Our next interviewer is probably one of the more younger players. While young in age, it doesn't excuse him from being one of the most informative players in the Decisive Games area. The guy can take care of his own, and can carry those in need of help if he was ever scum. Guy always knows that something is fishy. Time to give it up for Ronike, my evil twin
Thank you for joining with us today. How does it feel to be apart of this interview?
Feels good. Nice distraction from homework
Why is the flavour in your games so awesome?
Well for themed games, I tend to make them when I have a small obsessive period with the flavor, so DBZ I made right after watching all of the episodes, Inception after watching the movie 8 or 9 times...I try to know the characters and the writing style and so on and so forth. For my own creations, I make sure I know where I'm going with the flavor, and then I just write what I find to be entertaining. If I read through it and don't like it, I take another swing at it. Other than that, I don't really know, I'm just a good writer I guess
How do you feel about the game of mafia? Is the game now different (enjoyment wise) than how you first started?
It's completely different than when I first started. When I first started, 20 some player games with no deadlines were the norm...and when I say no deadlines, that applies to the mod as well. I believe in Fire Emblem (the original), we had one night that went on for over a month. It was completely ridiculous. But also, there were only maybe 4 or 5 players that knew what they were doing back then. My first game I fiercly protected one of the mafia members because he had given me tips and that wasn't an uncommon scenario at all. Once everyone started to understand the game a little better and we had a larger community, things got a lot better. Right now I don't find myself enjoying it quite as much because I don't like a few people's playstyles, plus to stay good I have to put in more time than I tend to have...But these are my issues, and I would still say the game is much better than it was when I first started
Town or mafia?
depends...in a normal game and situation, if I have good scum mates I prefer to be mafia, but not for too many games in a row. If I could have it my way and not be predictable, I would alternate between town and scum every game, that way I can develop both playing styles and enjoy both mindsets without getting stuck in one or the other
Who are the top 5 best Mafia players for town? What about scum?
Oh man, I am way too unaware of the current meta to answer this question really...
Let's see [Note: this is in no particular order]
on scum side...Overswarm, Swiss, EE...and I know a lot of you will disagree with me on these, but Im wary of J for his play in inception...and Rockin for his play in TLI, where he convinced his town mason to do some of the scummiest stuff ever
Town side is Marshy for awesome scumdar...Kev for much the same reason...OS cause he's just so damn determined to win, even at the expense of fun...EE for his ridiculous analysis skills...and Tom, even though he never plays.
man, I'm sure that list is terrible, but I haven't played in so long... Those are just the names that stick out to me. Wait, I can't believe I forgot frozen...He's at the top of both of those lists
Favorite Newbies to play with?
J......................................And I guess kuz is alright too
the rest of you SUCK!!!
Favorite Mafia game?
That's a tough one. Chill's Kingdom Hearts mafia was one of my favorite setups, because it was one of the first games that went outside the box a little.Certain roles in that game could level up if they did little minigames during the day. It was where I got the idea for training for DBZ. Eor's Hellhouse had some really cool roles that I'm sad never really got to get used. And Rockin's games always have ridiculously kickass flavor
but I think my favorite game I played was Tom's FFVII, simply because I got to be indy sibling with Marshy, and that was awesome. Rockin's first sleepover game comes in close second though, due to ridiculously awesome scummates
Favorite Mafia game you hosted?
Definetely Inception. The flavor there was too fun, and trying to give you guys hints that that's what it was without giving away too much was also a ton of fun. DBZ had the whole debacle with OS, and plus Gotenks fusion never got used (which was the role I built the game around), and I had to leave near the start of it. Test Subject's flavor was a lot of fun, but it got broken because SwordsRbroken was such a ****ty player at the time and the RNG gave him the sole mafia role, so that was super frustrating. So yeah, Inception is my favorite... so far
Any advice for new players, or even experienced players?
Stop sucking
but in all seriousness, I don't have any advice for anyone that hasn't already been said better than I can say it...just play mafia and learn from your mistakes
Hi! Tell us something about yourself.
Hullo. My name is Ronike...I'm currently doing an Interview for Decisive Games on Smashboards. Is that what you had in mind?
Hahaha, I think he meant he want's to learn a bit about yourself. How old you are, what you do in your spare time, stuff like that.
...but my mommy always told me never to give out personal information on the interwebs
I mean, if I give out my age and personal hobbies, you guys could find me and steal some of my candy...
