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Doodah Presents: Come To My House(Chu Will Be There!)


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
I don't know what the situation with hiroshi is exactly, but I know my mindset about how to play the game evolved as I got better. My first mindset was something like "if I can just play really smart, my complete lack of anything technical beyond lcanceling won't matter". Needless to say, that mindset clearly lead me to an early brick wall as a lot of smarts can only be applied with technical skill. Eventually I did what every Florida player does and I tried learning a space animal or two, and my mindset turned into "if I can just be as technical as possible and never miss a thing, tech chase like a god, etc, then I'll never get hit and can't lose". Obviously no one can be perfect all the time, and this mindset doesn't really take into account how you have to really learn all the characters in a sense so you really understand how to fight anything you're up against. When I realized that, I started to learn as many characters as I could. Then I took a little break from the game for collegial reasons. Now my mindset is along the lines of "if I can just figure out the flaw in how the other guy plays, I can use my technical skill as a tool to outsmart him". There's probably still holes and walls to my current mindset, but it's certainly an evolution from where I started.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
hiroshi will keep thinking that he lsoes cuz of tech skills but im not gonna bother arguing cuz there is no point. you can only know all if you learn everything step by step. tech skills will never be the reason why you lose hiroshi as much you want it to think that it is.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2007
West palm beach, FL
hiroshi will keep thinking that he lsoes cuz of tech skills

OKY heres the deal ill make this as simple as I can

lets say you and your opponent have an near equal amount of tech skill,

But you still lose, Guess what happened? He watched, predicted and manipulated.

If you don't bother with mindgames, you are just another tech player who thinks tech skill
is the only thing needed in smash. And loses.


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Lake Worth FL
People are practicing this saturday? or did you mean next saturday right before the event? If it's this saturday, I'm down to smash with you guys, just give me an address. Either way, I can't wait to play you all the tournament.
It was me inviting peeps over THIS SATURDAY to practice. I'll be on tommoro and see if i'll still do it.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
very good post. but i would like to say, i dont suck. im not as good as top ten players obviously, but i do not in any way suck. and yes i do believe mindgames>tech. i never said that tech wasn't important, but mindgames are more important and you gave the reason why. they have more outreaching applicatons than tech does. simple as that. very informative post though.

hiroshi will keep thinking that he lsoes cuz of tech skills but im not gonna bother arguing cuz there is no point. you can only know all if you learn everything step by step. tech skills will never be the reason why you lose hiroshi as much you want it to think that it is.
ok lambc0ck, so if you didnt use your shuffles, shl, rhls, shine combos/pillaring, wavedashing, l-canceling, teching, against somebody who as smasrt as you, you would still win? you wouldnt, you need tech. and you CAN lose because of a lack of tech. you can be really smart, but if your opponent is just as smart AND has good tech, but you dont have the tech, they will win. you can lose cuz of tech lambc0ck. i've heard a lot of good players say how they messed up at the end and lost the macth. guess what, they are really smart, BUT THEY LOST CUZ OF A TECH PROBLEM. they whiffed an attack or missed that finishing hit or did the wrong move or sd'ed. they just lost cuz of tech.

hiroshi will keep thinking that he lsoes cuz of tech skills

OKY heres the deal ill make this as simple as I can

lets say you and your opponent have an near equal amount of tech skill,

But you still lose, Guess what happened? He watched, predicted and manipulated.

If you don't bother with mindgames, you are just another tech player who thinks tech skill
is the only thing needed in smash. And loses.
no ****. we arent even talking about this. no one has said that mindgames are unimportant in this thread yet, so this is irrelevant.

and i am growing. i am getting better and better. and i do feel like i am getting smarter, no doubt about that, but one big thing that i have noticed is my tech is getting better, by a pretty good amount. and its helping a lot. instead of doing %20 damage off a shine, i can now do %40+. its instances like this that show the importance of tech. with more tech , usually means you can land in more shots/hits and longer combos. i am not sying you cant do this with mindgames either, but tech does mean a lot. i agree with xif that tech is important. and lambc0ck knows its important too, he uses it a lot. he plays mad technical these days every game...peace



Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
like I said im not gonna bother arguing and let you keep thinking that you lose cuz techs. you hear pros johnning about messing yes but in reality they jjust got owend lol who in the world can do all their comboes right when they are under pressure especailly when they are losing. ever notice when your 3 stocking someone your tech skills are perfect? and when you are losing your more under pressure and very likely to mess up all types of tech skills and when you finally get the right opportunity to finish an opponent you mess up and lose the match cuz of that mess up. basicallly when your messing up it means that your getting owned and the person is smarter than you lol


