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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2021
hat was easy to see coming in smash ultimate was inkling. and that's why they showed that character during smash ultimat
Pretty sure it'd be Lloyd.

Yuri isnt a terrible choice.

But Floyd comes from the most unpopular Tales game. Tales of Not Existing.
Sorry i just like calling him Floyd


Sep 26, 2013
Mario Golf? Welp, RIP Golden Sun Remakes...
Skyward Sword HD is no surprise, though. Also, a new Ninja Gaiden game being on here might mean no Hayabusa.
Depends entirely on if Hayabusa's reveal is linked to this supposed Ninja Gaiden tbh. As far as I'm aware, this would be the first time that this supposed Ninja Gaiden game would be officially announced, only ever be spoken of in rumors and ratings board leaks.

Though, if the game does come out and no Hayabusa, then yeah looks pretty bad for him I admit.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2016
So practicalbrush just threw out a bunch of titles
Don't look if you don't want to be spoiled I think
Mario golf leaked, okay so it may be a fall 2021 release. But I believe that Golden Sun was supposed to be released in late 2020 and Mario Golf was their mid 2021 title and now they were both delayed with golden sun coming mid 2021 and Mario golf coming in fall 2021.
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
DOTA's getting an anime on Netflix. Maybe its time for a MOBA rep?
The genre is 15+ years old at this point, and I could see that happening. Not a frontrunner or anything - Dota's practically a longshot while LoL is closer but not at the point where it should be considered a frontrunner. Other MOBAs like SMITE also feel like major longshots at best.

I'm assuming that Sakurai knows of both Dota 2 and LoL given how impactful the genre's been on the industry at large - he's someone who knows a lot about the industry after all. Not just saying that because Dota (2) happens to be my most wanted - after all, the link in my sig is a memetic caster call in that game.

While Dota doesn't have much if anything going for it when it comes to Smash - at least prior to the Netflix series - the series is still a potentially major step for that franchise. Don't expect the franchise to become popular in Japan overnight just because of the anime - Dota's bonafide obscure there partly because Valve relies on Steam and its userbase 100 % for its marketing; by contrast Riot makes a major effort to market the traditional way (and otherwise).
It's a main reason why I believe that if a MOBA rep is indeed getting in, it's most likely LoL.

I'm more surprised that Stubbs is there at all. Wonder if it's a port or a sequel. That's just such a random game to get anything of.
I'm ready for the surprise Stubbs prequel, because that would be the most random thing.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
I’ve been anxious about this Direct all morning, what with my stomach feeling funny, but mom brought home a whole lot of chicken nuggets, so now I’m not as anxious as I was before anymore.

Eat your breakfast, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between.
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Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2020
You know while we wait for the direct it think it'll be fun to theorize about what character form a third party company would be the most logical next inclusion for them. so I'll do that.

Square Enix: NIer has blown up with automat selling on par with FF and DQ it's an easy and obvious 3rd franchise to rep.

Conclusion: 2B from NIer

Capcom: While Resident Evil is historically their biggest, right now and for the foreseeable future MH will continue to be their top franchise, and DMC and AA don't really hold a candle to it either.

Conclusion: Monster Hunter from Monster Hunter

SEGA: this one is more interesting than the past two, they still have quite a few franchises to rep, i think Atlus is done so they could make a total war character from their western divisions, however a regular foot soldier would be pretty generic so im gonna count that out, in the cse left we only really have 2 major franchise left, Yakuza and Phantasy Star. Now im going to introduce you to the big boy trio, Nagoshi, Harada and Kondo, they all hold major positions of power in their respective companies (SEGA, Bamco, Falcom) and they are united by their hate for Nintendo, Nagoshi is the head of the Yakuza team... soooo

Conclusion: SWORD member from Phantasy Star

Bandai Namco: this company hs quite a lot of options, 4 stand out, Tales, Tekken, Souls and Taiko. Souls is more a from thing so im not going to put it into consideration. Now that leaves us with 3, and i'll like to introduce you to the 2nd Big Boy Harada!!!!! he was formerly head of just tekken and soulcal but now he head's much more like Tales of and Bamcos new AA(a) game. since he doesn't really like the idea of tekken on Nintendo and he's also the head of tales now you'd thin this would be an easy win for taiko but you'd e wrong, he only got promoted to head of tales recently so fighter negotiations started without him. unfortunately Taiko is much bigger than tales and the tales series struggles to sell a million copies WW, all it has going for it is the hardcore audience it has however since sakurai get's a little leeway in who he want's to choose im going to guess he's part of that audience which means......

Conclusion: Yuri for tales of (even though Don-chan makes a lot more sense.)

