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Dr. Mario PSA [v0.7] Recolors + Melee F-Air + Stock Icons


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
Yes, we can Alphatron, in fact, EASILY. We could also edit rotation, I guarantee that's in the FPs somewhere. And hit effect/bounce height would be easy as well :p

We could totally make melee pills if you wanted


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
rotation's already done, we just need the bounce/distance/damage/effects edited, which all point to PSA editing

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Well, perhaps I can be of some assistance. I've got melee, so I'll take a look at the pill in slow mode ok? After that, I'll think about recolors. But right now I'm uploading Nightmare Zero to Image Shack... Oh, and I got MegaMan and Protoman cursors today, they're awesome lol :3 Plus, its a snow day!! YAHOOOO!!

EDIT: Well, seek and you shall find... my ancestors the Doc team before us had already accomplished alot. This is why I was hesitant to start the project anew, but since my reply was the last, and it was in September, it was pretty much dead. Anyway, somebody did what I was gonna do today: Recolors.



Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
the stethoscope is a model, it wouldn't look to convincing as a texture, completely flattened against this shirt

also, if brawlbox would save my changes to the pill's vertex list, then we would have something looking like this:

EDIT: some data for ref

the melee pill spins about 6.25 (6 1/4) times in about 1.26625 seconds before disappearing, off of a single bounce, starting near vertically


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
NICE work guys.

I don't want to sound like a nag but any headway on hatless doctor mario WITHOUT using the code?

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
pako already made recolors for dr mario

this includes all 6 color combos

Cool, now we have recolors for the melee AND Brawl-esque versions! thanks dude.

the stethoscope is a model, it wouldn't look to convincing as a texture, completely flattened against this shirt

also, if brawlbox would save my changes to the pill's vertex list, then we would have something looking like this:

EDIT: some data for ref

the melee pill spins about 6.25 (6 1/4) times in about 1.26625 seconds before disappearing, off of a single bounce, starting near vertically
That looks great man! It looks like you've already got the data then... and what do you mean it wont save? thats weird...

NICE work guys.

I don't want to sound like a nag but any headway on hatless doctor mario WITHOUT using the code?
Read Below VV

its very possible, but i'm not sure how to delete/shrink/change polygons to remove it
We would have to edit each animation to force-load the hair model, and just delete the cap in brawl box...

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009

Yeah... I could probably delete the cap, but I have no intention of editing every single animation to force load the cap when the model importer is gonna come along most likely by Spring. So... nah. If someone wants to, be my guest, but frankly, I'm too lazy to do something like that when I could be perfecting the moveset...

WAIT. Anyone have a USB Gecko? If you take a look at the no cap code, heres what it does:

forces the cap model to disappear

forces the hair model to always appear

If we could find those offsets from the code in the game, and then hex them into which ever file(s) need be, then we'd have a Capless Mario. Any takers? I don't have usb lizard.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Want me to change the element of the pill?

If so how much damage, knockback and what element.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Want me to change the element of the pill?

If so how much damage, knockback and what element.
Hmm... well, for now let's just go with a generic hit (no element). But if you HAVE to make it an element, electric. But thats only if you cant make it a generic hit... as for damage and knockback... well, I'm really not sure haha... maybe (for now) the knockback of a normal fireball, and the damage of the fireball, but plus like 2? I don't know the exact specs haha ^_^"

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
^^Thanks MM500 haha ^_^ By the way I'm going to install B+ today and if I like it, we very well might see Doc get adjusted to fit B+! I've already installed the .pac files for every character that didn't already have a moveset, so I just need to add the codes.


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
brawl+ sucks

make a replicated original Dr. Mario moveset before any balance changes, otherwise it will be a Dr. Mario THEMED moveset, and be just as unoriginal as all the other PSAs.

Dr. Mario is technically a clone, so recreating his exact moveset will automatically make him a balanced character

only after then should you change the dr. around for brawl+'s balancing or any other balancing

God of Humility

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2009
brawl+ sucks

make a replicated original Dr. Mario moveset before any balance changes, otherwise it will be a Dr. Mario THEMED moveset, and be just as unoriginal as all the other PSAs.

Dr. Mario is technically a clone, so recreating his exact moveset will automatically make him a balanced character

only after then should you change the dr. around for brawl+'s balancing or any other balancing
Isn't the point of recreating Melee characters to luigify them and have their own nearly-unique movesets?

Look at Pichu, they added discharge. Look at Roy, the tipper mechanic was implemented. Look at Young Link, he's going to have ice and light arrows.

This way, they still feel original while being somewhat true to their old form. Its better that way IMO.


