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Disney Presents: Kingdom of Combat (a Disney-themed platform fighting game)

Which version of Mickey Mouse should we use?

  • Classic Mickey Mouse

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Fantasia Mickey Mouse

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Here I am. I am sorry I kept you waiting, I was going to return yesterday but I didn't find time, so I had to delay my comeback. Anyway, here I am!
Job #27: Submit a moveset for Jack Skellington

Job #28: Submit a gimmick for the game

The gimmick might stem from a very "gimmicky" mode or the way the general game plays. Something to make this game quirky and unique.
For this job, I am also adding something unique and add, during the votes, the option "No gimmick", in case you prefer the game to be fair and square.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Jack Skellington Moveset:
Neutral Special: Soul Robber - Jack uses a long green whip to attack or rarely stun his opponent
Up Special: Terror - Jack growls stunning his foes
Down Special: Applause! - Jack slides into his enemies
Grand Finale: Going out in a Blaze of Glory - Jack suddenly gets covered in flames and lunges at the player. If he is successful at grabbing his opponent, he will leap up in the air with his foe in his arms and piledrives them into a little wooden tub of water. (This may seem out of place, but this attack is based on the end of the "This is Halloween" music number, where Jack is dressed as a scarecrow, gets engulfs in flames and dives into a tub of water.)
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Feb 9, 2023
(This may seem out of place, but this attack is based on the end of the "This is Halloween" music number, where Jack is dressed as a scarecrow, gets engulfs in flames and dives into a tub of water.)
I actually thought it was a tub of acid when I saw the film. How else could Jack change from a stop-motion Headless Horseman wannabe into the skeletal equivalent of an underwear model?

Regardless, how long do we have until these jobs expire? If we only have until Wednesday, then I'm abstaining from the moveset this time.

Job #28: The Game's Gimmick
I'm going with the former category, and selecting a gimmicky mode.

Love Is An Open Door
In this mode, you pick one character to play as, one character to rescue, one boss battle, a handful of stages, and some appropriate music. What follows is basically Ultimate's Classic Mode, but with customizable pathways, for lack of a better word, as well as an implication of "love can come from anywhere". Just as the Nine Old Men foretold.

And for the record, if the Subspace Emissary fans say I'm "one of them", I will neither confirm nor deny that opinion.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Regardless, how long do we have until these jobs expire? If we only have until Wednesday, then I'm abstaining from the moveset this time.
I’ll give you a couple of days if you need them. You always submit fun and interesting movesets, so I feel obliged to give you some extra time. But in general, if you happen to need a few more days to complete a job, then go ahead and ask me


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Jack Skellington Moveset:
Neutral Special: Soul Robber - Jack uses a long green whip to attack or rarely stun his opponent
Side Special: Chills down your spine - Jack throws a pumpkin which on contact freezes the opponent.
Up Special: Terror - Jack growls stunning his foes
Down Special: Applause! - Jack slides into his enemies
Grand Finale: Going out in a Blaze of Glory - Jack suddenly gets covered in flames and lunges at the player. If he is successful at grabbing his opponent, he will leap up in the air with his foe in his arms and piledrives them into a little wooden tub of water. (This may seem out of place, but this attack is based on the end of the "This is Halloween" music number, where Jack is dressed as a scarecrow, gets engulfs in flames and dives into a tub of water.)
You can't choose both the neutral and side special, you got to choose one.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
I actually thought it was a tub of acid when I saw the film. How else could Jack change from a stop-motion Headless Horseman wannabe into the skeletal equivalent of an underwear model?

Regardless, how long do we have until these jobs expire? If we only have until Wednesday, then I'm abstaining from the moveset this time.

Job #28: The Game's Gimmick
I'm going with the former category, and selecting a gimmicky mode.

Love Is An Open Door
In this mode, you pick one character to play as, one character to rescue, one boss battle, a handful of stages, and some appropriate music. What follows is basically Ultimate's Classic Mode, but with customizable pathways, for lack of a better word, as well as an implication of "love can come from anywhere". Just as the Nine Old Men foretold.

And for the record, if the Subspace Emissary fans say I'm "one of them", I will neither confirm nor deny that opinion.
A.) It could be acid, I thought it was water.

B.) Ah yes, the Nine Old Men and Hans.
You can't choose both the neutral and side special, you got to choose one.
I changed it.

Job 38: Sidekicks

Since this is a Disney game, I thought that something Disney is known for would help find the gimmick.

Introducing Sidekicks, popular side characters who will follow you around during the fight and when a meter fills up will induce a status effect or boost on your fighter. For Example, The Dark Figure(that bandaged.. thing that hangs around Ansem and Terranort in KH) will show infront of the player to defend them and dish out damage itself.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Jack Move Set:
Neutral Special: Pumpkin Throw - Throw a pumpkin that randomizes into a lantern with more damage, and a flame with explosion damage.
Up Special: Soul Robber - In the air, throw upwards to grab ledges and recover. On the ground, throw forward to grab other players.
Down Special: Scare - Make a scary face that stuns an opponent
Grand Finale: Christmas Nightmare - Rides around in a sleigh dropping explosive presents that deal high knock back and damage.

