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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I personally feel that if any 1st party characters are to get in, they're going to be from Switch titles, which, considering our current 3, Byleth, Min Min, and P/M, that's not a horribly unlikely situation I'd wager tbh.

Ayumi definitely fits under that category, but I dunno. I don't think she's impossible, in fact, compared to other 1st party characters, I'd even say she's got a better than decent shot, but it's not something that I'd personally bank on tbh.
I'm not saying she's a lock, but I'm keeping my eyes on her considering her series popularity in Japan and that Japanese audiences would respond to her positively even if the rest of the world scratches their heads or gets upset over it.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I'm not saying she's a lock, but I'm keeping my eyes on her considering her series popularity in Japan and that Japanese audiences would respond to her positively even if the rest of the world scratches their heads or gets upset over it.
There's a part of me that feels like this mentality is one more people should have...

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
You know if you want another Switch rep

Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion did pretty well for a DLC expansion...

no I will not stop shilling Octoling till the end theyre one of my “new” MWs and if I got them (or Reimu, or LoL, or KOS-MOS) id be real heckin happy



Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
From everything we know, the idea that any currently unannounced game affects a character's chances in Ultimate should be considered bogus, and any unreleased game affecting the chances is highly suspect. Maybe I'm misreading the vibe, but it seems like a lot of the crowd still think that way.

Byleth was decided on before Three Houses came out, yes, but the game was on the shelves for six months before the Smash reveal and development likely didn't seriously begin until 3H was complete. That's a more realistic timeframe for "promotional picks". Fire Emblem and Pokemon have also been explicitly stated to be exceptions to the principle of considering content from upcoming games. I wouldn't expect to see any character that wasn't already talked about before 2020 - which means that a S/S rep just barely makes the cut.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
I'm not saying she's a lock, but I'm keeping my eyes on her considering her series popularity in Japan and that Japanese audiences would respond to her positively even if the rest of the world scratches their heads or gets upset over it.
I haven't played the FDC games, or at least yet, but I'd definitely be cool with Ayumi. As DLC she would probably make a lot of people angry, though I guess that applies for most characters at this point of Ultimate's DLC, to be fair.

The idea of having a detective schoolgirl is very cool and she would definitely stand out in Smash. I don't think she's gonna make it as DLC now, but who knows, maybe if the remakes sell good enough, which I guess they will because I really doubt Nintendo has high sales expectations for remakes of 2 visual novel games from the NES era that have made their debut in the West now, for the first time.

If the next Smash game is able to have a large selection of newcomers, I could totally see Ayumi being one of the inclusions if she's lucky enough.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I think if FDC gets a new original title, Ayumi will be worth keeping an eye on, but not before then. And ofc, that would be a question for a future Smash.

I think we're running low on serious active candidates which is why remakes released in a timeframe that likely lapsed the selection window is being given a bit more consideration than it would be otherwise.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
I think if FDC gets a new original title, Ayumi will be worth keeping an eye on, but not before then. And ofc, that would be a question for a future Smash.

I think we're running low on serious active candidates which is why remakes released in a timeframe that likely lapsed the selection window is being given a bit more consideration than it would be otherwise.
I mean it doesn't really seem to warrant discussion any more or less than anything else, because after all realistically we just have no idea what's going on. This is a speculation thread after all, we're just here to talk Smash and ponder the possibilities.

It seems pretty clear to me that what gets discussed here is driven more by what interests people at the time, rather than any real logical reason. People will fabricate reasons for why their ideas are likely regardless. And of course this is always going to be influenced by whatever is currently relevant in Nintendo news, particularly for first parties.

