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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Ayumi Tachibana

Smash Ace
Dec 28, 2018
This is kinda old news but whatever, thought it'd be fun to share. Did you know the most popular figure on Japan's biggest online figure retailer for 2020 was a Nintendo figure of all things? Can you guess what character it was?

Maybe my joke posts from 2019 and 2020 weren't as much of a joke as I thought...
This is not surprising at all to be honest.
She outsells others everytime her figurines come out.

When I say KOS-MOS is super popular in Japan, I meant by she as a character has a some kind of higher status in the figure otaku world especially in the garage kit genre (no, I'm not talking about Mokkos here).
That's why she constantly gets new figurines despites her games didn't do so good, and whenever a new KOS-MOS figure announced, the news spreads and reaches quickly even to the other otaku worlds because people know she is kind of a big deal to them apparently.

The figure otaku from the days of Xenosaga were already in their mid 20s to 30s especially the people into garage kit at that time. Garage kits are expensive
and takes time and effort to build so not many teenagers were into this genre.
Some of them now has families but still buys her new figurines "because she is KOS-MOS" and you can tell that from twitter, futaba, 5ch, blogs and YouTube. She definitely has dedicated fans who has money to spend.
The KOS-MOS fans from Xenosaga and the KOS-MOS fans from figure otaku world don't really share the same age range.

So is her popularity solely as a game character overcomes her status of the mistress of figurines?
I don't really know tbh.

I generally see Smash as a party game more so than as a fighting game. After Terry, I saw a lot of people here and there saying they bought his DLC (or the entire pass cuz why not) just because they got nostalgia and wanted to show their kids the character they liked when they were still young.
So what I'm trying to say here is that the same thing could happen with KOS-MOS if she was added to Smash roster since her dedicated fans are about the same age as Terry fans.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Hey, Latin Americans got Terry and Europeans got Steve! We just need Spyro for Australians and Winnie the Pooh for China now.
That's just a coincidence really, I mean Steve is based on his sales and Terry is Sakurai's personal gift, if they want to appeal to say India, SEA, or Russia they would absolutely pull out a tablet listing games that is popular there or have a very high demographic of consumer of a Nintendo product.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Nah, his basic view of the word "deserving" is basically every game released in the 90s/80s, should be a main character, on a Nintendo console and have many games (in a nutshell) because even if you lack the presence and quality at least you are old enough to join :4pacman:
That can't be all right. I'm pretty sure I've seen him support Estelle a couple times, and she was only released around 2004. She kinda runs contrarian to his "Retro bois only" image.

There's most definitely a smug Estele pic that someone's going to respond to me with, I'm sure of it.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Also Athena.
Now listen here, buddy

Yeah but we didn't get those characters because of those regions. They just happen to have been popular there too.

Also an animal mascot platformer to cater to Australia and you don't pick Ty the Tasmanian Tiger? Get your **** together. :p
Well Spyro has a talking kangaroo buddy. Also I didn't even know Ty the Tiger existed :(

That can't be all right. I'm pretty sure I've seen him support Estelle a couple times, and she was only released around 2004. She kinda runs contrarian to his "Retro bois only" image.

There's most definitely a smug Estele pic that someone's going to respond to me with, I'm sure of it.
I'm not trying to get into the habit of fighting other people's battles for them, but yeah I've seen Ender also support Resident Evil, and even Minecraft Steve. I think people were just poking fun at his retro tastes anyway.

Seriously though. All my homies hate Battletoads.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Everytime someone says Terry is a Sakurai pick, a puppy, kitten, or other adorable baby animal dies.

There is 0 evidence supporting this and official evidence against it. There is no reason to believe this.
I know, I'm just going with the tide :estatic:
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Everytime someone says Terry is a Sakurai pick, a puppy, kitten, or other adorable baby animal dies.

There is 0 evidence supporting this and official evidence against it. There is no reason to believe this.
except for the fact sakurai is obviously a massive KOF fan and a lot of people didn't know who he was when he was revealed


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Since it isn't 2003, that is understandable.

