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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Deleted member

With Kazuya finally out alongside 4 significant Mii Costumes, we're now down to 1 last character in all of Ultimate, which means people are going to put out the narrative about how Smash never ends on a high note because of the list of last reveals that's happened in the past, which to me they're saying a Pokemon is the last character and you all have to cope with it. In all honesty, I can definitely picture the last character being a Pokemon because it fits that narrative real well, which is the topic I want to bring up today.

Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.

Other than Pokemon, I got 2 short answers in mind: a Dynasty Warriors character and Zagreus. For Dynasty Warriors, Ultimate has the largest roster of fighters we'll ever see, so to end the game with a character from the series with a roster just as big as Ultimate sounds like a fitting conclusion. Even when you consider Koei-Tecmo's involvement with various Nintendo projects, the symbolism is there for a Dynasty Warriors character in Smash. For Zagreus, Hades was announced on the same day as Joker was announced for Smash, so in my head, Smash DLC would come full circle with Hades being the last game added to DLC as it was unveiled on the same day as Joker was revealed for Smash. Call it a stretch by any means but I am willing to die on this hill that Zag would make a fitting final character to Ultimate mainly for that.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.
Sora, Crash, BWD and Eggman


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Dublin, Ireland
what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole?
Honestly? Much as I'd love a Digimon I've reached a weird point where I can't help but think Mametchi would be an amazing ending note.

Huge impact on video game history that is so ridiculously overlooked. I mean a Digimon could carry that legacy but they have a lot of their own legacy and a relatively high-profile rivalry which might distract from the point.

I like the idea of ending on a character whose impact on gaming history would swiftly go from 'who/why' to 'holy ****, wow - how did I not know this' after the Sakurai presents.

There are sure to be other characters besides Mametchi who would deliver that, some of whom would deliver that experience for me as well. I've got to be honest, I've just come to really enjoy when Sakurai gets to do a deep-dive on video-game history. There is something really special about that for me, and I would love to end on a character who really challenges the popular impression of video-game history in a meaningful and sincere way.
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
which means people are going to put out the narrative about how Smash never ends on a high note because of the list of last reveals that's happened in the past, which to me they're saying a Pokemon is the last character and you all have to cope with it.
That's not what I mean when I say it won't be a "high note", I mean it won't be a high note for post-Steve standards. Which is a much wider range than "obligatory Pokemon/FE shill".


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2018
I know that we've all stopped talking about this ages ago, but now that the dust has settled and everyone has stated their eulogies...time for this diehard Shantae fan to express his two cents on her "deconfirmation":

I'm absolutely elated.


When the Smash ballot was first announced, I voted three times using three different emails and three different ip addresses just to cover all my bases: Once for Banjo & Kazooie, once for Shantae, and once for Simon Belmont. They were my dream team, the "holy trinity", if you will.

Simon's trailer just blew me away, and B&K's reveal felt like an out-of-body experience. I held out hope for Shantae, but after Steve and Sephiroth, I kind of accepted that she just wasn't going to make it. Three fighters left in the ultimate Smash? Countless big-name franchises for Sakurai and Nintendo to choose from? Yeah, they weren't going to go for the indie sidescrolling half-genie mascot from Wayforward, y'know?

Especially after seeing the likes of Sans and Cuphead get the costume treatment. Both of those games took the world by storm, much more than any one Shantae title ever has. Not to mention Shovel Knight, arguably the face of indie games for countless gamers, was an Assist Trophy. I honestly thought the most we were going to get were the two Spirits.

So when I saw that bright purple ponytail jump onto the screen, I was practically screaming. She's a Mii costume, but an absolutely awesome one. The physics of her ponytail, the more feminine proportions as opposed to the stock Mii body, even her pointed ears. Some real TLC went into making this costume look as "ripped from the game" as possible.

As far as I'm concerned, Shantae is in Smash. There's just a little asterisk next to her name.

Am I disappointed that she's not a full-fledged Fighter? Of course I am. Whenever I do an f-Smash, it takes me a second to remember "Oh yeah, she doesn't attack with her hair". Taunting feels weird without her saying "Ret-2-Go!" or doing a little dance. I'm super bummed out that we won't get to hear Xander Mobus say "SHANTAE!"

