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Diddy Kong Appreciation Thread: From Dinky to Diddy, From the Jungle to the Brawl.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
They decide what characters they want to be in, and that decides the final roster count.
That's basically what I meant, but again--he can't put every character in. There's a set limit. Since every character can't be in, some will be left out.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Yes, in a way that's true, but if there is a character that he thought deserved a spot, it will have factored into how much time was spent on the game to make sure it gets put in. Therefore, Diddy being confirmed does not take away the chances of any other character that is at least a the level of importance to their own franchise a Diddy is.

Link Sharingan

Smash Ace
May 25, 2007
Diddy Kong deserve a spot more than Stafy,Little Mac,Captain Olimar,Black Shadow, Ice Climbers,Mr.Game&Wach,Pichu and Dr.Mario

And any one that predicted that Diddy Kong would be similar to Donkey Kong fail at life both are monkey but they from different type of monkey

Donkey Kong = Gorilla
Diddy Kong = Chimpanzee

How can a Gorilla and Chimpanzee move alike?

I don’t think Dixie Kong will be a playable character because she is also a Chimpanzee.
but wo knows she could be in but I hope not as a playable but at least as a Assist Trophy

I also hope that the other Kong’s will be Assist Trophy’s


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
I think that every character that can be playable WILL be, otherwise we wouldn't get assist trophies, because they obviously had time to work on those as well as the characters.

And I wouldn't go as far as to say he deserves a spot MORE than the characters mentioned above me, but he deserved appearing in the game and DK deserved another character. But franchises that haven't appeared in Smash yet, deserve the most attention out of anything else in the game.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
hay guyz wuts going on in this thread

Yes, in a way that's true, but if there is a character that he thought deserved a spot, it will have factored into how much time was spent on the game to make sure it gets put in. Therefore, Diddy being confirmed does not take away the chances of any other character that is at least a the level of importance to their own franchise a Diddy is.
I see what you're saying. This supports my idea that they already have everything laid out before they start developing. They were probably intent on putting Diddy in even before Brawl was formally planned out.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
I know that Wikipedia's credibility comes under fire a lot, and when doing any kind of serious research I always look for alternate sources. But I've found that more often than not it IS useful to get a general idea of the topic at hand, even if some details may vary. The reason I quoted those two portions was to establish a basis for the fact that 1) the games were well received by consumers, and 2) that the sequel was considered in some aspects to be a better game. There IS other supporting information:

Several publications' review scores for DKC1 & 2

Measurement of the games' popularity compared to other SNES games:

The biggest problem with finding sources in that part of this "debate" is that the debate is talking about people's personal opinions, which are much harder to quantify with fact, especially if the facts are referring to personal opinions in past. But as I think I'm the first person to cite...ANYTHING so far, at least I've ATTEMPTED to support my point with more than just my own words.

But for the second point, I think that the way RDK and SiD are agreeing and yet disagreeing on they way they see the selection process working just further supports my initial point. The only thing we know right now is that the game is going to have a finite amount of characters. That alone isn't enough to support saying that the presence of character A makes the presence of character B less likely. I recall back on the official Melee website that they said the entire reason that they had clone characters in the game was that they wanted to add more characters, but time constraints prevented them from doing so. This seems to indicate that the clone characters were probably added as candidates later in the design process than the initial roster. After all, how can one decide on a clone if the character it is to be based off isn't already set in stone? We don't know if they're doing that again in Brawl.

If the reasoning is a matter of odds based on the amount of playable characters left unconfirmed in the game (of which we still don't know the final amount), then yes, with every confirmed character, that number gets smaller and the raw odds also decrease. But since we don't know how the development team decided to allocate those remaining slots, one could also argue that the presence of a certain character is MORE likely because another one has been confirmed in the same way they can argue that it is less likely.


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
Diddy could take away from Zant for all we know.
Even if that's true, good! @#$% Zant! Why should Zant get in over Diddy? Why should Zant even get in over better Zelda villains like Skullkid? Why should Zant get in at all? Who gives a crap about Zant?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Even if that's true, good! @#$% Zant! Why should Zant get in over Diddy? Why should Zant even get in over better Zelda villains like Skullkid? Why should Zant get in at all? Who gives a crap about Zant?
After you've debated with Lightlink for a while, you'll realize he gets in the habit of making off-topic and completely irrelevant posts.