Gimmick: Musical Number
You collect different music notes, and when you collect enough, the character starts singing a Disney song and can't be damaged.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #27: Jack Skellington's moveset
Ground attacks
  • Neutral - Jumpscare: Jack raises both hands while screaming. The scream actually acts as a hit-box, damaging nearby opponents. This attack can be charged.
  • Up - Shakespearean Quotation: Jack detaches his head and spins it on one finger while raising his arm, kind of like what basketball players do when they want to show off. The spinning head acts as a hit-box. This attack can be charged.
  • Down - Spinning Kick: Jack crouches while spinning with one leg stretched out, damaging opponents. Jack slides forward while performing the move. It can be charged, increasing the power of the attack, but also the distance covered by the slide.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral - Dual Kick: Jack stretches his legs, hitting both in front and behind.
  • Up - Jack-in-the-Box: Jack raises a Christmas present, which contains a jack-in-the-box resembling... Jack Skellington. The Jack-in-the-box deals damage.
  • Down - Long Stomp: Jack raises one of his very long legs, then stomps forward with it. This move is somewhat similar to Snake's forward aerial. If timed right, it's a spike.
Special attacks
  • Neutral - This is Halloween!: Jack summons two ghosts that swirl around him for a short period of time. These ghosts reflect projectiles, but each ghost can only reflect one projectile before disappearing, thus meaning that this move can protect Jack from two projectiles. The move has a long cooldown, preventing it from being spammable.
  • Up - Jumping Snowman: Jack hides inside a snowman, then jumps upwards at high speed.
  • Down - Pumpkin King: Jack wears a flaming pumpkin as a helmet and breathes fire forward. It's possible to hold out the move and change the directions of the flames, but they quickly die out, like Bowser or Charizard's neutral special.
Grand Finale - It's Christmastime!: Jack jumps on Santa's flying sleigh and flies at the top of the screen. There, he tosses explosive presents on the ground. After a few moments, the sleigh crashes on the ground, dealing high damage and knockback.

Gimmick - Ghostlike Charm: Jack deals more damage to opponents if he hits them from behind.
Generally speaking, I suppose that Jack has below average power in most of his attacks (barring Jumpscare and a well timed Pumpkin King). He feels like a fast and elegant fighter, dancing around opponents and hitting them from behind, which is the key of Jack's power thanks to his gimmick.

Job #28
I'm submitting Tag-Teams. With this option (which you can toggle, like Time vs. Stocks, but it's flagged by default), players are asked to pick up two characters instead of one. With a button press, they can swap between them. The characters don't share their damage or even stocks, each one is actually independent from the other. Swapping characters is actually rather quick, so it's possible to do so even mid-combo. Keep in mind that when the character respawns, then their current stock is assigned to them. For instance, I pick Mickey and Elsa and I start the match with Elsa, then the first stock is assigned to her; by tagging Mickey in, I assign another one of my stocks to him. During my last stock, I get the option to decide if I want to assign it to either Elsa or Mickey, but I lose the ability to swap between them.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
M Master Hero Sock-on-Rye do you think that you can get Jack's moveset ready due tomorrow? Not trying to put pressure on you or anything, it's just that tomorrow I plan to open the votes for Jobs #27 and #28.
Feb 9, 2023
M Master Hero Sock-on-Rye do you think that you can get Jack's moveset ready due tomorrow? Not trying to put pressure on you or anything, it's just that tomorrow I plan to open the votes for Jobs #27 and #28.
Alright, I've got time now.

Job #27: Jack Skellington's Moveset
Neutral Special: Fetch
Jack throws one of his ribs, and Zero the Pumpkin-Nosed Ghost Dog would tackle the opponent to bring it back. As for how I came up with that dog's name, Jack literally compared him to Rudolph in the movie. If you think I wouldn't give him a descriptive name like that in this context, you haven't seen the movie.
Up Special: Sandy Claws
Jack uses a bit of Santa's magic to levitate himself off the blast zone. Just say that this is part of Jack's promise to never take over another holiday, and we're good.
Down Special: Intestinal Distressssss
Apparently, it turns out there's a snake where Jack's intestines used to be, which adds a great deal of terror to the fight. As a biological bonus, if the opponent is some sort of small mammal, this move deals additional damage. And now you know why that film was dumped onto Touchstone Pictures midway through production.

Neutral Aerial: Gift Exchange
Jack gives his opponent an exploding present. While this is semi-inaccurate to the movie, it does save the programmers valuable time, money, and sanity.
Side Aerial: Croak and Deader
Jack surrounds his opponent onto the ground to make them uncomfortable for a few moments.
Up Aerial: Hamlet
Jack tosses his head at the opponent, which makes said opponent jump in fear. The name is a reference to exactly which quotation Jack is alluding to in his lamenting song. Hint: It's not from Macbeth.

Neutral Ground: Let the Chase Begin!
Jack runs into the opponent with open arms and a taste for blood. This is how his Halloween persona can kick in at the right time.
Side Ground: The Skellington Dance
Calling back to Jack's "ancestors", he does the kind of dance routine that harkens back to the very first Silly Symphony, The Skeleton Dance. I mean, where else could that B-series qualify for representation in this game?
Down Ground: Spiral Out of Control
A small version of the famous spiral of Spiral Hill pops up so Jack can walk on it, and onto the opponents like a doormat by association with said small spiral.