But if it's this nor nothing, I'll happily take this.

I've never been a fan of the whole "Mii costume reveals are massacres" bandwagon. I think I just always saw Mii costumes for what they are and always have been: Sakurai extending an olive branch to fans of a character that wasn't chosen. It's never been "We either get a Mii costume or a full fighter", but rather "We either get a Mii costume or nothing at all."

But I get it. To many, Mii costumes are still a death sentence over anything else. And who am I to tell anyone how to feel, y'know? So let me put it a different way:

Tales of is one of the most popular RPG franchises in Japan, to the point where a lot of Japanese streamers were actually upset that Tekken got in instead. Skyrim continues to be one of the most-played video games of the 21st century. Devil May Cry is a standout flagship franchise from a studio filled with flagship franchises. These were HUGE characters that Sakurai showed off in that costume reveal.

And standing among these juggernauts - the ones Sakurai himself said were some of the "most requested", with fanbases so passionate that they were impossible for him to ignore in good faith - was our relatively-tiny indie rep Shantae. Complete with music.

I don't think people fully understand yet how huge that is. It's monumental. Shantae has never been closer to all-star status than she is right now. So many more eyes are going to be on her and her games now. Masahiro Sakurai made it happen, but we made it possible.

I'd say that's a damn victory for us Shantae fans.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
With Kazuya finally out alongside 4 significant Mii Costumes, we're now down to 1 last character in all of Ultimate, which means people are going to put out the narrative about how Smash never ends on a high note because of the list of last reveals that's happened in the past, which to me they're saying a Pokemon is the last character and you all have to cope with it. In all honesty, I can definitely picture the last character being a Pokemon because it fits that narrative real well, which is the topic I want to bring up today.

Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.

Other than Pokemon, I got 2 short answers in mind: a Dynasty Warriors character and Zagreus. For Dynasty Warriors, Ultimate has the largest roster of fighters we'll ever see, so to end the game with a character from the series with a roster just as big as Ultimate sounds like a fitting conclusion. Even when you consider Koei-Tecmo's involvement with various Nintendo projects, the symbolism is there for a Dynasty Warriors character in Smash. For Zagreus, Hades was announced on the same day as Joker was announced for Smash, so in my head, Smash DLC would come full circle with Hades being the last game added to DLC as it was unveiled on the same day as Joker was revealed for Smash. Call it a stretch by any means but I am willing to die on this hill that Zag would make a fitting final character to Ultimate mainly for that.
Octoling; Ultimate started with Splatoon so it should end with it. Splatoon is also one of Nintendo’s biggest rising stars, with the third game set to release next year.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2020
Los Santos, SA
These are the best selling franchises that has 0 representation in smash ultimate (numbers by wikipedia so it isn’t 100% accurate), i will not take into account sport (includes racing) games or anything based on license things (Example: Lego or Star Wars)

1) Call of Duty (2003, 400 million)
2) Grand Theft Auto (1997, 345 million)
3) The Sims (2000, 200 million)

note that in these top 15 there is Resident Evil, Assasins Creed and Elder Scrolls that only have spirits or dlc mii costumes.
I think games with yearly releases are cheating a little as those are mainly the same fans buying the games every year more or less. Also, I love this series but I'm pretty sure The Sims might also be cheating and counting expansion pack sales as their own games. So I'd reasonably slice that number down to 100 million. We also have SimCity in Smash which in a sense covers the "Sim Series."

With all that said, when DLC for Fighter Pass 2 was first decided, I remember Call of Duty was actually lower than Grand Theft Auto despite one series not having a mainline game since 2013 and the other series rushing out games every year. Also one is way more critically acclaimed than the other. I don't think any CoD games crack the top ten of individual highest selling games meanwhile GTAV is at number 2. The highest selling CoD game actually ties with Skyrim in terms of sales so even RDRII and Animal Crossing New Horizons outsold it. Minecraft was the third highest-selling game at around 70 million when it was first talked about for Smash.