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
ok lambc0ck, im am a complete dummy noob and my logic makes no sense and you are completely and utterly correct and can never be wrong and im stupid. im sorry for ever bringing this up as i am obviously dumb/stupid/******** and will never get this. and im a scrub too, cant forget that one. and i also think tech skill matters too much so i can never be good at the game and my points are actually pointless. end of discussion...peace



Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
Hopefully we can smash this saturday.

i live in palm beach gardens i map quested it and its 26 miles from the tourney location
I can't help you, google maps says you're out of my way. I thought palm beach gardens was on the way to lake worth but I'd actually have to head a lot north first and then backtrack south. Sorry.

Jadin Xquire

Smash Cadet
May 27, 2007
Flowin: you want to get owned? I havent seen you in a while.
These different post about tech skill> Mind games......Mind games> Tech skill got sour. Stop please. It hurts my eyes to see the best comment, done by Syn~, is being sabotage by these other relating comments. Stop the beckering. Resolve the arguing by playing each other on the day of the tourney.

DaShizwiz: I hope Doodah Rigs the bracket in the beginning of the tournament where I fight Shizwiz first round. Once I beat him in the winners bracket then I will lose purposely to enter the loser bracket. Doodah will rig the loser bracket again so Shiz next match is with me again. To take Dashizwiz out. Automatically pissing him off because the ride from west florida to east florida was horrible. I know shiz.....that was evil of me to say. Dont get rested! Hate matches!


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005
..... N2K's Jiggs is scary.... :(.

And I wish I was good at this game....

Maybe one day I can be technical like Lambchops. Or as smart as HungryBox...


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
H1roshi the whole reason you lose is because of your n00b mindset.

The only thing in this game you need to know how to do is jump and attack.

When you're playing a match, against me for example, and the whole time you're saying things like "wow, fox owns shiek so bad", or "god I suck" and then when you lose and people ask you what happened, instead of saying "I lost", you say some bull**** like "oh, my controller was messed up", or " I killed myself twice".

That's the mindset Chops is talking about.

You didn't lose because of your "tech skill", you lost because of your mindset revolving around you questioning every move you make.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
ok lambc0ck, im am a complete dummy noob and my logic makes no sense and you are completely and utterly correct and can never be wrong and im stupid. im sorry for ever bringing this up as i am obviously dumb/stupid/******** and will never get this. and im a scrub too, cant forget that one. and i also think tech skill matters too much so i can never be good at the game and my points are actually pointless. end of discussion...peace

well I am a smash teacher the teacher is never wrong lol. facts are facts


Smash Lord
Nov 16, 2007
537 Paper Street - Bradford - 19808
Hey XIF have you seen a documentry called "My date with Drew"? Yo, you totally look like the guy staring it.

Lol @ Flowin. We should play a few games man, its been to long. Where have you been? Someone told me you were working in a gay strip club in Wisconson, as a bartender of course. Haha, just playin. But I did hear you were camping towel heads, whats good with that? I can see you now, "I SHOT HIM IN THE ****!". GG Iraq.

Hey Sparks you up for doing some teams? If you're not doing teams with Sly let me know.


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Lake Worth FL
Anyone who wants to come over tommoro adress is:
6347 Prestwick Ct, Lake Worth,FL, 33467

my phone # is:
gimme a call after noon(12:00 PM) please, and I'll give you my address and you can mapquest my house. I live in smith farms by the way. It's about 5-10 minutes from doodah's house.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Okay, so I'm going to money match Linguini and Slit, and that other guy who challenged me earlier in the topic.

By the way, Linguini, I will be using Sheik. I know it's gay, but eh.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
I'll be there tommorow to practice up. I'll bring my brother's abandoned semi-functional cube with me in case we need it. This should give me chance to test out the gps I received for my birthday a few days ago.


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Lake Worth FL
I have a cube don't worry. Just bring a controller. Oh and bring some food since I may not be able to feed all yall.

EDIT: I take that back I may be able to get an extra TV downstairs so we can play more then one match at a time.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Sure, Riddle.


dude way earlier in the thread that I forgot his name lololol

Fun stuff.

I get to MM the adorable Linguini. <3


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
end of discussion...peace

i thought i ended this?

ok, im a noob.

well I am a smash teacher the teacher is never wrong lol. facts are facts
your right............................................................................................................................................

cuz im a noob so im always wrong no matter what.

im sorry for being such a noob. i should be still coming to this...peace



Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
What power?:laugh: We have one thing the north doesn't have.


Therefore south is better.
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