Though it is funny you picked Spyro when bandicoots are literally endemic to Australia.
It's funny how well Australian animals turn into cartoon mascots. Some company needs to give us a platypus or wombat platformer guy. Or a quokka, have you guys seen those things?
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
except for the fact sakurai is obviously a massive KOF fan and a lot of people didn't know who he was when he was revealed
You know more people than just Sakurai like Fatal Fury and KoF? Besides, him liking it and Nintendo asking for his inclusion don't have to be mutually exclusive.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Everytime someone says Terry is a Sakurai pick, a puppy, kitten, or other adorable baby animal dies.
This is a public service announcement from the Department of Please Notice the SNK Guest Fighter Trend.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
a lot of people didn't know who he was when he was revealed
Tell that to Latin America. Or China, or presumably Japan, or basically anywhere that still has a strong arcade scene. At least, that what I can gather.

Even then, a lot of people didn't know who Hero was, and a lot of others were probably confused by Min Min, too. recognition is a case-by-case thing, since everyone looks in different places and grew up in different times. I doubt my neighbors would recognize Adol or Reimu, and they're probably into some games that I'm not as well.

Basically, every new fighter won't be recognized by a lot of people.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
I sure hope that the pro player won't join the tournament because for sure there's a power gap
Then the pro player will just smurf and we'll see names like "LeBron James" (another NSFW smurf nick in the reddit link, so you're forewarned) or "Veggie Monster" the DK "Main" winning the tournament.

If anyone sees "DontTestMe" then he's gonna win. Or "Seugi" / "Mkwashed" (MKLeo's online tags).

That's just a coincidence really, I mean Steve is based on his sales and Terry is Sakurai's personal gift, if they want to appeal to say India, SEA, or Russia they would absolutely pull out a tablet listing games that is popular there or have a very high demographic of consumer of a Nintendo product.
[Dota 2, CS:GO and World of Tanks has entered the chat with the words cyka blyat] :4pacman:

Nah, seriously, I can absolutely see those regions that Nintendo target for expansion being a perhaps major factor... but not the primary one unless directly stated. Like N3ON N3ON pointed out, it might as well be coincidence. Minecraft is also insanely popular in China for example - what with there being Minecraft e-sports set to Devil Trigger and 400 million registered users in the country - but the Smash announcement wasn't officially pushed in the Chinese web.

Just because it wasn't doesn't mean people didn't notice - I look at Weibo (Chinese Twitter) pretty often and saw a lot of "WHAT? IS THIS REAL?!" esque posts. Alongside curious questions about which kind of game this is. My best guess is that Steve's reveal (going by mirrors of the reveal trailer) got ca. 1 million or so views there. As far as I'm aware, Smash is not super-mainstream there (only 64 has seen an official release on the ill-fated iQue Player), but it absolutely has a fanbase in the country. Most Switches, PlayStations and Xboxes as well as copies of Ultimate (and other console games) are imported through China's ebay / Amazon - the official console releases have vastly smaller game libraries due to a strict game approval process. The Chinese Switch has ca. 14 games released for it since December 2019 (even if it can play international cartridges), so most of the ca. 4 million who have a Switch in China own the international Switch with no barriers.

I've speculated that LoL would get a similar, if not bigger, response there because it's about as big there and has an arguably more devoted fanbase ready to push such an announcement on social media.

To go back to the main point, for me it would have to be a Smash reveal happening at the country in question. That is difficult to see happening for, well, obvious reasons. I've kinda considered ChinaJoy (China's E3, in Shanghai during the July / August border) a very remote possibility since Nintendo has participated there in the past and because I suspect Nintendo and Tencent want to release Ultimate officially in China... but the problems with that are obvious. ChinaJoy is very much aimed at the internal Chinese crowd, and very little garners international attention.
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
You know more people than just Sakurai like Fatal Fury and KoF? Besides, him liking it and Nintendo asking for his inclusion don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Tell that to Latin America. Or China, or presumably Japan, or basically anywhere that still has a strong arcade scene. At least, that what I can gather.