If you lump together Half-Life and Counter-Strike as they once were the same series, they would be at around 60 million units at the very least which is interesting to think about.

I think it's also important to look at the top-selling individual game page on Wikipedia different perspective.

Well, that table didn't format well...

PUBG is pretty much the most fascinating placement here considering I haven't heard anything about that game since Fortnite got its own Battle Royale. I almost don't believe that number. I never even heard that many good things about the game either. I guess it's one of the biggest gaming fads.

I know that we've all stopped talking about this ages ago, but now that the dust has settled and everyone has stated their eulogies...time for this diehard Shantae fan to express his two cents on her "deconfirmation":

I'm absolutely elated.

I'd say that's a damn victory for us Shantae fans.
That's a fantastic way to look at it. All I'm doing is sitting here worried that Rockstar Games or some of my other MW like Hat Kid won't even get a Mii Costume or spirit by the time this is all done. I always saw people's disappointment as ridiculous for characters or series finally joining Smash in some form. I like Fallout and Skyrim a lot so I was super excited to see that iconic helmet and mascot as official parts of Smash Bros.

Geno fans were robbed of a better Costume though.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.
Out of the pool of characters I think are in contention, two come to mind.

First, Octoling. Like Rie said, Ultimate was announced with Splatoon, ending on Splatoon would almost feel poetic.

Second is Phoenix Wright. For two reasons. First, because winning the case by some miracle at the last second would be so in line, it hurts. And secondly, because when you consider the extended development between 4 and Ultimate, Mega Man was our first 3rd party for that game, and Ryu was our first original DLC character. Ending on Capcom would have a similar "end of a cycle" effect for me, I think.

There are others, like Waluigi, Sora and Master Chief, but I don't see them as too likely right now.
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Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2013
Call of Duty and GTA would never get a character in Smash, lol. Excluding them and sports franchises, then Resident Evil is THE biggest franchise not in Smash yet.

It's honestly suspicious to me Jill, Chris, Leon never got Mii outfits when Monster Hunter, Dante, Arthur, etc did.

Dan Quixote

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2020
These are the best selling franchises that has 0 representation in smash ultimate (numbers by wikipedia so it isn’t 100% accurate), i will not take into account sport (includes racing) games or anything based on license things (Example: Lego or Star Wars)

1) Call of Duty (2003, 400 million)
2) Grand Theft Auto (1997, 345 million)
3) The Sims (2000, 200 million)
4) Tomb Raider (1996, 82 million)
5) Halo (2001, 81 million)
6) Worms (1995, 75 million)
7) Borderlands (2009, 70 million)
8 Red Dead (2004, 60 million)
9) Battlefield (2002, 57 million)
10) Civilization (1991, 57 million)
11) Mortal Kombat (1992, 54 million)
12) God of War (2005, 51 million)
13) Crash Bandicoot (1996, 50 million)
14) Far Cry (2004, 50 million)
15) Diablo (1997, 50 million)

note that in these top 15 there is Resident Evil, Assasins Creed and Elder Scrolls that only have spirits or dlc mii costumes.
Holy crap Tomb Raider is that high? Dude Lara needs to get in Smash RIGHT now lol, I know people dislike throwing around the word "deserve" for Smash but cmon...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2020
Los Santos, SA
Call of Duty and GTA would never get a character in Smash, lol. Excluding them and sports franchises, then Resident Evil is THE biggest franchise not in Smash yet.

It's honestly suspicious to me Jill, Chris, Leon never got Mii outfits when Monster Hunter, Dante, Arthur, etc did.
See this is exactly how I jinxed Bayonetta into Smash 4.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
With Kazuya finally out alongside 4 significant Mii Costumes, we're now down to 1 last character in all of Ultimate, which means people are going to put out the narrative about how Smash never ends on a high note because of the list of last reveals that's happened in the past, which to me they're saying a Pokemon is the last character and you all have to cope with it. In all honesty, I can definitely picture the last character being a Pokemon because it fits that narrative real well, which is the topic I want to bring up today.

Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.

