i had a dream me and my friends were driving along this very narrow cliff, think of yoshis mario kart stage from mraio kart 64, and then we fell off the cliff, but i thought to myself, NOOO i have to play brawl! so i did a magnificent leap from the vehicle towards the cliff, my fingers brushed up against the edge of the cliff, i started to fall, but then i got some grip with my shoes, did a huge backflip off of the cliff and landed on another cliff. and then i woke up
Very funny. LMAO worthy.
I had a dream where I was playing as Ike, in his blue costume, and it was a stage I've never seen before. There was a red, fiery background, and the shape of the stage was like this:
* = empty space
I don't think the walls were breakable, but it seems like an interesting stage to play on. Anyway, it was a 4-player free for all, and everyone was about to clash in the center of the stage , probably to an epic explosion of awesomeness, but then I woke up...