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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Seems to be pretty effective. I re-positioned the two fans under it to where the laptop was heating up the most, and now the fan inside the laptop rarely turns on (it used to be almost always on).
Did you ever try running a temperature monitor program to measure for difference? Just curious.

Super Vegito

Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2012
Even if hp sucks and you had for one year, that doesn't matter.

The real problem is obviously not having a fan in your computer. You need to find one.
LOL. I meant like one of those USB fans. :3

Yeah I said those other things because I wouldn't really know why else it'd over heat so much. People just go "Oh it's cuz you have a HP" loool.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'd highly suggest cleaning up the inside of you computer. It is possible that dust has accumulated and is blocking certain vents from working, resulting in heat remaining in the computer. If you are unsure of what to do, then I'd bring it to a computer place and ask if you could watch them do it.

As for the USB fan, I did purchase one myself and it is inappropriate to use in your case. For one, external air fans don't really cure the problem, they are a stop gag treatment at best. Even if they reduce surface area contact and also push air at the bottom of the computer, this is not normally the reason why computers overheat which is due to a failure to have heat pushed out of the hardware.

External fans aren't totally baseless. However if you are going to go out of your way to buy one for $20-$60, it isn't a pragmatic decision given that the money would be better spent on hiring someone to clean up your computer or to invest in buying a replacement cooling system in case of faulty cooling parts.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
You watch acrostic change avatars? Creepy. How do you even know where acrostic lives??


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Gorf likes watching me change. But we've still managed to establish that we're just friends. Even though he has said that he finds me attractive when we watch MLP Friendship is Magic together.

Super Vegito

Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2012
I'd highly suggest cleaning up the inside of you computer. It is possible that dust has accumulated and is blocking certain vents from working, resulting in heat remaining in the computer. If you are unsure of what to do, then I'd bring it to a computer place and ask if you could watch them do it.

As for the USB fan, I did purchase one myself and it is inappropriate to use in your case. For one, external air fans don't really cure the problem, they are a stop gag treatment at best. Even if they reduce surface area contact and also push air at the bottom of the computer, this is not normally the reason why computers overheat which is due to a failure to have heat pushed out of the hardware.

External fans aren't totally baseless. However if you are going to go out of your way to buy one for $20-$60, it isn't a pragmatic decision given that the money would be better spent on hiring someone to clean up your computer or to invest in buying a replacement cooling system in case of faulty cooling parts.
Thanks for this. I'll make sure to try and clean it up.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Is it bad? I was under the impression it was full of OP freaking champs.
Well they had 3 tanky dps and two mages. You has no initiate, no support, hardly any CC (wukong ult, situational irelia stun). They had no ranged AD carry, no-one to melt champs from the back of the pack and shred. Cuz of the lack of CC Ahri had to build tanky (LOL), and LB falls of lategame anyway.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
dude play with me :c
Speaking of Wu Kong, I just bought him because he was half off and looked fun. I only played him a couple times and was kind of eh.

I've been trying all the free champs and getting the ones that cost low IP, some of them are pretty fun. Riven, Volibear, and Kayle are probably my favorites. Katarina can be fun sometimes, and I should try Kogmaw again, his passive is so broken.
He's pretty cool, he's also really bursty with a good disengage. No hard cc till level 6 though.

Hey adumb, you know that Mao...uhhh Maokaw.. uhhhhh the corrupted Treant guy? He has this abilty where he throws a little thing that apparently does damage to you AND THEN CHASES YOU FASTER THAN YOU CAN RUN WITH BOOTS AND EXPLODES FOR A LOT OF DAMAGE. AND IT HAS A LOW COOLDOWN AND LOW MANA COST. WTF DO I DO AGAINST THAT BULL****? I know I can have it run into minions but wtf
In what context? Laning? Ganking? What?

Well they had 3 tanky dps and two mages. You has no initiate, no support, hardly any CC (wukong ult, situational irelia stun). They had no ranged AD carry, no-one to melt champs from the back of the pack and shred. Cuz of the lack of CC Ahri had to build tanky (LOL), and LB falls of lategame anyway.
This this, and a hundred times this.

Teamcomp > individual champ's powers in lane, unless you plan on winning in 20 minutes, and in that case you're better with a true snowball comp.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
5 OP champs =/= a good team.