Koei Tecmo: this one's really interesting as well. the most popular one for the fandom is NInja Gaiden however.... it's kind dead.... also kinda tiny compared to some other KT franchises. Dynasty warriors would make a lot of sense, however the most famous games and characters from Dynasty warriors, are actually from one piece or persona or zelda so im gonna put a negative on this series. A character from a series handled by Ruby party (ne of KT's divisions) would be nice but they make ore tiny otome games so I'd say no to that. what's left is Nioh and atelier, Nioh is their biggest franchise off of their own merit's (Nintendo make KT work on FE and HW which are both bigger but from their own ip's Nioh is the biggest) however it's funded by Sony so that's almost a 0% chance of happening. So Atelier makes a ton of sense then, every single game in the franchise is on or will be on the switch, it's made with the switch in mind and has a pretty sizable fanbase, but then comes in Fatal Frame which is partially a Nintendo ip so Nintendo gains more than they usually would from it.

Conclusion: Yuri from FAtal Frame (with Ryza and Ryu tied at 2nd)

Konami: Silent hill is dead, tokimeki memorial is irrelevant, most of their other franchise's star spaceships as the main characters so all that really leaves is Bomberman and Momotaro Dentetsu although Momotaro is the bigger franchise it's only released in Japan so Bomberman makes the most sense.

Conclusion: Bomberman

Marvelous, the last one for Today, yay. anyway they have 3 major franchise No More Heroes, Story of seasons and Rune Factory, despite the acclaim for No More Heroes Story of Seasons is one of the most influential series in videogaming ever, it was basically the first life sim game which is now one of the biggest genre's in the industry, RF started out as a SoS spin off however that didn't stop persona, so RF could probably go toe to toe with SoS now but for the History i would have to Say Sos.

Conclusion: Pete from Story of Seasons.

there are my horrible opinions on what the most logical character would be for these companies, also i completely forgot about puyo puyo so just replace Phantasy star with it for an end result of: Monster Hunter, 2B, Arle, Yuri, Yuri, Bomberman and Pete. i guess rate my pass?

Oh there's a new leak. byeeee!!!!!!
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Sep 26, 2013
Wonder how they got all this info but seemingly no Smash? I'd assume Press Kits, since they've probably gone out by now.

Truth be told, while a lot of these games feel like they'd fill a "End of the direct sizzle real", there's also some pretty meaty things here, yet the one thing they lack is Smash?



Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Honestly though, it's pretty baffling how people leak things just two hours before the presentation. Like, why? Can people really not wait 2 whole hours for the info?
I imagine it's "safer" to leak things right before the actual reveal, so not having people lose jobs is probably part of it. But yeah, I agree it's a pretty pointless effort. People only care about leakers that leak things far enough in advance to generate discussion.

The genre is 15+ years old at this point, and I could see that happening. Not a frontrunner or anything - Dota's practically a longshot while LoL is closer but not at the point where it should be considered a frontrunner. Other MOBAs like SMITE also feel like major longshots at best.

I'm assuming that Sakurai knows of both Dota 2 and LoL given how impactful the genre's been on the industry at large - he's someone who knows a lot about the industry after all. Not just saying that because Dota (2) happens to be my most wanted - after all, the link in my sig is a memetic caster call in that game.

While Dota doesn't have much if anything going for it when it comes to Smash - at least prior to the Netflix series - the series is still a potentially major step for that franchise. Don't expect the franchise to become popular in Japan overnight just because of the anime - Dota's bonafide obscure there partly because Valve relies on Steam and its userbase 100 % for its marketing; by contrast Riot makes a major effort to market the traditional way (and otherwise).
It's a main reason why I believe that if a MOBA rep is indeed getting in, it's most likely LoL.

I'm ready for the surprise Stubbs prequel, because that would be the most random thing.
The thing about DoTA is...nevermind being invisible in Japan, it's not even that popular in the US especially when compared to League of Legends. The big DoTA markets are China, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. While my personal opinion is that DoTA is the better game, LoL's popularity is just magnitudes higher and Riot has been very aggressively expanding their brand in the last year or two. I know you already said LoL is more likely, but I just want to emphasize the fact that I don't think they're even in the same ballpark.

Plus really...of all the heroes they choose to make a cartoon out of it's ****ing Dragon Knight, the most white bread ass character in the entire game?!


Sep 26, 2013
Um, what exactly is "Stubbs"? Is it one of those cult classic games?
Have you ever played that old game QWOP? It's kinda like that. You play as a super fumbly zombie and you make it through a bunch of obstacle courses. The main thing you're fighting are the controls, since you're a shambling zombie not meant for acrobatics.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Cmon you can’t tell me there’s not a single one of the like thousand pokemon that would get you excited, overrepresented franchise or no.
Not as excited as I'd be for almost any new franchise instead.

Don't get me wrong, after Smash 4, I was all-in for more Pokemon. I loved how, despite having a bunch of Pokemon, there was no type overlap. And I wanted that trend to continue in Ultimate with someone like Decidueye or Garchomp.

But then they brough back Trainer and Pichu, and added Incineroar. And, call it OCD, but it was like a spell was broken. And I no longer give zero ****s if we ever get another Pokemon.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
Wow, looks like we're goin' crazy in here. I kind of want to be surprised by whoever it ends up being if not our lovely Shrine Maiden. So... I will retreat 'till we know. Buh-bye!
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