Heyyy....I've got another moveset idea for Dixie.
Hopefully we're not tired of the
"5th Limb" category; the examples where Dixie uses her hair like a whip and does anything with it an arm can do. So, for today we have:

While in the air, Dixie swings her hair above, stopping abruptly in order to swat foes. Her ponytail pops at the tip, creating a powerful sting on top of a forceful swing. The trajectory is already powerful, but the sweetspot lies at the aforementioned tip; here, foes will suffer high damage, substantial hitstun and good knockback. Anyone hit during the actual swing will suffer more knockback and little else.
Given the nature of this attack we're looking at a potential UAir. It's good for people behind and above her, but since the sweetspot isn't directly above,
nailing foes with the most this move can dish out is difficult. Still, this attack does well to thwart almost anyone who strikes from above.
And that's it for this move. The next entry won't be 5th Limb, in fact it'll be inspired by a very iconic video game character. Hope y'all enjoy this. Here's the transparent version:
Imgur: The magic of the Internet