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
a unique moveset is a unique moveset

luigi in smash 64 was little more than a mario with an extra special hitbox and fireball. the "clones" in melee had enough changes from the based character to make them separate characters to main over their so called "clone" counterparts.

the characters were unique enough in melee, giving them a more unique moveset is essentially the same as making your own character.

God of Humility

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2009
While I agree with the fact that clones in Melee are diferent from the base, I still feel they need to be luigified. Doc himself was the closest clone to his base. I think we should still opt for a marking diference in more moves. (Something more than simple speed and damage change. Like a move is made to used in a different way.)

But obviously, its not my moveset. Its already awesome enough someone is making Doc.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
You bring up good points GoH. All of the fallen 5 was now been given something to distinguish them from the others. I cannot think of anything that would give Doc a good "push" to be Brawlified... maybe some new attacks or something. Im still slightly leaning toward elemental megavitamins, but I dont know. I think adding new attacks would be best.

God of Humility

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2009
You bring up good points GoH. All of the fallen 5 was now been given something to distinguish them from the others. I cannot think of anything that would give Doc a good "push" to be Brawlified... maybe some new attacks or something. Im still slightly leaning toward elemental megavitamins, but I dont know. I think adding new attacks would be best.
Yes! New attacks would definitely be best. Just be sure he still stays true to his Melee incarnation. We want him to retain the Doc feel he had before. (Keep the Doc attributes to moves that were different enough like fair and FSmash.)

I think a new Downb would be good. Return the spin to dair since its fine that way and create a whole new special for Doc. The special spin is on Luigi already. Or you could also give a brand new ability to his Special spin.

And if you want, since Doc is well, a doctor, shouldn't he be able to heal? PW found the events to modify damage so, its something to think about.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2009
Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Scotland, Europe, Earth
FIRST POST :) oooh new attacks i like the sound of that but i hope they don't get changed too much. The Doc was my best charcater in melee so i wouldn't want to learn completely different moves
P.S. Does anyone know the hatless mario code for PAL versions cuz i'm from Scotland and i've tried the code so many times and it didn't work :(


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
FIRST POST :) oooh new attacks i like the sound of that but i hope they don't get changed too much. The Doc was my best charcater in melee so i wouldn't want to learn completely different moves
P.S. Does anyone know the hatless mario code for PAL versions cuz i'm from Scotland and i've tried the code so many times and it didn't work :(
sadly the only real way to do it is buy an NTSC brawl disc online and use homebrew. Pal codes are wayyyy behind (im in edinburgh btw)

post in the scottish forum, we are always interested in inviting new blood :D


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
I disagree with changing DownB into something completely custom. I think the Mario/Luigi Tornado is a great DownB move, and actually does distinguish him from Brawl Mario, as Mario has the FLUDD.

Sure, Luigi has the spin as well, but what about it? Luigi has his own special SideB move, Doc keeps the cape.

Bam, each Mario/Luigi/Doc has their own set of specials.

If you wanna make Doc feel different, look into changing a few of the animations into Luigi's, or make some custom ones? They should be graphical differences mainly though, maybe alter a few moves to make him feel less.. "Athletic."

A prime example of this would be Dtilt.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2009
Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Scotland, Europe, Earth
I disagree with changing DownB. I think the Mario/Luigi Tornado is a great DownB move, and actually does distinguish him from Brawl Mario, as Mario have the FLUDD.

Sure, Luigi has the spin as well, but what about it? Luigi has his own special SideB move, Doc keeps the cape.

Bam, each Mario/Luigi/Doc has their own set of specials.

If you wanna make Doc feel different, look into changing a few of the animations into Luigi's, or make some custom ones? They should be graphical differences mainly though, maybe alter a few moves to make him feel less.. "Athletic."

A prime example of this would be Dtilt.
Yeah Shadic has a good point because the mario tornado does dr. mario a different character (in some Ways) I'd rather have mario tornado than FLUDD because no offense to mario fans but FLUDD does kinda suck on brawl


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2008
the melee doctor has a different down-air, down-b, regular-b, f-air, side-b, and f-smash than brawl mario, not to mention damage and hitbox differences

if you want to change him any further than his melee form, you should probably do so AFTER we give him his melee attributes

God of Humility

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2009
Yeah Shadic has a good point because the mario tornado does dr. mario a different character (in some Ways) I'd rather have mario tornado than FLUDD because no offense to mario fans but FLUDD does kinda suck on brawl
Yeah the tornado is a good move. We can keep it as long as its not a simple tornado. I mean, specials are supposed to be just that, special moves that are somewhat distinguishable from normal moves. Maybe add a property to it like movement, shield breaking, stun, .... something to make it different.

But, as long as you remove Fludd, anything is fine with me.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
The safest thing to do in terms of de-cloning him is taking a bunch of his moves and giving them new animations but similar hibox locations, durations, and knockbacks. Think new Ganon d-tilt vs. Falcon d-tilt.