But fine...I'm 20 years old (21 on July 3rd). I'm in my third year of college, though my first at this college and this program. I'm taking classes to be a video game developer, specifically aimed at scripting and programming. in my nonexistent spare time, I play video games. The reason I never play video games is because I go to school 26 hours a week and average 41 hours of work at my local garden and gifts store, not to mention the time it takes to do my homework. An interesting thing about me is since I was due to be born around our independence day, if I had been a girl, my mother would have named me Independence, instead of the perfectly normal name I have instead
OH NOES! I TOLD YOU I LIVE IN THE US! Now all my candy is as good as gone...
How did you get into mafia?
Well I came to Smashboards to get news about Brawl like a lot of other people
Once I started getting a little bored of that, I started lurking in a few other threads and forum games...which for the most part didn't appeal to me except for this one sticky thread about Fire Emblem and mafia, which intrigued me. I lurked around for an ingame day and when someone wanted to replace out, I volunteered. And the rest is history
Who's your avatar?
That's Ronike. I came up with the basic character concept for a story I had to write in sixth grade, and have just been developing it since. I originally made a sprite of him because he was going to be included as a gym leader in a pokemon hack and I just started using it as my avatar for various places, and so when I'm bored I update it. Oh, and the full name (Ronike Tapcast) is an anagram of my name, though that only happened when I realized my name contained all the letters of Ronike in it
How did you come up with the set up for Inception mafia? What was your thought process?
the setup itself was a product of coming up with the flavor a week before I would have to host a game. pretty much I went to Xiivi and told him I had a kickass flavor setup with no roles to go with it and had him throw ideas at me until I found one I liked. As for the flavor, it came about after watching Inception for the eighth time and having to go to work. Now theres a lot of standing around at my job, and we are only allowed to write things down on scrap paper, no games or such, so often times I come up with mafia game ideas at work, which is what happened here. I came up with a few hints at the start (the inception anagrams and a few of the roles were the big ones) and that when mafia members died, it would become more apparent that the world was a dream at the start
the rest I came up with on the fly. But yeah, I went into more detail at the end of the thread, so if you guys want more, go there.
Any enlightening bit of philosophy that you've learned about mafia during your time on Dgames that you would like to share (aka advice for the masses)?
When creating a new game, what do you think on first? flavor? implementing a new role? something else?
Generally I think flavor first. Sometimes this leads me to create a new role, which I work the game around, like in DBZ, but generally I try to create a balanced setup of roles that fit the characters or scenario of the flavor
What do you look at when balancing a game?
well, first off I want to make it interesting. I try to limit the amount of 1 gf, two mafia, 1 cop/doc and all nillas as much as possible. Because I like having more roles. Then I try to make sure every side has a chance and that there is no doc protecting cop or anything without mafia having a way around it...and then third and most important; I take my setup to at least one other person and ask their opinion of it...both in terms of balance and how fun it seems. This is highly important, not only for first time hosts, but for anyone
showing your game to someone can only make your game better, and I highly reccomend it
Favorite role? Least favorite role?
I love masonry, given I have a good partner. I tend to be a little scatterbrained in mafia, or have just totally off the wall ideas so someone to help me, or bounce ideas off of really helps my game. Plus its just fun to have someone to talk to about mafia. My least favorite role had to be goon in BIMafia...because if I was ever suspected and told to shoot someone, there was just about nothing I could do that wouldn't make me look scummy
that was so irritating, and not a small part of why I had no desire to stay in that game. I also don't like Paranoid Gun Owner, as its just frustrating to get killed by that no matter if you are town or mafia
Do you like playing independent? And would you choose that side out of the other two? (Town and Mafia)
Ive actually only been indy once I think (FFVII) and it wasn't even just by myself, I had marshy. I think I wouldn't like it too much, since I'm on my own, but I'm not too sure
I'd love to get it once, just to try it. But would I prefer it? As just a straight up SK, I think not, but if it was something ridiculously kick ***, I think I'd like it, but it depends on the game and my mood I guess
Of the current methods players are using in mafia versus some of the older methods which do you think work better? (ie: meta, gambits, etc..)
Meta does not an entire case make, and I know a lot of new players think it does
which is one of my issues with the current way mafia is played. Gambits have their issues, but they too are useful, just not in the way a lot of people use them. Again though, my not having played mafia in a good amount of time leaves my memory foggy, and I don't really know what else to say about this. I liked old play more (though not too old), but I don't know if it was actually better or not
If you could see one adventure game run in DGames what would it be?