I mean even when there are rumors or "leaks" they are typically not taken seriously by most people anyway. Barring some pretty extreme evidence to their validity. And don't even get me started on the "theories" that pop up here all the time. lol I find it much easier to just go with the flow and talk about what I feel like and see what other people are talking about rather than worrying about what is legitimate or likely. Because we have historically not been good at judging that anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2019
Sure. I'll go to details over it why the narrative isn't as strong as what you proclaimed it to be.
The entire first generation is a deconstruction of the typical Fire Emblem "war is the solution to everything" plot through the lens of "what would happen if a young adult who had no political experience outside of being a soldier came to power?". The fact that Sigurd's only answer to any sort of dissent is to conquer the opposing party slowly drives the entirety of Agustria away from him (including his former friend Eldigan), grants Grannvale the power it needs to slowly turn tyrannical, destabilizes Sileese by being the final push for the state to enter a secession war, and allows Freege, Dozel, and Velthomer to make things even worse by installing themselves as oppressive, colonial governments in his conquered territories.
War literally is the only way in which seliph and leif (aka the good guys) wins back power (it is part of the overall story, and cannot be separated from the overall narrative). The story did force sigurd into bad positions despite him doing decent-ish stuff to help the region after the first war, and it was a series of bad events, external issues (e.g. Arvis) and being too trusting (you know, the kind of thing people rip corrin/eirika/micaiah for being too "naive" for) outside of his hands that resulted in the following disaster, not necessarily the actions that he took up.
Showing a flow of such a story means nothing when there's no growth to said character, and a deconstruction for the sake of doing so is not strong storytelling by itself (GOT deconstruction for the sake of doing so is a very clear example). Especially when it's clear people were saved when sigurd took action while certain states were already in conflict before he stepped in, that's not a strong statement on the "deconstruction" you stated it to be.

Also, why would Arvis get rid of the nobility power structure? He's a man driven purely by his own self-interest and the goddamn emperor of the continent's superpower that is only growing in influence. Why would he surrender his power through grand reforms out of a sense of personal morality when it's clear he primarily looks out for number one? Plus, he does introduce reform when it benefits him, as seen by his willingness to reintroduce the Loptr Church and its people to re-enter society without fear of being lynched. Likewise, Seliph only becomes emperor in the final cutscene of the game and his story is based around uncovering Julia's past and learning to live up to the massive legacy he's inherited. It's fine that the game doesn't really go into what Seliph is like as a political leader, because for 99% of the game he has no political power.
So we do agree that Arvis was a terrible person and that his "justification" was nothing more than just a hunger for power. That doesn't strike me as an interesting or complex antagonist other than the fact that he killed the protagonist (you could make a case for cunning, but that just means he's a rat monster, not some sadman who set some people on fire).
Also your point about "reintroducing the Loptr Church" worked really well when literal satan aka manfroy was working behind his back to revive said evil world-ending monster (who enslaved the entire continent for centuries, how do you even try to spin it as a sympathetic thing). Nothing about the plot indicated that giving them a chance resulted in anything good (which again, shoots down the argument that the plot was trying to show complexity through it).

And given how many of the continent's problems and issues were implicitly indicated to be linked to the nobility and the bloodline obsession causing a lot of problems (corruption, war, genocide and a young adult being thrust into making the world's best decisions as you said), then reinforcing the same power structure through emperor seliph does mean that the root issues were never addressed directly, no? Especially when bad things can easily happen again in the future after seliph passes on? Or that the game vaguely makes a point about it and never addresses it at the end of the game?

Just because they're not waxing philosophical every 5 minutes about their ideology like Edelgard doesn't mean that Arvis and Seliph aren't well-written or interesting characters.
I don't disagree that fe4 has some well written characters, but this is no different compared to other FE games where you get some well written characters, some bad and some creepy. Why does it make the game more different/better compared to others, especially as a 10/10 game?