Grand Finale: Oogie Boogie's Revenge!
Once Jack obtains the means to eliminate his opponents, Oogie Boogie hijacks the fun and tortures them for him. This is an inadvertent boon for Jack, as he did most of the fighting in his moveset, and even a skeleton can get tired.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Let's-a-go with the submissions!
Job #27: Submit a moveset for Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington Moveset:
Neutral Special: Soul Robber - Jack uses a long green whip to attack or rarely stun his opponent
Up Special: Terror - Jack growls stunning his foes
Down Special: Applause! - Jack slides into his enemies
Grand Finale: Going out in a Blaze of Glory - Jack suddenly gets covered in flames and lunges at the player. If he is successful at grabbing his opponent, he will leap up in the air with his foe in his arms and piledrives them into a little wooden tub of water. (This may seem out of place, but this attack is based on the end of the "This is Halloween" music number, where Jack is dressed as a scarecrow, gets engulfs in flames and dives into a tub of water.)
Jack Move Set:
Neutral Special: Pumpkin Throw - Throw a pumpkin that randomizes into a lantern with more damage, and a flame with explosion damage.
Up Special: Soul Robber - In the air, throw upwards to grab ledges and recover. On the ground, throw forward to grab other players.
Down Special: Scare - Make a scary face that stuns an opponent
Grand Finale: Christmas Nightmare - Rides around in a sleigh dropping explosive presents that deal high knock back and damage.
Job #27: Jack Skellington's moveset
Ground attacks
  • Neutral - Jumpscare: Jack raises both hands while screaming. The scream actually acts as a hit-box, damaging nearby opponents. This attack can be charged.
  • Up - Shakespearean Quotation: Jack detaches his head and spins it on one finger while raising his arm, kind of like what basketball players do when they want to show off. The spinning head acts as a hit-box. This attack can be charged.
  • Down - Spinning Kick: Jack crouches while spinning with one leg stretched out, damaging opponents. Jack slides forward while performing the move. It can be charged, increasing the power of the attack, but also the distance covered by the slide.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral - Dual Kick: Jack stretches his legs, hitting both in front and behind.
  • Up - Jack-in-the-Box: Jack raises a Christmas present, which contains a jack-in-the-box resembling... Jack Skellington. The Jack-in-the-box deals damage.
  • Down - Long Stomp: Jack raises one of his very long legs, then stomps forward with it. This move is somewhat similar to Snake's forward aerial. If timed right, it's a spike.
Special attacks
  • Neutral - This is Halloween!: Jack summons two ghosts that swirl around him for a short period of time. These ghosts reflect projectiles, but each ghost can only reflect one projectile before disappearing, thus meaning that this move can protect Jack from two projectiles. The move has a long cooldown, preventing it from being spammable.
  • Up - Jumping Snowman: Jack hides inside a snowman, then jumps upwards at high speed.
  • Down - Pumpkin King: Jack wears a flaming pumpkin as a helmet and breathes fire forward. It's possible to hold out the move and change the directions of the flames, but they quickly die out, like Bowser or Charizard's neutral special.
Grand Finale - It's Christmastime!: Jack jumps on Santa's flying sleigh and flies at the top of the screen. There, he tosses explosive presents on the ground. After a few moments, the sleigh crashes on the ground, dealing high damage and knockback.
Generally speaking, I suppose that Jack has below average power in most of his attacks (barring Jumpscare and a well timed Pumpkin King). He feels like a fast and elegant fighter, dancing around opponents and hitting them from behind, which is the key of Jack's power thanks to his gimmick.
Job #27: Jack Skellington's Moveset
Neutral Special: Fetch
Jack throws one of his ribs, and Zero the Pumpkin-Nosed Ghost Dog would tackle the opponent to bring it back. As for how I came up with that dog's name, Jack literally compared him to Rudolph in the movie. If you think I wouldn't give him a descriptive name like that in this context, you haven't seen the movie.
Up Special: Sandy Claws
Jack uses a bit of Santa's magic to levitate himself off the blast zone. Just say that this is part of Jack's promise to never take over another holiday, and we're good.
Down Special: Intestinal Distressssss
Apparently, it turns out there's a snake where Jack's intestines used to be, which adds a great deal of terror to the fight. As a biological bonus, if the opponent is some sort of small mammal, this move deals additional damage. And now you know why that film was dumped onto Touchstone Pictures midway through production.

Neutral Aerial: Gift Exchange
Jack gives his opponent an exploding present. While this is semi-inaccurate to the movie, it does save the programmers valuable time, money, and sanity.
Side Aerial: Croak and Deader
Jack surrounds his opponent onto the ground to make them uncomfortable for a few moments.
Up Aerial: Hamlet
Jack tosses his head at the opponent, which makes said opponent jump in fear. The name is a reference to exactly which quotation Jack is alluding to in his lamenting song. Hint: It's not from Macbeth.

Neutral Ground: Let the Chase Begin!
Jack runs into the opponent with open arms and a taste for blood. This is how his Halloween persona can kick in at the right time.
Side Ground: The Skellington Dance
Calling back to Jack's "ancestors", he does the kind of dance routine that harkens back to the very first Silly Symphony, The Skeleton Dance. I mean, where else could that B-series qualify for representation in this game?
Down Ground: Spiral Out of Control
A small version of the famous spiral of Spiral Hill pops up so Jack can walk on it, and onto the opponents like a doormat by association with said small spiral.

Grand Finale: Oogie Boogie's Revenge!
Once Jack obtains the means to eliminate his opponents, Oogie Boogie hijacks the fun and tortures them for him. This is an inadvertent boon for Jack, as he did most of the fighting in his moveset, and even a skeleton can get tired.
These are the four movesets submitted by Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP , Northsouthmap Northsouthmap , M Master Hero Sock-on-Rye , and me. Vote for your top two submissions. Your submission can't be your first choice. Here are my votes:
1. Master-Hero Sock-on-Rye: you made a brilliant moveset filled with unique aspects and quirks, even including some non-trivial ones.
2. My moveset: I mean, it's a complete moveset, so I'm giving myself a few bonus points here. And besides, I quite like how I handled Jack.

Please, note that, due to the fact that Jack Skellington was chosen as a gimmick-specific character, his gimmick (Ghostlike Charm - powers up moves if they hit opponents from behind) is added by default to each moveset.

