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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
So apparently there was another twitter claim that dante is in along with the main character from red red dead redemption....
Dante is my last wanted character
Red dead getting in is a crazy thing to me. Still want to belive in the ahri dream
It's probably the twitter trick, as mentioned. The same thing the Crash leaker, Mandycan, did. This Arthur leaker account was only recently unprivated I believe

Also, I think this is the first time I looked at your profile Pic and saw Jeanne first, instead of Mistaking it for Gohan


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I'd probably be the only once excited for it, but if we had to get a Rockstar character for Smash, Jimmy Hopkins from Bully would be a fun choice. Between the moves he learns and kid weapons he wields (Spud gun, bag of marbles, stink bomb, etc) there's a workable moveset there with some work.


Sep 26, 2013
Y'all need to learn that this ****'s easy to fake.

Mind if I turn your attention to this?

This channel "predicted" people who would die in 2020, and not just who, but their date of death exactly, and the kicker? All these videos were posted in 2017... so how'd it do it?

It made a metric ****ton of videos that were hidden, and then when a person died, they unhid them, while also editing the date and month in the YouTube editor. If you pause on two vids that have the same day or month, you'll notice that they're the exact same frame of animation.

So either:

A) This YouTube channel is a death seer who can predict people's deaths


B) They posted a metric ****ton of videos 3 years in advance and sat on them waiting, and then when someone died, they edited the video to be exact.

It's really not that hard to post stuff in advance and hide it, while waiting.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
I Kind of want to say we could get both CP10 and CP11 revealed in the same presentation in June

-With the Gap being around 2 months, and the fact that because there are only 2 fighters left, and assumingly no further development in the future for Ultimate, most of the attention is toward these 2 fighters, instead of spread out by 3 or more

-June is the 3rd year anniversary of the Official reveal of Smash Ultimate, as Smash Ultimate. I also Imagine they'd want to do a part 2 of everyone is here, with all the DLC characters included this time

-If one, or even both of these last 2 characters are more low-key, they could get a boost with a bigger character being revealed alongside them

Of course I don't think they will come out at the Same time. I will assume CP10 will come out in June, and CP11 later on. I guess there's also the issue that not many people would be tuned into Smash as if they just revealed the characters separately, though Honestly I don't think it's that serious, plus I don't think Nintendo needs to rely much on Smash for this year anyway, especially with BOTW2 getting info this year

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I Kind of want to say we could get both CP10 and CP11 revealed in the same presentation in June

-With the Gap being around 2 months, and the fact that because there are only 2 fighters left, and assumingly no further development in the future for Ultimate, most of the attention is toward these 2 fighters, instead of spread out by 3 or more

-June is the 3rd year anniversary of the Official reveal of Smash Ultimate, as Smash Ultimate. I also Imagine they'd want to do a part 2 of everyone is here, with all the DLC characters included this time

-If one, or even both of these last 2 characters are more low-key, they could get a boost with a bigger character being revealed alongside them

Of course I don't think they will come out at the Same time. I will assume CP10 will come out in June, and CP11 later on. I guess there's also the issue that not many people would be tuned into Smash as if they just revealed the characters separately, though Honestly I don't think it's that serious, plus I don't think Nintendo needs to rely much on Smash for this year anyway, especially with BOTW2 getting info this year
...are you implying another Individual DLC as a bonus a la Piranha Plant with the bolded segment?


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
I Kind of want to say we could get both CP10 and CP11 revealed in the same presentation in June

-With the Gap being around 2 months, and the fact that because there are only 2 fighters left, and assumingly no further development in the future for Ultimate, most of the attention is toward these 2 fighters, instead of spread out by 3 or more

-June is the 3rd year anniversary of the Official reveal of Smash Ultimate, as Smash Ultimate. I also Imagine they'd want to do a part 2 of everyone is here, with all the DLC characters included this time

-If one, or even both of these last 2 characters are more low-key, they could get a boost with a bigger character being revealed alongside them

Of course I don't think they will come out at the Same time. I will assume CP10 will come out in June, and CP11 later on. I guess there's also the issue that not many people would be tuned into Smash as if they just revealed the characters separately, though Honestly I don't think it's that serious, plus I don't think Nintendo needs to rely much on Smash for this year anyway, especially with BOTW2 getting info this year
Assuming the last 2 would be revealed on the same day, what are the chances of them sharing a theme or a relation with each other (such as both being from the same company; I think it'd be super ultra mega hype if they were to be Crash and Spyro, for instance)?


