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Dixie Kong's Barrel Of Support Spirits. Farewell Everyone, Thank You ALL For Making This Thread An Excellent Place For DK Fans!


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Speaking of Amiibo before we change the subject I wanted to post my amiibo collection to share. I wanted to share it once Byleth and Min Min released but that will be awhile, I only have enough room for 2 more figures those are the last two I want/need. Unless of course we get more 1st party DLC characters then I will replace both Bayo and Sonic or if we get the aforementioned DK line where I can replace my fake Dixie and Cranky amiibo with real ones. Also sorry for the LQ pic I have an old android phone, LMAO!

View attachment 292604
Love it! I'm finally at my moms house- where I store my video game (****). I get to play with them all!!!!!!


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I started Donkey Kong Country 3 last night, and I played enough to finish the first area. I wanted to 100% complete that area, but I couldn't find the DK Coin in Murky Mill, or get all of the Bonus Barrels in Tidal Trouble. (I can't get the timing right for Kiddy's ability to bounce on the water - it seems like he can only bounce twice, I can only attempt to get one Bonus Barrel once per run, and even when I get the second jump, I just barely fall short of the platform)

Enjoying it so far, though. I'm bouncing back and forth between a few games (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, God of War, Sam & Max, Doom Eternal...), but I'm hoping to beat it eventually. (just the main ending - not going to aim for 100% completion)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I have been absent from this thread for the last three months. There is a lot I want to respond to, so I apologize in regards to the size of this post. It took me a very long time to write up all of the responses.

Holy ****! Hopefully Dixie Kong is really coming to Smash as a bonus character like Fatman has been theorizing. Things are looking really good for the DKC franchise right now.
I highly doubt there is going to be additional characters after Fighters Pass 2 concludes. Sakurai himself has stated that Pass 2's conclusion will mark the end of development for Ultimate. There is a small chance that some echoes might be made (there will be four empty slots after Fighter's Pass 2 concludes on the non-stacked character select screen), however, I am not optimistic on that happening. Secondly, even if it were to happen. Dixie would not be a top contender for it because she would take more resources than other possible echo candidates (Dixie would at the very least need an unique recovery and Final Smash).

Yet more good news: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest is coming to Nintendo Switch Online!

This is fantastic news as it gives more exposure to the best game Dixie Kong has ever had a starring role in. As others have said, DKC2 is a masterpiece, and to this day it is still among my favorite titles for the SNES. DKC2 is probably my favorite game ever made by Rare, and it was this title that truly made me a fan of the Donkey Kong franchise. I had already played Donkey Kong 94 and DKC1 before DKC2, and while I enjoyed both of those games (especially DK94), DKC2 is the title that made DK jump up to become one of my favorite game franchises during the 90's.

It was a really magical title and had been the one that made me a fan of Dixie Kong to begin with. Alongside Yoshi's Island and Super Mario World, it is one of the best platformers on the SNES. It is still my favorite title in the Donkey Kong series, and probably among my Top 5 favorite SNES titles to this day (which says a lot, considering how many titles on that platform I regard as being among the best of their respective series).

There's just too much jank, gameplay-wise and aesthetically. Even if we imagine a better playing DK64, the worlds are mostly kind of boring or weird in a bad way IMO.

I'd just prefer a 3D DK game that was all new and took more inspiration from the DKC games. DK64 Kongs can appear, sure, but DK64 itself, I don't really think it's worth the effort.
While DKC2 was the game that made me a fan of the DK franchise, it was DK64 that made me lose interest in the series. Titles like Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie, were among my favorite for the Nintendo 64. DK64 really made me fatigued with the series, and it ended up being the case where the only DK titles I ended up getting after DK64 were the e-reader ports of Donkey Kong Jr. and Donkey Kong 3, as well as Mario vs. Donkey Kong for the GBA (which was basically a sequel to DK94).

Many others have outlined the issues with DK64, but I will iterate my own personal issues with the title. Namely it was just very bloated (way too much stuff to collect), and many of the mini-games were not fun and frustrating. In many ways, the title also felt like a Banjo-Kazooie title with a DK skin rather than a continuation of the DKC trilogy (Fungi Forest was even supposedly a scrapped world for Banjo-Kazooie, and DK64 was even planned at one point to have Stop n' Swop functionality with Banjo-Kazooie).

This in many ways was similar to my experience with Banjo-Tooie, which I have already written about.:

I first played Banjo-Tooie in Christmas of 2000, and the game proved to be absolutely incredible. It had an even grander scope than Kazooie did, and it truly seemed like the sequel that Kazooie was hinting towards. The game was also far more difficult and tedious than Kazooie was, especially when getting all the Jiggies and Cheato Pages. However, there were various things nagging at me at the back of my mind. How did the secret areas in Kazooie intersect with Tooie?

As mentioned earlier, Tooie proved to be far more challenging than Kazooie. The game at many points was reminding me of Donkey Kong 64, and not in a good way. For Donkey Kong 64, I tried to get all the Golden Bananas but ultimately gave up when some proved to be simply too difficult for my much younger self to get (I ultimately was able to get all the Golden Bananas when I revisited the game in 2012), and the game as a whole proved to be very tedious and lacked a lot of the sort of “magic” that both Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie had.

While Tooie was very fun, and I was enjoying it more than Donkey Kong 64 and had a far grander scale than Kazooie did, something about the game felt different than Kazooie as I went further and further into it. The game seemed dark and cynical at times in comparison to Kazooie’s (mostly) happy-go-lucky world and characters. Tooie, upon retrospect, at times seemed like a PG rated Conker with its various innuendos. Tooie also reminded me more of Donkey Kong 64 than Super Mario 64 in terms of its tedium and atmosphere. It was a game too bloated for its own good. The multiplayer and various minigames did give the game more longevity than Kazooie though. However, in terms of the actual main game and journey, I feel Kazooie had far better design and heart to it than Tooie did.

There was also the matter that as I got further along in Tooie I became more and more fatigued with the game (the same thing that happened with Donkey Kong 64). I was ultimately able to get all the Jiggies in Tooie back in the day though (2001 or 2002), but I remember the game becoming more frustrating than fun at parts towards the end of getting all the Jiggies and this put me in a mood for not being “hungry for more” like I felt when I had finished Banjo-Kazooie completely.

I did not feel “hungry” for an additional Banjo-Kazooie title after I completely finished Tooie. I felt the same sort of thing after I had gotten most of the Golden Bananas in Donkey Kong 64, fatigue. Similarly, I had lost most of my interest in Donkey Kong as a series after Donkey Kong 64. There were new series that managed to take the place of Banjo and Donkey Kong in terms of my personal interest. Super Smash Bros. was now one of my favorite franchises. Melee even though its final roster disappointed me at the time, ended up becoming one of my favorite games of all time and vastly eclipsed the original in every way possible. The Legend of Zelda had also similarly become one of my favorite franchises as I did all the sidequests in Ocarina of Time, and played much more of A Link To The Past and Majora’s Mask. F-Zero was another franchise that joined Metroid, Super Mario, Super Smash Bros., and The Legend of Zelda as one of my favorites. F-Zero and F-Zero X I played for the first time in 1999 and 2000, and they became some of my favorite racing games of all time. With Maximum Velocity released on the Game Boy Advance in 2001, F-Zero was a franchise that highly relevant and special to me in the early 2000’s.