Also, just because a theme has been already covered in a pre-existing work doesn't mean it automatically invalidates the new work. The Loptr are much more interesting than the other unambiguously bad FE factions like the Earth Dragons and Those That Slither in the Dark because they have some degree of reasonable motivation to do what they do. They were cast permanently into hiding out of a fear that they will be lynched for their heritage. It's no wonder they want political power and follow an extreme religion, they are at the bottom rung of society by virtually every metric.
Of course! It's just funny because the Loptr had.....Manfroy and his ilk who were literally the cartoon villains in the story (you know, the whole deal about reviving evil world ending dragon without any subtlety to it). The game never really bothered to point out how bad it went for the tribe (saying it doesn't make it compelling btw) and the fact they went on to do bad things without giving 2 hoots (haha child hunts and mass murder; so much for trusting in them huh?) and the fact that the ending never addresses the things that happens to the Loptr people (who were not angels btw), makes me think the plot point was never handled well. Honestly that's FE4 in a nutshell - interesting points that never gets addressed directly or ever developed properly.

I do find it interesting that you raised the former while not addressing the other kinds of antagonists like Mila/Duma, Black Knight, Lyon and even edelgard. Surely characters with differing motivations and personalities are more interesting to you than....the unambiguous bad factions you pointed out?

Likewise, while Loptous is very much just an "evil for evil's sake" character, even he's more interesting than the likes of Medeus simply because there's a tragedy behind him. Julius is permanently corrupted by the tome and undergoes a major personality change, which leads to characters like Ishtar and Arvis tragically continuing to follow him out of a sense that he may return to his old self.
Great to see you agree that Loptous was pure evil! So here's the thing - how is that more compelling then the other "big bad wasn't so bad" that is repeated in the past/future games, like hardin, lyon with good intentions failing and turning to the dark side, or the yune/ashera dichotomy and sephiran? I don't think the stated examples are without fail of course, but since you were the one who stated FE4 was superior in all that i would like to know more about how you came to that conclusion.
Heck, we literally see the same plot points repeated with Xander and Garon, and we all know fans viewed Xander as an idiot for bowing to his father (even through he was clearly subordinate to his father, something that Arvis cannot take solace in - you're the goddam father, do something about your genocidal son, just because the previous emperor told you to pass the mantle down does not mean the son can do whatever he wants, its not realistic).

It's not like Julius was shown to be some deep compelling fleshed out character before he was posessed where we, as the player, would understand and feel sad that Ishtar would do this? "Show don't tell" is so important for these types of stories and it's clearly not done well here.

My issues with FE4 goes deeper than that of course (i don't feel like this is the right place to really dig into those; but i'm always happy to elaborate further if need be).
That said, it's not a bad game either. Interesting big maps! Good revenge story where the son avenges his family! Interesting characters!
But these does not strike me as a 10/10 game like you stated - especially when i've pointed out the other FE games also go through the same kind of points you mentioned too. At the end of the day, it's.... just another FE game. Some good points, some bad points, some what-were-they-thinking ideas all thrown in. Nothing wrong with that, no?
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
What's a company that you all think gets slept on in terms of getting representation? Whether it has 0 representation or whether it means getting more.
None. "slept on" implies nobody is talking about them. And while I think Koei Tecmo and ArcSys are due, we talk about them all the time.

Danganrompa is a mere five degrees of separation from Homestuck.
Uh...isn't Sans, like, one degree of separation from Homestuck?

What first party character do you think is the most likely, if this pass ends off with one?
Mmm...Captain Toad/Toadette.

If we were to get a Skyward Sword character, then I'd prefer
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Dang. The author of Berserk passed away, Dr. Kentaro Miura. I was never the absolute biggest fan of Berserk, but I am really into what it inspired.
He ****ing died at 54? Oh my god, I know manga artists typically get health issues due to being overworked but Miura looked like an exception, we lost perhaps one of the best artists in the industry
Once again, I feel like if Melee weren't rushed, the idea of Ayumi could've been given a bit more thought. Here's my interpretation.
But we outright know why she got scrapped and time constraints or low priority had nothing to do with it, the only characters who had the same issues who got in were a fanfavourites of which one was intended to be cut in the worldwide release and the other had Sakurai unaware their game would be Japan only

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Dang. The author of Berserk passed away, Dr. Kentaro Miura. I was never the absolute biggest fan of Berserk, but I am really into what it inspired.
As sad as it is, I can't say I'm not surprised. I recall he was sick for a very long time and why it took long times for chapters to be published. Pretty impressive he managed to hold out for this long.

