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Dr. Mario PSA [v0.7] Recolors + Melee F-Air + Stock Icons


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
Keep in mind that if you use Doctor's Order, you're going to have to make it really short. True timers haven't yet been discovered, the best that can be done is to make a value that goes down a certain amount at the beginning of each subaction, so any time limit will be indefinite at best. Also, remember that unlike other 'transformation' Final Smashes, the timer regulating the appearance of the Smash Ball will still run, so make sure you don't run into the 'infinite chain of Final Smashes' problem that plagues Zero!
Or, to make it easier, just don't make him invincible, only stronger offensively. That way it won't be overly broken even if it lasts up to the next Smash Ball.
Hopefully you mean plagued, right? If not I have some fixin' to do.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Keep in mind that if you use Doctor's Order, you're going to have to make it really short. True timers haven't yet been discovered, the best that can be done is to make a value that goes down a certain amount at the beginning of each subaction, so any time limit will be indefinite at best. Also, remember that unlike other 'transformation' Final Smashes, the timer regulating the appearance of the Smash Ball will still run, so make sure you don't run into the 'infinite chain of Final Smashes' problem that plagues Zero!
Or, to make it easier, just don't make him invincible, only stronger offensively. That way it won't be overly broken even if it lasts up to the next Smash Ball.
Ohh, I see... hmm... well, if It does come down to Doc's Orders, I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

Hopefully you mean plagued, right? If not I have some fixin' to do.
I've only played Zero 3 times because YL is on my main SD Card, and Zero is on my secondary. During these times I did not notice this, but then, I only used his FS once... it was epic though O_O

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Deadline announced. Can anyone think of a good animation for Doc's taunt in melee? I have no idea what I could use... or if there's a character that has a good animation that fits for a Doc taunt?

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
You renamed it to FitMarioMotionEtc.pac, right? </obligatory question>
Yup, and it was in my mario folder along with fitmario.pac... Hmm I wonder what could be amiss... :urg: I cant rly update the build if I cant even test the main feature...


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
I tried the spinning pill, looks great, but the pill is much too huge, to try and hide the flames, I suppose? it looks better smaller though


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
I tried the one which sinistersnakesennin posted (by Pinukt)

simply place the file FitMarioMotionEtc.pac in the mario fighter folder

I did not have any fitmario.pac files on my SD card, though it would not matter for seeing the pill


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2009
Hopefully you mean plagued, right? If not I have some fixin' to do.
Yeah, you can't do the infinite chain anymore, so it isn't really a problem anymore (the real problem was not so much the fact that he could potentially continue indefinitely, but the fact that, being invincible, there was no way to stop him except by chasing after and breaking the ball before he did, which was nearly impossible). Even so, there is a reason why all the transformation Final Smashes stop the timer on the next appearance of the Smash Ball, and there isn't any way to do that using PSA. Ah, well, it's not like Final Smashes are anywhere near balanced to begin with, so I wouldn't call it a problem, however I just want to make it clear that invincibility that can potentially last up the the next Smash Ball appearance = something to avoid on all accounts.

Oh, by the way, I just thought of something that could be a cool addition. Why not make his down-throw have huge knockback, but HEAL the opponent's damage? I think it might be possible if you put generate food + get item in the ThownLw subaction, it would be very unique and make a new mechanic for team matches, and, well, he IS a doctor, after all...:p


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Deadline announced. Can anyone think of a good animation for Doc's taunt in melee? I have no idea what I could use... or if there's a character that has a good animation that fits for a Doc taunt?
You could use Falco's "Piece of Cake" taunt where he juggles his reflector, but make it a pill instead. *shrugs*

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
I tried the one which sinistersnakesennin posted (by Pinukt)

simply place the file FitMarioMotionEtc.pac in the mario fighter folder

I did not have any fitmario.pac files on my SD card, though it would not matter for seeing the pill
Oh okay. I haven't tried this one yet. I shall soon though.