I might someday go more into detail about my own personal experiences and critique with DK64, though this is not something I am going to promise. I will say I will credit DK64 for introducing me to the original arcade version of Donkey Kong (though DK94 also had the DK arcade levels, you are easily able to clear them due to Mario in that title being far more acrobatic than in the arcade original). My enjoyment of the port to Donkey Kong arcade was the impetus that got me to explore the later titles in the DK arcade trilogy and may have been a factor in my growing interest in retro titles (I also really enjoyed Jetpac in DK64).

I hope more than anything, Dixie miraculously makes it into Ultimate's roster. I believe she is the most deserving Nintendo character not yet in that deserves to get into Ultimate.
As I said many times before, Dixie Kong somehow miraculously making it might be among the most profound miracles to Ultimate, and that says a lot. The present circumstances give her little opportunity to make the roster (she is not a third-party character, nor does she has a large cult following among the "chatty" portion to the Smash fanbase, which massively helps to be noticed by the development team).

While she might not be the last Nintendo all-star not yet on the roster per se (a strong argument could also be made for Toad for example, and Bandana Dee is gradually getting to become one of the faces to the Kirby brand), I do agree she is probably the most "deserving" Nintendo character not yet on the roster. She was a protagonist in two out of three of the titles to the DKC trilogy, one of the most prominent set of platformers for Nintendo outside of Nintendo's Mario titles.

Dixie Kong in particular also has the distinction of being one of Nintendo's first starring major female protagonists. Aside from Samus, she was the only female character to have multiple main protagonist roles, and unlike Samus even, she wore her femininity on her sleeve (you could have easily have finished Metroid and Metroid II back in the day without knowing Samus is a woman).

Dixie Kong debuted as a co-protagonist (DKC2's subtitle in Japan was "Dixie & Diddy") months before RE1 (Jill Valentine) and Tomb Raider (Lara Croft) were released. Both DKC2 and DKC3 were among the top 10 best selling SNES titles (and that was with both games releasing after the PS1/Saturn, and DKC3 releasing months after the N64).

In terms of a heroine, she was "girly" and feminine, yet was popular even among boys. As I said before, Dixie Kong has something called, "Mario appeal". She appeals across demographics despite her unconventional design due to the charm and fun her gameplay has as well as some personality touches.

Honestly we will probably get Dixie next year with DK's 40th anniversary.
Even if a new DK were announced next year (and I think there is a 50/50 chance on that happening), I highly doubt Dixie Kong will be announced as part of Ultimate's roster. I see the remaining four slots being a Tales character (likely Lloyd, but Yuri also has a shot), Geno (the most likely prospective DLC character in my opinion, the omission of his Mii costume from Hero's update alone is a very strong tell), a Capcom character (one out of Monster Hunter, Dante, or Phoenix Wright), and either Ryu Hayabusa or another Western third-party (Crash Bandicoot, Doom Slayer, Rayman, Master Chief, etc.).

I do not see any more Nintendo newcomers in general happening for Ultimate (the closest we will get to one is Geno).

Dixie Kong is always on the table as far as I'm concerned. Maybe not always right in the middle of the table. Maybe she's pushed into a corner and hanging off the side by her pinky toe that she may or may not have depending on which design she's using. But she's still on the table!
This is the correct attitude to have. Dixie Kong's prospects are very low. However, as low as they are, she is still a possibility. It is easy to lose hope entirely, and honestly she is 90% likely not going to be part of the roster, but there is always a possibility that the stars somehow align for her and she does end up making it in the end. As I said many times before, it is going to take a special set of circumstances for her to be a DLC newcomer for Ultimate.

well, I think it is the definitive nail in Dixie's coffin. Now we can't realistically expect, or also hope, Dixie is in, now that we received another piece to build the puzzle of Nintendo way to choose dlc characters. It's very sad, and the awareness we won't ever have Dixie in Smash (let alone this particular chapter: yes, at this point I'm THAT pessimistic) makes my will to play smash goes down down down...
The response I wrote out to ZeroJanitor's message applies here as well. Ever since Joker was confirmed as the first character of the Fighters Pass, I have been pessimistic on Dixie Kong's prospects as DLC. The same could probably be said for many of the Dixie Kong fans here. Dixie was never seen as having "decent" prospects for DLC. Steve's confirmation changes very little in relation to Dixie's prospects.

There is always a possibility that she somehow makes it in the end, but the most likely scenario is that she is simply not going to part of Ultimate's roster. Regardless of this likely outcome though, we should still voice our support of her, and have things to say in regards to her. This year has given two very good developments for Dixie Kong, namely her Mario Kart debut and the re-release of the DKC trilogy as part of the Switch online SNES library.

Contrast that with last year where there were no major developments for her.

So while things have not improved in regards to Dixie's prospects, there have been a few good things for her this year.

I was hoping this pass would be all first party choices. Hopefully it mostly is still besides Steve.
I do not expect any more Nintendo owned newcomers for Ultimate. The closest thing to another Nintendo newcomer we are going to get is Geno. The other three characters are likely going to be Lloyd, a Capcom newcomer (probably Monster Hunter or Dante), and either Ryu Hayabusa or another Western third-party (Crash Bandicoot, Doom Slayer, Master Chief, Rayman). On the last slot, other possibilities include Arle, Adol, or a promotional Pokemon (the last one is the best hope there is for another Nintendo newcomer for Ultimate outside of Geno).

While I'm not holding my breath for Dixie, Banjo's reveal signalled the death of Master Chief and Steve in the eyes of many. Steve still made it in, but givem that we all assumed Microsoft would only get 1, this is a surprise.

I'm not confident in Dixie's chances but it ain't over til we get the final reveal.
You are correct. The conventional belief by most speculators was that once Banjo & Kazooie made it in, that Steve had low prospects in terms of making it as a playable character.

Your last sentence is poignant and the correct attitude to have. While Dixie's chance as very low, its technically not over until Sakurai says the last newcomer for Ultimate has been unveiled and development has finished. There is another year to go and another four fighters to be unveiled. I am not optimistic, but we shall see what happens.

Saved up 250+ rubies until Dixie Kong was in another spotlight. Pulled a total of 65 pipes and didn't even get Dixie Kong.

I got 6 paper airplane gliders in a row. Did a 10 pipe pull and got 3 Dry Bones. I DID get Funky Kong instead. I hate Funky Kong, almost as much as I hate my life.
Please do not hate yourself merely because of having poor luck at some gacha game. You should not speak about yourself in such a manner even in a joking way. It is a big shame that Nintendo made a game with these mechanics. However, you should not resent yourself in part due to not doing well at this.

I don’t think it’s over until it’s over, but Dixie Kong really should’ve been in by now. Like if they could’ve sacrificed some of the FE characters for other 1st parties it would’ve been great.
Again, this is the correct attitude to have. Dixie Kong's prospects are very low, but we should still see this out to the end regardless. Just look at what happened with Steve. He had been written off after the confirmation of Banjo & Kazooie, yet in the end got included. The same with Min Min, most people thought that ARMS was not going to get any more content than what it had received during the base game.

As for your latter comment, while Fire Emblem has certainly been blessed in terms of playable representation, it would be for the best not to bring this sort of topic up. The focus should instead be that those other series should have another look in terms of possible playable representation.