Agreed, Sinn.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
:: sighs ::

I must go for the next six hours. Hate. Dorm. Guard. Maybe he'll have come on and responded to my post by then.



Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Maybe he'll have come on and responded to my post by then.
As soon as he's finished whacking off at pictures of Blaziken screwing Pokemon Trainer at 4chan.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2007
No, it doesn't. Sakurai isn't gonna make a choice between say Zant and Olimar, he's gonna put them both in if he thinks they best represent their franchises and he wants those franchises in.
Yeah, right. Because Sakurai can do anything.

No. He can't. He can't wave a magic wand and put in anybody he wants. I think we've gone over this before. If he could, then why in the world do people ask things like "Oh, this guy's in, how does it affect this other guy's chances?" There are entire threads about it, all over the place! Because common sense indicates that characters affect other characters, obviously based on the assumption that there is a limit to how many characters are going to be in.

It isn't a set number of characters that'll be in, it's what characters he wants in, with time factored in, that decides how many will be in.
Nonsense. He's never managed to get all the characters he wants in yet, and don't give me that "he has greater control" stuff this time. I don't care if you are director, there are still people above you, and you also have to listen to your underlings. Then you have to figure in time and money. All of these things mean that Sakurai, at the end of 2005, couldn't just pick "whoever he wants" and there you go.
He might decide between, say, Ganondorf and Zant, but if he wants Pikmin in there it'll be in there no matter what other franchises character counts are.
Lies. If he wants pikmin in, and he decides both Ganondorf and Zant are representative of their franchises, and Pikmin would put development into a strain, he might axe pikmin. How hard is it to imagine this? It's extremely easy. It probably happened to somebody.
Thats common sense, depending on how many more characters were to be added(ofcourse it will take longer to include 40 instead 20). That doesnt mean other characters like Sonic have less of a chance.
Why bring up Sonic? He's in a whole different ball game. I don't care how much magic Sakurai has, he doesn't have much say in if Sonic gets to be in or not. Nintendo doesn't own Sonic. If the people who *do* own Sonic don't want him in, that's the end of it.

Espicially since Sonic is demand.
Nobody cares how in demand Sonic is. It only means that Nintendo will negotiate rights to the character, it doesn't much dictate whether or not Sonic will be in Brawl.
If the reasons I've given for liking him are not sufficient in your opinion for him being "cool" then I must request that you give us a detailed description of what you consider "cool" to consist of before I can adequately answer your question.
Nope, they are perfectly adequate. I've only played DK64, and I thought it was a huge snorefest. So all I really have to go on is that, and what I know of Diddy from other things.
First, while the majority of your points are valid, many the points themselves have been wrapped in either insults or phrases that are blatantly demeaning.
Yeah I have a problem with that. You should have seen me back in my first year of college. Always had to fix my essays so I would stop insulting my audience.

Quite honestly, if you disagree with me, and don't have valid points, I will assume you're ignorant of the topic, and must be dumb because you're arguing it without knowing what you're talking about. If you do have valid points, then I may agree to disagree, or concede that I was wrong. Hey, we're all wrong sometimes. But I can't stand people going "Nooooo, nuh-uh!" and proceeding to give me tripe.

Tell me, does formal debating have this much mud slinging in it?
It can. I was always known for being very insulting. I once made a girl cry.

Is it generally accepted to make personal attacks on your opponents?
You can do it. It's just frowned on when that's all you do. It's perfectly acceptable, if not tactful, to coat your points in "you're stupid."

Is it conducive to the debate as a whole? And if the answer to any of these questions is no...then why are you doing it?
I do it because it vents frustration. If you were in my position, and had my experiences, you'd probably get frustrated too. You might handle it differently, but that's you, and this is me.

You claim that you are not a troll, and I do not really see you as one, but I can easily see how others might perceive you as such. Trolling is not limited to posting offensive images, which is the only thing that you've said would label you as a troll.
Oh I know that, but that's how *I* troll. It's funnier that way. I mean this...this isn't funny. If my intent was to actually rile everybody up, It'd be funnier to post "offensive images" than to debate everybody to death. That's just how I see it.