Oh, by the way, I just thought of something that could be a cool addition. Why not make his down-throw have huge knockback, but HEAL the opponent's damage? I think it might be possible if you put generate food + get item in the ThownLw subaction, it would be very unique and make a new mechanic for team matches, and, well, he IS a doctor, after all...:p
Huh... I hadn't though of that. It sounds like a very interesting idea to toy with... Yeah, you know what, I'm gonna see if I can do that. I was also thinking, like Pichu, giving him a taunt to replenish his health by a small amount, but punishable by having a long animation. He'd take a Tylonol to relieve his headache of dealing with idiots all day :p

You could use Falco's "Piece of Cake" taunt where he juggles his reflector, but make it a pill instead. *shrugs*
Yes, but that would more than likely distort his body serverely, giving him a "Manchu" look lol. Unless we can edit bones? Idk, I can't keep up with you young people these days... with your Atari, and your spirographs, and your Jimmy Hendrix... oh... wait wut


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Don't know until you try. I wouldn't think it would take that long to test. Probably will screw it up, but hey, worth a shot. lol

Mario's "Take off the hat" animation, but waving a pill instead after plucking it from his hair? lol

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Don't know until you try. I wouldn't think it would take that long to test. Probably will screw it up, but hey, worth a shot. lol

Mario's "Take off the hat" animation, but waving a pill instead after plucking it from his hair? lol
Hah, true that my friend. Unfortunately I do not have acess to a Wii at the moment, but I'll attempt to try and do something about it tomorrow, but no promises; as I have a dance at school tomorrow, but I probably will not attend. The music, quite frankly, sucks. :p Plus, all the girls are crying because their boyfriends wont dance with them... too much drama, know what I mean? Anyway...

Ah, that could work as well. I have an idea for D-Air:

Wario. Wario's D-Air. would that make him look really fat for the animation though? XD

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
I tried the one which sinistersnakesennin posted (by Pinukt)

simply place the file FitMarioMotionEtc.pac in the mario fighter folder

I did not have any fitmario.pac files on my SD card, though it would not matter for seeing the pill
Well, I FINALLY got the pill to display. But I had to remove fitmario! What the heck?! Is it because I need to restore Mario's Neutral B in PSA?


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
The 808 State
lol when i saw the taunt pic...i didnt read everything and i thought thats what you changed his fsmash into...
idk what would be his final smash..

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
^^Actually, I was considering it, but then realized that was kind of one of Doc's specialites...


I tried importing Luigi's D-Air for an official build, but it ended up replacing the animation used for Down Special. SO, I tried replacing the Low F-Tilt, which is what is used for D-Air, but it affected the actual Low F-Tilt T_T anyone have any ideas?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2009
Sounds to me like you're just not keeping track of the PSA and BrawlBox data. If you gave him the Tornado for his Down B, you probably did so by naming the Down Special animation AttackAirLw in PSA, so if you replace Mario's AttackAirLw with Luigi's in BrawlBox, that'll become his Down B. If his Low F-Tilt still has the same name, then when you replace that animation, it'll change into whatever you replace it with. Keep one attack per animation and keep track of what everything's called, or you're bound to get confused.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Ohh. Maybe I should use another one of his (now) unused animations? like the FLUDD squirt (lol)? Might make things easier.

God of Humility

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2009
So, is this project dead or something? Any new progress? The entire Melee cast needs to return.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
No, sorry, just been a bit busy. and a little unmotivated lol, I just got MegaMan ZXA and MegaMan Zero games 1-3. Very good games all of them, I think MMZ2 and 3 are the best of the series. MMZ4 was good but only had 2 weapons, as well as MMZ1. anyway! the winning FS for the poll is:

Change the graphic on one of the assist trophies like advance war troops or excite bike into the viruses who spawn everywhere and run all over the stage, then pills start to drop from the sky at the same time until they are all off the stage. Don't know how possible that is to do, but it is an interesting idea.

I don't know about pills falling everywhere but the advance wars/excite bikes trophy thing is very possible. Also the model importer has been pushed back sort of, so I think I am gonna do recolors. but first:

Does anyone know how to remove Marios cap in brawl box, but have his hair model stay all the time? I stopped using the code because it cut off Luigis head and MANY other side effects for all the characters...


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
It sounds like all you would have to do is create two commands:

Spawn Advance Wars/Excite Bikes assist. Then drop the pills. Continue to have pills drop until the assist disappears. Sorta like this:

Check if AW/EB has disappeared. If it has, stop dropping pills and end the animation. Else, continue dropping pills.

Of course, this is all based on my limited knowledge of PSA(just from skimming through various threads, a couple of conversations, and looking at a couple characters), so it probably isn't how it should be done....but I hope it gives a general idea of how to code it.


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
I'll try to make the pill better, however, the capsule is one polygon, so it might be impossible to remove the yellow top until model injecting...

