So, how many popular western picks have we gotten in ultimate (that at the same time arent that popular in Japan)?
Ridley, and also by extension Dark Samus
Otherwise that is it. Banjo I think even had some popularity in Japan (Just not as much as in West), and other characters like K.Rool, Steve, Pyra/Mythra had popularity everywhere
In regards to Waluigi, He's more of a Ridley than he is a K.Rool, since I actually haven't seen much fanfare for Waluigi in Smash overseas. The only thing is that Japan should be much more familiar with Waluigi because Japan does love Mario games, including the Spin-offs like Mario Kart, So that's a benefit he has over someone like Ridley
And in regards to a Challenger Pack, The main Selling point is the Character, so I do think if Sakurai and/or Nintendo were down for Waluigi for FP2, would not be prevented by lack of Supplements. What I would say though Is I Imagine they could have structured the FP2 differently if they planned with Waluigi (if Hypothetically in) in that Only 5 of the Fighters in FP2 came with the Stage, Music, Spirits, since to be honest Waluigi would be fine without all that stuff, though I don't think this hypothetical scenario should look down on chances of Waluigi being in
You know, I see Talks about Characters that are Assist Trophies, and I have would usually bring up Shadow, but I'm gonna be honest, I've been a little burnt out on Talking about Shadow getting into Smash
I'm just going to be arguing against the Same arguments alot of time of why's he's Unlikely, and it can be a bit tiring. I understand people set in their ways, and I understand I'm set in my ways. I Personally think none of the arguments I've seen against him Actually affect if he would be a Good choice for Nintendo to add as DLC
All I would say is that Kazuya gives more legitimacy to Shadow getting in since people did not see Kazuya as the Representation we get from Tekken if we got character, and the Heihachi Costume situation should disregard the mention of the Sonic Mii's against him especially considering those Costumes are much older