Job #28: Game's gimmick
Job #28: The Game's Gimmick
I'm going with the former category, and selecting a gimmicky mode.

Love Is An Open Door
In this mode, you pick one character to play as, one character to rescue, one boss battle, a handful of stages, and some appropriate music. What follows is basically Ultimate's Classic Mode, but with customizable pathways, for lack of a better word, as well as an implication of "love can come from anywhere". Just as the Nine Old Men foretold.

And for the record, if the Subspace Emissary fans say I'm "one of them", I will neither confirm nor deny that opinion.
Job 38: Sidekicks

Since this is a Disney game, I thought that something Disney is known for would help find the gimmick.

Introducing Sidekicks, popular side characters who will follow you around during the fight and when a meter fills up will induce a status effect or boost on your fighter. For Example, The Dark Figure(that bandaged.. thing that hangs around Ansem and Terranort in KH) will show infront of the player to defend them and dish out damage itself.
Gimmick: Musical Number
You collect different music notes, and when you collect enough, the character starts singing a Disney song and can't be damaged.
Job #28
I'm submitting Tag-Teams. With this option (which you can toggle, like Time vs. Stocks, but it's flagged by default), players are asked to pick up two characters instead of one. With a button press, they can swap between them. The characters don't share their damage or even stocks, each one is actually independent from the other. Swapping characters is actually rather quick, so it's possible to do so even mid-combo. Keep in mind that when the character respawns, then their current stock is assigned to them. For instance, I pick Mickey and Elsa and I start the match with Elsa, then the first stock is assigned to her; by tagging Mickey in, I assign another one of my stocks to him. During my last stock, I get the option to decide if I want to assign it to either Elsa or Mickey, but I lose the ability to swap between them.
Here are the four gimmick submitted, plus the "No gimmick" option:
No gimmick
Love Is An Open Door (submitted by M Master Hero Sock-on-Rye )
Sidekicks (submitted by Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP )
Musical Number (submitted by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Tag-Teams (submitted by me)

Vote for your top two choices. Your own submission can't be your first vote. Here are my votes:
1. Love Is an Open Door: it's a very creative and ingenious mode with a very interesting backstory (although I'm not sure I get the meaning behind it). Still, I find this mode enjoyable.
2. Tag-Teams: a platform fighting game with tag-teams sounds engaging to me. Plus, the option can be toggled off, so it doesn't make the game necessarily more complex than needed. And it complements well with the simple moves template.

Shoutout to Sidekicks though: at the very beginning of this project, when I thought of some possible gimmicks beforehand, Sidekicks was actually the one I had in mind, but with 50 characters and assist trophies-esque coming (they were added in the first items job), I think it becomes very hard to fit them in.
Feb 9, 2023
1: LoZ00's moveset. I prefer full movesets over unfinished ones, and since I can't project bias, he gets the top spot by default.
2: My own moveset. Even though I was strapped for potential, I went and made up attacks not quite shown in the movie. Especially hiding a snake in his body. That never happened, but I went with it anyway.

1: Musical Number - This implies that voice acting is a must for this game. Plus, this could further imply that the song can appear at random, thus providing an opportunity for a Disneymania spinoff line for the animated characters.
2: Tag-Team Mode - This is different than how MultiVersus has its tag teams, which is a good reason to approve of it. The actual idea in question is great, too.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Time to wrap things up with the results for Jobs #27 and #28:
Job #27
Qwerty UIOP's moveset: 1 point
Northsouthmap's moveset: 0 points
LoZ00's moveset: 9 points
Master Hero Sock-on-Rye's moveset: 5 points

My moveset will be used for Jack Skellington!
Job #27: Jack Skellington's moveset
Ground attacks
  • Neutral - Jumpscare: Jack raises both hands while screaming. The scream actually acts as a hit-box, damaging nearby opponents. This attack can be charged.
  • Up - Shakespearean Quotation: Jack detaches his head and spins it on one finger while raising his arm, kind of like what basketball players do when they want to show off. The spinning head acts as a hit-box. This attack can be charged.
  • Down - Spinning Kick: Jack crouches while spinning with one leg stretched out, damaging opponents. Jack slides forward while performing the move. It can be charged, increasing the power of the attack, but also the distance covered by the slide.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral - Dual Kick: Jack stretches his legs, hitting both in front and behind.
  • Up - Jack-in-the-Box: Jack raises a Christmas present, which contains a jack-in-the-box resembling... Jack Skellington. The Jack-in-the-box deals damage.
  • Down - Long Stomp: Jack raises one of his very long legs, then stomps forward with it. This move is somewhat similar to Snake's forward aerial. If timed right, it's a spike.
Special attacks
  • Neutral - This is Halloween!: Jack summons two ghosts that swirl around him for a short period of time. These ghosts reflect projectiles, but each ghost can only reflect one projectile before disappearing, thus meaning that this move can protect Jack from two projectiles. The move has a long cooldown, preventing it from being spammable.
  • Up - Jumping Snowman: Jack hides inside a snowman, then jumps upwards at high speed.
  • Down - Pumpkin King: Jack wears a flaming pumpkin as a helmet and breathes fire forward. It's possible to hold out the move and change the directions of the flames, but they quickly die out, like Bowser or Charizard's neutral special.
Grand Finale - It's Christmastime!: Jack jumps on Santa's flying sleigh and flies at the top of the screen. There, he tosses explosive presents on the ground. After a few moments, the sleigh crashes on the ground, dealing high damage and knockback.

