Honestly, here is the issue with the community and asking for Zelda reps.
We aren't unified enough.
Think about it. Let's look at every Zelda character added through the series and the reasons for the inclusions.

- Added as the main character of the Legend of Zelda (Bit of a required inclusion)

- Popular request and part of the main gimmick for Zelda

- Added as a bit of an "unexpected" character (Sakurai's words) and one that's incredibly important to the franchise

- Last minute clone

- One of the most popular character requests / Last minute clone

- Popular request / Last Minute Clone
Well, notice any patterns? None of the Zelda characters primarily got in through popularity. We got several popular characters but they usually had either Sakurai wanting to experiment or being a good candidate for a last minute clone to thank for their inclusion.
Unfortunately, it seems that even though lost of good characters exist like Skull Kid, Midna and Impa (there are more, but you get the point), Nintendo and/or Sakurai don't really prioritize Zelda characters. It seems to be the sad truth. Maybe they think five or six characters are enough. Maybe they think Zelda should be expanded in other content (like the large amount of stages and items). Adding more Zelda characters into Smash just doesn't seem to be a priority for them.
So well, are we just destined to just never get a new Zelda character? Well no, there are ways to motivate Sakurai and Nintendo into picking Zelda characters.
We gotta do it through raw popularity. We gotta turn a Zelda character into the new K.Rool/Ridley. We gotta make them so popular that Nintendo / Sakurai will see adding them as a benefitial move. Alright, doesn't sound too hard, but there's a problem.
Who do you rally behind?
In the above examples, Ridley was the clear frontrunner among Metroid newcomers and K.Rool only had Dixie Kong to compete with (and won). When you look at Zelda characters you get... Skull Kid, Midna, Ghirahim, Impa and several other characters getting a decent amount of requests but overall its just a large group of somewhat popular characters.
If the fanbase were to choose one or two as a frontrunner and push, PUSH,
PUSH them into the mainstream Smash spotlight, I think we may have a chance.
Everyone seems to want a Zelda newcomer, but its always been an issue of who. So, I have to ask.
Who should be our frontrunners?