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
...are you implying another Individual DLC as a bonus a la Piranha Plant with the bolded segment?
I messed up there

If the last 2 are both lowkey, perhaps revealing them both at the same time might be able to perhaps make a bigger reveal, especially if them being more lowkey is because of them being regional based popular

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Assuming the last 2 would be revealed on the same day, what are the chances of them sharing a theme or a relation with each other (such as both being from the same company; I think it'd be super ultra mega hype if they were to be Crash and Spyro, for instance)?
Corrin and Bayonetta had no thematic relation to each other so I doubt it. Kencineroar pulled it off cause they were the last base game characters. Pretty obvious DLC plays by different rules


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Here's neat character idea that you guys may or may not be into: The Heroes of Trine. They'd be a trio fighter like the Pokémon Trainer, but take the idea further by giving them the ability to set up for the others. So you'd have:

  • Amadeus the wizard who is purposely pretty bad. His main goal in battle isn't really to fight, but to set up boxes for the other characters to use. He's not completely without strengths though, as his grab game is actually quite good, and his physics based box magic has the consequence of giving him stupid edge guard abilities since he can drop boxes on the heads of his opponents, especially those without hitboxes on their Up Specials.
  • Zoya the thief who's best at mid-to-long range combat. She wields the bow an arrows, and is able to do things like freeze moving platforms into place, tethering boxes & or platforms together to make another platform, using her tether to forcefully pull boxes and opponents toward her, etc.
  • Sir Pontius III is a knight who is the slower, stronger character of the group, but not to the extremes of normal heavies. He's more in line with the more high middleweight side of characters. He wields the sword and shield, and is able to summon Dreamy Shields which are floating shields can reflect Zoya's arrows, and act as platforms for boxes, and charge into boxes to launch them across the stage.

It's a pretty loose idea, but I think it could be pretty interesting.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2019
...are you implying another Individual DLC as a bonus a la Piranha Plant with the bolded segment?
It sounds like he was implying that if one of the last 2 is a low key character that being revealed at the same time as a much more prestigious character would help the other one out and not be so 'disappointing'. However if the last two are both 'low-key' characters I suppose ripping the band aid off by doing the double reveal would save people from holding out hope for the last reveal to 'make up' for an unexciting solo reveal.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Incidentally, in regards to the earlier Ice Climber discussion, while I don't think there's likely much incentive on Nintendo's part to do anything with the IP, I think if they let an enterprising indie studio do something with it, there might be potential there. I could see a developer like Lizardcube doing a more puzzle platformer style sequel that could work, maybe with the art style of the Dragon's Trap remake:

That's a release that could probably carve out a decent niche as a digital title.
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
I mean, did you forget the first wave of DLC, where we got a trailer dropped and then waited like 2 months between their release?

I agree that we'll probably get the Sakurai presents very shortly after their reveal, but it's also likely we could wait too.
A minor nitpicky correction: Joker was revealed in TGA 2018, his model was teased at the February 2019 Direct, and he was released in April.

The delay was partly because of PLANT GANG, remember. :4pacman:

Assuming the last 2 would be revealed on the same day, what are the chances of them sharing a theme or a relation with each other (such as both being from the same company; I think it'd be super ultra mega hype if they were to be Crash and Spyro, for instance)?
Depends entirely on if Nintendo / Sakurai and co really want to make a splash out of it, which... really, that's next to impossible to say. They didn't tie Hero and B-K to the same trailer either (which would've been a very interesting trailer granted, especially due to the comparisions and contrasts one can draw between them), which makes me doubt CP10 and 11 being tied together.

Still, wouldn't count it out if Nintendo have a specific reason to do so.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
To some degree the chances of a dual reveal may dependent on the nature of other announcements in the Direct they would likely show up in. If they're showing off significant footage of BotW2 and a new Donkey Kong title (just as hypothetical examples) then they may feel one Smash reveal will be enough.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Corrin and Bayonetta had no thematic relation to each other so I doubt it. Kencineroar pulled it off cause they were the last base game characters. Pretty obvious DLC plays by different rules
Maybe they did have a theme: Red-orange. :4pacman:
I know this is a joke, but my reply mostly only makes sense in this context. Taking it in a serious direction, there is a common theme between the two in that they both are characters that would realistically battle in the context of a fighting ring. In fact, most of the characters in the trailer share this trait, with the final three characters showing up ready to box, and the other veteran being Little Mac, who literally owns the stage.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
I know this is a joke, but my reply mostly only makes sense in this context. Taking it in a serious direction, there is a common theme between the two in that they both are characters that would realistically battle in the context of a fighting ring. In fact, most of the characters in the trailer share this trait, with the final three characters showing up ready to box, and the other veteran being Little Mac, who literally owns the stage.
Interesting. I never thought of that. (BTW No Pac-Man emoji this time)

Also, maybe Bayo and Corrin do share a theme, too (magic-wielders)?
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Not specifically smash related but hey

Pikmin 5

Hey pikmin was real and it wasn't that bad dangit!
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Not specifically smash related but hey

Pikmin 5

Hey pikmin was real and it wasn't that bad dangit!
Interesting. Shows that Nintendo is still dedicated to mobile...

hoping for Euden in Smash intensifies

Also, weren't there rumors of an Advance Wars mobile game?