Other than Pokemon, I got 2 short answers in mind: a Dynasty Warriors character and Zagreus. For Dynasty Warriors, Ultimate has the largest roster of fighters we'll ever see, so to end the game with a character from the series with a roster just as big as Ultimate sounds like a fitting conclusion. Even when you consider Koei-Tecmo's involvement with various Nintendo projects, the symbolism is there for a Dynasty Warriors character in Smash. For Zagreus, Hades was announced on the same day as Joker was announced for Smash, so in my head, Smash DLC would come full circle with Hades being the last game added to DLC as it was unveiled on the same day as Joker was revealed for Smash. Call it a stretch by any means but I am willing to die on this hill that Zag would make a fitting final character to Ultimate mainly for that.
I'd say Monika, because nothing screams "the ultimate fighter" like a character who can manipulate the game itself (making her even more of a god than Galeem, Dharkon, Palutena, Master Hand, Crazy Hand, and Tabuu).
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2021
Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.
Shadow, I may be biased but not without arguments to help my case
-He would be the long awaited Sonic rep that people have been asking for since Brawl
-He's the ''Ultimate Lifeform'', and guess what this game is called as
-Would finally break the Assist Trophy fanrule (and the internet as well)
-Extremely popular and recognizable character, appeals to both casuals and hardcore gamers
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2020
Los Santos, SA
Holy crap Tomb Raider is that high? Dude Lara needs to get in Smash RIGHT now lol, I know people dislike throwing around the word "deserve" for Smash but cmon...
To me, it's a little weird that they did pick Sephiroth over Lara Croft even if it still makes a lot of sense. I get FF7 was horribly represented but Lara could've still been just as good of a pick and could've still brought in more FF content alongside her. Almost as if she could still get in as the last character if they're able to double-dip. If there isn't a double-dip, maybe some other gunner like from Resident Evil or GTA was chosen over her?? Either that or Sakurai isn't interested in making a full-on gunner character for some reason.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
The 104 Building
Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.
Octoling: Bookend with how Ultimate started.

Demi-Fiend: Bookend with how DLC started.

Any indie character: Represent a huge, important part of gaming that has been getting progressively more and more love in Smash. (I'm partial towards Quote or an Undertale rep, maybe Reimu, but I'm flexible.)


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
With Kazuya finally out alongside 4 significant Mii Costumes, we're now down to 1 last character in all of Ultimate, which means people are going to put out the narrative about how Smash never ends on a high note because of the list of last reveals that's happened in the past, which to me they're saying a Pokemon is the last character and you all have to cope with it. In all honesty, I can definitely picture the last character being a Pokemon because it fits that narrative real well, which is the topic I want to bring up today.

Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.

Other than Pokemon, I got 2 short answers in mind: a Dynasty Warriors character and Zagreus. For Dynasty Warriors, Ultimate has the largest roster of fighters we'll ever see, so to end the game with a character from the series with a roster just as big as Ultimate sounds like a fitting conclusion. Even when you consider Koei-Tecmo's involvement with various Nintendo projects, the symbolism is there for a Dynasty Warriors character in Smash. For Zagreus, Hades was announced on the same day as Joker was announced for Smash, so in my head, Smash DLC would come full circle with Hades being the last game added to DLC as it was unveiled on the same day as Joker was revealed for Smash. Call it a stretch by any means but I am willing to die on this hill that Zag would make a fitting final character to Ultimate mainly for that.
I would absolutely love a Dynasty Warriors character in Smash. I’ve been a huge fan of the series since Dynasty Warriors 2 on the PS2. The series also has an amazing soundtrack that would be great to have in Smash. I think we would also likely get a few Samurai Warriors and Ninja Gaiden songs along with a DW character. My favorite characters have always been Gan Ning and Zhu Rong but Lu Bu is pretty high up there as well and would be my choice.

I think Dynasty Warriors is likelier than most people think. I think the fact that we don’t have a Ryu Hyabusa Mii outfit yet makes me think this can happen. Hyabusa is one of the most requested characters for Ultimate but his developers basically said he isn’t happening. We just got a wave of popular requested characters as Miis which would have been the perfect place to add him as well. There were also rumors that Koei-Tecmo is somehow involved in Ultimate and we haven’t really seen anything from them other than Byleth. Finally, Koei has been very close with Nintendo recently and it makes perfect sense for them to get some representation.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2015
I know that we've all stopped talking about this ages ago, but now that the dust has settled and everyone has stated their eulogies...time for this diehard Shantae fan to express his two cents on her "deconfirmation":

I'm absolutely elated.