Holding out hope now more than ever for Dixie. Always thought her best chances were as a base game character, but with all the DK stuff seemingly being built up to (there HAS to be a new game next year), I really think she's got a shot for one of the slots. I'm happy with Steve since he 1000% deserved it, but I'm also getting tired of third parties. I just want Dixie and Bandana Dee and it's hard not to feel discouraged by the fact that every DLC sort of feels like it has to be some groundbreaking new addition or else it's not hype to a lot of people.
That seems to be the conventional belief in general about Dixie Kong, that she was "base roster material" but not "DLC material". Personally I disagree, I think any character is suited for the base game or DLC. Min Min is a good example of this. Most people had believed ARMS was not going to receive any more content for Ultimate after the base game's release, yet we ended up in the end getting a lot more ARMS content for Ultimate, and Min Min being the character that opened Pass 2.

In regards to your latter comment, unfortunately I do agree that that almost all DLC fighters seem to have an emphasis on gimmicks. The only exceptions so far seem to be Piranha Plant (who was originally intended for the base game), Banjo & Kazooie, and arguably Byleth. Sakurai has also said that the Fighters for Pass 2 would have a particularly strong emphasis on being very unique which does not bode well for characters that most would view as being "straight forward".

We shall see though. Half of the characters for the first wave of DLC had no gimmick, and so far, only two of the six characters for the second wave have been unveiled.

I agree with everyone here that Dixie should have been added to smash a long time ago. I also do not see her being in the fighters pass, I think her best chances was always as a base game character unfortunately and its baffling that they still haven't added her.

The only way I could possibly see it happening is if after the fighters pass is over the game gets sort of a final major update as a thank you to the fans where they add some highly requested features / echo fighters / maybe a stage or something. But that's just a thought
Dixie Kong does seem like a character that could have been added as far back as Brawl (she was even going to be playable in that title as part of a tag team with Diddy). It is a bit peculiar why she has not been added in yet despite Sakurai probably having some sort of idea for at least how she would move (based off the work he probably did while doing the Diddy & Dixie tag team). I do not know what it will take for her to be added, but right now she is not exactly among the most wanted characters for Smash (she might be among the Top 5 most wanted Nintendo owned characters, though that does not mean much considering that most of the fanbase desires have shifted over to third-parties).

In regards to the second paragraph in your comment, Sakurai has said multiple times that Pass 2 is the end of DLC. It is unlikely we will get any additional Smash DLC content outside of the Pass 2 aside from Mii costumes (stuff like Small Battlefield and the ability to re-challenge spirits whenever you want being anomalies). I am not sure additional content for Ultimate could happen even if Sakurai wanted it to happen, and it might very well be the case that the budget is only there for another four Fighter Packs and very little else.

As I have said before, we are going to have to wait and see. There is a chance for it, but it is not likely at all.

NinNakajima made a background of Dixie for Smash.

Dixie Bg by nin-mario64

This was his art for the other DK characters.

There was a problem fetching the tweet
This is some really nice artwork. It really says a lot about the sort of appeal that Dixie has that she is able to have so much artwork of her despite not being among the big names for Ultimate's DLC and not having had a fully new appearance (in her own series) since early 2014. As one fan put it, "Cute. Cool. Badass." That desribes Dixie perfectly.

In my opinion Dixie is not off the table yet. She's getting a lot of attention and the fact that DKC3 will (obviously) be released on NSW, makes me think we will get Dixie alongside DKC3 to celebrate her inclusion in Smash.
Basically, Sakurai confirmed that Nintendo choose the characters for the Fighter Pass, so why are they promoting Dixie (and DKC) lately? In these months Dixie has gained more fans, maybe the last presentation wasn't the right time to show her.
I think DKC3 is probably going to come to the Switch online very soon (probably even the next update), however, I doubt a confirmation of Dixie for Ultimate would coincide with it.

In regards to the recent promotion of the Donkey Kong brand, the common speculation is that many believe that a major DK title might be in development, and that this is simply a sort of run up to its unveil. Next year will be the 40th anniversary to the original arcade Donkey Kong as well, regardless of a new DK title is happening or not.

As I said in earlier responses, I doubt any of the four remaining slots will go to a Nintendo owned character, let alone Dixie Kong.

I do think at the very least we have the release of DKC3 for the SNES library for Switch Online, and there is a decent chance we get a new DK title announced for the 40th anniversary of the DK series.

Though, as I said before, we are going to have to wait and see. I think there is a decent chance we get DKC3 added before the end of the year though, so that is something Dixie Kong fans have to look forward to in the near future.

I don't think Dixie will be a huge contender if there's no new major Donkey Kong release planned. I think she's probably the most likely for the last spot, a quick realisation that she's needed cause she's getting a major role for the first time in a 3D game? I mean, I can't see them adding Dixie anymore on the merits of her Country appearances, even if they're enough. To make the cut as a DLC fighter, the ladder is probably way higher.

Not saying there's no chance. There definitely is. The chance for a new DK game is probably higher than Dixie appearing as a Smash DLC fighter, but I bet we'll see her eventually.

'Oh no but she'll miss Ultimate, the ultimate Smash game with the biggest roster ever!!!1' wait hold your horses! I think there's a big chance we'll get a port of Ultimate as the next Smash game, probably preservering it's whole roster, DLC included. Or most at least. It'll still be the biggest crossover in videogames ever, and bet the base roster will get newcomers long overdue, as Impa, Bandana Dee, Dixie, (Captain) Toad, and probably a few Echoes who would make sense, as Gooyie (Goo-Luigi). Whatever 3rd party is to be excluded might simply be readded by DLC, for extra 3rd party profit$.

Dixie will get in Smash one day.

My main concern is getting our franchise up and running and make it compete with Zelda for #3 favourite Nintendo franchise, as it always should've been.
I do agree with most of what you wrote in this post. However, there are a few things I strongly disagree with.

One is the idea that Dixie Kong is "inevitable" or that she will "eventually be added". This sort of belief that Dixie is likely has been a mainstay for the Smash speculation fanbase since 2013 (when she was first confirmed for Tropical Freeze). People believed her to be a strong contender to be added for Smash 4's base game, Smash 4's DLC, and Ultimate's base game.

The idea that she is inevitable or that she will eventually be added needs to end. Dixie is no different than K. Rool and Diddy Kong in terms of background (if anything she is worse off than those two because she is not as re-occurring as they were), and both of those characters were among the Top 3 most wanted characters for over five years by the time they finally made it onto the roster. For DK characters, unfortunately, there is not a sort of realization that "oh hey this character is critical to his/her franchise and one of the most iconic parts of it, he/she should be a top priority for consideration". For every DK character so far, they have gotten in as a result of a massive push for them.

Right now, while Dixie might be within the Top 5 most wanted Nintendo characters at this point, there is certainly not a lot of visible demand for her. It is going to take a special set of circumstances in order for her to be added in without having her request and fan passion volume on par with K. Rool or Diddy Kong .

In regards to the latter part of your post where you talk about next installment being another Ultimate where all of the veterans are brought back. Unfortunately, Sakurai himself has said that "everyone is here" was a miracle and that it would likely only happen once. Ultimate is likely the pinnacle in terms of character and stage count for Smash Bros., and Sakurai has gone on the record to say that he has no idea how he is going to top Ultimate.

For a possible future Smash Bros. title, the focus will probably shift over to a massive gameplay overhaul, with many of the veterans effectively becoming newcomers due to their movesets being changed drastically.

