Man, all the arguing in this thread is sad. Talk about wack.
And no, im not gunna come in here and try to heat up this whole "I think he should be on the team" arguement.
What im disappointed in is the fact that, of the people who are going and guarenteed to be on the team, nobody's keeping order.
Yeah some people are trying, but between the people i see posting, im pretty sure that everybody in here should be in check enough to not have wars going on about who thinks they can beat who.
Im not trying to be the voice of reason, when it's all said and done, this is the internet and by law people HAVE to argue and fight on here or the world is not right, but seriously. I've heard so much noise in this thread it's kinda disheartening to be represented by this.
And yes, I can say this, cause my name isnt a hot comodity. My name isnt coming outta anybody's mouth in all of this, My name probably looks like some inaudible word that somebody's going to go to for a pronunciation for; meaning i'm a no name lackey who gets represented by the 10 people who get selected for this.
The way i see it, we got like, 6/7 people that ARE going to the tournament that ARE going to be on the team?
LTEC's this weekend. Why the hell not have a small tournament for the rest of the people who are going that want to go.
Sure that'll shaft many people who cant go to LTEC, but i'm throwing a helpful suggestion out there because in all honesty, im not seeing very many.
All i'm seeing is, "My homie _____ should go because this man is hot fiyah" or something to that nature.
There's aboslutely nothing wrong with that. That's what friends are for. That's what homies are SUPPOSED to do. Thing is, it obviously isnt working, and from my view down here in the pool with the rest of us common folk, nothing's happening.
And trust me.
I may have only talked to people in GA, but im pretty sure it's the same across the board in all of the states. All of us who arent going, who know we'd have no chance of being on this team are saying the same thing. It looks like most of the big wigs are sitting around fighting over which one of their buds should be on the crew, and not a **** thing is happening.
So some people want to have matches to see who beats who right now. That works.
Some of the people on the team are throwing out a few suggestions, that's fine too.
How bout somebody actually step up and do something, for the sake of the f'n team.
In all honesty, i'd do it myself if i had any real clue about ALL of the names being thrown around. There's got to be ONE fricking person in all of this that most people will go along with, whether they like said person or not, for the sake of making it through the next two weeks and not wanting to hang up smash over a crew battle.
'cause really, all this noise is wack.