My condolences and prayers out to his friends and loved ones.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I mean it doesn't really seem to warrant discussion any more or less than anything else, because after all realistically we just have no idea what's going on. This is a speculation thread after all, we're just here to talk Smash and ponder the possibilities.

It seems pretty clear to me that what gets discussed here is driven more by what interests people at the time, rather than any real logical reason. People will fabricate reasons for why their ideas are likely regardless. And of course this is always going to be influenced by whatever is currently relevant in Nintendo news, particularly for first parties.

I mean even when there are rumors or "leaks" they are typically not taken seriously by most people anyway. Barring some pretty extreme evidence to their validity. And don't even get me started on the "theories" that pop up here all the time. lol I find it much easier to just go with the flow and talk about what I feel like and see what other people are talking about rather than worrying about what is legitimate or likely. Because we have historically not been good at judging that anyway.
Sure, I'm not saying people shouldn't talk about it. People can talk about what they want to talk about. I'm just giving my thoughts on her current chances and noting that were the field a bit more packed, serious talk about Ayumi would probably be happening less, especially after this launch window passes. Like you said, it's certainly not the only time conversation has been influenced by a recent game.

But I'll contend this vortex of randomness this thread is often painted as. The reason the characters that get the most attention get the most attention is generally because they are the ones believed by the greatest number of people to have the best chances (or at least are contended by some as such), which is a logical reason. Does that mean they warrant discussion more than others? It's not really an x vs. y scenario, that kind of thinking results in people trying to police the thread, but it would be understandable to talk about the characters people think are likeliest in a thread created to speculate on DLC, wouldn't it? Doesn't mean likelihood has to be the sole conversation. And it isn't. And I'm not advocating for that. People shouldn't feel they need to stick to some template, that would only stifle the natural flow. But when it happens... it's not without cause. That's a big part of what the thread is about.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
As sad as it is, I can't say I'm not surprised. I recall he was sick for a very long time and why it took long times for chapters to be published. Pretty impressive he managed to hold out for this long.

My condolences and prayers out to his friends and loved ones.
I don't remember hearing Miura being ill, in fact, his death was caused by a ruptured aorta, maybe you're thinking of Togashi, who's health has taken a major decline which lead to Hunter x Hunter constantly going on hiatus?

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I don't remember hearing Miura being ill, in fact, his death was caused by a ruptured aorta, maybe you're thinking of Togashi, who's health has taken a major decline which lead to Hunter x Hunter constantly going on hiatus?
Hmmm maybe, I just recall folks telling me this but maybe they were confusing the Berserk author for Togashi, either that or they confused him being "sick" due to manga authors tending to work overtime as you mentioned.

Regardless although I was never really into Berserk, sad to hear an author of an amazing series has passed away, hope he's in a better place now...:(

A few years back I remember watching some episodes of the 90s anime series of it. This definitely reminds me that I need to get back to watching it.
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Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
Sure, I'm not saying people shouldn't talk about it. People can talk about what they want to talk about. I'm just giving my thoughts on her current chances and noting that were the field a bit more packed, serious talk about Ayumi would probably be happening less, especially after this launch window passes. Like you said, it's certainly not the only time conversation has been influenced by a recent game.

But I'll contend this vortex of randomness this thread is often painted as. The reason the characters that get the most attention get the most attention is generally because they are the ones believed by the greatest number of people to have the best chances (or at least are contended by some as such), which is a logical reason. Does that mean they warrant discussion more than others? It's not really an x vs. y scenario, that kind of thinking results in people trying to police the thread, but it would be understandable to talk about the characters people think are likeliest in a thread created to speculate on DLC, wouldn't it? Doesn't mean likelihood has to be the sole conversation. And it isn't. And I'm not advocating for that. People shouldn't feel they need to stick to some template, that would only stifle the natural flow. But when it happens... it's not without cause. That's a big part of what the thread is about.
I don't entirely disagree here. I just think there is a lot of retrofitted logic as to why characters are likely often times. Which is to say it seems to me people discuss what is popular and then convince themselves it is likely, and then talk about it more. Whether that's because people tend to view characters that are often discussed as likely or because they themselves want the character and so they convince themselves due to their own biases. I know I have done this myself lol.