View attachment 321253

When the Smash ballot was first announced, I voted three times using three different emails and three different ip addresses just to cover all my bases: Once for Banjo & Kazooie, once for Shantae, and once for Simon Belmont. They were my dream team, the "holy trinity", if you will.

Simon's trailer just blew me away, and B&K's reveal felt like an out-of-body experience. I held out hope for Shantae, but after Steve and Sephiroth, I kind of accepted that she just wasn't going to make it. Three fighters left in the ultimate Smash? Countless big-name franchises for Sakurai and Nintendo to choose from? Yeah, they weren't going to go for the indie sidescrolling half-genie mascot from Wayforward, y'know?

Especially after seeing the likes of Sans and Cuphead get the costume treatment. Both of those games took the world by storm, much more than any one Shantae title ever has. Not to mention Shovel Knight, arguably the face of indie games for countless gamers, was an Assist Trophy. I honestly thought the most we were going to get were the two Spirits.

So when I saw that bright purple ponytail jump onto the screen, I was practically screaming. She's a Mii costume, but an absolutely awesome one. The physics of her ponytail, the more feminine proportions as opposed to the stock Mii body, even her pointed ears. Some real TLC went into making this costume look as "ripped from the game" as possible.

As far as I'm concerned, Shantae is in Smash. There's just a little asterisk next to her name.

Am I disappointed that she's not a full-fledged Fighter? Of course I am. Whenever I do an f-Smash, it takes me a second to remember "Oh yeah, she doesn't attack with her hair". Taunting feels weird without her saying "Ret-2-Go!" or doing a little dance. I'm super bummed out that we won't get to hear Xander Mobus say "SHANTAE!"

But if it's this nor nothing, I'll happily take this.

I've never been a fan of the whole "Mii costume reveals are massacres" bandwagon. I think I just always saw Mii costumes for what they are and always have been: Sakurai extending an olive branch to fans of a character that wasn't chosen. It's never been "We either get a Mii costume or a full fighter", but rather "We either get a Mii costume or nothing at all."

But I get it. To many, Mii costumes are still a death sentence over anything else. And who am I to tell anyone how to feel, y'know? So let me put it a different way:

Tales of is one of the most popular RPG franchises in Japan, to the point where a lot of Japanese streamers were actually upset that Tekken got in instead. Skyrim continues to be one of the most-played video games of the 21st century. Devil May Cry is a standout flagship franchise from a studio filled with flagship franchises. These were HUGE characters that Sakurai showed off in that costume reveal.

And standing among these juggernauts - the ones Sakurai himself said were some of the "most requested", with fanbases so passionate that they were impossible for him to ignore in good faith - was our relatively-tiny indie rep Shantae. Complete with music.

I don't think people fully understand yet how huge that is. It's monumental. Shantae has never been closer to all-star status than she is right now. So many more eyes are going to be on her and her games now. Masahiro Sakurai made it happen, but we made it possible.

I'd say that's a damn victory for us Shantae fans.
You can see how well I took it in my signature


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Dublin, Ireland
Shadow, I may be biased but not without arguments to help my case
-He would be the long awaited Sonic rep that people have been asking for since Brawl
-He's the ''Ultimate Lifeform'', and guess what this game is called as
-Would finally break the Assist Trophy fanrule (and the internet as well)
-Extremely popular and recognizable character, appeals to both casuals and hardcore gamers
Honestly that would be a dream come through for me. My dog named after passed away late last year, and I have done a little modding of his game in her honour.

Just need to figure out how to make a few pieces of code activate and deactivate based on the level and my loving tribute to her, which basically replaces the one actually bad mission type, will be finished.

