibly bad night terrors that I'm currently searching for an answer too and have been having them for three years, I don't sleep anymore because of it.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Legend of Zelda+No more Heroes= WTF dream.

Okay so in my dream I was fighting a futuristic/modern version of TP Darknuts. Thing is I was fighting them with a Beam Katana similar to the Tsubaki MK III(The Only Beam Katana that looks like a real Katana). So any ways slicing them and stuff, till I got to the Commander one. So we have this what i assume is an awesome fight scene and in the end I slashed him, threw my Katana in the air, and punch the Darknut. As he fell to the ground I catch my Katana with the Beam running along my arm, with the Hilt pointing at his face, and it just ends there.

Not as much as WTF as some of the dreams here, but still kinda weird for me.

@The furosious robot has left

Don't Argue with CK about Lucid Dreaming. He does it already, and knows quite a lot about the subject, so don't try to argue with him about the subject.
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