I'm actually super pumped to see both Pokemon and Greatest Adventure Ever run
but I would also love to see a marvel universe game ran. And yeah, I don't know what else to say about that, so I guess that's it
why aren't people asking you questions?
I dunno, why doesn't pizza fall from the sky when I'm hungry?
what is your name from? how do i pronounce it?
The name is original, but it is a mutation of a combination of two other words, much like most of the other names I come up with. Ronike in particular is Robotnik + Sonic for Ronic, and then mutated to Ronike. The ro is pronounced like row...ni is pronounced like bill NYE...and the ke is just a short kuh sound
In addition: http://tts.imtranslator.net/Fz44
Did OS ever reveal that "Win in 3 days" plan in DBZ?
If he did, I don't remember it...sorry
What are some of your favorite mafia moments?
The first night of my first game, due to sibling shenanigans and redirections and such, no fewer than 4 people died. Its hilarious in hindsight. Continously blocking correctly in Boondocks was also crazy awesome. Iunno, more games stick out to me rather than particular moments, and we've already gone over that
Would it have been awesome if Cello got all 7 dragonballs and recruited me or what?
Yes. Yes it would have been. Any wish with the dragonballs would have been super special awesome...but I knew it was a long shot going into the game...I was honestly surprised Cello even got close!
If you could change one thing about one player's playstyle, what would it be, and who would you pick?
I would pick Tom and change his playstyle so that he actually plays, and doesn't promise to play and be active and then post once before disappearing
You're going to sign up for LOTR mafia v2, right? RIGHT?
Eh... we'll have to see how busy I am this summer. If it doesn't run in the summer, I almost definetely won't join
Favorite vets to play with? Fav new players?
Marsh and EE cause I like those guys...Tom and Frozen if they'd ever stay in a game long enough to play, but they're prolly the most fun IMO. As for new people, I like J as previously mentioned and kuz...I don't like playing with Ryker cause of the way he acts a lot of the time and I don't like playing with Cello since he forced me to alpha strike in w/e game. Really pissed me off...
Best performances: Town, Mafia, Indie (if indie)
I think my best town performance was prolly the first Bad Idea Mafia. I had two of the three mafia members correctly pinned, Tom quite publicly so. Sadly I twas the first BI mafia, and I didn't want to shoot...so a few quick shots later and we had lost. My best scum game was probably Mafia Tourney sleepover. in no small part due to my excellent scum team...and I've still only been indy once in FFVII...so I guess that was my best and worst play. Though I do think Marshy and I played pretty damn good there
do you still enjoy playing mafia? if so do you enjoy it as much as you used to? if not why not?
No I don't. In part its because I've been playing for so long I'm just bored of it, but also because my last few games have been less than amazing...and also because almost all of my favorite vets have stopped playing. I still love hosting and will prolly try to get something up in the summer
have you had any experiences in mafia games that left a serious impact on how you viewed the game or how you played? that taught you lessons and improved your play as a result? if so what were they?
Lynching Frozen in Food Court mafia was definetely the moment that made me start to think a lot more about the game...cause I mean sure, it caused us to win, but we took away the victory from FF because of sheer luck...and that made me feel bad and want to get better. I'd say Bad Idea Mafia was the other game that really made me look at my play differently, up to that point I really was never that confident with my reads, which cost us the game in bad idea, so that taught me to trust myself more and not just follow the crowd.
if you could meet and chill with 5 dgamers irl who would they be and why?
Marshy, EE, Tom, Rockin, and J...Cuz those guys are awesome
What were your favorite AGame moments? Most memorable? Which ones most shaped you as a player or changed the way you approached games? What were your best and worst plays?
Well, I haven't really played an AGames for any significant amount of time, since I dropped out of Dark Knight twice due to time constraints, died pretty early in Virg's game after permanently blinding my partner, and died or something in the Fog really early on
,so its kinda hard to answer this question, but I will talk about what I can
In WOTK, I played Bane for about two weeks somewhat consistently before I gave him up to Karthik, and I did a lot of research into the character and found out he was really smart and one of the few villians to consider just wearing batman down for a final confrontation. So it was my original plan to try and find a way to do that, or that least, track him to his home, even if that took some time. I wasn't going to go after him until I had a tactical advantage. Once the game started, I was told I needed to find a source of Venom in two weeks, so I immediately thought to try and find the company that had produced Venom and blackmail them into teaching me to make it, or take over that company, basically become self reliant. And that's basically all I did until I gave it to Karthik, besides getting in contact with one of the gangs for a job. I loved doing it, I just never had the time unfortunately. Later I sorta replaced McFox as the head of the Maroni family,which was interesting. I got to help crucify Robin (rockin) and had a close relationship with Joker (Eor)...probably too close...I remember I was going to make what was essentially a Jokermobile, which was pretty sweet, but I don't remember much else of what I did
I also had a plan to trap Catwoman, but to what end I can't remember.