As I said before, I do think Dixie has a decent chance as a newcomer for a future Smash title assuming she continues to have major roles in future DK titles (as well as appearances in some Mario spinoff titles from time to time). However, for me personally, Ultimate is nearly everything I had ever hoped for in regards to the Smash series. I never imagined that there would ever have been an installment where not only every veteran ending up returning, but also the miraculous inclusions of Ridley (my single most wanted character for nearly two decades), the Castlevania series (one of my Top 3 favorite non-Nintendo game franchises), and Banjo & Kazooie (a character prospect that seemed like unlikely to ever happen as far back as 2001), as well as bringing back nearly every stage. Even small touches like giving Pico a small role in the adventure mode (where you get to control his F-Zero machine, the Wild Goose) was a surreal addition to me (Pico is among my favorite minor game characters ever).

Even if a future installment does add Dixie, it would be bittersweet given the likely context that many of my other favorite Smash veterans will not be there alongside her. Characters like Roy and Lucas have already been cut before. For me personally, Ultimate seems like a curtain call. It is the installment to bring as much as back from the prior installments as possible, and that is especially poignant for me since I had been following this series from the very beginning. I know realistically for Sakurai to move the series forward, he is going to have to do a massive overhaul over much of the series, and the likely cost of this would be much of Ultimate's roster having to be jettisoned (much like how Ultimate's enormous character and stage count came at the cost of additional gameplay modes).

I have been someone who has been following the Smash series even before the international release of the first installment for the Nintendo 64. At the time, it was miraculous how one of my favorite game characters ever (Samus) somehow had made the roster despite Metroid having no known future at the time. Now over 20 years later, I am waiting on another one of favorite game characters to somehow miraculously make it in, another legendary heroine from Nintendo, Dixie Kong.

Regardless of whether Dixie is added to Ultimate's roster or not (and she is most likely not going to make it), Ultimate pretty much fulfilled 95% of what I wanted to see from Smash. I barely put out any posts this year (a bit over 20). I am pretty much just here to see out the end of Ultimate's content for curiosity sake.

However, one thing we should not lose sight of is how much of a miracle it was for Ultimate to take the form it did. Among its many miracles, "everyone is here" was a big selling point, and Sakurai himself has said it is likely a one time occurrence that only managed to happen due to miraculous circumstances.

I am sorry if I sounded hostile or critical to your post, that was not my intention at all, and as I said I agree with much of your post (in particular that Dixie's prospects hinge upon her future DK series appearances, and that the likelihood for a new DK title is higher than Dixie being a part of Ultimate's roster). It just that two points you gave (about Dixie eventually being added in, and that the next Smash title will have Ultimate's roster to start with) are ones that gave me much to consider and muse about.

If Smash is to maintain its momentum post-Ultimate, the only cuts (if any) will be some of the 3rd parties whose licensing time ran out. Everyone else is easy enough to keep if Ult’s successor is given enough time and management, especially if Sakurai’s still there by then, but even he won’t always be around for Smash as he said... Still, most of Ultimate’s assets would be ported, just as the previous games reused assets from the Smash’s that came before them for the roster characters and things.

Would still prefer Dixie to debut in Ultimate that said, as the future of Smash like with anything can be uncertain, but if not she’ll still make it in at some point regardless, as pointed out.
I think the reason much of Smash Wii U's assets were easily able to be ported over was due to two reasons. One was that the Switch is pretty similar tech level wise to the Wii U (it is not a generational leap in terms of graphics and processing power), and the second is that Ultimate retained much of the same team that Smash Wii U had.

The next installment after Ultimate will probably not have both of those advantages.

Pixel Art.

I really like this. In particular, I always liked Dixie's idle poses from the SNES DKC titles, so it is nice to see some artwork depicting it. Her idle poses from Tropical Freeze were really nice as well from what I have seen of them.

I'm still feeling pretty optimistic about Dixie's chances, next year does seem like a good time for it to happen considering DK's anniversary. Really is a shame she still isn't in by now, but I don't think it's over for us yet.
It is okay that you feel optimistic, but please keep your expectations in check. I personally doubt there will be anything special done for DK's anniversary next year in relation to Ultimate aside from possibly a spirit event (and possibly new spirits if the new DK title actually does end up happening).

I will agree with you that it is not over just yet regardless of how I personally feel in regards to her chances.

We got to hold on until the end. In my opinion, Dixie is the last Jiggy left to make Ultimate's roster perfect or close to perfect.
I do like this attitude. We can be realistic, but hopeful. I apologize if it seems like I am stomping on the hopes and/ optimism others have about Dixie's prospects, but I just want to keep things grounded. I do like the attitude that we should still hope for her even if things do not look to be in her favor though. Many here seem to have understood this and are managing to walk this tight rope.

Long post on third-parties and Nintendo characters, and how most character desires these days seem to be for third-parties
I think you already know this, but I will re-iterate, the inclusion of Simon and Richter (and Castlevania content in general) was among the biggest pleasant surprises for me in regards to Ultimate. It is among my Top 3 favorite non-Nintendo game franchises, and for the longest time it seemed like most of the Smash fanbase seemed to have little interest in its inclusion (or at least from what I could gleam from my participation of Smash focused game forums).

As to the rest of your post, I can understand that it is frustrating now to see that the desires to the Smash fanbase have massively shifted over to third-parties, and that Nintendo characters in general seem to be kind of overlooked by the "chatty fans" (or Smash Bubble). As someone that has always had very few third-party desires though (and followed the series long before the first third-party character was confirmed), the unfortunate truth is that much of the major Nintendo additions are already part of the roster at this point.

There are very few recognizable and re-occurring Nintendo characters outside of the Mario series not yet on Ultimate's roster. Dixie Kong and Bandana Dee are probably the two most notable examples there are (at least among those not a part of the Mario series).

In terms of excitement for the "crossover factor" that means that much of the interest has now shifted over to third-parties. I personally agree with much of what you feel, but I do understand why things have changed so drastically. As someone that has been involved in with the Smash speculation and character support fanbase since 2001, up until 2019, there existed a large amount of support for Nintendo newcomers. The shift towards almost entirely third-parties is unprecedented, and I do sympathize with your frustration.

However, the shift towards third-parties is understandable given the context that almost all of the major Nintendo characters are now a part of the roster, as well as the perception that spirits are largely deconfirmations (though this barrier was recently removed through the addition of Min Min).

Unfortunately, as I said in the other replies, I see Min Min as the last Nintendo character addition for Ultimate (unless you count Geno as a Nintendo character).

I will also agree with you that ResetEra has a lot of issues, and is unwelcoming to those whom have a heterodox viewpoint on many topics. The sad fact is that this is increasingly becoming the case with the internet as a whole. GameFAQs, Twitter, Reddit, and 4chan have massive problems as well. Even on SmashBoards, in many threads here, a divergent viewpoint is met with hostility or dogpiling. It is a shame to say but I find it hard to think of a good place to discuss Smash Bros. in today's world.

It is yet another reason why I still participate in this thread. Despite my own views being quite pessimistic in regards to many of the things that many people here are hoping for (particularly Dixie Kong and additional Nintendo newcomers), they are still validated and accepted.

