So just want to ask everyone. Final prediction on the final character and why?
It's hard to predict who it is at this point but curious to hear your reason for it as well as to hopefully spark some more debate and speculation from this.
My Outlook on Speculation:
It's really hard for me to say for sure right now, but I'm going to go ahead and claim we're most likely going to end strongly for the very last character.
What qualifies as a "strong" ending is of course subjective, but I think it will come from a series that at least has a decent number of sales.
The main reason I'm thinking this is because I've seen/heard it pointed out that Bayonetta really wasn't the true ending given they pretty much immediately started working on Ultimate afterwards. Because of this, it's difficult to say that Smash tends to end on a low note. People also tend to point towards the base roster of Smash 4 and Ultimate as well as FP1 to support this "low note" claim, but again, that still wasn't the end.
I'll see some even bring up that Melee and Brawl ended on low notes, but I really feel that situation was different as neither broadcasted the full roster to us before the games released to the vast majority of people nor was Smash quite the global phenomenon it is now. By the time Wolf was posted on the DOJO, Brawl was already available in Japan and NA. If you really want to count Wolf though, I'll give him to you, but that's hardly ample precedent.
My Predictions:
Given the content of the DLC so far, I think it's pretty safe to make at least two assumptions:
1. The last character will come from a company already involved in Smash.
2. The character will be from a company that is not already represented within FP2.
Right now, I'm thinking a Sega (Sonic character, Arle, Demi-Fiend) or Capcom rep (RE character, Dante, Phoenix Wright) have a really good shot.
This isn't to say that it's impossible for us to get someone that doesn't meet said criteria, just that it's unlikely. At the end of the day, I'm simply trying to convey that I think the last character will be significant.