Even then, a lot of people didn't know who Hero was, and a lot of others were probably confused by Min Min, too. recognition is a case-by-case thing, since everyone looks in different places and grew up in different times. I doubt my neighbors would recognize Adol or Reimu, and they're probably into some games that I'm not as well.

Basically, every new fighter won't be recognized by a lot of people.
no, I know that plenty of other people like kof, i'm not saying that he was added just for sakurai, i'm just saying why some might think that


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
except for the fact sakurai is obviously a massive KOF fan and a lot of people didn't know who he was when he was revealed
This is ignoring how recognizable he is in South America, China, and Japan. It's also ignoring that Sakurai himself has stated that he did not make the character choices, and that any statements on specific character selections either say they came from higherups (ARMS, Steve) or imply that he was given the choice within a narrow selection (Hero*, Min Min).

*Stretching that just a bit. Slime was stated to be an alternate option for Hero, but there's nothing really implying who made the initial decision for Hero specifically rather than just any Dragon Quest character like there was for ARMS and Min Min.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Translation by Google:

This image was posted on the development page when I was on a business trip to E3 2018. I can't go back and forth around the world right now, but I hope it gets better soon.

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Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
To go back to the main point, for me it would have to be a Smash reveal happening at the country in question. That is difficult to see happening for, well, obvious reasons. I've kinda considered ChinaJoy (China's E3, in Shanghai during the July / August border) a very remote possibility since Nintendo has participated there in the past and because I suspect Nintendo and Tencent want to release Ultimate officially in China... but the problems with that are obvious. ChinaJoy is very much aimed at the internal Chinese crowd, and very little garners international attention.
A ChinaJoy reveal is never happening, full stop. It goes beyond just lack of international attention. The Chinese market is obviously huge. But Nintendo, or any corporation really, always has to be careful about expanding further into the Chinese market because it means getting more involved with the CCP. There's also a lot of bad racial relations between the two countries specifically, with a lot of Japanese hating the Chinese and vice versa, which is further exacerbated by the nationalistic tendencies of both countries. If there was a China specific reveal, a lot of the Japanese crowd would react poorly. That's not to say a character that caters to the Chinese market won't appear (likely a LoL character if it happens, bleh), but Nintendo would likely try to avoid bringing attention to that point.


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
Tell that to Latin America. Or China, or presumably Japan, or basically anywhere that still has a strong arcade scene
There's never been proof that KoF or any SNK game has some kind of "silent" massive fanbase in Latin America. That was something Smash fans invented because some people in this fanbase get really angry at the idea of someone "unworthy" being added.

KoF isn't that popular, and Fatal Fury even less so. Terry got in because he's old and costed like 50 cents to get the license for. No other reason.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
There's never been proof that KoF or any SNK game has some kind of "silent" massive fanbase in Latin America. That was something Smash fans invented because some people in this fanbase get really angry at the idea of someone "unworthy" being added.

KoF isn't that popular, and Fatal Fury even less so. Terry got in because he's old and costed like 50 cents to get the license for. No other reason.

We had this argument back in 2020. SNK is popular; just moreso in South America than other countries.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
There's never been proof that KoF or any SNK game has some kind of "silent" massive fanbase in Latin America. That was something Smash fans invented because some people in this fanbase get really angry at the idea of someone "unworthy" being added.

KoF isn't that popular, and Fatal Fury even less so. Terry got in because he's old and costed like 50 cents to get the license for. No other reason.
I think I've seen it all now.

SNK being popular in Latin America just got called a myth.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2014
There's never been proof that KoF or any SNK game has some kind of "silent" massive fanbase in Latin America. That was something Smash fans invented because some people in this fanbase get really angry at the idea of someone "unworthy" being added.