You also wrote this in another thread, but since I am writing a bunch of responses here, I thought the need to answer it here:

I remember ChronoBound ChronoBound 's stories about the great FE wars of Brawl and how people were saying that Sigurd was this super popular character that was meant to be in but got cut in Melee in favor of Roy and **** and it ended up beign nothing but bull'. God i miss Chrono's stories those were so much fun.
I am touched that you still remember my stories and exposes after all these years. It really means a lot that things I wrote a long time ago still resonate years later. I unfortunately do not have the time I used to (or even much of the interest) to write on these topics any more, but I will still try to put my two cents in from time to time. As I said a few times before, I made far fewer posts this year than I did the previous year (and the year before that especially).

There is only another year left to Ultimate receiving additional fighters, and after that I am going to move on entirely from character support and roster speculation. Next year will mark 20 years since I first started being involved in character support and roster speculation for Smash Bros. I have seen and read a lot of things over the past two decades, and I never thought I would still be involved with it decades later.

It does mean a lot that somehow the words I wrote did make an impression on a few people, and that some still remember what I had to say years later. Again, I really appreciate it.

Imagine going back in time to right before Smash 4's first trailer and telling yourself that by 2020, 40 characters will have been added to Smash and it's sequel combined, and not a single one of those 40 characters was Dixie Kong.
As someone that was a speculator from that time period, learning that news would have been very surreal. I think that sort of number needs to be given out to those that think Dixie is an "inevitable" addition, especially considering it was around that time to which the meme that Dixie Kong was a likely playable character started to manifest. It has only been with the Ultimate DLC epoch where people started to be pessimistic in regards to her prospects, but even then, some still regard her as eventually being added to a future installment. The unfortunate fact is that Dixie Kong is going to need just as much of a miracle to end up being included as it took for K. Rool and Banjo & Kazooie.

Yeah. I thought Dixie's relevancy would have gotten her in before K. Rool and Banjo & Kazooie which is why I always thought she was more likely.
Yes. The conventional belief during pre-Smash 4 was that Dixie was likely due to her major supporting role in Tropical Freeze. It ended up being the case that "irrelevant" K. Rool and "impossible" Banjo & Kazooie made it in before her. The fact is that Dixie is in the same boat as her Rare siblings. She needs a big push whether by the fans themselves and/or Nintendo to make it onto Smash Bros.'s roster someday.

The more I play as Dixie alone, the more I think of moveset possibilities.

For once, I think her Up B should more or less be the way she propelled her hair underwater in Tropical Freeze. Safe the actual Helicopter Spin for a float mechanic similar to Peach, but working like it did in DKC2 and 3. This would give Dixie a super great recovery and air game, but I imagine she should be a tad lighter than Diddy even to make up for it.

Down B the hair slam from Tropical Freeze seems good. Safe the new extra jump for her double jump. She could also have a hair grab for one of her Special attacks, that works like a proper command grab, or simply DK's cargo, but as a special move. And give her a regular grab for actual grabbing. Her throws should send enemies skyward so she can utilise her aerial abilities to the full extent.
I agree with most of these ideas. There is a lot that can be pulled from her Tropical Freeze appearance that could be worked into a possible moveset for her. Her using her helicopter hair for her recovery, the hair slam as her down special, and the bubblegum pop gun for her neutral special seem like natural fits for her possible moveset.

Dixie Kong definitely should be here already. She was planned for Brawl, and she would've been a great Semi-Clone of Diddy.
I said back during pre-Smash 4 that I thought she had a decent chance of being included as a last minute semi-clone much like Wolf was for Brawl. Unfortunately, that never came to pass. It is remarkable how many seem to think Dixie should have been added in a long time ago, despite her not being among the most wanted characters right now.

That's fine. This whole convo shows all the options Dixie has going for her and I liked the back and forth.
I have said before that one of the more remarkable things about Dixie Kong is the versatility of the possible playable representation she could have. There are many beliefs on what kind of fighter she could be or work as. From a Ken-style (or even Chrom-style) echo, to a Wolf/Lucas style semi-clone, to multiple different interpretations for how she would work as a wholly unique fighter (from a focus entirely on her prehensile hair, to a focus on her being a tag team character, to a focus on her utilizing various things from the DKC titles such as barrels and animal buddies). Dixie Kong has a multitude of different possible roads for her to go down if she was ever to be implemented as a playable character.

This is off topic, but it was actually from this insert in SNES game boxes where I got the Ridley artwork that I would cut out and use as a toy during childhood (I would tape the cut out to a pencil).

Post reminiscing about the past

As someone that has been around since even the pre-Melee days, I can relate that it feels surreal that most of that the fanbase desires have now shifted almost entirely to third-party characters now. As I said in another response, I think it is understandable, but at the same time, there is a part of me that wishes that much of the Smash Bubble would rally around the few major Nintendo characters that are left. I can definitely understand your frustration though.

I'm thinking about leaving Smash speculation after Ultimate's DLC lineup is over. Ultimate gave me K. Rool, Ridley, and Banjo & Kazooie who I've all waited for since Melee. Now Goemon and Krystal are my last big wants and one a Mii costume and the other is Assist Trophy. I don't think I have it in me to go another rodeo, so I think I'm calling it quits with the speculation game after Ultimate. 2 speculation cycles is enough for me and I already had some good memories during Smash 4 speculation and Ultimate speculation.
I feel the same. Ultimate really blew away my expectations and so many of my personal desires being miraculously fulfilled is the primary reason why I am even still involved with the speculation scene at this point. For myself though, I had begun doing the roster speculation since 2001, so I can definitely relate to the fatigue. Heck, there was a period from mid-2015 to mid-2018 where I was not involved at all in the character support and speculation scene.

Roy's return in Smash 4 seemed like a good enough point for me to retire, and I had little hope that the future of the series would end up fulfilling any other desires I had, especially Ridley joining the roster given Sakurai's own personal thoughts on the topic that he gave in November 2014 (I am still thankful and grateful that he had enough humility to reconsider his own viewpoints, and that is a real character strength for him as a game designer).

As I said before while Dixie Kong most likely will not be making Ultimate's roster, she is not enough for me to stick around for the next speculation cycle, or to talk about Smash in the time between the conclusion of Ultimate's DLC and the announcement of the next Smash installment.

This little community (this thread) is my last tether to the Smash speculation and character support scene. There is only one year left to go through for Ultimate though. I am glad that we are in this together. I have said this before, but the Dixie fanbase here reminds me of the Roy fanbase during pre-Smash 4. We (the Roy fanbase) were not among the biggest fanbases around, but those that were there, were deeply passionate about him. They even made a lot of art just like the Dixie fanbase does now. We knew Roy had an uphill battle, but yet somehow many Roy fans were hopeful while at the same time were aware of the dire circumstances facing the character's return.

Hopefully, the Dixie fanbase will have the same miracle bestowed upon them as the Roy fanbase did during pre-Smash 4.

~ Valkyrie ~ ~ Valkyrie ~ Well said on your end. I was always a Nintendo fan, never a Smash fan. Even with Melee and 64, I'd get bored of it before long. It was always seeing all those Nintendo games come together that was the pull for me. Ice Climber was one of my first games growing up and seeing the Ice Climbers as characters blew my mind.
This comment is very interesting and poignant to me personally. I was in a similar position as you, only for me it was with Mr. Game & Watch. The Game & Watch Gallery series was among my favorite game franchises at the time, and I was very happy to see a character explicitly representing that series in Smash Bros. and being able to recognize all of the moves to that character.

It goes to show that even characters that were "barely requested" still made some people smile and really happy to see.

