While I'm the kind of person who would be interested in balance patch talk (partly since I'm really bloody stubborn and got pretty high into Elite Smash, and Sakurai noted that Elite Smash games do influence patches to some degree), it would be kinda strange since the competitive thread also goes over that.
Monkey's Paw: CP10 is a Pokemon guessing game, CP11 is a LoL guessing game.
As for Double reveal... while I could see it happen, it doesn't feel that likely to me since not only would Nintendo want to milk FP2 for as long as possible, but I'm not sure they're ready to announce how the support will look like after the last character just yet. They likely have some plans (whether it's further Nintendo-organized tournaments, events or other stuff related to the game), but Nintendo's not been known for tieing those to E3 presentations either.