KoF isn't that popular, and Fatal Fury even less so. Terry got in because he's old and costed like 50 cents to get the license for. No other reason.
I can't believe it, everything I believed and lived in my childhood about SNK was a vile lie, all the friends and great communities, all a lie ...
apparently all the people playing KOF in arcades were a lie too :c
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Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2015
There's never been proof that KoF or any SNK game has some kind of "silent" massive fanbase in Latin America. That was something Smash fans invented because some people in this fanbase get really angry at the idea of someone "unworthy" being added.

KoF isn't that popular, and Fatal Fury even less so. Terry got in because he's old and costed like 50 cents to get the license for. No other reason.

Que dijites

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
There's never been proof that KoF or any SNK game has some kind of "silent" massive fanbase in Latin America.
I mean, my latino friends love the hell out of KOF and Terry so I'm gonna have to call BS on that from experience. Latin America has a passion for fighting games and arcades in general, SNK love goes deep and extends toward Metal Slug as well.

Terry got in because he's old and costed like 50 cents to get the license for. No other reason.
I'm sure that Terry's low price did make that deal a lot sweeter, but I imagine it had more to do with the surplus of classic SNK games on the eshop.
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
There's never been proof that KoF or any SNK game has some kind of "silent" massive fanbase in Latin America. That was something Smash fans invented because some people in this fanbase get really angry at the idea of someone "unworthy" being added.

KoF isn't that popular, and Fatal Fury even less so. Terry got in because he's old and costed like 50 cents to get the license for. No other reason.

"KOF is by far the most popular game, at least here in Brazil. I grew up watching my dad playing with his friends, always dreaming to be a good player just like him. Here i am, an adult, and still cant beat him."

"It was THE fighting game in arcades in the late 90s and early 2000s, I really don’t know why it just was. It has even impacted culture with the phrase “Me la pelas sin rugal” or “I can beat you without Rugal (Bernstein)”, which means “I can beat you easily” which is used in a lot of contexts outside of fighting games."

"Every arcade I have been in my life had a copy. Every anime convention with a game section has somebody playing it"

"The Neo Geo platform that the games ran on was essentially a cartridge-based console for arcades. While it looked like a standard arcade cabinet, Neo Geo ran its games from cartridges that could be easily swapped out by an arcade owner. This meant that upgrading to the latest, hottest game was simply a matter of spending a few hundred dollars on a new cartridge, not thousands on a new machine. And arcade owners could pass that savings on to the consumers when it came time to put in their 25 cents—or their 50 centavos.

In Latin America in the ‘90s, this meant that Neo Geo was nearly always the better alternative. Moreover, kids were more likely to play games on arcade machines than home consoles. While Nintendo and Sega did have a presence in Latin America during this period, high tariffs on the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis meant that they were often priced out of the range of the average consumer. Part of the reason for these upcharges was Mexico’s history of black- and gray-market console piracy. Video Games Around the World, published by MIT Press in 2015, discusses how US-Mexico border cities were the primary places in the 1980s where gaming consoles could be obtained, with mostly bootleg merchandise trickling southward."

"By the dawn of the 1990s, arcades became the de facto method of consuming video games in those areas. And so Neo Geo arcade cabinets proliferated in Latin America, King Of Fighters along with it. From arcades in metropolitan hubs to small local drug stores, the Neo Geo was a common fixture on many street corners."

Need I go on?


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Um... maybe we should change topics...

Hey 7NATOR 7NATOR you mind sharing that one theory of yours? The one about the Vergeben kill list for FP5? That might get some discussion going.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
Um... maybe we should change topics...

Hey 7NATOR 7NATOR you mind sharing that one theory of yours? The one about the Vergeben kill list for FP5? That might get some discussion going.