Second, your actual subject in this debate is somewhat unclear. As you primarily seem to respond directly based off what the other posters have said in response to you, it appears that your main focus isn't on any particular topic, but instead on proving that you are right regardless of where the conversation wanders.
This happens all the time. And not just with me. Debates normally do this. However I get really into it, so I am susceptible to straw men and red herring, acknowledging them as such, but debating them anyway if they are wrong.

In the quote I have at the top of this post you claimed that the reason you are here is to find out why people like Diddy.
Oh no, that's the point now. Before, I was here to express my dissatisfaction of him being in. I would have left after that, had people not started asking me who I do want in, and then calling into question the coolness of my preferred characters. So after that, I of course, want to know what's so cool about Diddy.

This post, combined with much of the arguing that you've been doing, seems to indicate that your actual point in being here isn't merely to find out why Diddy is liked by many people, but to complain that his inclusion in Brawl takes chances away from the characters YOU want, and to PROVE that he takes chances away from the characters you want.
It's gotten that way too. But I would have left it there as I said. You see, then people started asking me "Why don't you want him in" and "Who do you want in" so I told them a few reasons I don't want certain people in, such as I don't think some are cool, spite, and because any addition takes away from other cooler characters. People latched on to the latter, so that's where we are now.

No one here KNOWS what actual criteria is being used for the inclusion of ANY character in Brawl. None of us are part of the game's development team, and none of us have been told what the definitive character selection process consists of. The only thing that anyone has is speculation and educated guesses as to what means they will go about to decide who is included and who is not. There is more than one way to interpret much of the information, as well as the likely existence of completely unknown factors that go into the final decision. That being said, it is not possible to PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that Diddy's presence in the game will decrease the odds of any other particular character, or that it will NOT decrease these odds.
I agree. But this doesn't stop the debate. We all know (or at least I hope we all know) that we have to work with educated guesses. But we will still have our opinions, and thus, we can still debate.

Going from that, it's not that they're in error because they aren't posting facts. It's that their points are bad. I'm a Rationalist however, so I would view good logical arguments as "facts." That's what I'm trying to do, and that's what I hope other people are trying to do. I just don't think they're doing a good job. Most of the arguments seem to revolve around "He's Sakurai, he can do what he wants" which obviously makes no sense because he's not the only one making this game, and he's not the one controlling the funding, nor is he the one who owns 3rd party characters, *and* he himself has to take into account that working on the game too long detracts from the game, and developmental problems that could arise from certain characters, etc etc. It's like everybody thinks Sakurai exists in a vacuum or something. Like he's unaffected by outside forces.

This idea doesn't make sense, so I argue.

I don't appreciate the fact that he's blatantly 4chan.
Also, Sinn--if you want to be considered credible in a debate, never quote Wikipedia for facts. Just letting you know.
People can quote wikipedia. It's a valid resource. I wouldn't do it on my college exam, but this isn't my college exam. I would do it for quick references. And if it was my college exam, I'd still go there, I'd just use the sources that Wiki cites.

That's not how it would work RDK. It would be stupid and innefficient to decide on an amount of characters and then fill in those slots.
No, it'd be intelligent and efficient. Then you have a set gaol to work on, then you know exactly how much money your spending (to a point) and exactly how much time you need (to a point) and thus, it eliminates tons of problems.

They decide what characters they want to be in, and that decides the final roster count.
Oh, yeah, sure. That's how it worked in Melee and S64 right....right? Oh, no, it didn't.

Yes, in a way that's true, but if there is a character that he thought deserved a spot, it will have factored into how much time was spent on the game to make sure it gets put in. Therefore, Diddy being confirmed does not take away the chances of any other character that is at least a the level of importance to their own franchise a Diddy is.
Wonderful, you now agree.

hay guyz wuts going on in this thread

Even if that's true, good! @#$% Zant! Why should Zant get in over Diddy? Why should Zant even get in over better Zelda villains like Skullkid? Why should Zant get in at all? Who gives a crap about Zant?
Nobody. Zant sucks. It was just an example.

As soon as he's finished whacking off at pictures of Blaziken screwing Pokemon Trainer at 4chan.
I don't even know who Blaziken is.

