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is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
good 11 player setup for IRL

11 townies

announce there is one survivor amongst the group that will win if they are the only one remaining and if it gets down to two people all the dead have to guess which one is the survivor.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Yeah, I have a great recollection of this setup from when I tried to lynch you into the dirt TvT at endgame. :D
Pretty sure Bear and Fish mafia (SummonerAU's old setup) is 11 man. I run it all the time as an open but it also works as a closed (it was originally run as a closed)

The open version I use is:

VT x 6
Town Poison Doctor
Town Voyeur

Mafia Poisoner (Poisons one player each night, that player is announced as being poisoned and dies after the next lynch with the lynchee, can choose to permanently become a goon if the goon dies but can only make this decision the night after the goon is lynched)
Mafia Goon (NKs each night)


Immunizer (starts off immune to poison, can choose one additional player each night to make immune to poison [cannot be killed by the poisoner], wins game if all players still alive are immune, full time bulletproof)

Its kinda janky but its fun and easy for using IRL.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 6, 2014
i like st. vincent it's nice

this has been random music post of the day, like for more updates

update: she literally just said "masturbate, take out the garbage" as a song lyric goddamn
lmao the argument sucks poor attempt at a post-hardcore band trying art rock listen to the infinitely superior leaves turn inside you by unwound instead

also if y'all got a last.fm hmu here with music recs or if you just want to bull**** about w/e, excuse all the HANL overlistening and the low amount of artists, haven't been in a "branching out" mood lately. i'll fix that soon enough tho

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
lmao the argument sucks poor attempt at a post-hardcore band trying art rock listen to the infinitely superior leaves turn inside you by unwound instead

also if y'all got a last.fm hmu here with music recs or if you just want to bull**** about w/e, excuse all the HANL overlistening and the low amount of artists, haven't been in a "branching out" mood lately. i'll fix that soon enough tho
well hey i actually listened to that too and it's good i was wondering if you were ever going to show up again

play a mafia game maybe? something

Your musical compatibility with xusosis is SUPER

Music you have in common includes Unwound, Death Grips, The Velvet Underground, Swans andAnimal Collective.
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is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Ah yes, the "OS gets strangled by 11 angry people" setup. A classic.

I actually did this with my freshman and sophomore English classes when I was teaching in high school. We were going over "The Crucible" and I told them we were going to play a game based on this to see just how easy it was for an everyday person to hide in a group.

I told them one of them was a witch, one of them was a cop (they could investigate someone each Night), and the rest were the townsfolk. A mysterious disease had swept through their town and someone was dying every night; the townsfolk knew this was no coincidence. A witch was among them! They put matters into their own hands to find the witch.

I choose someone randomly to die each Night and had them sit off to the side.

It got down to two people (the cop and the other person, who hadn't been investigated yet!) and people still hadn't figured it out.

When the last person was killed and only the cop remained, half the class was like "SEE?! I TOLD YOU IT WAS HER" while the other half was talking about how lucky she was. Person showed her cop card.

Much lulz were had by myself. Students learned a valuable lesson about how blind you can be when you're actively looking for something when it isn't there. One kid had an epiphany about terrorism and the US invading a bunch of countries in the middle east looking for terrorists that might not even be there.

It was a successful lesson.

But less about that, more PMs from people who want to alpha test my game >:|

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I actually did this with my freshman and sophomore English classes when I was teaching in high school. We were going over "The Crucible" and I told them we were going to play a game based on this to see just how easy it was for an everyday person to hide in a group.

I told them one of them was a witch, one of them was a cop (they could investigate someone each Night), and the rest were the townsfolk. A mysterious disease had swept through their town and someone was dying every night; the townsfolk knew this was no coincidence. A witch was among them! They put matters into their own hands to find the witch.

I choose someone randomly to die each Night and had them sit off to the side.

It got down to two people (the cop and the other person, who hadn't been investigated yet!) and people still hadn't figured it out.

When the last person was killed and only the cop remained, half the class was like "SEE?! I TOLD YOU IT WAS HER" while the other half was talking about how lucky she was. Person showed her cop card.