Also there is no such thing as an OP champ to my mind, every champ can be countered.
I kinda figured, but the problem is I haven't been playing long enough to know which champs are "OP" and I have no idea who counters what. I also don't really know how to make a good team comp, which is partly about countering their team (which I don't know how obv) and partly making a team that synergizes well (which I also don't know very well except for the very basics, like you should have a tank, a support, and other crap)

In what context? Laning? Ganking? What?
Let's see.. I think I was wukong, laning with some dude on the bottom. Maokai was laning bot with some other guy, maybe graves or something. It was supremely annoying because he just hid in the bush the whole time and threw out exploding guys. I couldn't go harass him without taking tons of damage from both of them, and I couldn't last hit because of the exploding guys. He also never ran out of mana because of apparently low mana cost and Doran's ring and stuff.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Experience is the only thing that will teach you that. Wukong is a better solotop then duobot. They had you outranged. Your best chance was to go into the bush, stealth and burst them



Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Also maokis saplings do low dmg unless he builds pure ap. If he does this he is burstable and an easy kill

Swiss you need to play with me, I might make EU accounts sometime soon.

I kinda figured, but the problem is I haven't been playing long enough to know which champs are "OP" and I have no idea who counters what. I also don't really know how to make a good team comp, which is partly about countering their team (which I don't know how obv) and partly making a team that synergizes well (which I also don't know very well except for the very basics, like you should have a tank, a support, and other crap)

Let's see.. I think I was wukong, laning with some dude on the bottom. Maokai was laning bot with some other guy, maybe graves or something. It was supremely annoying because he just hid in the bush the whole time and threw out exploding guys. I couldn't go harass him without taking tons of damage from both of them, and I couldn't last hit because of the exploding guys. He also never ran out of mana because of apparently low mana cost and Doran's ring and stuff.
Well aight, that is sort of a hell lane zoning-wise.

If he's building doran's though, that means he's not getting gp10s and wards, which should mean HAPPY FUN TIME GANKING!

Unless your jungler is bad, just went through a game like that. Or there is no jungler.

Then good luck.

Also, melee carries kinda get destroyed bottom... The only support that doesn't either destroy a melee carry on his/her own is or set up the carry to do the same is soraka, and she should be laning with somebody with strong zoning control so it won't matter.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I just don't understand why x should go top and x should go bottom. Or why top should be solo and bottom should be 2. Who made up this metagame?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I just don't understand why x should go top and x should go bottom. Or why top should be solo and bottom should be 2. Who made up this metagame?
Each lane has different attributes which makes them condusive to different champs.

These are:

1. The size of the lane (distance from tower to tower). Top and bottom are about the same distance, whereas mid is signifigantly shorter.

2. The time it takes to return to lane when you leave. Top and bottom take about the same time.

3. How close it is to other lanes. Mid can move to either lane with little issue.

4. The neutral objectives nearbye. Dragon is near bottom lane whereas baron nasher is near top. Dragon can be taken at almost any time wheras baron can't be taken till the endgame when lanes are ignored.

Top and bottom could basically be exchanged if it weren't for dragon. Since you can start taking dragon at level 4 with a large enough advantage, having two people there is a very significant advantage when dragon fights occur in terms of control, especially when one person is free to ward.

This means that top is relatively isolated from the team at large because it's not as important, so you need somebody that can stay in lane for the long term or bully the opposition early, hence you have bruisers and bruiser mages there, they need to be able to stay in lane without support, especially since most people there have high base stats and melee creeps. Plus getting back to tower takes forever if you're overextended and returning to lane is a massive time sink. Generally bruisers scale best with gold, but also scale well with xp. Mage bruisers scale like your general APs. This lane works for both.

APs scale best with experience because the base damage of their spells is so high and they don't gain anywhere near as much as AD carries do from gold, while they want farm too, it's more important that they get the earliest creep waves and therefore have levels earlier then anyone else. They're also strongest midgame because of this.

They also generally have the ability to clear creep waves very quickly which means they can be free to gank other lanes without losing farm or xp. They're also very squishy, so having only a short distance to run back to turret helps a lot.