Here's the post if you don't want to click link

This is a very out there theory. I'm just entertaining the idea, but I don't believe the Theory right now, It's just an hypothetical theory

So remember Vergeben's deconfirmation list for Challenger pack 5

At first it used to be this


But then Vergeben misunderstood his source, and his Source corrected him on the actual "Deconfirmed characters", which would end up bloating into this list


If the link doesn't work, here were the charcters deconfirmed in the more accurate list

  • Bandai Namco character
  • Level-5 character
  • Ubisoft character
  • Falcom character
  • Nippon Ichi Software character
  • Gordon Freeman
  • Doomguy / Doom Slayer
  • Geno
  • Scorpion
  • Ryu Hayabusa
  • Arle Nadja
  • Sakura from Sakura Wars
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Tracer
  • Reimu Hakurei
  • Reiji Arisu and Xiamou
  • Sora
  • Sol Badguy
  • Ragna
  • Billy and Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon
  • Dante
  • Phoenix Wright
  • Amaterasu
  • Monster Hunter
  • Morrigan
  • Leon Kennedy
  • Sam Porter Bridges
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • Monokuma
  • Kat from Gravity Rush
  • Kratos

Now this was specifically for CP5, which turned out to be Byleth, who wasn't on this list

However one interesting thing to also note was that none of the FP2 Characters were on this list either

Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth were not implicated or Deconfirmed in this list at all, and I think it's important to bring up Sephiroth since Geno, who's also a Square character, was listed as well in this list.

The reason why the First Deconfirmation list was fake was because Verge assumed the Companies themselves were deconfirmed, when the source said only the characters listed were deconfimed, which is how the 2nd, more true list was created.

So the important thing to note was how this Source deconfirmed characters. if this Source knew Byleth or a Nintendo character was implicated, they should have deconfirmed whole companies, but with the exception of few companies, notably Bandai Namco, it was characters that were deconfirmed but not Companies. It goes into how they were able to deconfirmed these characters.

The conclusion of the theory was that The source, and by extension Verge had info on FP2, by saying who the characters wasn't, and this was because in order to deconfirm, they would have had to have some particular info to say this specific character or Company isn't happening as playable. Verge was able to deconfirm Namco as a company, but not Capcom, despite how many of Capcom characters were on this list

If this theory is true, here's what it might suggest

-Namco is not happening at all for a Fighter
-If there was a Capcom character, those Chun-Li rumors might start looking more real
-I might have to change my Scorpion prediction
-Sega and Konami are technically still in the clear
-Nintendo is in the clear (again)
-If we do get a New company, it's probably one that's not speculated very much, like Cygames, EA, Tencent/Riot

Just a theory though. yes

The Gist is that Verge's CP5 Deconfirm list might have some impact on FP2 as well. Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth were not in the list. Sephiroth is important as Geno and Sora were on the list

Pretty much, it implies how Verge's Source deconfirmed the particular characters was that they had some evidence those characters were not Playable, and since FP2 was being finalized at the time as well, this might extend to this pass


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
There are actually only six continents, Sakurai made up South America so people would stop complaining about his personal picks.
The seven continents:
  • North America/murica
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Australia/Oceana
  • Anarctica
  • Sakurailand
The continents, as far as Smash goes:
  • Japan
  • Overseas

ES. Dinah

Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2014
Lost Jerusalem
This is not surprising at all to be honest.
She outsells others everytime her figurines come out.

When I say KOS-MOS is super popular in Japan, I meant by she as a character has a some kind of higher status in the figure otaku world especially in the garage kit genre (no, I'm not talking about Mokkos here).
That's why she constantly gets new figurines despites her games didn't do so good, and whenever a new KOS-MOS figure announced, the news spreads and reaches quickly even to the other otaku worlds because people know she is kind of a big deal to them apparently.

The figure otaku from the days of Xenosaga were already in their mid 20s to 30s especially the people into garage kit at that time. Garage kits are expensive
and takes time and effort to build so not many teenagers were into this genre.
Some of them now has families but still buys her new figurines "because she is KOS-MOS" and you can tell that from twitter, futaba, 5ch, blogs and YouTube. She definitely has dedicated fans who has money to spend.
The KOS-MOS fans from Xenosaga and the KOS-MOS fans from figure otaku world don't really share the same age range.