The plan was to heavily sedate her, and then get her hanging over my pool with none of her outfit so she couldn't use any gadgets, and also bound with some really heavy shackles on her feet and hands.so that if she somehow wriggles out of one, she'd drown at the bottom of the pool. I don't remember why I had this plan, but I had it and was about to do it when **** got real and I had to quit
Virg's game was really interesting, it was basically a bunch of super people in one city working to do... something. The 12 or so of us were separated into groups of two and sent with our own little objectives. I know our group was supposed to be the rogue team, sent to kill pretty much every one, which we failed miserably at. I had the ability to send bright light from my hands (so much so that I could permanently blind people at close range), could also see in the different spectrum of light, and was a pretty damn good shot with my pistols. My partner could stretch real far and sharpen her body parts to very sharp points. The first part went alright, but **** went down when we got to our first "miniboss". It was an NPC whose power was... basically being a voodo doll for who he looked at...which we didn't know keep in mind. So we get to the boss, banter some, we hint we're going to kill him, and his eyes flash.When he looks at my partner
thinking nothing of this, I rush in and blind him, doing the same to my partner
the rest of the fight was over quick, but that pretty much sealed our fate for the rest of the game. We ran into a PC who could throw his body parts and still have them function, and he killed us with a grenade while our backs were turned. So yeah...That was probably the most shaping experience for me, and it really made me a lot more paranoid in my future games
what do you plan on doing with yourself through college/life ?
Well as Ive told you guys I'm in college right now to get my associates in game design
. I just finished my semester earlier today actually, in which we decided what game we are going to make for the next two semesters. So for the next two semesters, I will be programming and refining the design for what essentially is plants vs zombies characters in online multiplayer advance wars, which I will let you guys know when it gets to the point where the demo or full version is up on kongregate. And yeah, that's pretty much what I want to continue doing work wise
Are there any roles that should be used more often in Mafia setups that you'd like to see?
I was always a fan of an independent that had to be the last one standing that wasn't just an SK, but also had some other powers and I wish we would see that more. A lame example would be a BP SK. Something like what was in FFVII is a less lame example (sibling indies, one was BP, one was lynchproof)
How do you feel the game of mafia has changed from when the game was introduced to you, to the present day?
I feel like I've answered this question twice already, but here goes round 3:
When I first started, we were just a bunch of guys (and maybe some girls) just ****in around and having a good time. not really taking things too seriously, which changed a bit around the end of Food Court Mafia...where we all started to use a bit of meta and more than just a few people started having strong opinions...and its just evolved from there like I've already noted, and don't feel like doing again
Whats your philosophy on lynching deadweight, even if you don't believe they're scum?
Its a tough call. Because coasting and giving minimal input is really easy to do as scum already, and if we don't go and lynch the deadweight, it becomes even easier
on the other hand, real life happens to everyone and if you are contributing as much as you can and get lynched for being deadweight it sucks. Not to mention lynching someone you think is town is never really a good thing. I will stress that not thinking someone is scum and thinking someone is town are two very different things to me. If you don't think someone is scum, that just means you arent sure, and lynching deadweight like that is acceptable if you come to the end of the day and have no other good leads...whereas thinking someone is town means you trust them, and Iit'd be very hard for me to think someone is town if they are deadweight, so I would not lynch them. But iunno, I guess if it comes down to it, if you have no other leads at the end of a day, lynching deadweight is a decent way to go
how do you feel about metagaming; do you use it in your common gameplay, do you think it should be steered away from?
I think a lot of people need to steer away from such heavy focus on metagaming.
But personally I need to actively use it more, as I don't really keep track of what people do when they are town or scum and could benefit a bit from some better note taking
which I think I have already touched on. Nut yeah, metagaming should be used as a tool, not as an entire toolbox
how was your day today? howve you been?