Gimmick - Ghostlike Charm: Jack deals more damage to opponents if he hits them from behind.
Generally speaking, I suppose that Jack has below average power in most of his attacks (barring Jumpscare and a well timed Pumpkin King). He feels like a fast and elegant fighter, dancing around opponents and hitting them from behind, which is the key of Jack's power thanks to his gimmick.
Thank you to everyone who voted for my moveset. Maybe that was because I love The Nightmare Before Christmas so much, but it seems that it was a popular choice.

Job #28
No sidekicks: 0 points
Love Is An Open Door: 5 points
Sidekicks: 1 point
Musical Numbers: 3 points
Tag-Teams: 6 points

Tag-Teams will be this game's gimmick!
Job #28
I'm submitting Tag-Teams. With this option (which you can toggle, like Time vs. Stocks, but it's flagged by default), players are asked to pick up two characters instead of one. With a button press, they can swap between them. The characters don't share their damage or even stocks, each one is actually independent from the other. Swapping characters is actually rather quick, so it's possible to do so even mid-combo. Keep in mind that when the character respawns, then their current stock is assigned to them. For instance, I pick Mickey and Elsa and I start the match with Elsa, then the first stock is assigned to her; by tagging Mickey in, I assign another one of my stocks to him. During my last stock, I get the option to decide if I want to assign it to either Elsa or Mickey, but I lose the ability to swap between them.
Again, thank you to everyone who liked this idea. I'm quite happy with it myself, considering I came up with it last minute. Your ideas were awesome, though.
Luckily, Love Is An Open Door and arguably even Musical Numbers could be a possible gimmicky mode (which I look forward to add). Shoutouts to Sidekicks yet again, since it was another concept I would have really liked, had we chosen to include fewer fighters and/or to exclude Assist Trophies-esque characters.


Currently, we have just one Pixar character and I think it's unacceptable. So:
Job #29: Submit a Pixar character
Again, the character could come from a movie or a Pixar short.

However, there is also yet another category of Disney we have been neglecting thus far:
Job #30: Submit a Live-Action/TVA character
The character could come from any live-action movie BESIDES Marvel, LucasFilm, or 20th Century Fox. So, as much as I would have liked Indiana Jones or some Avatar reps, they are out of the picture. As for the TVA, please refrain to add characters from series that stemmed from animated movies, like The Emperor's New School or Timon & Pumbaa. Speaking of, I'm also vetoing Donald Duck specifically, since his most well known appearances aren't from the DuckTales series, but rather from the movies, comic books or short movies. It pains me to do so (Donald is my favorite Disney character, possibly fictional character ever), but I believe that, if we wanted to, we could and should add Donald later down the line and not as a TVA character.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Live action (also a TV rep): Earl & Baby Sinclair

I have never watched this show - I know people say it holds up really well and is on par with golden-age Simpsons (one of my closest friends is a die hard fan), but honestly I just find this lumbering reptilian costume and the way the actor struggles to move in it rather humourous - plus it's significance as Jim Henson's final work and technically-The-Simpsons loophole aspect is a plus. A wonderful piece of kitschy-but-high-budget nostalgia.

Pixar: Tow Mater

If he's lying, he's crying! The main reason I'm submitting him over Lightning is his tow, which could be used for grabs - the fact that he has a whole short series of his own tall tales to draw moves and costumes from certainly helps too.
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Feb 9, 2023
FighterMan 2.0
I nominate The Incredibles as a summon gimmick.
The Incredibles (2004) - IMDb

Uh oh! Mr. Incredible busted an arm muscle and can't fight! Not a problem for him, though, because he can have his wife and children fight for him.

Fighter #1: Elastigirl
The matriarch of the team, Elastigirl would be the all-around fighter when her husband is off-duty or injured.

Fighter #2: Dash
Your typical speedster, Dash can practically steamroll the opponents.

Fighter #3: Violet
The teenage daughter of the family, Violet can provide some tricky maneuvers to win, unlike Elastigirl's agility and Dash's quick wit.

The family that fights together protects together.

Live or Television, It's The Next Fighter Revealed!
I had a problem choosing the right character within those two divisions. Kermit the Frog, Kim Possible, Doug Funnie, Herbie. But in the end, there's only one non-animated character that can go toe-to-toe with the rest of the ink-and-paint crowd.

And so, I nominate Mary Poppins to be our live performer.
Mary Poppins | Disney Wiki | Fandom

I mean, if your Walt-era Disney movie can be nominated for 13 Oscars and win five of them, you're a god/goddess among the pre-1966 catalog. The umbrella, chalk paintings, penguin waiters, or even Bert and his chimney sweeps. You'd have to TRY to fail at a subsequent moveset for Mary Poppins!

And if we really want to go into loopholes, like that guy who compared Earl Sinclair to Homer Simpson, there's a reason why people pair her up with a Guardian of the Galaxy. And the comparison wouldn't even be inaccurate on Star-Lord's end, because the film got released on video three times by 1985.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #29: Sulley & Mike

These two would work as a duo, but in a very different way compared to the Ice Climbers, as they have wildly different body frames. The fact that they are a duo is more of an aesthetic trait, and Mike would mostly stick to the background (though he'd give his contribution for some moves). Other than that, they'd be a heavyweight duo (since Sulley is huge) and be rather strong.

Job #30: Cubbi Gummi

Yeah, among the many TVA/Live-Action characters, why would you pick Cubbi Gummi of all characters? For a few reasons, actually. Cubbi is the de facto mascot of the Gummi Bears team, despite not being neither the leader nor the protagonist of the series. I think he could be a swordfighter (as he wields a wooden sword) and use the bouncy properties of the Gummi Bears to his advantage, maybe even incorporating them as a gimmick. I wanted to include someone from the Adventures of the Gummi Bears because that is, surprisingly, the show that kickstarted the whole Disney Afternoon thing, despite not being one of the most famous shows of that group.


