Yeah, the list pretty much reflects several things that were reported about Japan's playerbase. For example, almost all of the DLC picks from recent games are in the top 5... except for Min Min, who seems to be hated there.
Meanwhile, the third parties seem to almost be ranked according to how you'd see them in a tier list, with characters like



close to the top,



in the middle and


closer to the bottom. There are a few oddities here and there, like

being closer to the top than the middle, but I'd wager these can be attributed to the games' specific popularity in Japan.
Pretty sure


are considered pretty damn strong characters. And people still don't know how to even start rating

. Anyhow:
And poor min min is at 69
Despite how n i c e the number is, I guess Japan really doesnt like her much after all
Min Min is hated in a similar vein to Bayonetta. Did Japan hate Min Min when she was first revealed? No, not really. However, after seeing her being used to win matches again and again with the same combos, people became sour.
It could've happened with any ARMS character. At the time she was chosen though, she was genuinely one of the most popular characters from that game.
So Min Min is op or just frustrating to play against? Prob the latter but she is easily the most disliked dlc gameplay wise
I've never been entirely sure re: Min Min being hated in Japan. So, I used Min Min's Japanese name - ミェンミェン - and looked around to see if that's the case or not. There are some videos besides tournament VoDs getting dislike-bombed (some players are more disliked-bombed than others though):
* Zackray posted
a couple click-baity Min Min gameplay vids (283K and 313K views) in July / August. While I don't entirely trust Google Translate (due to literal translations not being the best for conveying context), the August vid title named Ram Ram's edgeguarding specifically as absurdly powerful + the vids focused a lot on him walling out people for any mistakes they made. He later made
a third video (298K views), with a title that loosely translates to "This is one of the reasons why Min Min is called a character that cheats." He's
not the only pro that's posted such vids, but the most prominent one due to his following.
A gameplay vid by the streamer MKR Channel (412K views) whose title mention "Instant death combo" (If google translate is correct that is). That instant death combo being the Scholar's Mate cheese - which MKR did perform just one minute into the video:
If anyone wonders why Dragon ARM's Laser was nerfed a tad last patch... I'm 100 % sure this is why.
* A couple shorter videos (
93K and
246K views) that focus on a more memetic atmosphere. T
he former went so far as to call Dragon Laser a stronger KO move than Warlock Punch / Aymr.
Summary: I don't believe that Min Min's hated by everyone there, but there's a subset of people who really dislike / hate the character. Some of that hate comes down to a couple players reportedly being asses, but the dislike-bombing and stuff persists some even with more liked pro players like Protobanham.
There are a couple major reasons for the dislike though:
1. Min Min's zoning is excellent not only because it punishes mistakes - which people will do, especially at the casual level - but also since it's a consistent 20 - 30 % damage. It also shuts down adrealine for a lot of people if they can't get through the wall of punches - those that want adrealine become frustrated as all hell when they're constantly punched back. It's one reason why I'm pretty sure that Min Min - like the Belmonts - is a "casual-killer" going by
her very high online winrate on a lower level (57,25 % - 4th highest amongst low / mid-level, with some absurd winrates vs. characters like 

2. Her pro win rate is
strong online (56 %), seemingly on
the wonkier side offline (although that could change).
The character has so far won
a couple regional tournaments, but not much beyond that. While online plays a part of course, it's worth noting that the Japanese metagame uses most of the cast (as opposed to elsewhere where characters considered high / top tier are more prominent), and generally plays more patiently. Min Min's zoning does extremely well in this environment, when she can set up shop and create a zone quite a few characters have a lot of trouble getting through to.
3. Beating her can feel unorthodox, especially since her CQC is very good. It's mainly about "
Once she's hit, keep pressuring her and smother her with hitboxes and 50 / 50 guessing games. Don't let her set up shop. But be intelligent about it". Doing so in a way that's effective can be really difficult to do, especially if one has a habit of being a bit too overagressive. That's where I suspect a lot of the frustration comes in - a mistake while pursuing can lead to a reset, which Min Min wants.
I don't think she's


levels broken - she has enough weaknesses that affect her gameplan a lot - but she's
polarizing. If she gets ahead it's easy for her to stay ahead and wall the opponent(s) out, but if she falls behind she can have a lot of trouble even getting back on her feet. That makes it frustrating for a lot of players to experience, especially in an environment that inadvertedly allows her to set up shop.