I just didn't enjoy FFTA. There's a bunch of different jobs, but I can't mix and match them any way I want because only certain races can have certain jobs? Why? I want to get creative and make powerful units, not just use "the best job for that race, with the best equipment for that job" and be done with it. Why even have that many jobs, if I can't use them all? Some of the races are just better mages than others, and other races don't even have magic classes. I can't even change the makeup of my party on the fly, because they all get locked into their roles by virtue of their race. Boring.
Then there was the laws. I thought that system was completely pointless. "Hmm, we gave the player a lot of options for making strong characters. How can we make sure the game stays difficult?" "Let's put up arbitrary barriers to get in their way!" "Great idea, Bob! You're going places in this company!" Nope, hated it. Maybe if I could make my guys strong enough to kill the judges, and ignore the laws, I wouldn't have hated it so much. But as it is, why aren't these all powerful judges solving anyone's problems? What am I even doing here? I need to save the world or something, right? What the **** are these judges doing? Welp, they just go around with all their power, enforcing arbitrary laws, and throwing people in jail cuz they used magic that one time, but not the other time cuz he was in a magic sort of mood that day. I didn't finish the game, so maybe the deal with judges gets explained later? From what I've read about the game, I don't think it does. They're just an arbitrary game mechanic, incarnated in physical form. This is a final fantasy game, and I fully expect to be the most powerful thing on the planet by the end of the game. **** those guys.
Also, the whole story just had absolutely no appeal to me. The main characters are a bunch of whiny kids, and magical animals. I thought this was supposed to be Ivalice? I played the first FFT, which was the game that invented the world of Ivalice, and I don't remember any fruity magical animals living amongst humans. That's fine and dandy for a fantasy world setting, but Ivalice was already a setting, and that **** didn't exist. Magical creatures like dragons and goblins were mindless animals, not merchants or kings. FF12 did that crap too, and I hated every bit of it. It's so clear that they only associated those games with Ivalice so they could capitalize on the large FFT fanbase, because it's one of the most popular games in the Final Fantasy series. All they really did was invent their own little world, and slapped the name "Ivalice" on it. I didn't get super far in the game, but the plot of the game didn't grab me at all. I don't relate to whiny kids, magical animals, or their dumb problems. Stories about the dangers of religious fanaticism, political intrigue, war, and slaying demons? Sure I don't relate to it all on a personal level, but it's a much cooler story, and I get where these characters are coming from. Ramza is building an army, and waging a goddamn holy war. The kid in FFTA is "asked to join their club", and then "let's other people join the club too!"