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Pixar Fighter

Resubmitting Luxo Jr


I know we have not gotten to the oddball fighters yet but Luxo Jr is the mascot of Pixar and represents Pixar shorts. I think he could be a very fun fighter. When looking at people's fanmade rosters for a Disney platform fighter, there is usally the glaring omission of this famous lamp. However, I feel he should be in with a Game-And-Watch-esque moveset in terms of referencing Pixar shorts and such. I know we'll get someone like Buzz Lightyear, Lightning McQueen, Wall-E, etc. submitted but Luxo Jr. is a true contender here for Pixar.

TVA/Live Action Fighter

The Rocketeer (Rocketeer)


I wanted to go with Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribeean but there has been lots of controversy surrounding Johnny Depp himself. I have not see The Rocketeer but the character himself is based on 1930s serials (specifically the comic book hero of the same name). While the movie was a box office flop back in the 90s, there is a show on Disney Junior based on this superhero and a sequel coming out soon.

I can imagine The Rocketeer fighting with a flight gimmick, a general all-around superhero moveset and such with the 1930s charm aside from beating up Nazis. He’s an out there pick but a fun one if we want to dig deep into Disney’s library of films.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 29:Merida (Brave)


Merida is the protagonist of Pixar movie Brave,she is a scottish princess from DunBroch kingdom and she is a princess that breaks the stereotype of "all the princess need a love for her life".

I wanted to resubmit Woody,but i chose Merida because i think that the roster needs more female characters

Job 30:Goliath (Gargoyles)


Goliath is the protagonist of the a cartoon called Gargoyles,he is leader of Wyvern clan and Mahattan clan.

I wanted to submit Agent P from Phineas & Ferb and Kim Possible,but i think that TVA it's meaning 90's Disney cartoons.
Feb 9, 2023
Job 29:Merida (Brave)

View attachment 372643

Merida is the protagonist of Pixar movie Brave,she is a scottish princess from DunBroch kingdom and she is a princess that breaks the stereotype of "all the princess need a love for her life".

I wanted to resubmit Woody,but i chose Merida because i think that the roster needs more female characters

Job 30:Goliath (Gargoyles)

View attachment 372644

Goliath is the protagonist of the a cartoon called Gargoyles,he is leader of Wyvern clan and Mahattan clan.

I wanted to submit Agent P from Phineas & Ferb and Kim Possible,but i think that TVA it's meaning 90's Disney cartoons.
Well, at least we have an obvious Tag Team for those in the Gargoyles fandom who saw Brave's teaser trailer.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
I wanted to submit Agent P from Phineas & Ferb and Kim Possible,but i think that TVA it's meaning 90's Disney cartoons.
I mean, if you (or anyone else really) want to submit someone like Agent P or Kim Possible, then be my guest. TVA is meant to represent all the television series, not just the ones from the 90s.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I dont have much of a write up but…

Pixar: Bing Bong

Who's your friend who likes to play?
Bing Bong, Bing Bong
His rocket makes you yell "Hooray!"
Bing Bong, Bing Bong
Who's the best in every way, and wants to sing this song to say
Bing Bong, Bing Bong!

This chimera of a character from Inside Out utilized various off-the-wall, unorthodox attacks so he can be Riley’s best imaginary friend yet again.

TVA: Kim Possible

A combination of Snake, Shiek, and Zamus.

Deleted member


Kermit the Frog
Kermit may not be much of a fighter, but that's exactly why he would be so fun to play as in a platform fighter. His waggly arms and over the top movements would make him a very fun fighter, more about avoiding attacks than actually landing them. Think Octodad from Fraymakers.
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Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Job 29: Wall-E and Eve (Wall-E)

I feel that the two of them work well as a duo character since the whole movie is about their relationship that grows over time, and I think they could have an interesting gimmick that somehow combines Duck Hunt with Pyra and Mythra.

Job 30: Alex Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place)

Wizards of Waverly Place could arguably be considered the most successful show on the Disney Channel. The show is known to have the highest watched finale of the network's history, in addition to the only show from Disney to hold multiple prime time Emmys.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Let's see the submissions for Jobs #29 and #30
Job #29
Tow Mater (submitted by Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario )
The Incredibles -- Elastigirl, Violet, Dash (submitted by M Master Hero Sock-on-Rye )
Sulley & Mike (submitted by me)
Luxo Jr. (submitted by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Merida (submitted by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Mei Lee (submitted by Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP )
Bing Bong (submitted by Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom )
Mr. Incredible (submitted by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Wall-E and EVE (submitted by SmasherMaster SmasherMaster )

Vote for your top three favorite choices. Your submission can't be your first vote. Here are my votes:
1. The Incredibles: a very cool and unique idea. I kinda wish that Mr. Incredible was included in there, but him acting as the Pokémon Trainer of this group makes sense. And besides, I believe that Elastigirl, Violet, and Dash may make for more interesting movesets than Mr. Incredible.
2. Bing Bong: I think that the potential with this character might be insane. You could pick references from Inside Out or you could go out of your way and choose weird and creative stuff since Bing Bong is an imaginary friend. He is also a heavy-looking character, which is something we are currently lacking (Pete and arguably Buzz Lightyear but that's it).
3. Sulley & Mike: self vote, but I think that Monsters, Inc. is another franchise that we need to represent, sooner or later. Again, they are heavyweights and as such they get some bonus points. And I believe that the interaction between Sulley and Mike would be hilarious, so this gives them an edge.