But I know for me personally, the only two characters I really wanted going into the pre-release Ultimate hype train were Dixie Kong and Simon Belmont, and I already got one of my wishes. Dixie is the final stretch for me, then I'll never have to ask for anything else again.
Sakurai will hold you (and myself and many others here as well) to that if he does decide to add in Dixie Kong.

Dixie may not get into Ultimate, but she's one of those characters that will get in eventually, like Waluigi. It's just a matter of time. There was a point in time when King K. Rool seemed extremely improbable and Banjo-Kazooie seemed outright impossible. If Dixie happens to be your favorite, I don't blame you for being bitter, but my advice is to enjoy the characters we already have and enjoy the ride until she inevitably gets in.

Honestly, if anyone or anything stands in the way of Dixie, it's Funky. He (and to a lesser degree, Lanky) are the only DK characters that non-DK normies seem to unironically like. Now don't get me wrong; Funky and Lanky are both lovable characters and if either of them get in, you won't catch me complaining. But Dixie was playable first, has a totally unique gimmick, and consistently ranks very high in Smash fan polls. She's cooler and more popular, and we need to convince Sakurai of that, or else he'll look at the memes and give us Funky instead.
Again, I strongly disagree with the notion that Dixie Kong will eventually get in. While I see Waluigi eventually getting in, it is largely due to a different set of circumstances surrounding the character (with Reggie confirming in an interview that even the Smash team was aware about the outcry pertaining to him). For Dixie Kong, she is in the same situation as other supporting DK characters that have already made it in, and the only way that seemed to work for them making it in seems to be a massive fan push for the character. As of right now, Dixie simply does not have the same level of support that Diddy Kong and K. Rool had.

As for your comment in regards to other DK characters being an obstacle for Dixie Kong. I do agree. In particular, Funky Kong is now among the biggest faces to the DK brand. He was among the most iconic characters to Mario Kart Wii's roster, which to this day is still the highest selling title to the Mario Kart series. Funky even managed to have his own separate mode for the Switch port to Tropical Freeze. Funky Kong could very easily make it in before Dixie Kong, especially if DLC echoes for Ultimate somehow managed to happen. Funky has a similar body shape as DK, and unlike Dixie, would not need any new moves (and hence additional work). Funky could work as an echo that merely has unique idle animations and little else, while Dixie would need at the very least to have an unique recovery and Final Smash (her hair being used for flight is iconic to the character, and with the jet-pack replaced as a recovery move, she would need a new Final Smash as well).

Hey everyone. I got a stream of moveset ideas in the weeks to come so I'm gonna start early since November's around the corner.

So in addition to Hair Pivots, another category for Dixie movesets I came up with will be called "5th Limb." Basically, this category are the instances where Dixie uses her hair exclusively for attacks. It covers things like grabbing, throwing and anything one could do with their arm. For Dixie that also includes whip-like maneuvers, such as this:

Here, Dixie whips her hair in front of her to sting foes. It's most potent at the tip and boasts more damage than knockback while being reliably fast. There's little startup lag but a decent touch of endlag, and with all hair-related moves of Dixie the range is good for a Kong her size. This is an airborne attack, but in the context of Smash this works well as a Forward Air. Further, this could be angled diagonally (as shown), horizontally or vertically. Whichever works best for your imagination.

Here's the the transparent version:

Hope y'all like this. It's pretty straightforward and not flashy but it gets its job done nicely. Feel free to put it on twitter when the time is right!
Fantastic work. Your artwork really helps sell just how Dixie could work as a fighter, and helps capture her charm well.

If Nintendo is indeed working on a new DK in-house, I think Dixie's chances should increase significantly. That is, if she is in the new game and has an important role. With Nintendo showing respect towards the RARE created Kong cast recently, like K. Rool in Smash, Dixie in MKT, and New Donk City, I have no doubt she will be.
I doubt it would mean much for her prospects in Ultimate (unless Sakurai knew far ahead of time about this possible DK title, and Nintendo implored Sakurai to include major content from it into Ultimate). However, it would definitely help Dixie Kong going forward if it does end up that not only this new DK title is fantastic, but it also has Dixie in a major role.

Hey Ultinarok it's been a while.

Honestly I doubt she'll be in. Not pessimistic, but my best guess towards whether she'll get confirmed is "...Probably not."

I've stopped caring whether she'll make it over a year ago, but that's how I feel about speculation as a whole. When I was younger I'd discuss a character's chances and analyze the subtleties but now I don't feel like it. Not that I'm bitter or anything, I'm over it. Emotionally, I've moved on. Smash is an AMAZING opportunity but it's not the only thing that validates a character. If Dixie gets in, YEAH! If not, whatever. My main drive is to just come up with moveset concepts and spark people's imagination. Gotta shutdown her detractors at every avenue lol
This is a great attitude to have. It really means a lot considering how much work you put into this thread. You do far more to support this thread than what I have seen done for characters that are actually regarded as being likely prospects for DLC (or at least having decent prospects). I really mean that. I appreciate everything you have done to make this thread a little community, from changing the topic title about noteworthy developments to telling new supporters that they have been added to the "barrel".

Hey everyone, the 3rd installment of my moveset ideas for Dixie has arrived!

The next category for potential Dixie moves is called "Super Hair". These are instances where Dixie uses her hair to defy the laws of physics. While prehensile hair and hair-standing could count, they kinda make a weird sort of sense as things you could use as if it were a limb. Super Hair is for stuff that is hard to explain, like Dixie swimming faster by spinning her hair like a drill, or flying in the air with helicopter hair. Speaking of which:
Again, really nice artwork. I really like the expressions you give Dixie in them as well. It really helps bring out her character in my opinion.

Nice to see all of the fan creativity going on here! Makes me wish I had a single inkling of artistic talent to put this kind of stuff together. Donkey Kong Warriors would be hilarious fun if it existed.
The abundance of fan art is one of the nice little things this thread has, especially given how many of us are not optimistic about Dixie's prospects in Ultimate.

Time once again for a new moveset idea! Since this is Dixie's birthmonth I'm gonna have a consistent stream of ideas for her, which brings me to this.

For this attack, we're going back to the 5th Limb category--as in stuff Dixie does with her hair that she can do with her arms and whip-like maneuvers. So, without further delay:
More great artwork. You were really on a roll during the past several weeks.

DKC2 is easily one of the top 5 SNES games for me. Happy birthday DKC2!
It is the same for myself as well, it. Happy "Birthday" DKC2! And especially Happy "Birthday" to Dixie Kong. DKC2 is also among my Top 5 SNES titles ever (that is very high praise coming from me considering how many SNES I really cherish and have nostalgia for), and is still my personal favorite DK title.

Its worth nothing that as unfortunate as it might be, its always been fans that kept DKC2 and DKC3 relevant within the popular consciousness. Nintendo and various gaming critics generally treat the original Donkey Kong Country as the major deal with the latter two as standard sequels. The actual improved design with stages, incredible atmosphere, and expanded ambitions of DIddy's Kong Quest and Dixie's Double Trouble are a given within fan communities but seem to come as a surprise to others.

Go find Tweets of people playing DKC2 when it was released on SNES online recently and be amazed at people suddenly discovering that there was a brilliant platformer there the entire time. It really shows that long term Nintendo's mishandling has affected the series' legacy ; Donkey Kong Country (and to a lesser extent DK64) was too big for history to at all forget, while other titles haven't been so lucky.
I agree with this assessment. It is truly unfortunate. I do hope more and more people gradually begin to realize that DKC2 and DKC3 are truly great games, the latter especially still has not gotten its due.

