Game 1
0:12 - roll into waiting sheik rather than laser to regain some control
You could see that he went for the roll before sheik f-tilted, but it didn't come out and that's why his shield is directed to the side. Had he rolled when he intended it would have been a good decision. His mistake was that he kept trying to roll after he messed up. One of the easiest ways to punish anyone in smash is when you seem them mess up a particular move, you can bet that 90% of the time they will go for it again.
0:29 - jabbing the shield
It was a well spaced jab and wasn't punished, that wasn't a mistake.
0:29 - running into sh nair oos without any backup
Good call by Amsah. Had Zhu done sh bair after running back he would have hit. They both took a risk and Amsah won.
0:30 - roll into waiting sheik rather than laser to regain some control
Zhu didn't want to risk that Amsah go for another f-tilt and trade laser with an f-tilt, that trade is not in Falco's favor. Yes, his decision was wrong, but it was a guess. There's no way to know whether he will go for another f-tilt or wait.
0:30 - f-throw sheik onto edge... shine and many other moves would have been better
I think that sh nair oos would have been a decent punish, but his shield dropped. That may have been a technical error. After the shield dropped he lost valuable time to punish so he went for the first thing that came to mind when the enemy is at f-tilt distance at low%, grab. The grab was a sound decision. Up throw may have been better than f throw though.
Since the only move you say would have been better was shine that's the only one I'll comment on. Running grab has more range than running shine. Zhu didn't want to risk that extra range.
0:32 - dd --> shield ineffective against a character safe on shield and built on grabs -__- he should have kept lasering and forced her to approach awkwardly; he gave her a free opening. the dair for no reason was also dumb and gave amsah free time to move.
I assume you meant that it is ineffective for Zhu to DD into a shield? Do you play Falco? That is a great tool for spacing your character, the shield stops the momentum of your dash so you when you shl you have more control of where you land.
The dair was unnecessary, I'll give you that. Maybe he thought Amsah would roll? I don't know, even that can be reacted to. Lasers would have been better here, you are right on this account.
0:35 - after letting sheik get to her optimal spacing, rather than move back he stands in place with laser. and also refrains from shining and getting past her optimal spacing, which would have also been acceptable, since he was already there...
Yea, bad laser spacing here, I agree. But I don't get what you are saying about shine, he wasn't close enough. IMO he should have WD back from that shield and ran away lasered.
0:50 - buffer roll is stupid against sheik tech chase. shine is almost always better. sidestep > roll if they're dead set on regrabs.
His roll worked out fine. Amsah was too far to justify going for a shine. Amsah could have d smash just outside of shines range and done serious damage. Zhu made the right choice.
0:53 - high bair on shield and trying to space it? no. you don't space shield pressure vs sheik. you make sure it's safe and you go from there. preferrably CLOSE because of unpunishable (easy) multishines.
I think there is a tech error in there. After he lands from nair you see him do an extra duck, probably a missed shine. I'm going to guess that Zhu panicked because of his error and he thought Amsah would see it and would try to punish him for it, therefor Zhu went for his quickest attack at that point to counter. Definitely ugly on Zhu's part.
0:57 - sheik's nair is easy to beat if you do almost any of falco's "up" moves. or cc --> free move on it. zhu jumps into it, instead...
I agree, wavedashing underneath and waiting with up tilt, cc, shield, or dodge all would have been better.
1:17 - he keeps eating these f-tilts and not doing anything to punish after...
I don't think he was TRYING to cc the f-tilt into a shield. The shield was probably what was intended to be an L cancel for a sh dair/nair. The low platform was messing him up. That wasn't so much an error due to Sheik but due to FoD.
1:25 - failing easy edgeguard...
No. Amsah got the quick explosion on stage which counter people standing from the ledge. It would have missed had Zhu rolled, but Zhu didn't want to roll because if Amsah went straight up from the up b he would have grabbed the ledge. He didn't miss an easy edgeguard, he missed a mind game.
2:00 – why would you dash attack into sheik’s shield…?
Because Amsah's shield wasn't up. Amsah wasn't sitting there in his shield for even half a second, it barely got up in time. For all we know Zhu may have intended a shuffle nair.
He continuously does obvious n-air approach and gets f-tilted early in the match, when Amsah is just sitting there, or walking towards him. Halfway through the match, he finally realizes that it’s a bad idea and starts being more defencive.
He tries to pillar amsah’s shield a lot and gets n-air’d OoS for it. He doesn’t multi-shine.
In fairness, he ****ed up a lot of **** in this game, when he was making a good descision, but game 1, there were so many more noticeable things that he is doing poorly.