I meanYes but that doesn't mean anything. He wasn't on Nintendo consoles, wasn't being pushed on Youtube, Reddit, etc. very much for hype. Look at the reaction of Banjo vs. Joker with most Smash Youtube Channels.
I cannot go to most people in my generation and be like, "Joker is in Smash" and get a great reaction. It really comes down to taste. Go around your High School right now and brag about Joker. I imagine his base is probably small and niche among the group but they would all be excited about Masterchief for example.
I have went through this a 100 times and there is nothing more to say here. It really comes down to tastes and opinions anyways. He is mostly in due to Japan. He wasn't in any top 10 wishlists for the West prior to DLC or Smash Ultimate.
I'm 30
If I went to my high school and asked kids about video games, I'd probably be arrested.