You know what's cool about being anti-feminist? Or anti- any other movements regarding the equality of different groups of people? The same thing that's cool about strolling by a stranger on the street and spitting in their eye.
Umm... First off, no, spitting in a stranger's eye is far from the equivalent of being opposed to absolute equality. Second of all, there are simply just things that are better suited for men then for women. How about we integrate (american) football? Men and women deserve equal opportunity to play in the NFL, because that makes sense, right? Conversely, women are better suited for certain things as well. Honestly speaking, if I ever need to hire somebody to take care of my young child, it WILL be a woman because
motherly instinct is a real thing that no man can ever have.
Feminism isn't bad in itself. That's not what I'm trying to say at all. When faced with any opportunity, men and women, homos and heteros, black and whites, everyone should be objectively judged the same. But I'll be anti feminist if I'm an anti feminist for holding a door open for my date (WHICH I'VE BEEN TOLD IS ANTI FEMINIST, BTW). Feminism in the modern world is used as an excuse which is ****ing ********. A man gets a job that a woman wanted? Sexism! Burn em at the stake! Stupid man. Feminism today is what the black panthers were to civil rights. And if you sit here and tell me the black panthers were good people, well then I won my argument.
Perfect example of why feminism is jaded: Boy/girl toys in general. People (women too) insist on buying their little girls the pink things, or the dolls you can dress up, or the little easy bake oven, while boys get ****ing adventure time toys advertised to them, a show that even I think is at least a little mentally stimulating for my big boy brain. Sure you can call men the bad guys for being the big corporate advertisers. But do you not think that women are helping in selling those things, in that they're not pitching GOOD ideas for toys? Do you not think women are a part of the problem when they go ahead and choose that for their little girl rather than adventure time toys? No? Because you're a feminist? See my point?
Circus said:
Women are not the party that impose these inequalities upon men though. Those inequalities are a symptom of the power men have claimed over women. Men are expected to be tough because women are consistently told by men that they are soft. The issues plaguing men based on their gender in today's society are answered by feminism just as the issues of women are.
Also, feminazi is a ****ing terrible word.
Feminazi is an ingenious word that has officially entered my vocabulary.
Xonar said:
Oh and btw this happens a **** load. Know why it's not a big deal? Because men more often than not are physically in a more dominant place and are expected not to be phased it. Why do men always lose when they get in a fight with a girl, regardless of the outcome? "Dude come on how can you beat up a girl?" "Dude you got beat up by a girl! HA!" I simply feel like feminism is taken too far. LGB rights ctivists are in a way better position than feminists imo as far as having a respectable ground to fight on.
Edit: The woman in Xonar's youtube link used a very good word: Humanist. Feminists believe in rising up, when in reality they're in a MUCH MUCH MUCH better position (

) than they were back in the day. I'd be surprised if it wasn't a matter of wanting to be better than men, which is ****ing petty.