This part of the article stood out to me:

"Within the series’ fiction, however, Dixie’s accomplishments rival her two costars. She advances into a full-fledged heroine in Double Trouble, proving her worth by emancipating her friends, echoing how the eponymous chimp in Diddy’s Kong Quest saved his idol (who, I contest, had likewise rescued his guardian). Similarly, her acquiring the DK Coins strewn throughout Double Trouble mirrors Diddy having done so in Kong Quest (wherein Mario failed to locate them all). Out of the Donkey-Diddy-Dixie-Cranky quadfecta, she’s even the only one who hasn’t been kidnapped. Becoming a venerated hero was explicitly Diddy’s arc under Rare’s stewardship, a goal Dixie also achieved in her universe yet still struggles to prove in ours."

So much truth in one single paragraph. I'm out of words.
I agree very much as well. That last sentence especially rings true. I would argue she is among the very best of heroines in gaming.

Hey, I see my Character Chronicle has been shared here. Neat. Thanks for doing so, Mushroomguy12, and I'm glad you enjoyed it, Dukemon102.

Anyhoo, I'm briefly emerging from my long, self-imposed exile to wish our favorite fictional heroine a happy birthday, and to celebrate her debut game's milestone 25th. Here's hoping we get some more Donkey Kong action next year!
You did a very good job with it. Thank you very much for writing it up in time for Dixie Kong's 25th birthday.

This is all REALLY excellent content, everyone! I had no idea so many great games came out on this day, but while it sucks that Sakurai didn't acknowledge it, we got dozens of people and outlets spreading the word. That's the thing I wanna get into: even though Nintendo doesn't really acknowledge DKC, and frankly tries to shun certain elements, we fans have kept it alive. Not just on smashboards either; we've got over 900 followers on Twitter, GameXplain is always giving the series its time to shine, loads of fanart pouring in from various users, an excellent chronicle from SourceGaming and developer insights. It really feels like Dixie as a character, and DKC as a whole is truly beloved.

A while ago I said that if Nintendo doesn't acknowledge and appreciate DK, then us fans will take matters into our own hands, and we certainly did. We'll keep putting in a great word for both Dixie and DKC. Whether our favorites are from Rare's era or Retro's we've got 5 excellent and memorable games to choose from, with about a dozen fun characters to show off and many phenomenal music tracks.

I'm glad to have gotten the chance to play DKC2 back in 2007; my family was on the verge of homelessness, and being able to play it during the fall of that year kept me from despair. Between that game and Brawl's hype cycle, my excitement for the future was remarkably high. I remember the days walking home from school humming Mining Melancholy, looking at the leaves change to their yellows, reds and oranges as I hurried to my friend's house to use his emulator. Diddy was always my childhood favorite Kong, but I never got the chance to play DKC2 in ths 90's. Part of me is glad I played it when I did though, cuz if I played it as a kid....Dixie would've been my favorite Kong. She flat out upstaged Diddy as badly as he upstaged DK. I was amazed with that game, and I was playing it 12 years after it came out.

Dixie's gotten incremental exposure from Nintendo recently, and while it's a baby step in the right direction, it certainly isn't enough. She doesn't get her due credit TBH, and while I sadly doubt she'll get into Ultimate, I wanna point out that her absense doesn't make her unworthy. Smash Bros is a boost to one's legacy--a boost Dixie needs--but it's not the defining point of her legacy, and it won't be if she gets in. She's still the preferred Kong for most when she's playable, one of Nintendo's longest running action-girls, a girl who's never been canonically captured and a great asset in the 2 best DKCs. Whether Dixie gets in or not, she's still a great character and an excellent Nintendo All-Star.
Thank you for sharing such a personal story in regards to playing DKC2 for the first time. These sort of personal stories are another unique attribute this thread has. A lot of us have a personal connection to the DK series and Dixie Kong, and that is part of why we enjoy this series and its characters very much.

The last paragraph you wrote is really poignant (it seems I have been using that word quite a bit throughout the multitude of responses I have made for this post). For many people, a Smash roster inclusion is seen as a validation that a certain character is "an all-star" or "noteworthy". Dixie Kong is a special character and arguably the ultimate heroine regardless of whether she makes it into Ultimate/Special (Special is the Japanese title for Ultimate).

Heyyy....I've got another moveset idea for Dixie.

Hopefully we're not tired of the "5th Limb" category; the examples where Dixie uses her hair like a whip and does anything with it an arm can do. So, for today we have:
I really like that you made Dixie smile in this one. It is good to have a diverse set of facial expression for Dixie's possible attacks and animations.

I started Donkey Kong Country 3 last night, and I played enough to finish the first area. I wanted to 100% complete that area, but I couldn't find the DK Coin in Murky Mill, or get all of the Bonus Barrels in Tidal Trouble. (I can't get the timing right for Kiddy's ability to bounce on the water - it seems like he can only bounce twice, I can only attempt to get one Bonus Barrel once per run, and even when I get the second jump, I just barely fall short of the platform)

Enjoying it so far, though. I'm bouncing back and forth between a few games (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, God of War, Sam & Max, Doom Eternal...), but I'm hoping to beat it eventually. (just the main ending - not going to aim for 100% completion)
For the the bonus barrel you need to access for Tidal Tempest with Kiddy's water skip, you need to run and then roll off the platform. You will eventually get the hang of the timing. Thankfully, there is only one other level where you need to perform this move for 100% (Riverside Race). I hope you enjoy DKC3. As I said countless times before, its a phenomenal game and I think its Rare's second best DK platformer, and it might be very well be the best platformer for the SNES outside of Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, and DKC2 (which is incredibly strong praise, considering that I concider those three titles are among the best plaformers of all time).

With all that said, that concludes all the responses to all the posts I felt the need to respond to. I apologize for the overwhelming size to this post, but it is understandable considering these are responses to a large number of posts that were made over the course of the last three months. I hope those whom I did respond to found my responses to be worthwhile. Thank you for your time and patience to those of you whom did decide to read through all of my responses.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I think the reason much of Smash Wii U's assets were easily able to be ported over was due to two reasons. One was that the Switch is pretty similar tech level wise to the Wii U (it is not a generational leap in terms of graphics and processing power), and the second is that Ultimate retained much of the same team that Smash Wii U had.

The next installment after Ultimate will probably not have both of those advantages.
Granted, Nintendo rarely does "generational leaps" anymore. Has been that way since after the Gamecube, and the Wii was technically a modified GC. Don't know if it'll be the exact same team in the future, but I think Namco will remain with Smash in some capacity. After HAL Laboratory, Smash needed a dedicated team again, and Namco became that. I just don't see them parting with Smash after Ultimate's success of all things, unless they one day decide they hate money.

Worst case scenario, if there ends up being some significant or unfortunate 1st party cuts in a next game like with SSB4, can see them being the DLC focus, like again, with SSB4.

Regardless of how much of Ultimate is kept intact for a next game though, feels like Smash will see diminishing returns one way or the other. Ultimate may have caused a burnout phase for fans too, if there ever was one; it being released so close to its predecessors would be part of that. The general inability to gather around physically to play locally due to current events combined with the less than stable Ultimate online discouraging people from playing altogether right now hasn't helped, either.