You keep this up you might get yourself raided.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Lightlink, I give up. I give you point after point, but you still seem to think that Sakurai seems to have almost no control over his own game. You think that because there are threads all over the place about one characters affecting anothers chances, that it must be true. Because people on smashboards know everything, right? Because what the majority thinks is always correct, right? And yet you claim to be the only logical one here? Of course he has more control this time, he doesn't work for Hal anymore, he's independant. You say that my arguments make no sense, they don't have valid points; I think you just refuse to listen to anything that doesn't agree with you. You are arrogant and obnoxious to think you're the only one who can use logic on this thread. To think that they really decide on a number first instead of the characters is just plain stupid, that is not how game development works. That is a horrible way to make a game. Maybe crappy developers who want to rush a game out do that to go faster, but a quality game would never be held to such high standards. I don't know what else I can possibly say to make you see that. RDK doesn't seem to agree with me either, but at least he can agree on some points. You need to get off your high horse and stop being a *******.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2007
Lightlink, I give up. I give you point after point...
Actually, it's more like you give me the same two points over and over.

...but you still seem to think that Sakurai seems to have almost no control over his own game.
No, I seem to think he doesn't have UNLIMITED control. Which he doesn't.

You think that because there are threads all over the place about one characters affecting anothers chances, that it must be true.
No, I said "It stands to reason." How about you read what I say, and debate what I say? Not what you think I said, or what you wish I said.
Because people on smashboards know everything, right?
Most everybody has rudimentary logical processing abilities.

Because what the majority thinks is always correct, right?
You really need to take that foot out of your mouth. I said it therefore stood to reason, or was logical. Not that it absolutely proved everything.
And yet you claim to be the only logical one here?
Well you certainly are not one. So far you haven't even managed to talk about anything I've said. Good job.
You say that my arguments make no sense, they don't have valid points; I think you just refuse to listen to anything that doesn't agree with you.
No, I refuse to listen to things I don't agree with that are "stupid." And "Sakurai can do whatever he wants" is "stupid." He can't. He's human like the rest of us. He doesn't have unlimited powers.

You are arrogant and obnoxious to think you're the only one who can use logic on this thread.
If the shoe fits. Let me reiterate:

"Sakurai is director = he can do whatever he wants" is ILLOGICAL. It doesn't make any sense. It ignores a billion factors.
To think that they really decide on a number first instead of the characters is just plain stupid, that is not how game development works.
I said they decide on a set range first. This is getting annoying. Do you have any comments directed to anything I said? Or are you just going to spew nonsense at me all day?

That is a horrible way to make a game. Maybe crappy developers who want to rush a game out do that to go faster, but a quality game would never be held to such high standards.
This doesn't even make any sense.
I don't know what else I can possibly say to make you see that.
Logical arguments would work.
RDK doesn't seem to agree with me either, but at least he can agree on some points.
So what? You want people to agree with you? No. That's not how the world works. Sorry, but if you make no sense, some people aren't going to be nice about it and go "Well, that's one way to look at it" some people are going to go "No, that's wrong."


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Lightlink, forgive me for attempting to read between the lines, but don't insult me for it as you do the same thing. I never said or meant to imply that Sakurai has unlimited powers. He does, however, have the ability to decide who he wants in his own game. That is logic. You refuse to listen to my point, justifying this by twisting my words.

That's not how it would work RDK. It would be stupid and innefficient to decide on an amount of characters and then fill in those slots.
No, it'd be intelligent and efficient. Then you have a set gaol to work on, then you know exactly how much money your spending (to a point) and exactly how much time you need (to a point) and thus, it eliminates tons of problems.

I said they decide on a set range first. This is getting annoying. Do you have any comments directed to anything I said? Or are you just going to spew nonsense at me all day?"

See here you're just insulting me with no merit. No, you didn't specifically say they decide on an exact number, but you didn't specifically say a set range either. It is natural to make an assumption about this, you do it too. I apparantly made the wrong one, that doesn't give you the right to attack me.

I still stand by that they wouldn't even decide on a range before they make the game. That is not a logical way to work. Sakurai will decide, with his team, who should be in the game before he decides that. Sure, time factors in. But he still has more control than you give him credit for. Not unlimited, but he does decide the roster. He wouldn't want it too big, of course, but no set range either.