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
One major problem is the potential monkey's paw of the "updated" art style shudders. But at the same time, Smash has usually opted for the more iconic designs when faced with choices like that.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Not specifically smash related but hey

Pikmin 5

Hey pikmin was real and it wasn't that bad dangit!
Hmmm... so they’ll make a mobile game for any Nintendo IP...

thinking back to the old Smash Bros mobile trademark (still waiting on A andree123 to confirm what he saw)

but also imagine the irony if F-Zero returns... as a mobile game. I’d have to see HOW they handle it it better not be a ****ing gacha

Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
The history of Smash reveals in what way?

Because looking at the DLC for both Smash 4 and Ultimate:


That gives us 10 RPG characters
3 Fighting game characters
2 platformer characters
1 sandbox game/adventure character
and 1 hack n'slash(?) character

RPGs heavily outweigh any other genre irt dlc.
I explained what I meant in more detail with my earlier post:

Here's a theory for y'all that I've been thinking on: Roster Diversity. I'm curious to see if this will ever be proven wrong.

Basically, ever since they started introducing newcomers one by one in Brawl, Nintendo has been very consistent on giving us characters that are different in terms of genre, appearance, ability, etc. when compared to the character that preceded them. Occasionally they will have characters from similar genres side by side, but, interestingly, it has never been more than two.

64 and Melee were obviously different in how they showed off their characters (they were just in commercials and the intros to both games if I remember correctly), but even then the one exception to this theory has been the Ice Climbers being confirmed after Peach and Bowser, but obviously they still differ visually. Maybe you could argue that having Shulk announced right after Robin and Lucina is a point against this theory, but I don't really see it that way due to Lucina being an echo and being announced at the same time as Robin.

If you don't believe me, you can just look for yourself at the roster:

View attachment 308240

The reason for this is probably obvious. Nintendo doesn't want you to get bored. They want to give us varied and interesting characters as much as they possibly can.

What can we do with this information? Well for starters, I think it's almost a guarantee that another JRPG character will not be next. It's perhaps even possible that we won't see a character like Dragonborn given he would be another sword user with magic (I'm not certain that Pythra actually uses magic, but it looks like magic anyway).

Not 100% certain on this of course. I just think it's worth keeping in mind.
I'm looking at Smash reveals as a whole mostly since Brawl as well as how consecutively revealed characters compare to each other. Generally, they'll at most give us 2 characters that are similar to each other, and then change it up. I actually wasn't thinking about Mewtwo, Lucas, and Roy at the start of Smash 4 DLC, but I'm less concerned about them since they were returning characters. Either way I'm not just looking at genre, but appearance/abilities as well.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Not specifically smash related but hey

Pikmin 5

Hey pikmin was real and it wasn't that bad dangit!
Can't wait for Pikmin Go!
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
but also imagine the irony if F-Zero returns... as a mobile game. I’d have to see HOW they handle it it better not be a ****ing gacha
Gacha does not inherently make a game bad. It's all about how they handle it.

If you can play the game and get what you want without having to shell out money but there is still the randomization mechanic then I would not consider that inherently a bad thing just an annoyance.

Dragalia, Granblue and FEH handle it well as they have ways to get what you want by summoning more.

Dan Quixote

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2020
Aaron back at it again

I am truly happy that this figure theory is catching on this much, I just find it so refreshing after over a year of way less interesting fan "theories"

Yeah I know it's a meaningless theory but it's fun!


Sep 26, 2013
Gacha does not inherently make a game bad. It's all about how they handle it.

If you can play the game and get what you want without having to shell out money but there is still the randomization mechanic then I would not consider that inherently a bad thing just an annoyance.

Dragalia, Granblue and FEH handle it well as they have ways to get what you want by summoning more.
Can confirm. I've (sadly) been playing Granblue for 5 years now. I only spend money on the pick ticket, which is like, 30 bucks every 3 months. Never once paid for rolls since the game vomits gacha currency at you.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Not specifically smash related but hey

Pikmin 5

Hey pikmin was real and it wasn't that bad dangit!
Nice, can't wait to step on pikmins everyday


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
Well, I don't want to be that guy, But I got to ask

Since Pyra is Heavily Fire based Swordwoman, and Euden is apprantly also Fire Based Swordman, if Euden was in FP2, How do you think they go about making sure there's not too much Overlap

I assume they go heavy into the Dragon Transformation. Would love to have more takes on the Power up Gimmicks.


Sep 26, 2013
Well, I don't want to be that guy, But I got to ask

Since Pyra is Heavily Fire based Swordwoman, and Euden is apprantly also Fire Based Swordman, if Euden was in FP2, How do you think they go about making sure there's not too much Overlap

I assume they go heavy into the Dragon Transformation. Would love to have more takes on the Power up Gimmicks.
Ignore Euden
Acquire Mym
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