Because the hate could go overboard to the point of not being able to express your excitement without getting bullied. See
The same can happen in reverse. Two of my most wanted characters for over a decade were Banjo and Simon. Both got in! And both were initially met with tremendous praise! Hooray!
Once people were finally able to play as (and against) them though?
Yikes. Nowadays, ask anyone who claims to be
a real pro and they'll go off about how much they literally loathe those two characters because of their playstyle. People try to bully me just for wanting to play a couple friendlies as my most wanted characters.
And I just laugh, man. Cause truth be told, I suck at this game, I'm just trying to have a good time whipping chains and hearing bear go "guh-huh."
Be like water, my dude. Enjoy what you want to enjoy. Share it with people who give a sh*t. When the bullying gets too much, go outside. There's more to life than this. And remember:
You wanted this character and, despite all odds,
they made it in. Enjoy your victory lap!
And let's be real, in time people will probably come around to your character the same way they eventually came around to Wii Fit Trainer, Palutena, Greninja, Shulk, Incineroar, The Plant, Terry, Byleth, etc.