Then you have the current speculation cycle being dragged out to like 3 years post-launch, thanks to again, the current events in part. Between that and getting like three Smash games in the 2010's, that's almost a decade of straight up non-stop Smash. More than enough to make anyone sick of the series to a point. From what I've seen, is mostly just the speculation warriors that don't really play the games who actively want another Smash after Ultimate. We know it'll happen at some point though, like it or not, but hopefully not until a long time... (I could entertain the next Smash if it gives me enough incentive to get it, but also content with the idea of just making the most out of Ultimate for the long haul, like the other half of the community did with Melee)

But back to Dixie, yeah, we just need to keep pushing for her in Smash. It's good to be optimistic in thinking she'll eventually happen, but simple optimism only gets you so far, as we've learned. Her addition isn't one of those things that'll just happen on a Sakurai whim, unless we make ourselves heard. The Twitter account and everything is doing a good job of it though.


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
I'll be honest I am getting burnt out on Smash. I had my fill with Smash 4 on Wii U and 3DS as well as Ultimate. I honestly could care less what the next Smash has to offer if Im being honest. I barely care about this last round of DLC. So even if Dixie is added to the next Smash it will be too late in my book. I already see myself drifting further and further away from gaming in general with only certain games/franchises/developers I feel I will stay loyal to.

So yeah if Dixie doesnt make it in this pack (which I dont think she will) then I honestly wont care anymore. I will still be content knowing we brought King K.Rool back from the dead and Ridley finally joined Smash those two alone gave me enough joy with Ultimate. My sights are already on the next DK game. Dixie appearing in that game is of much more importance to me than Dixie appearing in the next Smash tbh.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I'll be honest I am getting burnt out on Smash. I had my fill with Smash 4 on Wii U and 3DS as well as Ultimate. I honestly could care less what the next Smash has to offer if Im being honest. I barely care about this last round of DLC. So even if Dixie is added to the next Smash it will be too late in my book. I already see myself drifting further and further away from gaming in general with only certain games/franchises/developers I feel I will stay loyal to.

So yeah if Dixie doesnt make it in this pack (which I dont think she will) then I honestly wont care anymore. I will still be content knowing we brought King K.Rool back from the dead and Ridley finally joined Smash those two alone gave me enough joy with Ultimate. My sights are already on the next DK game. Dixie appearing in that game is of much more importance to me than Dixie appearing in the next Smash tbh.
I somewhat agree. Smash is getting more and more involved with non Nintendo IPs and if Smash 6 has anywhere the amount of 3rd party newcomers while also cutting most of the veterans out, than I probably will call it quits.

Goemon, Krystal, and Dixie Kong are my last big wants and are the only characters left that will really complete the roster for me. But I don't ever see all 3 of them joining alongside the entire roster we have in Ultimate as I'm sure Smash 6 will be heavy on cutting veterans in favor of more newcomers.

I'm more excited to see the next DKC game than the next Smash because K. Rool and the Kremlings will most likely return as the antagonists now that the king is in Smash.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
More than anything, I just wanna play as Dixie Kong in more things. Mario Kart, Mario Party, hell I'll even take Donkey Kong's Financial Advising Simulator.
Step one: Hoard all the giant bananas.
Step two: Guard the bananas.
Step three: Take breaks from guarding the bananas.
Practice eye bulges between each step, for strength.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
tbh I think Wolf would look better there lol

I guess its because it'd be four newcomers, and four veterans.
Well Dixie was a cut character for Brawl so I see her as a half veteran. (OK, I know that's not a thing, but I feel she does fit in with the bottom row more than any of the characters on the top on the virtue of being a 1st Party character that actually existed for more than a year at that time).


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2014
Happy 300 everyone. Another piece of art.

There had to be some unique type of energy in the 90's to spawn some of the most standout characters for the platforming genre. Ironically, Tootie is the first of the three to actually make it in Smash physically despite only having a sole appearance and a non-playable one at that.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2018
Close to a mailbox, Eddy.
Happy 300 everyone. Another piece of art.

There had to be some unique type of energy in the 90's to spawn some of the most standout characters for the platforming genre.
Now that you mention it, yeah! Really think about what kind of characters 90s platformers saddled players with. You had:
  • A speedy super-insectivore
  • A flying, two-tailed fox.
  • Jurrasic babysitters that can hover in mid-air
  • A pink blob with a severe case of vaccum mouth
  • A pack of primates with zany abilities like ground slams, helicopter hair, stretchy arms, & jetpacks
  • A worm in a super-human space suit.
  • A limbless, fist-fighting, hair-twirling whatchamacallit with an eggplant torso.
  • That little italian plumber from the 80s, except now he's a parkour master with magic hats!
  • A spaced-out marsupial with Taz energy.
  • A tiny purple dragon that's probably part bull.
  • A backpack-clad bear & bird musician duo with an arsenal of eggs.

Absolutely wild.
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Running from the cops in Stardust Speedway.
Right? Its crazy how only platformers in the 90s gave us the likes of:
A speedy super-insectivore
A flying, two-tailed fox.
Reptilian babysitters that can hover in mid-air
A pink blob with a severe case of vaccum mouth
A pack of primates with zany abilities like ground slams, helicopter hair, stretchy arms, & jetpacks
A worm in a super-human space suit.
A limbless, fist-fighting, hair-twirling whatchamacallit with an eggplant torso.
That odd italian plumber from the 80s, except now he's a parkour master with magic hats!
A spaced-out marsupial with Taz energy.
A tiny purple dragon that's probably part bull.
And a backpack-clad bear & bird musician duo with an arsenal of eggs.

Absolutely wild.
Yeah, we need more of such characters nowadays. You don't see characters like those too often. Think of the imagination.

Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
90s mascots inspired my avatar. I'm working it as a comic as we speak. I don't think the imagination has gone away though. Shovel Knight, Hat Kid, Yooka Laylee, Freedom Planet cast, Astro Bot, Sack Boy, Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, they all have that kind of mascot style that you would see back in the day.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
All right... I just lost a bit of sanity....
I havn't actually played through DKC2 since I was a child.
I COMPLETELY FORGOT that even back then, before the DKCR games, that they could hop on each others backs.

Somehow, this made me completely lose hope in Dixie. I'm a bit shattered.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2018
He does look a little petite in that pic, but Donkey Kong was never all that large in Rare's games. Nintendo, and especially Smash, like to scale him up to be more intimidating.
I'm probably influenced by Smash's depiction of DK then. Good to know. But isn't the size difference between him and Diddy more or less the same in DKCR?

All right... I just lost a bit of sanity....
I havn't actually played through DKC2 since I was a child.
I COMPLETELY FORGOT that even back then, before the DKCR games, that they could hop on each others backs.

Somehow, this made me completely lose hope in Dixie. I'm a bit shattered.
Why would this play against Dixie?


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Why would this play against Dixie?
I cannot say it's rational, it just seemed like a key component of why she and Diddy were meant to be a duo. Only for Dixie to never happen or make more than a trophy/spirit appearance.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
You know, thinking back on it now, if Sakurai DID do a Pic of the Day to celebrate DKC2's Anniversary, it probably would have used the Dixie Mii Costume in it. I feel like that would have lowered her chances even more. So, I guess silver lining?
I honestly don't take any of those Pics of the Days as hints or signs of confirmations or deconfirmations of any characters. Remember the Rathalos Pic of the Day? I certainly do and Golden Sun fans certainly do and that wasn't referencing anything at the end.
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