Combined with the refinements that already exist in Shadow Reloaded the game will (mechanically) be about as close to Shadow Adventure as it will ever get... unless it ever gets a PC port.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2019
Whether if you believe CP11 will be a super requested and talked about character or somebody super lowkey, what characters/series do you think will make a fitting end to Vol 2 and Ultimate as a whole? There is no wrong answer to what you believe fits.
Waluigi. He was the AT used to show AT KOs, the first DLC was piranha plant (Nintendo classifies him as dlc so I am calling him that), he has appeal, is somewhat requested, and he would break a rule (No AT promotions in the same game). Plus, it would be kind of fitting for the overlooked/loser character to be the last DLC fighter. You can even make a trailer where his letter got lost in the mail, eaten by Plant, etc.

There would probably be some good memes from it too.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
My favorite is Daisy and she’d be my personal favorite addition to Smash of all time if she was unique. Post-Smash 4, I’ve kinda slipped into the fanbase but speculating on her chances was such a thrill that it took over most of my attention when it came to Smash. Seeing Dark Pit and Lucina with the epsilon-symbol in the Everyone is Here trailer already made me giddy, because it meant they were giving special treatment to clones. When she was finally confirmed, I was so elated.

I know her fanbase isn’t the best and I’ve met some bad people at every corner of the road, but somehow I made that character mine and I continue to owe her my rekindled passion for art, writing and speculation and it was so empowering to see her in.
Daisy joining helped me in this fantasy Smash league thing that I run because I was using a Peach alt for Daisy.

Remember, "Hi, I am DAISY"


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I've seen some talk on whether or not Miis should be taken as a loss or not. Might as well pitch in.

Too be honest, the Miis don't really feel that much like the fighter beyond visuals. They don't have the same moves and animations, they don't have a stage, and the usually don't have any songs, with only three exceptions so far. I know some people feel differently, or look more at the positives, but I personally don't care that much about being acknowledged and seeing my niche little interests up there with the heavy-hitters. I just want to see the movesets and be able to play the songs I like listening to in Smash. Also the stages I guess but most of the time the main focus when choosing stages is what songs I can play anyways

I don't want to come off as overbearingly negative or that I'm telling you to be disappointed, but personally, the Miis just don't interest me that much. Maybe it'd be different if one of my most-wanteds really were Mii'd (Or maybe that'd just be because there wouldn't be any fighters left anyways), but I dunno. Miis are just an afterthought to me, so if I had to choose between nothing or a Mii, I honestly wouldn't care that much either way.

Again, not trying to tell anyone to agree with me. It's just that it seems everyone's saying the Miis should be seen more like a win than a death sentence, and while I can see where people are coming from, I just can't bring myself to fully agree with them when I don't really care for the Miis anyways.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
they don't have a stage, and the usually don't have any songs, with only three exceptions so far.
I would argue that Wuhu Island and Find Mii are very much stages for the Mii Fighters, since both those stages were from games that heavily used Miis. And that besides the Mii tracks, the Wii Sports music and such also count as music for the Mii Fighters.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I would argue that Wuhu Island and Find Mii are very much stages for the Mii Fighters, since both those stages were from games that heavily used Miis. And that besides the Mii tracks, the Wii Sports music and such also count as music for the Mii Fighters.
I think they mean the Mii costumes.

I'm pretty sure Sharklord thinks the Mii Fighters themselves are cool, but the costumes aren't substitutes.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I would argue that Wuhu Island and Find Mii are very much stages for the Mii Fighters, since both those stages were from games that heavily used Miis. And that besides the Mii tracks, the Wii Sports music and such also count as music for the Mii Fighters.
Actually, the Miis are from the Super Smash Bros. series in game, so their stages are Battlefield, Big Battlefield, Small Battlefield, and Final Destination.

They also have 113 tracks to play on said stages.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I think they mean the Mii costumes.

I'm pretty sure Sharklord thinks the Mii Fighters themselves are cool, but the costumes aren't substitutes.
Ah, that makes more sense.
Actually, the Miis are from the Super Smash Bros. series in game, so their stages are Battlefield, Big Battlefield, Small Battlefield, and Final Destination.