Shoutout to other great ideas, like Mei Lee, Mr. Incredible, Wall-E and EVE, and essentially every character submitted. Narrowing my selection to three characters only has never been so hard. It helps that Pixar has so many quirky characters.

Job #30
Earl & Baby Sinclair (submitted by Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario )
Mary Poppins (submitted by M Master Hero Sock-on-Rye )
Cubbi Gummi (submitted by me)
The Rocketeer (submitted by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Goliath (submitted by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Luz (submitted by Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP )
Kim Possible (submitted by Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom )
Perry the Platypus (submitted by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Kermit the Frog (submitted by @DarkVortex)
Alex Russo (submitted by SmasherMaster SmasherMaster )

Vote for your top three favorite choices. Your submission can't be your first vote. Here are my votes:
1. The Rocketeer: I think that adding a super-hero is a fantastic idea and this is something you can see since for both this and last job I my first votes went to super-heroes. Like AlteredBeast said, I can see the Rocketeer sharing the free-flight gimmick with the Iron Giant in MultiVersus and then using some simple, trope-y moves that super-heroes use. Plus, I like some deeper-cut picks sometimes.
2. Perry the Platypus: Agent P is definitely a character that, sooner or later, I want to add in a game like this. There is something about a platypus that is also a secret agent that screams platform fighter to me. Agent P could be a rushdown fighter, with good mobility but extremely low weight, using both martial arts and gadgets to prevail.
3. Kim Possible: when I was a kid I freaking loved Kim Possible. She has to be the first cartoon crush I had. But I believe that she could lend herself pretty well to a moveset in a game like this. But I tried to be as objective as possible and I placed her "only" third.

Again, this job had some really great submissions. Shoutouts especially to Mary Poppins and Kermit the Frog!
Feb 9, 2023
1: Tow Mater - I, like a lot of people my age, grew up loving the first Cars movie. I cannot say the same about the others because I haven't seen them as often. However, my inner child would absolutely squeal like a pig in a mudbath if Mater got into this fight. And hey, at least Hornet has some competition in the "fighting car in a crossover" sense. Maybe this could be Mater's next meme.
2: Merida - Yes, she's an expert archer while horseback riding. Yes, she can summon her bear mother for an attack. Yes, the Wisps can even help out. But why I'm choosing her among this crowd is to add a bonafide Disney Princess to this roster.
3: The Incredibles - It's a self-vote, but it's a family of superheroes. Picking just one of them at a time would lead to fan outcry at either "it's not the Incredible I wanted" or "ANOTHER Incredibles character?". In that sense, I feel my direction for the franchise is the happy medium between both problems that come from that world.

Honorable mentions go to everyone else but Mr. Incredible, due to him being redundant if he commands his family in battle instead. Seriously, it was HARD to choose three Pixar votes.

1: Kermit the Frog - The Muppets are the closest we have to a "live-action cartoon", and I mean that in the best way possible.
2: Luz Noceda - Getting the Great Witch of the Boiling Isles in a game like this would not only represent Disney Television Animation in its own Renaissance Era, but it would help show the fandom that Disney really DOES know how popular the series is now! Besides, with how much fan demand there is for TVA characters in the first place, I'm sure we'll be getting further representation eventually, either by another slot or a handful of Animation Cels.
3: Goliath - Speaking of winged magical creatures, dark backstories, and fandoms that are too insatiable for Disney's board of directors, Goliath is one of the frontrunners for a Disney Afternoon character, right up there with Scrooge McDuck, Gadget Hackwrench, and Darkwing Duck before him.

Honorable mentions here go to Perry, Kim Possible, and my own suggestion, Mary Poppins.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
1. Mike and Sully
2. Wall-E and EVE
3. Mr. Incredible

1. Mary Poppins
2. Luz
3. Perry

Deleted member

1. Mike & Sully
2. Mr. Incredible
3. Bing Bong

1. Kim Possible
2. Goliath
3. Kermit


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Ok let's see the results for Jobs #29 and #30:

Job #28
Tow Mater: 5 points
The Incredibles: 4 points
Sulley & Mike: 16 points
Luxo Jr.: 7 points
Merida: 3 points
Mei Lee: 0 points
Bing Bong: 5 points
Mr. Incredible: 6 points
Wall-E and EVE: 2 points

Sulley & Mike will be our next Pixar reps!

Thank you to everybody who voted for these two pals. Their addition feels very sensible and I guess they might make for an interesting moveset, seeing that you take control as both of them.

Job #29
Earl & Baby Sinclair: 0 points
Mary Poppins: 10 points
Cubbi Gummi: 0 points
The Rocketeer: 5 points
Goliath: 4 points
Luz: 4 points
Kim Possible: 7 points
Agent P: 5 points
Kermit the Frog: 13 points
Alex Russo: 0 points

Kermit the Frog is our first Live-action fighter!

Congratulations to @DarkVortex for submitting this blast of a character! Kermit is a true icon and he's definitely one of, if not the best choice to represent live-action Disney shows. I can't wait to see movesets based on him!
So, since we have two new characters, I think we have to design their stages & movesets. As always, we'll start with the first of these two characters, so...
Job #31: Submit Sulley & Mike's home stage
Job #32: Submit a moveset for Sulley & Mike
Feb 9, 2023
Job #31: Sulley and Mike's Home Stage
Oh, come on. Like we didn't just think of this as soon as this job was shown.
Monster's Inc. map of the human world doesn't have NZ : r/MapsWithoutNZ

Monsters Incorporated
This stage could be mostly located in the Scare Room, where monsters going in and out of doors would be the main hazard of this stage. Also, on rare occasions, like if you select this stage on April Fools Day, it changes into the Laugh Room as seen in Monsters at Work.

