Of course, and on the mention of those characters, I Imagine this is one of the bigger reasons people don't buy into the theory
If true, it would pretty much kill, or has killed of alot of the Speculated characters, not just "Frontrunner characters", but even the darkhorses like Falcom and Reimu (even If I argue Reimu isn't really much of a Darkhorse anymore) get killed here. In particular, Japanese based companies are very impacted here.
Of course, if we're trying to speculate Who will actually get in, than I personally think you should give this a look, because there is evidence here to suggest that this List has creditability in Deciding the FP2 contents.
Well the thing is by me subscribing to this theory, I'm kind of am actually not believing in Vergeben in some aspects
He has said that this list was focused only on CP5, at least intentionally.
My argument is that while he intentionally might have been focused on CP5, there is evidence to suggest that info about FP2 got mixed up here, because if this was just for CP5, than there are holes in some of the things that happened surrounding this list.
Papagenos actually did talk about this theory in his video, but he said even if none of the FP2 characters were on the list, it just be coincidental, but honestly it goes even beyond the Fighters themselves. Even the Mii Costumes and Spirits seem impacted by this. at this point, I can't just believe it's coincidental, I do believe there's actual Cred here