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Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I'm so tired of teams that fight each other more than the enemy v_v was winning soundly thanks to my pro Volibear, then idiot teammates were too busy bickering and dying and not pushing when we had the advantage so we almost lost.

"Push mid and win the game? NO! Get blue buff because I am Tryndamere and I need blue buff!"
-not what he actually said but what he did


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Use pink wards/ that other thing I forgot what it was called ... It's so beast ... that pink elixir thing that you get like a symbol on your head. It's 400... uh... gold.

Yeah it's been a while. I need to play some LoL.

Anyways those are pretty beast against Wukong/Twitch/Evelyn.

Man it sucks to get ganked by evelyn and people are like 'she is bad' yet you didn't know she could go invisible. But now you know. I saved you that much embarrassment.
It helps, but part of a concerned strategy strategy to deal with stealth, it's also about knowing to avoid pushing too far out from turret, where to ward for proper warning, etc. Eve and twitch are pretty useless if they're not fed as b***s come midgame, and shaco and wukong need to be at least somewhat fed to be useful (wukong btw is much more useful in top lane because his stealth doesn't last long enough) to really be powerful ganking and he lacks hard cc till level 6.

I'm so tired of teams that fight each other more than the enemy v_v was winning soundly thanks to my pro Volibear, then idiot teammates were too busy bickering and dying and not pushing when we had the advantage so we almost lost.

"Push mid and win the game? NO! Get blue buff because I am Tryndamere and I need blue buff!"
-not what he actually said but what he did

Also, blue buff is VERY important, unless there's enemies down (therefore you should be trying to secure a more important objective) or there's a teamfight happening now that you can get to (why are you engaging without tryn?) it's worth it to secure it, even if it's only so your opponents can't in worst case scenario.

Also, I hope you saw my addendum about twitch...

And yea, I'd be down to play with you some time.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
If Shaco doesn't have a kill in 10 minutes, he's utterly useless.

He's a weak jungler, he gets his gold from ganks and relative gold from starving the enemy jungler/lanes. He keeps pressure on them. I have a dedicated rune page for Shaco, I know him better than 90% of players - his early game is insane, but he falls off harder and faster than any champ if he isn't feasting. Also, Shaco just can't carry - he's squishy and AD. I went 8-2 in a game this week with all my team negative and I stole both drakes & multiple buffs. You cannot carry as Shaco, simply give your team opportunities.

A good twitch is godlike, literally.

+ 1 to everything Adum said.

There are situational tier lists. Ignore most of them. Hit me on Skype/AIM and I'll run you through what you need to know.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Turrets in DotA reveal nearby invisible units, do they not do that in LoL?

Also, blue buff is VERY important, unless there's enemies down (therefore you should be trying to secure a more important objective) or there's a teamfight happening now that you can get to (why are you engaging without tryn?) it's worth it to secure it, even if it's only so your opponents can't in worst case scenario.
Tryn was supposed to be helping us but he and our terrible Nocturne were terrible all game. Nocturne died to neutrals at the start of the game after we gave him a good leash and said "wtf my smite wasn't working" or something like that.

It was like... Volibear/11 year old Rammus/Nocturne/Tryn/Ezreal vs Fiora/Irelia/Kennen (fed out the ***)/Ashe?/Garen? i think?

Also, I hope you saw my addendum about twitch...
I did.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I don't remember. I would assume AP since the rest of our team wasn't. I didn't even get to look at post-game stats because sometimes PvP.net doesn't even load after a game finishes o_O so I have to restart LoL and it's like "hehe there's another instance running, terminate it?"

I got fed early because I ganked very well with Tryn in bottom lane. I was like 4/0/3 or something at one point, but fell off later in the game because their Kennen was a beast. And I don't know how to fight Kennen, I need to try out this week's free champs to learn them more in-depth.

I got Warmog's and Ionic Spark because our team had little AP, it worked pretty well and was a lot of fun with my ult.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
If Shaco doesn't have a kill in 10 minutes, he's utterly useless.

He's a weak jungler, he gets his gold from ganks and relative gold from starving the enemy jungler/lanes. He keeps pressure on them. I have a dedicated rune page for Shaco, I know him better than 90% of players - his early game is insane, but he falls off harder and faster than any champ if he isn't feasting. Also, Shaco just can't carry - he's squishy and AD. I went 8-2 in a game this week with all my team negative and I stole both drakes & multiple buffs. You cannot carry as Shaco, simply give your team opportunities.

A good twitch is godlike, literally.

+ 1 to everything Adum said.

There are situational tier lists. Ignore most of them. Hit me on Skype/AIM and I'll run you through what you need to know.
I cosigh this so hard, and what Adumb said.

Asdioh we should play LoL sometime.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
If Shaco doesn't have a kill in 10 minutes, he's utterly useless.

He's a weak jungler, he gets his gold from ganks and relative gold from starving the enemy jungler/lanes. He keeps pressure on them. I have a dedicated rune page for Shaco, I know him better than 90% of players - his early game is insane, but he falls off harder and faster than any champ if he isn't feasting. Also, Shaco just can't carry - he's squishy and AD. I went 8-2 in a game this week with all my team negative and I stole both drakes & multiple buffs. You cannot carry as Shaco, simply give your team opportunities.
True, but he requires a lot less in the way of kills to snowball into a useful midgame, though he'll always fall off lategame.

Twitch is behind if if he's got less then like 5 kills more then he's given going into midgame, at least.

Adum what's your elo?
Still haven't started playing ranked, only have one complete runepage and it's for support and I intend to main solo top.