Job #32: Sulley and Mike's Moveset
Neutral Special: Turkey on a Roll
Sulley picks up Mike and tosses him like a bowling ball. This is a reference to their dynamic, while the name is a reference to getting three strikes in a row while playing a round of bowling.
Up Special: Scream Canister
Mike and Sulley ride one of the canisters as a rocket to get away from the blast zone. To accommodate for Sulley's weight, it's probably a Laugh Canister instead.
Down Special: Down and Dirty Dancing
Sulley and Mike attempt to do the famous "Dirty Dancing" pose, only for Mike's legs to give in and unceremoniously toss Sulley into the opponent's oncoming way. Consider this to be the antithesis to their neutral special.

Neutral Aerial: Snow Cone
Mike throws an Abominable snow cone at the opponent. Emphasis on abominable.
Side Aerial: Go Long, Young Pig
Sulley tosses Archie the Scare Pig, a hog with spider legs, like a literal "pigskin".
Up Aerial: Wake Up Call
Mike blows an air horn near Sulley, which startles him awake enough to unintentionally hurt the opponent this time.

Neutral Ground: Toxic Touch
Still afraid of what those poisonous spike balls can do, Sulley and Mike play an impromptu game of keepaway with one until an opponent comes in contact. Hold it long enough as either of the two, and it can cause self-damage. For best results, compare this to Tom and Jerry's tennis match attack in MultiVersus.
Side Ground: Warehouse Detour
Mike and Sulley ride a runaway track from the Door Warehouse directly into the opponent.
Down Ground: Slam the Door
Sulley slams one of the condemned doors onto the opponent, with intent to shatter them himself. Sure, it's out of character, but who would want to make a child laugh during his or her goth phase?

Grand Finale: Dig Deep
Both Sulley and Mike unleash their primal urges, and roar their lungs out at the opponents. This Grand Finale targets all nearby opponents, and is best suited without the use of a headphone jack.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #31: Doors' Hall

This stage is admittedly pretty similar to the one submitted by Master Hero, but it has some differences. The stage layout is very simple (like Battlefield, but a bit bigger and with a couple more platforms, to create a sort of hourglass shape). The main platform has five colored doors (red, blue, white, pink, green). At the top of the stage, there is the sort of monorail that moves the doors and, at random, some doors might be dropped on the five smaller platform or may simply remain at the top of the stage. The doors that appear in this way are the exact same reproduction of the ones that appear on the main platform and deal no damage when they are dropped. However, characters can use them to quickly move around the stage (eg: entering the red door on the main platform teleports the player to the one attached the conveyor belt, entering the pink one teleports them to the copy on the stage etc.). Of course, these doors are two-ways (but entering inside the ones that are atop of the stage might be difficult). After some time, the door are taken away.
Since it is important for players to be able to recognize the five doors at a glance, each door as a motif on it (red = triangles, blue = waves, white = circles, pink = stars, green = squares) to help colorblind players.

Job #32: Sulley & Mike's moveset
Generally, Mike stays in the background while Sulley fights in the foreground.

Ground attacks
  • Neutral - Scary Fist: Sulley punches twice. Each fist can be charged.
  • Up - Wake Up!: Mike plays an air horn that makes Sulley jump out of surprise. Sulley's jump acts as a hit-box that has a sweet spot on Sulley's horns. This attack can be charged.
  • Down - Put That Thing Back Where It Came From: Mike comes to the foreground and kicks back and forth several times while facing the camera and jumping, whereas Sulley goes to the background and performs an awkward dance (that is merely an aesthetic detail). Mike's kicks deal damage and their power, as well as the amount of kicks performed, can be increased by charging the attack. The dance Mike and Sulley perform is one that they actually do in the first movie.
Aerial attacks
  • Neutral - Aerial Punch: Sulley punches forward. This attack can be charged.
  • Up - Friendly Juggle: Sulley grabs Mike and juggles with him. Mike acts as a hit-box.
  • Down - Monstrous Stomp: Sulley stomps with both feet. This attack can be charged and acts as a spike.
Special attacks
  • Neutral - Run!: Sulley grabs Mike while he dashes forward, dealing damage as he rolls over opponents. It's a reference to that scene where Sulley is chased by Waternoose that freaked me out like nothing else as a child.
  • Up - Doorway to Safety: Sulley and Mike go inside a door that magically appears out of thin air, only to reappear out of the same door nearby. This attack is somewhat similar to Zelda's up special in its functionality, as Sulley and Mike deal high damage to opponents once they go out of the door.
  • Down - Scream Extractor: Mike opens a scream extractor, which flies forward at very high speed. The extractor acts as a projectile that bounces off surfaces and opponents, but disappears after a while. Only one extractor can be used by each player at a time.
Grand Finale - Scary Nighttime: a cinematic Grand Finale. Sulley roars, sending all opponents inside a door. There, they appear to stay in a dark room. After a few moments, Mike appears, yelling at them. This only deals minor damage, but Sulley will then appear and roar, dealing in turn massive damage and high knock back. Opponents are then sent flying away.
For this duo, I wanted to emphasize Sulley's massive frame and, likewise, power. The duo's interaction are more aesthetic than actually functional, although they do share a few attacks here and there.
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Deleted member


Door Chase
One of the most iconic parts of the film. Players fight on top of the conver belt carrying the doors. Sometimes a door will go by and open up a mini area for players to fight in, such as Books Room or the Trailer that Randel ends up in.
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