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Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Swiss said:
If you aren't getting trash talked, then you aren't any good.
I remember the first time I ever played any game online I had hopped onto GTAIV's servers and was playing a ranked free for all. Was in a pretty speedy car and saw some dumb jerk crossin' the street, so I adjusted and sandwiched him between my car and a parked one, killing him.

(replacing my gamertag with EE for readability)

Guy: "omg EE you are so bad. omg I'm coming for you you're dead you're ****in' dead"

*I drive through an alley and come out a few streets over*

Guy: "yeah that's right, 'EE', I'm comin' for you you little f****t."

and then I popped out from around a corner and hit him with my car again, then hit the brakes, tossing him across the road. Then I just emptied a pistol into him until he died

he of course exploded, and it was only about three minutes before I found him yet again and hit him going like 85 mph and kept goin' without a thought.

he got p mad

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
also don't get me started about COD:MW

There was this one dude that had to be 35 at the minimum and was behaving like an eleven year old every time someone killed him

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
That reminds me of one time where I was playing TF2, and this kid on a mic was really annoying (mute is your friend.) The funny thing is, another guy started TYPING out rants against this guy, and they were about ten times more annoying than anything the other guy had been saying (YOUR MEAN! YOU SUX *****! YOUR MOTHERS A *****! YOU ARE SUCKS!) over and over again.

Cue me disconnecting from that server

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Just bought Super Meat Boy.

Some of these levels....
have fun with that one.

Super Meat Boy is a brilliant little game, probably an aquired taste though. Nice soundtrack etc.

Try completing everything. I should play some more of it actually.
You finish game?

I feel like replaying parts of that, now. It makes me laugh a lot more than it frustrates me; game just kinda goading you and all. Levels like Hellevator :awesome:


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
I just beat the main story the other day. Cotton Alley, **** you

Dark World is pretty entertaining, IMO.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
have fun with that one.

Super Meat Boy is a brilliant little game, probably an aquired taste though. Nice soundtrack etc.

You finish game?

I feel like replaying parts of that, now. It makes me laugh a lot more than it frustrates me; game just kinda goading you and all. Levels like Hellevator :awesome:
No I haven't. I should listen to my own advice. :troll:


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I remember the first time I ever played any game online I had hopped onto GTAIV's servers and was playing a ranked free for all. Was in a pretty speedy car and saw some dumb jerk crossin' the street, so I adjusted and sandwiched him between my car and a parked one, killing him.

(replacing my gamertag with EE for readability)

Guy: "omg EE you are so bad. omg I'm coming for you you're dead you're ****in' dead"

*I drive through an alley and come out a few streets over*

Guy: "yeah that's right, 'EE', I'm comin' for you you little f****t."

and then I popped out from around a corner and hit him with my car again, then hit the brakes, tossing him across the road. Then I just emptied a pistol into him until he died

he of course exploded, and it was only about three minutes before I found him yet again and hit him going like 85 mph and kept goin' without a thought.

he got p mad
Ahahaha, there's nothing sweeter than styling on people that rage.

I remember this guy (decent player) who thought he was the dog's ******** at Gears because he played dirty and had a decent K/D. I styled on him about 4 times in a row in a game with lots of spectators (i.e. people dead and watching). Post game when he was mad I said into a sudden clearing of silence "You know, mate, if you want some tips on how to get good I'd be more than happy to oblige"

Got death threats for a while after that. I was also known as the guy with the modded shotgun and the guy that "stole" host abilities from the host so that I could kill everyone.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
If you like styling on raging baddies

you should try pokemon
I wonder if it is more amusing to style on baddies or to be styled by baddies. While the prevoius case is liberating, the latter can be downright humorous. Especially when they are just that bad.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
also don't get me started about COD:MW

There was this one dude that had to be 35 at the minimum and was behaving like an eleven year old every time someone killed him
Ugh. I can't stand online play because of reasons like these, so many unlikable people, so little time. I just mute everyone or stay in a party chat, there really isn't much redeeming qualities, especially CoD online.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Ahahaha, there's nothing sweeter than styling on people that rage.