So is her popularity solely as a game character overcomes her status of the mistress of figurines?
I don't really know tbh.

I generally see Smash as a party game more so than as a fighting game. After Terry, I saw a lot of people here and there saying they bought his DLC (or the entire pass cuz why not) just because they got nostalgia and wanted to show their kids the character they liked when they were still young.
So what I'm trying to say here is that the same thing could happen with KOS-MOS if she was added to Smash roster since her dedicated fans are about the same age as Terry fans.
excellent post! This is very true but I just hope she would have enough staying power for smash. Trust me I did freak out when I found that Japanese article.... I randomly found it searching KOS-MOS things on google and I literally went crazy. I guess when you have her beautifully designed by Kunihiko Tanaka on the box is alone to make Japanese fans go nuts.


for those that dont know... Tanaka's supposed final job for Xeno was drawing the illustration of the figurine. I hope that's not true but I bet he's proud it attracted tons of people to the figurine.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020

Here's the post if you don't want to click link

This is a very out there theory. I'm just entertaining the idea, but I don't believe the Theory right now, It's just an hypothetical theory

So remember Vergeben's deconfirmation list for Challenger pack 5

At first it used to be this


But then Vergeben misunderstood his source, and his Source corrected him on the actual "Deconfirmed characters", which would end up bloating into this list


If the link doesn't work, here were the charcters deconfirmed in the more accurate list

  • Bandai Namco character
  • Level-5 character
  • Ubisoft character
  • Falcom character
  • Nippon Ichi Software character
  • Gordon Freeman
  • Doomguy / Doom Slayer
  • Geno
  • Scorpion
  • Ryu Hayabusa
  • Arle Nadja
  • Sakura from Sakura Wars
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Tracer
  • Reimu Hakurei
  • Reiji Arisu and Xiamou
  • Sora
  • Sol Badguy
  • Ragna
  • Billy and Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon
  • Dante
  • Phoenix Wright
  • Amaterasu
  • Monster Hunter
  • Morrigan
  • Leon Kennedy
  • Sam Porter Bridges
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • Monokuma
  • Kat from Gravity Rush
  • Kratos

Now this was specifically for CP5, which turned out to be Byleth, who wasn't on this list

However one interesting thing to also note was that none of the FP2 Characters were on this list either

Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth were not implicated or Deconfirmed in this list at all, and I think it's important to bring up Sephiroth since Geno, who's also a Square character, was listed as well in this list.

The reason why the First Deconfirmation list was fake was because Verge assumed the Companies themselves were deconfirmed, when the source said only the characters listed were deconfimed, which is how the 2nd, more true list was created.

So the important thing to note was how this Source deconfirmed characters. if this Source knew Byleth or a Nintendo character was implicated, they should have deconfirmed whole companies, but with the exception of few companies, notably Bandai Namco, it was characters that were deconfirmed but not Companies. It goes into how they were able to deconfirmed these characters.

The conclusion of the theory was that The source, and by extension Verge had info on FP2, by saying who the characters wasn't, and this was because in order to deconfirm, they would have had to have some particular info to say this specific character or Company isn't happening as playable. Verge was able to deconfirm Namco as a company, but not Capcom, despite how many of Capcom characters were on this list

If this theory is true, here's what it might suggest

-Namco is not happening at all for a Fighter
-If there was a Capcom character, those Chun-Li rumors might start looking more real
-I might have to change my Scorpion prediction
-Sega and Konami are technically still in the clear
-Nintendo is in the clear (again)
-If we do get a New company, it's probably one that's not speculated very much, like Cygames, EA, Tencent/Riot

Just a theory though. yes

The Gist is that Verge's CP5 Deconfirm list might have some impact on FP2 as well. Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth were not in the list. Sephiroth is important as Geno and Sora were on the list