Turrets in DotA reveal nearby invisible units, do they not do that in LoL?Tryn was supposed to be helping us but he and our terrible Nocturne were terrible all game. Nocturne died to neutrals at the start of the game after we gave him a good leash and said "wtf my smite wasn't working" or something like that.

It was like... Volibear/11 year old Rammus/Nocturne/Tryn/Ezreal vs Fiora/Irelia/Kennen (fed out the ***)/Ashe?/Garen? i think?

I did.
You didn't lose because of anybody playing particularly stupid.

You lost cause your teamcomp was horrific.

They build armor and just started eating you guys in teamfights. Usually both sides derp to around similar levels.

I still don't see how your tryn was being particularly derp honestly.

And yes, turrets reveal invisible.


I did buy MR :D spirit shroud and wit's end.

Surprisingly good choices.

But the bigger problem was your lack AP.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
We won though. It doesn't change the fact that my team was ******** and it was much closer than it should have been lol.

They build armor and just started eating you guys in teamfights.
That's why I got Ionic Spark, it helped a bit in teamfights along with my ult since I knew they would have no magic resist.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
itt: adumb pretends to be an authority on league

if dgames wants to play tho, ill be on around 9:30 pst


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
itt: adumb pretends to be an authority on league

if dgames wants to play tho, ill be on around 9:30 pst
Lol nah, I just know basic stuff in terms of whys.

We won though. It doesn't change the fact that my team was ******** and it was much closer than it should have been lol.

That's why I got Ionic Spark, it helped a bit in teamfights along with my ult since I knew they would have no magic resist.
Then count me surprised, you should not have won that, at all.

It's really... not sufficient.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Then count me surprised, you should not have won that, at all.
Don't forget that I'm only like level 13. Teamcomps don't matter as much in the lower levels, it's all about who gets the mentally handicapped players vs who doesn't.

At least, I assume it gets more competent once you reach 30.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Don't forget that I'm only like level 13. Teamcomps don't matter as much in the lower levels, it's all about who gets the mentally handicapped players vs who doesn't.

At least, I assume it gets more competent once you reach 30.
The thing is, pretty much everyone is the equivalent of mentally handicapped.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Are you talking about LoL players or the world in general?
Lol players you'll meet at level 13.

Also, I've had so many game where me just choosing to AD carry in spite of my horrific AD carry carried the game. Especially AD carry, never not have an AD carry, ever.

Games with noobs generally hit long enough for almost any AD carry to be relevant and win the game, even if you're horribly bodied, except twitch.

This is because until you hit a reasonable elo, nobody knows how to push objectives.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I find pushing towers to be quite difficult. Earlyish game, it's really easy for a single person to defend a tower, even against multiple opponents focused on destroying the tower. In DotA, I don't know how the tower AI works, but it's definitely not "only focus heroes if they attack allied heroes" like it is in LoL.

And yeah, games generally run too freaking long unless one team surrenders early.

I hear the metagame is heavily based on tanky dps? Like, if you can stack health while also building damage (like volibear kind of can) that's a good thing?


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
I find pushing towers to be quite difficult. Earlyish game, it's really easy for a single person to defend a tower, even against multiple opponents focused on destroying the tower. In DotA, I don't know how the tower AI works, but it's definitely not "only focus heroes if they attack allied heroes" like it is in LoL.

And yeah, games generally run too freaking long unless one team surrenders early.

I hear the metagame is heavily based on tanky dps? Like, if you can stack health while also building damage (like volibear kind of can) that's a good thing?
theyre trying to get rid of that, but yes it is.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
theyre trying to get rid of that, but yes it is.
It doesn't surprise me. In DotA, there are strength, agility, and intelligence heroes. Str heroes are the "tanks" late game, because building strength increases your hp and hp regen. Agility heroes are the "carries" late game, because agi increases attack speed and armor. Intel heroes are good early game, because they generally have high damage burst spells. The problem with DotA is that there is no such thing as "ability power." Your spells do as much damage as they do, and that's it. Opponents can even get I think up to 30% magic resist, more in some cases. Int heroes can generally upgrade the power of their ult with a certain item, but that's it. They usually suck late game except for utility such as disabling, but you can also counter that with the item Banshee's Veil was copied from, or a thing that gives you temporary magic immunity.

So yeah, AP was a whole new concept to me, and even with it it seems that most mage classes aren't that great late game?

Also does anybody do the Twisted Treeline 3v3 business? I'm tired of games taking 40+ minutes and it says those are shorter... >_>
And what about dominion? I honestly haven't even looked into that.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Dominion is pretty silly imho, but Dom games take about 15 minutes, so messing around with new champs in them is never a bad idea.

3v3 is fun. Shorter than 5v5. Not as balanced from what I've seen, but still competitive.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Dominion is pretty silly imho, but Dom games take about 15 minutes, so messing around with new champs in them is never a bad idea.

3v3 is fun. Shorter than 5v5. Not as balanced from what I've seen, but still competitive.
Not competitive.

Hell, not even fun if you ask me.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Not competitive.

Hell, not even fun if you ask me.
It is, but some champs are unbalanced as ****, Trynd being one of them. He's simply ridiculous in 3s. Can't be ganked in top lane, so there's literally nothing stopping him from free farm. Mundo is also godly IIRC. Squishies are just awful. Run a comp of Trynd/Some Tanky DPS/Reliable AP i.e. Akali and it's usually auto win every time unless someone's having a 1 man banquet on the other team.

If all the imba champs are banned, it's really not bad. Not contesting that it's anywhere near as competitive as 5s though.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Not sure if stated this, but:

Possible V/LA Tomorrow. Band.
V/LA Thursday. School.
V/LA Most of Saturday. Band.
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