God of Humility

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2009
I don't know much about BrawlBox, but I can maybe help in simple pac editing if you'd like. The FS sounds good too.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
I'll try to make the pill better, however, the capsule is one polygon, so it might be impossible to remove the yellow top until model injecting...
Oh cool, ok. Do you have any theories on why the pill wont work for me when I have the moveset on my sd card? if i just have the motionetc it shows up...

It sounds like all you would have to do is create two commands:

Spawn Advance Wars/Excite Bikes assist. Then drop the pills. Continue to have pills drop until the assist disappears. Sorta like this:

Check if AW/EB has disappeared. If it has, stop dropping pills and end the animation. Else, continue dropping pills.

Of course, this is all based on my limited knowledge of PSA(just from skimming through various threads, a couple of conversations, and looking at a couple characters), so it probably isn't how it should be done....but I hope it gives a general idea of how to code it.
Sounds about right. I'm not exactly psa savvy either though ^_^"

I don't know much about BrawlBox, but I can maybe help in simple pac editing if you'd like. The FS sounds good too.
Oh cool that would be nice lol. I'm kinda doing this alone (well the moveset, obviously other people are making pills etc)


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
Oh cool, ok. Do you have any theories on why the pill wont work for me when I have the moveset on my sd card? if i just have the motionetc it shows up...
Um, doesn't your moveset not use the fireball? You need Mario to shoot fireballs regularly if you want the pills to work.

@superyoshi: unfortunately, we can't really spawn specific assist trophies... or check if they're still around.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Err I hate the fact that the hatless code is a code only. I'd LOVE it if it was a in the actually pac.
(the code is also a tad glitchy)

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Um, doesn't your moveset not use the fireball? You need Mario to shoot fireballs regularly if you want the pills to work.

@superyoshi: unfortunately, we can't really spawn specific assist trophies... or check if they're still around.
wait... oh, wow, I'm dumb. THAT explains it!

Err I hate the fact that the hatless code is a code only. I'd LOVE it if it was a in the actually pac.
(the code is also a tad glitchy)
Exactly, that's why when I take pics next time, I took the code off. too many side effects. Anyone know how to remove his cap in brawl box properly? maybe if we edit all the animations?


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
Well, would it be possible to make a code so that only specific assists spawn? That way all that would be need is to spawn an assist trophy and use the item.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Well, would it be possible to make a code so that only specific assists spawn? That way all that would be need is to spawn an assist trophy and use the item.
Yes, actually there is one, but people like those assist trophies (I'd guess). I might have to do that for the time being... I'm doing homework right now. Otherwise I'd have already fixed the pill throwing issue.

EDIT: Are the emerald textures called FitCharacterDark.pcs?


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
to make the pill look its best, I'd like to know some data from melee, if anyone has melee handy and could research it for this

I would like to know the number of rotations the pill goes through before disappearing (from standing) (best done in slow melee) and the position the pill gets spawned at (immidately after pressing B) (completely vertical, diagonal, on its side, ect.)

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
I wonder how I'd do with making a taunt from scratch... anyone know how I'd re create Doc's melee taunt? if the megavitamin needs to be "juggled" then I have no idea what to do about this. I guess we dont really NEED it, since Link and Samus scraped their melee taunts. I just don't know what else I'd put in...

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Oh, I forgot to mention, I actually did update. I got the pill to work ^_^ so he doesn't spawn pills anymore, only a Fire Megavitamin. Infact, that's what I'm going to name the move... I put up new pics too, with the model hack in it too. Next pics I take will feature Roy, since I realized that all the other pics have a Brawl Reject in them. So, the only thing that has changed is that basically theres a Megavitamin that deals fire damage instead of the Pill Toss. K?


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
once i figure out how to save animations in brawlbox (i just edit the animation and save the file, and the pill doesn't rotate...), then i'll just make it mimic it's animation in melee (to the exact details).

also, I'm retexturing the pill with the actual melee pill texture (I think)


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
Ok, i got a new texture, figured out how to animate it, and I made the pill about appropriate size, I just need animation details and I can make it perfect


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
looks like the fire data for his fireball is not editable in brawlbox, but it probably is in PSA

just modify his fireball throw to not have fire graphics, and do about 8 damage (given stale moves) and bounce differently (higher, but shorter distance traveled)

fiddling around with his texture, I tried alpha layering out the top of the capsule, which showed up transparent in brawlbox (luckily the capsule is shaped completely like a pill underneath the top part) but it is not transparent in brawl
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