Pretty much, it implies how Verge's Source deconfirmed the particular characters was that they had some evidence those characters were not Playable, and since FP2 was being finalized at the time as well, this might extend to this pass
Ehhhh... This is very out there

How I interpreted it was,

Assuming Verges source is legit (I don't think it is but I could be wrong) The source only had a very vague idea on who was in at the time, and Verge had to piece it together. I also think it lost credibility once the list started adding individual characters, It doesn't really add anything to the credibility of the rumor and it just seems toooo specific, like why would the Source mention those characters specifically. And the fact that the source mentioned that it was for
Challenger Pack 5 also means it probably didn't have much to with anything else but that is very much a grain of salt point. And the List format always seemed weird to me, it seemed like Verge was deliberately trying to **** with everyone.

TL:DR I think the original list was bunk, and thus I don't think it has any bearing on pass 2
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008

Here's the post if you don't want to click link

This is a very out there theory. I'm just entertaining the idea, but I don't believe the Theory right now, It's just an hypothetical theory

So remember Vergeben's deconfirmation list for Challenger pack 5

At first it used to be this


But then Vergeben misunderstood his source, and his Source corrected him on the actual "Deconfirmed characters", which would end up bloating into this list


If the link doesn't work, here were the charcters deconfirmed in the more accurate list

  • Bandai Namco character
  • Level-5 character
  • Ubisoft character
  • Falcom character
  • Nippon Ichi Software character
  • Gordon Freeman
  • Doomguy / Doom Slayer
  • Geno
  • Scorpion
  • Ryu Hayabusa
  • Arle Nadja
  • Sakura from Sakura Wars
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Tracer
  • Reimu Hakurei
  • Reiji Arisu and Xiamou
  • Sora
  • Sol Badguy
  • Ragna
  • Billy and Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon
  • Dante
  • Phoenix Wright
  • Amaterasu
  • Monster Hunter
  • Morrigan
  • Leon Kennedy
  • Sam Porter Bridges
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • Monokuma
  • Kat from Gravity Rush
  • Kratos

Now this was specifically for CP5, which turned out to be Byleth, who wasn't on this list

However one interesting thing to also note was that none of the FP2 Characters were on this list either

Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth were not implicated or Deconfirmed in this list at all, and I think it's important to bring up Sephiroth since Geno, who's also a Square character, was listed as well in this list.

The reason why the First Deconfirmation list was fake was because Verge assumed the Companies themselves were deconfirmed, when the source said only the characters listed were deconfimed, which is how the 2nd, more true list was created.

So the important thing to note was how this Source deconfirmed characters. if this Source knew Byleth or a Nintendo character was implicated, they should have deconfirmed whole companies, but with the exception of few companies, notably Bandai Namco, it was characters that were deconfirmed but not Companies. It goes into how they were able to deconfirmed these characters.

The conclusion of the theory was that The source, and by extension Verge had info on FP2, by saying who the characters wasn't, and this was because in order to deconfirm, they would have had to have some particular info to say this specific character or Company isn't happening as playable. Verge was able to deconfirm Namco as a company, but not Capcom, despite how many of Capcom characters were on this list

If this theory is true, here's what it might suggest

-Namco is not happening at all for a Fighter
-If there was a Capcom character, those Chun-Li rumors might start looking more real
-I might have to change my Scorpion prediction
-Sega and Konami are technically still in the clear
-Nintendo is in the clear (again)
-If we do get a New company, it's probably one that's not speculated very much, like Cygames, EA, Tencent/Riot

Just a theory though. yes

The Gist is that Verge's CP5 Deconfirm list might have some impact on FP2 as well. Min Min, Steve, and Sephiroth were not in the list. Sephiroth is important as Geno and Sora were on the list

Pretty much, it implies how Verge's Source deconfirmed the particular characters was that they had some evidence those characters were not Playable, and since FP2 was being finalized at the time as well, this might extend to this pass
This again just seems like a way to unnecessarily keep a leak alive. That should not be the goal.
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