If you're going to come out blatantly insulting me again, don't bother. I won't read past the first line. If you wish to intelligently debate the issue, and stop pretending like your so smart but everyone else know nothing, then please go ahead. I will gladly debate with you, I won't participate in a flame war.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Jesus Christ, Lightlink. Shove it.

Lies. If he wants pikmin in, and he decides both Ganondorf and Zant are representative of their franchises, and Pikmin would put development into a strain, he might axe pikmin. How hard is it to imagine this? It's extremely easy. It probably happened to somebody.
As shown in the post above, you aren't really debating. It's all "what ifs" and "maybes". Solid argument there, bro.

Why bring up Sonic? He's in a whole different ball game. I don't care how much magic Sakurai has, he doesn't have much say in if Sonic gets to be in or not. Nintendo doesn't own Sonic. If the people who *do* own Sonic don't want him in, that's the end of it.
Sonic was an example in his point, *****. Stop exrapolating ridiculous, minute things that have nothing to do with the argument and stay on topic.

Nobody cares how in demand Sonic is. It only means that Nintendo will negotiate rights to the character, it doesn't much dictate whether or not Sonic will be in Brawl.
WRONG. If everyone hated Sonic, and it was publicly known that no one wanted him in, I doubt Sakurai would stick him in there anyway. Popularity is a factor. That's why Tetris Block isn't in.

It can. I was always known for being very insulting. I once made a girl cry.
That make you feel big, tough guy? I guess resorting to personal attacks is second nature to people who don't really have an argument to begin with.

Oh I know that, but that's how *I* troll. It's funnier that way. I mean this...this isn't funny. If my intent was to actually rile everybody up, It'd be funnier to post "offensive images" than to debate everybody to death. That's just how I see it.
Oh yeah....you're not 4chan at all.

Going from that, it's not that they're in error because they aren't posting facts. It's that their points are bad. I'm a Rationalist however, so I would view good logical arguments as "facts." That's what I'm trying to do, and that's what I hope other people are trying to do. I just don't think they're doing a good job. Most of the arguments seem to revolve around "He's Sakurai, he can do what he wants" which obviously makes no sense because he's not the only one making this game, and he's not the one controlling the funding, nor is he the one who owns 3rd party characters, *and* he himself has to take into account that working on the game too long detracts from the game, and developmental problems that could arise from certain characters, etc etc. It's like everybody thinks Sakurai exists in a vacuum or something. Like he's unaffected by outside forces.
Everyone has a boss. Even Sakurai must answer to someone, and no, he doesn't have unlimited time, money, and resources. I never said otherwise, so I don't know why you're bringing it up.

You keep this up you might get yourself raided.
Too late, bud.
Mar 21, 2007
Diddy Kong deserve a spot more than Stafy,Little Mac,Captain Olimar,Black Shadow, Ice Climbers,Mr.Game&Wach,Pichu and Dr.Mario

And any one that predicted that Diddy Kong would be similar to Donkey Kong fail at life both are monkey but they from different type of monkey

Donkey Kong = Gorilla
Diddy Kong = Chimpanzee

How can a Gorilla and Chimpanzee move alike?

I don’t think Dixie Kong will be a playable character because she is also a Chimpanzee.
but wo knows she could be in but I hope not as a playable but at least as a Assist Trophy

I also hope that the other Kong’s will be Assist Trophy’s
I think you fail at life for blabbering incorrect facts... First of all Chimpanzess and Gorillas aren't monkeys they're apes... Second of all Diddy Kong is a monkey cause he has a tail, chimpanzees don't have tails. Third of all Dixie Kong and Diddy Kong being the same species had nothing to do with her getting into brawl... Oh Peach can't get in cause she and Mario are both humans... Although i do agree that the other one's should be assist trophies...