They also have 113 tracks to play on said stages.
More like over 1000 after the music update for those stages.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I would argue that Wuhu Island and Find Mii are very much stages for the Mii Fighters, since both those stages were from games that heavily used Miis. And that besides the Mii tracks, the Wii Sports music and such also count as music for the Mii Fighters.
I think they mean the Mii costumes.

I'm pretty sure Sharklord thinks the Mii Fighters themselves are cool, but the costumes aren't substitutes.
Yeah, I was more referring to the costumes themselves rather than the Miis. The Dante Mii doesn't have a DMC stage, Sans doesn't have an Undertale stage, Lloyd doesn't have a Tales of Symphonia stage, etc. It's just their faces (Figuratively; Most costumes don't cover the face) and that's it, without really making them part of the crossover as a whole.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2020
Los Santos, SA
Actually, the Miis are from the Super Smash Bros. series in game, so their stages are Battlefield, Big Battlefield, Small Battlefield, and Final Destination.

They also have 113 tracks to play on said stages.
I really wish they had a Mii Logo instead, even though Brawler, Gunner, and Swordie are Smash originals, they represent the Miis so I wish they would be more connected to it normally.

Their representation is inconsistent as they're part of the 2000s tourney event despite those Mii fighters technically debuting in 2014. I think somebody missed the memo on that one or something.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2020
This is also a list of all third party IPs that have at least one game that sold more than 1 million copies in Japan. I put them in order taking into account their best-selling game. Also, I will discard any sports/racing game or IPs whose origin are not from a videogame.

1) Monster Hunter (MH Freedom 3, PSP, 2010, Capcom, 5.3 millions)
2) Dragon Quest (DQ IX, NDS, 2009, Square-Enix, 4.4 millions)
3) Final Fantasy (FF VII, PS1, 1997, Square-Enix, 4.1 millions)
4) Yokai-Watch (YW2, N3DS, 2014, Level-5, 3.3 millions)
5) Street Fighter (SFII, SNES, 1991, Capcom, 2.9 millions)
6) Minecraft (MC: Switch, Switch, 2017, Microsoft, 2.8 million* probably more)
7) Resident Evil (RE2, PS1, 1998, Capcom, 2.55 millions)
8) Chrono (CTrigger, SNES, 1995, Square-Enix, 2.03 millions)
9) Puyo Puyo (Super PP, SNES, 1993, SEGA, 1.7 millions)
10) Kingdom Hearts (KH2, PS2, 2005, Square-Enix, 1.6 millions)
11) Crash Bandicoot (CB3, PS1, 1998, Activision, 1.5 millions)
12) Mana (SoM, SNES, 1993, Square-Enix, 1.5 millions)
13) Tamagotchi (Tama 2, GB, 1997, Bandai-Namco, 1.45 millions)
14) Tekken (T3, PS1, 1998, Bandai-Namco, 1.40 millions)
15) Virtua Fighter (VF2, Saturn, 1995, SEGA, 1.3 millions)
16) Lode Runner (LR, NES, 1984, Konami, 1.1 millions)
17) Onimusha (O2, PS2, 2002, Capcom, 1.1 millions)
18) SaGa (SaGa, GB, 1989, Square-Enix, 1.1 millions)
19) Warriors (SW, PS2, 2004, Koei-Tecmo, 1.07 millions)
20) Parasite Eve (PE, PS1, 1998, Square-Enix, 1,06 millions)
21) Professor Layton (PL, NDS, 2007, Level-5, 1.01 millions)
22) Gradius (Gradius, NES, 1986, Konami, 1.00
23) Star Soldier (SS, NES, 1986, Konami, 1.00 million)
24) Metal Gear (MG4, PS3, 2008, Konami, 1.00 million)

If Level-5 aren’t near bankruptcy, Yokai-Watch could be a good candidate.

Would be a bit surprise if we won’t get at least a YW or Puyo Puyo mii costume. Chrono was rumoured to be a candidate for playable fighter (as per seven square leak) and this list makes sense.

But honestly anything can happen.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I really wish they had a Mii Logo instead, even though Brawler, Gunner, and Swordie are Smash originals, they represent the Miis so I wish they would be more connected to it normally.