Much lulz were had by myself. Students learned a valuable lesson about how blind you can be when you're actively looking for something when it isn't there. One kid had an epiphany about terrorism and the US invading a bunch of countries in the middle east looking for terrorists that might not even be there.

It was a successful lesson.

But less about that, more PMs from people who want to alpha test my game >:|
Well, in all fairness you actively mislead them. You told them that they were playing a game and established that there was "one witch" among them. It's not quite like in the Crucible or rl politics where they're not actually playing a game with established rules.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The people in the crucible were lead, as are people here by leaders in politics.

Red Scare? That had leaders leading people to hunt for communism. Terrorism? Turn on the news after 9/11 and everyone with brown skin from the middle east was a terrorist in training. Salem? Literally had a leader holding trials.

Being actively misled is no excuse for a lack of understanding. It's way, way easier to realize "oh hey there is no witch" in a game where someone tells you there is one then to realize "oh hey, there are no terrorists / secret communists / whatever out to get me here"

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
The people in the crucible were lead, as are people here by leaders in politics.

Red Scare? That had leaders leading people to hunt for communism. Terrorism? Turn on the news after 9/11 and everyone with brown skin from the middle east was a terrorist in training. Salem? Literally had a leader holding trials.

Being actively misled is no excuse for a lack of understanding. It's way, way easier to realize "oh hey there is no witch" in a game where someone tells you there is one then to realize "oh hey, there are no terrorists / secret communists / whatever out to get me here"
I understand the lesson that you were trying to convey and I think it's a good one, I'm simply bringing up the fact that a game is different from real life. Irl, there are several reasons a claim one makes can be wrong. They could have bad information, they could have incentive to lie, or both. When one makes a claim irl, others should investigate the claim with a level of scrutiny proportional to the weight of the claim. In a game, the person who states the rules has no incentive to lie. It's a purely "fake" situation where there are no real consequence if the players are fooled, if with no stakes there should be no expectations of the players that something is up.

But hey, you were teaching the Crucible. Perhaps someone clever enough could have realized that there being no actual witch would have totally been consistent with the story. It is also consistent with the theme of the story: The dangers of mob mentality and how a group can be lead by fear based of off unverified assumptions.

Btw you taught high school English?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yeah, only while teaching. I taught 7 classes full time during my Student Teaching, graduated, said "That was fun but the pay will be ****" and now I make more than I would at maximum salary as a teacher.

Plus high school teachers are cliquey as hell and I'm just like "I don't care about the administration, the drama department, the math department, or who got to coach basketball. Let me eat my peanut butter sandwich".

S'all Good Man

Feb 14, 2014
OS I would help with the gaming thing but I don't have time sorry bro

Also I got a girlfriend and then lost her within one text's notice. lol

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
actually that joke sucked and i don't like it have a convenient reaction image instead

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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Yeah, only while teaching. I taught 7 classes full time during my Student Teaching, graduated, said "That was fun but the pay will be ****" and now I make more than I would at maximum salary as a teacher.
IIRC you do something with respect to managing college courses.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yeah, only while teaching. I taught 7 classes full time during my Student Teaching, graduated, said "That was fun but the pay will be ****" and now I make more than I would at maximum salary as a teacher.

Plus high school teachers are cliquey as hell and I'm just like "I don't care about the administration, the drama department, the math department, or who got to coach basketball. Let me eat my peanut butter sandwich".
That sounds like a really cool lesson idea and the link to The Crucible was cool

What do you do now?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
That sounds like a really cool lesson idea and the link to The Crucible was cool

What do you do now?
I'm an Academic Technology Analyst, which is a fancy way of saying "I help instructors learn how to use technology and tools that will aid them in organizing and teaching their classes both online and offline".

I find a need, then meet the need, and if there isn't one to find I create one. I've been increasing lecture capture (so students can view lectures online later) and iPad usage in class most recently.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm an Academic Technology Analyst, which is a fancy way of saying "I help instructors learn how to use technology and tools that will aid them in organizing and teaching their classes both online and offline".

I find a need, then meet the need, and if there isn't one to find I create one. I've been increasing lecture capture (so students can view lectures online later) and iPad usage in class most recently.
That sounds...


I may be underestimating the work that goes into that, but wow
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