ive been on for a while tn and basically just rereading early game stuff and this **** is taking forever so ill just reconvene tomorrow. kinda annoying tho cuz i feel like i dont currently have a strong mental model for the game, there's so many fresh cases on people (gorf/ryker on ff - which im really interested in, gorf on lore, ran on ryker, a bunch of ppl on jexs, kary on UP) that i've only skimmed and not really considered at all
and **** it imma just come out and say that Tom's been on my radar for a while for a couple reasons
- that ran wagon looks even more disgusting on reread and Tom seemed to be a proponent of it
- didn't make sense that someone like Tom would legitimately scumspect Ran for the reasons presented in thread at the time
- tom kept claiming early on that he's waiting to hear how ppl feel about RanvTom, which to me signals that there's specific stuff he's looking to get out of it. but then for the rest of the Day he doesn't bring it back up, he doesn't talk about any findings or question any slots or do anything that shows that he was being truthful. its still unclear what he was looking to get out of it
- tom disappeared when town started calling him townie and referring to ran as TvS and i'm scared that he's just coasting on that goodwill.
- then unfortunately never got a chance to elaborate on some of the stuff from his catch up posts because the Day happened to end too soon
- and as a bonus the flips (esp marshy's) don't work in his favor
i finally got a couple answers from Tom about the above, and tbh for the most part they check out to me, but i dont put it past tom to come up with solid response.
but my overall sense of that slot is there's been a lack of anything that resembles genuine scumhunting initiative. i'm not able to connect his actions with the sense that he's actively tryna find scum this is also despite going through his reads list and player summary post, it definitely seems like the kinda thing scumTom could just draft up to appear townie and get ppl off his back
ryker / gorf / others does any of the above bother you at all? what am i missing, how are you guys so thouroughly townreading him?
frozenflame thoughts on the above?
pythag thoughts on the above?
anyway all that being said, i do think Tom's earned enough "town cred" just off that one catchup post (seriously i loved that summary ****) to be ok for rn. also it seems like moving forward we're gonna get more from him (already some of the stuff im seeing im liking)... but we should def be wary moving forward
some other quick obversvations:
super early post by UP referring to doop:
This is an interesting, yet insightful, call. I like it.
upon rereading, im initially skeptical that a scumUP would respond so positively to doop early on. I kinda don't see any new scum player doing that unless he was told to. but then again new players can be unpredictable in their badness... there's also some other back and forth with doop that i find hard to believe a new player being comfortable doing with his scummate, even going as far as explicitly defending him in #403
but then (as stated in Tom's #1559), UP starts to switch to softly suspecting doop
#HBC | Kary
what do you guys think of UPs change of heart here and progression into scumreadding doop?
i'm also feeling better and better about pythag just based off the plethora of antagonistic action between that slot and doops. seems like pythag / doop together in a scum team would require them to have planned very early on to bus one another... which is def possible but seems unlikely atm