But regardless, I will hold that even if people discuss what they truly feel is most likely, we are still usually very, very wrong in our assessments as a whole. So it would stand to reason to me to be a bit more open minded when thinking about what is possible.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Dang. The author of Berserk passed away, Dr. Kentaro Miura. I was never the absolute biggest fan of Berserk, but I am really into what it inspired.
Goddamn. The meme of Berserk never being finished actually happened...

He ****ing died at 54? Oh my god, I know manga artists typically get health issues due to being overworked but Miura looked like an exception, we lost perhaps one of the best artists in the industry
You can call Miura a lot of things...but overworked isn't one of them.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I don't entirely disagree here. I just think there is a lot of retrofitted logic as to why characters are likely often times. Which is to say it seems to me people discuss what is popular and then convince themselves it is likely, and then talk about it more. Whether that's because people tend to view characters that are often discussed as likely or because they themselves want the character and so they convince themselves due to their own biases. I know I have done this myself lol.

But regardless, I will hold that even if people discuss what they truly feel is most likely, we are still usually very, very wrong in our assessments as a whole. So it would stand to reason to me to be a bit more open minded when thinking about what is possible.
There is truth to that, because expectation and popularity are intertwined. The characters people think will happen regularly become more popular, and the popular characters regularly get more expected due to their popularity. There are many characters that could get bandwagoned to the big leagues, but aren't fated to be the few that do.

On the other hand, not all that cycle is ill-founded. People are sometimes justified in thinking certain characters are likely, or that popularity can affect things. As per usual, the truth is in the grey area.

Though having said that, predicting who won't get added is a whole different beast to predicting who will be added, because the latter camp is only going to include... twenty-ish characters per game, but the former will number in the hundreds, given the volume of who gets suggested over time. And even the characters who have all the sound reasoning in the word might just... not get picked. If you look at the receipts on reasoning for exclusion, the track record wouldn't actually be that bad. Though I know some people don't like that approach. To each their own.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
There is truth to that, because expectation and popularity are intertwined. The characters people think will happen regularly become more popular, and the popular characters regularly get more expected due to their popularity. There are many characters that could get bandwagoned to the big leagues, but aren't fated to be the few that do.

On the other hand, not all that cycle is ill-founded. People are sometimes justified in thinking certain characters are likely, or that popularity can affect things. As per usual, the truth is in the grey area.

Though having said that, predicting who won't get added is a whole different beast to predicting who will be added, because the latter camp is only going to include... twenty-ish characters per game, but the former will number in the hundreds, given the volume of who gets suggested over time. And even the characters who have all the sound reasoning in the word might just... not get picked. If you look at the receipts on reasoning for exclusion, the track record wouldn't actually be that bad. Though I know some people don't like that approach. To each their own.
That's not exactly a fair comparison to make though, mathematically speaking. There are nigh unlimited characters out there and at any given time there are only some finite number of characters that will get added. We don't always know that number, but for example right now we only know 2 more are for sure going to be added. So of course people saying some character N isn't going to get added will be correct the vast majority of the time. That's just how that works.

But at the same time, we are almost always wrong in our assessment of who is likely. So at what point is there actually any validity to the supposed logic being used? Clearly there are tons of factors that go in to these decisions, and we as random players and people on the internet have next to no real insight. So at the end of the day it feels a little more like gatekeeping discussion rather than anything else. But I digress, it doesn't really matter anyway people will talk about what they want to talk about. lol My point is mostly that it is just not that serious. We're almost certainly going to be wrong anyway.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
yeah I thought I remember this being a thing before tonight.