Their representation is inconsistent as they're part of the 2000s tourney event despite those Mii fighters technically debuting in 2014. I think somebody missed the memo on that one or something.
I'm not bothered by them being a Smash Original moveset/class itself. But the debut thing for the tourneys are weird. Steve's actual avatar appeared before 2010, but that's still the tourney they went with. Inconsistent indeed.

That said, I'd love an actual regular Mii as a fighter, with pre-set designs of more infamous official Mii designs. That'd separate them better, as they would have the cool Sports/etc. stuff from all the MIi/Wii games. Nothing like a singing taunt. I don't see it as something realistic, especially as part of the gimmick is "making your own Mii". But hey, we all have fun dreams. XD


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I really wish they had a Mii Logo instead, even though Brawler, Gunner, and Swordie are Smash originals, they represent the Miis so I wish they would be more connected to it normally.
I think it would be cool if you could customize it in future titles.

For example, you could have a Chrome Mii that uses the Fire Emblem series icon, and Awakening's victory fanfare.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
Whether a Mii costume is good really depends both on the character and how far the costume goes to be the character. Sans, for example, is a masterclass on how to do a Mii costume. That just is Sans.
This means the character being costumed should have similar proportions to a Mii, and if the character's face is considerably different from the Mii maker's capabilities - cover it with a custom helmet.
Shantae fits the first part, and while not perfect - you can make a fairly decent Shantae face in the Mii maker. She definitely falls into the "I'll take it, I suppose!" genre of Mii costumes, I would say. Meanwhile that Dante Mii outfit is... I don't want to say it's a slap in the face - I'm sure there were good intentions behind including it - but I get why it feels that way.
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2020
Los Santos, SA
This is also a list of all third party IPs that have at least one game that sold more than 1 million copies in Japan. I put them in order taking into account their best-selling game. Also, I will discard any sports/racing game or IPs whose origin are not from a videogame.

1) Monster Hunter (MH Freedom 3, PSP, 2010, Capcom, 5.3 millions)
2) Dragon Quest (DQ IX, NDS, 2009, Square-Enix, 4.4 millions)
3) Final Fantasy (FF VII, PS1, 1997, Square-Enix, 4.1 millions)
4) Yokai-Watch (YW2, N3DS, 2014, Level-5, 3.3 millions)
5) Street Fighter (SFII, SNES, 1991, Capcom, 2.9 millions)
6) Minecraft (MC: Switch, Switch, 2017, Microsoft, 2.8 million* probably more)
7) Resident Evil (RE2, PS1, 1998, Capcom, 2.55 millions)
8) Chrono (CTrigger, SNES, 1995, Square-Enix, 2.03 millions)
9) Puyo Puyo (Super PP, SNES, 1993, SEGA, 1.7 millions)
10) Kingdom Hearts (KH2, PS2, 2005, Square-Enix, 1.6 millions)
11) Crash Bandicoot (CB3, PS1, 1998, Activision, 1.5 millions)
12) Mana (SoM, SNES, 1993, Square-Enix, 1.5 millions)
13) Tamagotchi (Tama 2, GB, 1997, Bandai-Namco, 1.45 millions)

Would be a bit surprise if we won’t get at least a YW or Puyo Puyo mii costume. Chrono was rumoured to be a candidate for playable fighter (as per seven square leak) and this list makes sense.

But honestly anything can happen.
Ima do it, Ima bring up GTA again lol.

The info on GTAV's sales in Japan are pretty scarce but according to some quick info, it sold at least 1,200,000 units being very generous.

GTAV on PS4 sold around 600,000 units around 2 years ago according to this reddit post with sourced info from a Japanese site.

For some reason, GTAV on PS4's sales were split between the original PS4 release which sold 196,000, and a "(Price Revisioned Edition)" which sold 386,000 units as a whole. (Not sure why they're split at all)

The PS3 version of GTA V sold 699,000 units by early 2014, only a few months after the game came out in Japan.

699,000 + 196,000 + 386,000 = 1,281,000 Units sold for GTAV in Japan at least as of 2019. Considering how GTAV still sells so well all around the world, it's probably at the very least 50,000 to 100,000 units more. Pretty impressive for a gaming rated Z by Cero.
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