I remember this guy (decent player) who thought he was the dog's ******** at Gears because he played dirty and had a decent K/D. I styled on him about 4 times in a row in a game with lots of spectators (i.e. people dead and watching). Post game when he was mad I said into a sudden clearing of silence "You know, mate, if you want some tips on how to get good I'd be more than happy to oblige"

Got death threats for a while after that. I was also known as the guy with the modded shotgun and the guy that "stole" host abilities from the host so that I could kill everyone.
that's great, but I've got one up on ya. Although before I segue, you'll be happy to know I killed that one guy that was all buttmad about the vehicular murders another six or so times that game, they just weren't as hilariously close together or embarrassing for him

anyways I was playing COD:MW and yeah, the ****** I mentioned? Super southern hick accent. Anyway literally every time he died, he would lose his **** on the person that did so. "[some guy] you are SUCH a f***in' P**Y mannnnn. Get a LIFE mannn. You ****ing SUCK and call of duty man **** YO"

and so on

anyway at one point we were playing that chernobyl map and he was camping somewhere snipin' people, so I ran up behind him and just stabbed him in the side of the head. Cue rage.

By sheer dumb luck, as I was exiting the building I happened across his spawn point (I very rarely play online games so I don't memorize spawn points etc), having just respawned. Since I use all shotguns all the time, yeah, that was it for him.

and he just erupted. But the amazing thing was between all the primary school style profanity, the most common insult was insulting my COD skills. Now I don't pretend to game much or be any kind of pro, but this just doesn't make sense because: 1. The way he treated this was like insulting someone's COD skills was the best possible insult you could bestow upon them, ignoring all other (and much more important) areas of life, and 2. I was killing him with a decent level of ease, as was everyone else. This is made more hilarious by the prior point.

anyway at this point I was like you know what? I'm not even gonna try to win anymore

I'm just gonna **** with this guy

I think I might've actually been in DGames skype at the time narrating what was happening, could be wrong. Anyway, for the next like four hours, all I did was troll this guy. I'd just kill him in the worst, stupidest possible ways, over and over. Whatever the dumbest thing I could think of is. Let him eat my health to charge him and stab him in the face, only to die right after from some other guy. Cook grenades when I know he's near then just charge him and throw it at our feet, killing both of us. Shooting him in the butt. You name it. I resisted the urge to teabag, though.

it seemed to take him a really long time to catch on to what I was doing, but oh my god, the **** he said. I have never laughed so hard.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
and he just erupted. But the amazing thing was between all the primary school style profanity, the most common insult was insulting my COD skills. Now I don't pretend to game much or be any kind of pro, but this just doesn't make sense because: 1. The way he treated this was like insulting someone's COD skills was the best possible insult you could bestow upon them, ignoring all other (and much more important) areas of life, and 2. I was killing him with a decent level of ease, as was everyone else. This is made more hilarious by the prior point.
casual*** u suck GOSH

get your **** straight imo

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I am the most hype. I miiight have to do one final run of TWEWY. My last playthrough I enforced a Lapin Angelique only pin and armor + Beat only when available on myself and to always play on the hardest difficulty I could and that was ridiculously fun. It also turned out to be much easier than expected, Lapin Angelique is really good.

Anybody caring about yugioh who hasn't seen it
This is pretty much official. So yes Xonar, you get your spore.
but yo plants ain't gon go off anyways

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
There are just as many Newbie Games running then normal games at the moment. (The Wall and Utrick'd 3) and then there is Big Brother.

Uuuh...needs more mafia games imo.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
There are just as many Newbie Games running then normal games at the moment. (The Wall and Utrick'd 3) and then there is Big Brother.

Uuuh...needs more mafia games imo.
I have a private that I want to run but I doubt that would help the situation, also, Simpsons just started.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
There are just as many Newbie Games running then normal games at the moment. (The Wall and Utrick'd 3) and then there is Big Brother.

Uuuh...needs more mafia games imo.
Have I ranted yet about how much I hate the newbie queue?

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I take credit. I'm glad that it evolved to be your real name, Ruy. I do like asdioh's though. Red Ruy is a very thought provoking subject.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Just finished our fantasy draft sitting on this team currently

Drew Brees QB- NO
Roddy White WR- ATL
Brandon Marshall WR- CHI
Marques Colston WR- NO
Adrian Peterson RB- MIN
Steven Jackson RB- STL
Jimmy Graham TE- NO
Matt Bryant K- ATL
Green Bay Def- GB
Eric Berry D- KC
Kam Chancellor D- SEA
Tyvon Branch DB- OAK
George Wilson DB- BUF
Calais Campbell DL- ARI
Mario Williams DL- BUF

Trent Richardson RB- CLE
Eric Decker WR- DEN
Jay Cutler QB- CHI
Sidney Rice WR- SEA
Reggie Bush RB- MIA
Jacob Tamme TE- DEN

Sitting on the 2nd highest projected points in the league through week one.

Hella happy with how that draft went.
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