Then, make two or three moves completely new.

I have some experience with overhauling animations and building them from scratch now, so I may be able to get some things together over break.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Yes! New attacks would definitely be best. Just be sure he still stays true to his Melee incarnation. We want him to retain the Doc feel he had before. (Keep the Doc attributes to moves that were different enough like fair and FSmash.)

I think a new Downb would be good. Return the spin to dair since its fine that way and create a whole new special for Doc. The special spin is on Luigi already. Or you could also give a brand new ability to his Special spin.

And if you want, since Doc is well, a doctor, shouldn't he be able to heal? PW found the events to modify damage so, its something to think about.
Right, I don't want a COMPLETELY new moveset, he will retain, say, 90-95% of his melee form. But we don't want a COMPLETE clone. Hmm, his IS a Dr., good point, I'll dwell on that and think.

FIRST POST :) oooh new attacks i like the sound of that but i hope they don't get changed too much. The Doc was my best charcater in melee so i wouldn't want to learn completely different moves
P.S. Does anyone know the hatless mario code for PAL versions cuz i'm from Scotland and i've tried the code so many times and it didn't work :(
Welcome to smash boards my friend :) Sorry, I can't really help you with PAL codes... I'm NTSC.

I disagree with changing DownB into something completely custom. I think the Mario/Luigi Tornado is a great DownB move, and actually does distinguish him from Brawl Mario, as Mario has the FLUDD.

Sure, Luigi has the spin as well, but what about it? Luigi has his own special SideB move, Doc keeps the cape.

Bam, each Mario/Luigi/Doc has their own set of specials.

If you wanna make Doc feel different, look into changing a few of the animations into Luigi's, or make some custom ones? They should be graphical differences mainly though, maybe alter a few moves to make him feel less.. "Athletic."

A prime example of this would be Dtilt.
Yeah, I'm probably gonna keep Down special, I added "shock" effects to it, but not shock sfx because... well, I don't know the values of any SFX... I'll see what I can do about animations, I've never made any before.

Yeah Shadic has a good point because the mario tornado does dr. mario a different character (in some Ways) I'd rather have mario tornado than FLUDD because no offense to mario fans but FLUDD does kinda suck on brawl
Haha yes I was dissapointed with FLUDD. Good concept, NOT good during a 4 Player match...

the melee doctor has a different down-air, down-b, regular-b, f-air, side-b, and f-smash than brawl mario, not to mention damage and hitbox differences

if you want to change him any further than his melee form, you should probably do so AFTER we give him his melee attributes
Yeah, I'm gonna make our good ol' Doc, and THEN focus on custom attacks. I gotta get to work on the FS!

Yeah the tornado is a good move. We can keep it as long as its not a simple tornado. I mean, specials are supposed to be just that, special moves that are somewhat distinguishable from normal moves. Maybe add a property to it like movement, shield breaking, stun, .... something to make it different.

But, as long as you remove Fludd, anything is fine with me.
Yeah, I added shock effects, but maybe adding something better to it might make it... well, better. I agree, FLUDD sucked.

The safest thing to do in terms of de-cloning him is taking a bunch of his moves and giving them new animations but similar hibox locations, durations, and knockbacks. Think new Ganon d-tilt vs. Falcon d-tilt.

Then, make two or three moves completely new.

I have some experience with overhauling animations and building them from scratch now, so I may be able to get some things together over break.
Ah, yes... I think I'll try that approach first. It will probably be easier to do as well. Custom animations huh? Cool! I have yet to attempt it...


Smash Cadet
Mar 13, 2009
Planet Earth
I disagree with changing DownB into something completely custom. I think the Mario/Luigi Tornado is a great DownB move, and actually does distinguish him from Brawl Mario, as Mario has the FLUDD.

Sure, Luigi has the spin as well, but what about it? Luigi has his own special SideB move, Doc keeps the cape.

Bam, each Mario/Luigi/Doc has their own set of specials.

If you wanna make Doc feel different, look into changing a few of the animations into Luigi's, or make some custom ones? They should be graphical differences mainly though, maybe alter a few moves to make him feel less.. "Athletic."

A prime example of this would be Dtilt.

From what I've seen/ heard Luigi's animations dont look good on anyone, probably has somthing to do with the nose...

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
From what I've seen/ heard Luigi's animations dont look good on anyone, probably has somthing to do with the nose...
While this is true, we can edit the bone structure (or something) now, so we can correct any animation on any character that looks "odd". Even Manchu if you wanted, but wheres the fun in that =w=


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2006
Foster City, CA
Switch FC
Perhaps you could make his FS have something to do with the viruses and/or pills from his game?
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