The Ad carry scales best with gold, but not that well with xp, so they don't mind giving up xp to lane with somebody else. Supports scale primarily with xp if at all, so they can afford to spend the majority of their money warding instead of farming, and spend their time bullying the enemy lane so their AD carry can farm. The support can also keep dragon warded, which is equivalent to multiple kills.

Jungle can really be any in teamfights, the point is not to waste farm essentially. In practice, bruisers tend to be best at jungling though, because in addition to not wasting farm, they can pressure the enemy jungler and pressure the opposing laners which can allow your laners to get an advantage they can use to deprive the enemy of subsequent farm, creating a snowball effect.

TL;DR: So, this setup offers:

1. Every lane is optimized in their farm.

2. neutral objectives are controled during the laning phase.

3. The lane that is most able to gank other lanes is in the best position to gank.

It basically offers everything you could want.

Note: This doesn't mean that you should always stick to the meta, just understand what it offers and be sure that either you can force a win in 20 minutes or you have a way to provide everything you were trying to get so your team still scales into teamfight phase. This is basically:

1. Some bulk in your team

2. Initiation (can be on any role), it's primarily crowd control.

3. Magic damage, preferably with signifigant aoe but instagib also works, as long as your burst has a low enough cd to use it multiple times in a teamfight. This is primarily to soften their their team up.

4. Somebody that can deal consistent damage in the form of auto-attacks.

5. Pushing power so you can push waves to turrets.

6. A divide between physical and magic damage so they can't just build mr or armor to destroy you.

An example of a counter-meta way to achieve an AD carry is a roaming/jungling twitch, but he NEEDS to get fed otherwise he's far behind. 6 item twitch is still the most powerful AD carry in the game though.

Also, keep in mind some unconventional roles work.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I think that makes a little more sense, thanks. It makes more sense when thinking about it in terms of who needs gold vs who needs experience.

this was my first time jungling and actually doing a good job :O it was fun!

edit: wait, Twitch is that powerful? O_o
I remember I was told NOT to play Twitch when I started, I thought that it was because he sucked? I've seen Twitch in a few games recently though, and they generally do well. I was also told to not play another champ, but I forgot who it was.

Also, isn't there a LoL tier list somewhere?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I think that makes a little more sense, thanks. It makes more sense when thinking about it in terms of who needs gold vs who needs experience.

this was my first time jungling and actually doing a good job :O it was fun!
Cool, also added a note about how to think about counter-meta setups, they can be useful in draft mode as counter-picks.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
asdioh said:
edit: wait, Twitch is that powerful? O_o
I remember I was told NOT to play Twitch when I started, I thought that it was because he sucked? I've seen Twitch in a few games recently though, and they generally do well. I was also told to not play another champ, but I forgot who it was.
Twitch is the most powerful 6 item ad carry (character that itemizes for Attack speed, critical, and AD because of the multiplicative synergy those stats have). This is because he has the ability to make his auto-attacks have 900 range, while maintaining the ability to critical. This was just discussing teamcomp, not the character's actual power in the current metagame.

This is not to say that he can't pubstomp (beat low elo players soundly) because most of them don't know how to properly counter him or stealth champs in general.

One of the most important things to learn in this game is that really strong at some point in the game does not mean the character is good. This is especially true of lategame because early game strength will always have an effect on the game if you utilize it properly. It just might not be sufficient. Lategame strength however, will only help you if you're not too far behind by the time you hit lategame/didn't lose midgame.

Learn what your opponents plan and adjust accordingly (this is also why I rarely play blind pick), if you're gonna pick a lategame comp, make sure it can survive till lategame.

Yea so that was a teamcomp example, not a case of "you should use this character" cause he really isn't good. If he ever gets reworked maybe he'll actually be useful.

Super Vegito

Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2012
Use pink wards/ that other thing I forgot what it was called ... It's so beast ... that pink elixir thing that you get like a symbol on your head. It's 400... uh... gold.

Yeah it's been a while. I need to play some LoL.

Anyways those are pretty beast against Wukong/Twitch/Evelyn.

Man it sucks to get ganked by evelyn and people are like 'she is bad' yet you didn't know she could go invisible. But now you know. I saved you that much embarrassment.
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