Still I am kinda interested in this new game. I never owned a game in the series myself but a childhood friend of mine owns a couple of the games on GC. If this new Timesplitters ends up good I could see this new game being a fun time for us.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Man Miura’s death is hitting me hard, what a tragic loss.

yeah I thought I remember this being a thing before tonight.

Still I am kinda interested in this new game. I never owned a game in the series myself but a childhood friend of mine owns a couple of the games on GC. If this new Timesplitters ends up good I could see this new game being a fun time for us.
Timesplitters was never good exactly, but it was always very fun. Def one of my favorite GC era franchises. I remember playing so much of that games split screen along with that Turok GC game that let u play as a raptor in multiplayer.
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium It's time to split!
In positive news
Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium ****ing won

Evil Trapezium right now

I can't believe this guy singlehandedly took the time to remind us about TimeSplitter and he deserve this.
Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium in however many minutes/hours when he wakes up, discovers TimeSplitters is coming back, and %$#@ing ASCENDS
good for evil on getting timesplitters back

now i just need my character arc to come full circle when scorpion is revealed at E3 :bowsette:
I have heard the news. Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium congrats bro your series is back!
Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium better give us the biggest "time to split" he's ever given when he gets back. Congrats!

Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium

There’s a new TimeSplitters or some ****.


Dude's gonna see all the tags and be like "Oh god what happened."
yeah I thought I remember this being a thing before tonight.

Still I am kinda interested in this new game. I never owned a game in the series myself but a childhood friend of mine owns a couple of the games on GC. If this new Timesplitters ends up good I could see this new game being a fun time for us.
This isn't the first time a TimeSplitters 4 gets announced but God damn do I hope this is the one.

Uh, I mean, Time to Split!
Still I'm pretty sure that Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium will re-enact Cortez's smooth moves:

(I know I just danced the whole end credits when I heard of this, as someone who likewise played a lot of TS2 and FP)

Yeah, it was a thing, but it is still nice to see direct confirmation. FTR here's Deep Silver's announcement:

Timesplitters was never good exactly, but it was always very fun. Def one of my favorite GC era franchises. I remember playing so much of that games split screen along with that Turok GC game that let u play as a raptor in multiplayer.
It had its jank, yes: single player wise there was a massive difficulty spike between difficulties - most noticeable between Normal and Hard. The Neo-Tokyo level in 2 (set in 2019 - we're already past that date and no flying police cars? Damnit :4pacman: ) stood out since it opens with one long stalking mission and one wrong move can mean you have to restart from scratch. Normal and Hard only added more obstacles like the flying police cars and surveillance cameras all over the place.

Still though, it's the kind of game that was very fun to play - whether singleplayer or multiplayer - precisely because of its arcade-esque approach and them evolving on GoldenEye's / Perfect Dark's principles. This is coming from someone who played a lot of TimeSplitters' multiplayer - second only to Melee IIRC.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Oh my goodness it's finally happening isn't it? After 15 long years of waiting, we finally have some confirmation that a new TimeSplitters game is actually in the works and not being sat on like with Crytek! Not only that, Free Radical has come back from the dead! TimeSplitters has finally come back to us!

The long arduous wait for a new game is finally over!




Time to Split compressed.gif

Yeah I haven't got a flashy new gif for Cortez. Didn't think this day would happen after all.

Edit: I'd like thank you all for giving this series your time and interest because TimeSplitters is a fantastic series with lots of insane wacky characters, weapons and maps (Including a mapmaker) and it deserves a second chance in the spotlight. Also I'm glad that I was able to entertain you all with my Cortez and TimeSplitters shenanigans and it's made sharing this series with you all the more inspiring to me. I still want Cortez in Smash and I'll continue to stay here until the end of Fighter Pass 2 even if he doesn't appear. Thank you all and we'll see what happens at E3 and beyond.
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