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Having time, money, and licensing constraints = no control over anything in his game?
according to you, yes
Prove it. Show you making a point, and show me dodging it. I'd love to see this.
gladly, fool *points to next quote*
Anyway, the point of all this is that Del was right, Diddy being in the game does not at all reduce anyone else's chance of being in the game, because everyone that Sakurai wants in will be in.
seems my English isnt bad, after all
Think of this as game theory. This is a zero sum game. You are either in or out, and everybody in makes it more likely that you will be out, first in your own franchise, and secondly, in others.
dam, you really dont know **** about game theory at all, do you?
To make it a little easier...yes, they have had time to include characters. If they wanted more, they need MORE time.
you make it sound like the progress of the development team under Sakurai's direction is not the factor that controls how much time is left. keep in mind Sakurai's character roster desires are fulfilled prior to the release date with the exception of 3rd parties. and thus your "time" argument is irrevelant
That's basically what I meant, but again--he can't put every character in. There's a set limit. Since every character can't be in, some will be left out.
yes but Sakurai set those limitations for himself. and the range of the roster count is not a fixed value, so there is some margin of deviance if he wanted an additional few. if he said "exactly x-number of characters" then that would be a different story. basically thats what ive been saying but the ever-so illiterate LightLink17 fails to understand

If he could, then why in the world do people ask things like "Oh, this guy's in, how does it affect this other guy's chances?"
because its been characters on Sakurai's poll that have been in speculation due to Ike and Diddy's inclusion. and since theyre more highly wanted characters on Sakurai's poll, people are questioning the characters with lower votes. notice how no one is questioning Ridley or Dedede's inclusion
Going from that, it's not that they're in error because they aren't posting facts. It's that their points are bad. I'm a Rationalist however, so I would view good logical arguments as "facts."
then i guess youre a hypocrite since youre not posting "facts" either. and youre conveniently ignoring the points so of course you cant see them. ive already proved youre ignoring them so i dont need to do so again
You keep this up you might get yourself raided.
sounds like a scary threat. anything but a raid...i can feel my health insurance premium rising already
Diddy Kong Sux Monkey Nuts
perfect reasoning. i can see the Gods of intelligence are smiling upon you...dumb@$$
Yugi for Brawl!!!
*points to previous comment*


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
EDIT: When did I get to 600 posts???
Apparently 4 posts ago.

And here comes Lightlink with a giant mega-post made of....

You guessed it. Nothing.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Well my threads ****ed
no it's not. you need to calm down. i can bring it back on topic. so as far as Diddy stages go, would people prefer to see one from DKC1, DK64, or the newer DK games like Jungle Climbers or summat?


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
DKC2 I would like the most considering that was his first game to star in but a DKR level would be nice too, it could have the hovercrafts, cars and boats all on the same level, it would be much better than a Mario Kart level.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
I don't know about stages... But as far as bosses go, I think Diddy will be facing that giant dragon fly thing he beat up in DK64


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Nah it should be WizPig from DKR and DKRDS because that was from his very own game (and mini series) so it really is more for him than the giant dragonfly that him and chunky had to beat up (man DK64 was easy, cept for the K.Rool boss fight...)


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
DK stages all seem to be jungles, so I guess what game it's from doesn't matter for me, as long as it is interesting.

I wonder if there is any way to implement DK island as a stage. You know, they giant Donkey Kong head. Though I guess that's pretty impossible. v_v


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2007
Gainesville, Fl.
Wow, this thread is...just plain damaging to the eyes of the innocent.

But to stay on topic, I hope Diddy Kong gets his deserved spot in brawl and doesn't end up as a joke character. (Although, I SERIOUSLY doubt that happening. Diddy Kong, a joke? Hah!)

I'm all for Diddy Kong in brawl, but I don't know if he will be my style. I'm more a recovery character, excluding my sheik playing-style.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
DKC2 I would like the most considering that was his first game to star in but a DKR level would be nice too, it could have the hovercrafts, cars and boats all on the same level, it would be much better than a Mario Kart level.
that would actually be nice. and i have a strong feeling we'l have an F-Zero level like Mute City from melee again. a DKR level is that similar format might just be overkiill, but i also think itll give Diddy some more good representation outside of his DKC-based games and any other game his been in with DK
I don't know about stages... But as far as bosses go, I think Diddy will be facing that giant dragon fly thing he beat up in DK64
you mean Dogadon? thats a briliant idea, Bored. id love to see that. only thing is his battle with Chunky in DK64 was much more epic... but he's make an awesome boss. are there any bosses from DK games that have made repeat appearances (apart from K. Rool, obviously)
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