Iron Man - This movie proved you can have a film contain superheroics and have it actually tackle interesting themes and character development without just going all grim all the time. Tony Stark is an actually, truly selfish ass and actually, truly undergoes a radical overhaul in his worldview. It has a few missteps and the final fight with Iron Monger basically established every bad marvel movie trope, from the DBZ-esque villain dialogue to the generally cookie cutter nature of the tensions and all. But overall Tony Stark's character arc is great, the supporting cast is great, it firmly establishes its own unique tone and I felt truly compelled and moved by it. 4/5
The Incredible Hulk - Kind of a huge mess, I'm not surprised to hear that Ed Norton was passionate going in and angry coming out. Uh, no pun intended. It had some slick action scenes and I liked the idea of someone at apex level human skill trying to fight the Hulk and chasing down madness and mutation in the process but that whole motivation for the villain was sloppy and the writing for Liv Tyler's character was trashballs garbage, damn did they make a flake out of her. She basically establishes the next cookie cutter in the formula and probably the most unfortunate one. The music was cool. Generally speaking I feel like this movie put interesting ideas on the table and did little to nothing to accomplish them emotionally so it's all just this kind of empty banal experience riding on the back of a few good action scenes. 2.5/5
Captain America: The First Avenger - This movie basically takes the cookie cutters and tries to own them. I'm okay with it in this specific instance because Cap himself is kind of hokey, and the movie was inwardly poking fun at itself. I like that the movie was willing to be hammy. Captain America himself is practically propaganda (which is addressed thematically and an interesting point). Peggy was there because they needed a romance, but I liked her character, and I bought that she'd be endeared to Steve the way she was. I liked their whole gee-whiz chemistry. I liked the hilarious bombs in the plane at the end with labels on them for the city they were going to hit. I wanted more of that stuff. A lot of this movie is just kind of well-produced and formulaic, but Chris Evans's performance as Steve Rogers saves it for me and singlehandedly elevates the movie above himself. I knew Evans would be the perfect Cap ever since I saw Sunshine. All in all this is a really average movie held up by the fact that nothing in it is done badly and it has a few flashes of sincere greatness. Also the final fight is dope. 3/5
Thor - Ugh. The beginnings of the Crappening. I'll get the good out of the way: Hemsworth is pretty hilarious as Thor and I like that he's actually a flat out **** that's completely out of his element on Earth. I like that he ends up in a small town instead of a huge metropolitan city as is the stereotype. I like that comic relief and timing is woven into the movie and the laughs it gave me were a lot more satisfying than literally any of the action. But this is where the movies really start to feel as much like props for other movies as ... their own thing. The whole SHIELD subplot was woven in alright, but just. Okay for example. Kat Dennings's character clearly had infinitely more in common with Thor. If they were going to try to subvert cliches, guess what, those characters would have ended up together. Natalie Portman's character got with him because... she was the female lead and that's it. I wish Thor had an evenhanded chemistry with all the people in the town. Why plop him in a small town if you're going to miss this huge opportunity? Thor gains humanity and respect for the worth of human life in a small town thanks to his friends and all that. They could have really played with that and made the monster giant thing's rampage through the town gutwrenching as it tears apart familiar locations and characters. Instead it's just rampaging across a bunch of backlot set that I don't care about and beating up characters I don't care about. Yeah let's have the power of wubs be what engages Thor to humanity and not even have the balls to own the fact that that's what we're doing, great storytelling would watch again ever for any reason. Loki's motivation was cool but he seems to just change his mind left and right and back based on plot needs instead of an inherent self that made sense to me (like the Joker, whose actions are far more chaotic but never felt off). Anthony Hopkins as Odin was good and not phoning it in for once. I'm just kind of rambling but that's because this movie is a mess. Also, it tries (and fails miserably) to make Thor's friends from Asgard actual characters with halfarsed banter and atypical character traits. That's something I liked about Cap -- you're not really expected to care about any of the Howlin' Commandos other than Bucky, and you're not expected to think of them as anything more than their gimmicky abilities and skills. People complain about that but I fail to see how that's worse than 1.9 dimensional characters that I don't care about eating up screentime. 1.5/5
Iron Man 2 - **** this movie. **** it up the butt. It starts strong enough -- Mickey Rourke is fearsome and more importantly Sam Rockwell is one of the most brilliantly underrated character actors ever put on film. I loved his motivation as Justin Hammer. Someone who hates Tony Stark not even because he's Iron Man, but has a real personal axe to grind with him, and literally any bad thing he does or plans is always about destroying Stark's life and legacy. Unfortunately after he breaks Whiplash out of jail Hammer becomes completely and utterly incompetent, like he took a **** in between scenes and all of his brain matter got fired out his ass like a cannon. He just becomes so unbearably stupid that it was a complete distraction and made it feel like Whiplash's betrayal wasn't earned at all, so I felt no stakes, no "oh ****" moment, no nothing. Just a general disappointing feeling of "really, that's how you're setting up the climax? You lazy asshole of a writer, go to hell." I'm not even trying to ****-ride Christopher Nolan here but The Joker is another great example. The mafia hires him and he slowly starts to turn things around from inside their operation, to the point that eventually even Sal "The Boss" Maroni can't keep track of what he's done and has no illusions of control over the situation. Whiplash and Hammer's relationship on the other hand just takes Hammer from a compelling, coldhearted genius and 180s him into a buffoonish comic relief. Writing like this is exactly why people don't respect comics or comic movies. How to make it better? Oh that's where the number one flaw comes in -- the fact that literally the entire story of THIS MOVIE screeches to a complete halt halfway through and basically just sets up Marvel Cinematic Universe **** that has barely anything to do with anything that's going on other than a tenuous thematic connection via Howard Stark's legacy. Here's how Iron Man 2 could've been good: Throw that whole middle arc in the can and actually join the first and third acts with a competent story. Jerks. Ugh. 2/5
The Avengers - Fun. This movie plays with basically all of its moving parts and does it well. It's actually, sincerely funny at times and actually, sincerely surprising at times. Funny enough, with about 1/10th the screentime this movie does a great job with the whole brotherly bond conflict between Loki and Thor than the actual Thor movie did. I actually liked and understood Loki in this movie. Also even Stellan Skarsgaard's friendship with Thor is better in this movie and he's in like 2.5 ****in scenes. Other than the part where the characters decide to be assholes and fight for no reason partway through the movie (wtf was that even about), the movie is bereft of stupid **** or blatant writing oversights. The action is good (I've never seen a destruction climax like that... until Man of Steel anyway), the banter is on point, the characters play off each other well and we get some great setpieces (the SHIELD helicarrier **** was awesome). Did it change the game the way people tried to say at the time? Nah. It also doesn't justify like 4 movies to prop it up. But on its own it's a funny, thrilling movie I enjoyed watching and would watch again. 3.5/5