My day today was pretty good. Got my laptop fixed, finished up all my work for this semester, and found out our game concept won and is going to be made next semester, so yeah...how about yours?
What's your favorite open setup for under 10 players? Over 10 players?
I dont really have favorite setups, because I enjoy playing new games and new setups with new roles, so I dont have an answer for this
Favorite role to receive as town? Mafia? Indy? Why?
I'd love to be a confirmed sanity cop for once. The ability to confirms reads would really be helpful to me I think. Mafia I don't really have a favorite role (so long as its not BI goon), I'd much rather have a good scum team than a kick *** role.As for Indy, I'd love to get one of the roles I talked about a few questions back. FFVII was kick ***, and being on my own with a still decent chance to win would be kick *** as well
What players do you think have the most interesting or effective playstyles? Not really asking which ones you think are strategically the best, but what ones you simply find interesting in a generally positive way.
I like EE and you (frozen, at least when you are active) style when it comes to making people agree with you, regardless of allignment. Swiss style is really interesting to me as well, though not necessarily in a positive manner as it makes me at least wary of him even when he seems town like...and yeah, that's what comes to mind at the moment
your life right now? Give us a peek at what sorta stuff consumes your average day.
Well again, I spent an entire semester concepting, researching, and designing a game that got green lit for next semester, so I'm damn pumped about that. And over the summer I'm getting to take a free class that is teaching me better game design. Through dungeons and dragons, so thats sweet. And theres a pretty good number of good looking super hero movies coming out over the summer, plus E3 in less than a month. And yeah, that's what I'm excited about right now. RIght now my average life is going to be getting some rest for about a week or two, and then learning how to network in unity for next semester...which is fairly complex from what I've heard, so Im pretty sure thats what will be occupying my time besides working at a garden center...
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?
That's a tough question for me. While I love to travel abroad, I don't want to be too far from my family...and while I don't particularily enjoy a state that has snow jacket weather into mid may, I also want four seasons, so what I think I really want to do is live a bit south of where I am now (Wisconsin), and just travel a lot
Do you spend time on SWF anywhere other than Dgames? Where?
I lurk Pokecenter and LoZ to a small extent, just to see if any news comes up. I also regularily check Light house for much the same reason. Oh and some of the brawl code sets stuff for any interesting hack sets or char changes. Right now Im running Brawl-...but that's really it
What's your ideal pet?
A solar powered dragon which can fly me to and from school at high speeds
What setup do you like the most out of all the closed setups you've seen here at SWF? Which one did you like the least or have the most issues with? (Doesn't have to be a game you played in)
Whichever one of Rockin's game had a Rogue. That was the one I had the most issues with
My favorite closed setup was whatever one I said last time I said what my favorite game was. trying to maintain continuity here
Which closed setup here at SWF do you think was the most balanced? Why?
The most balanced one? Iunno... Dinomafia I guess? It had simple roles that worked well to counter each other, so it seemed pretty balanced. I dont really notice balance too much unless its far too unbalanced though...like rockins tourney game with the rogue
What kind of PRs (either town or anti-town) do you feel are too overpowered or are too swingy and thus shouldn't be used?
For the most part, most roles can be balanced if you give the other side enough power, or give that role a significant detriment. I mean look at DBZ mafia. I had OP roles all over the place, But it worked out because everyone was overpowered
"And when everyone's super... No one will be" ~Syndrome
When it comes to adventure game characters, what type of playstyle do you play?
Well again, I'm very unexperienced in the realm of adventure games, but I try to treat it as a true roleplaying game. I like to get into character as much as possible, which means in a adventure game where I'm already an established character, I try to figure out the character, like their motivations behind doing what they do in their moive/book
if its my own character I try to work out a background and general attitude before starting to play as them...and then when things happen, I try to think how the character would react to that situation.
What would be an ideal Adventure game you'd like to play one day?
Im honestly most excited about Gheb's pokemon adventure game, as that was my first roleplaying environment, and I just love the games. Another original heroes game like virg's would also be amazing, and I think we have quite a few people here that would do a great job of making something like that OS specifically comes to mind. Oh, and a marvel verse adventure game to complement avengers next year would be awesome
get to work on that EE
How would you explain your Mafia playstyle?
Nonexistant because I don't play no more. Fairly erratic, since I tend to jump around a lot trying to bait reactions, albeit with varying success. But once I've found someone I'm confident is scum, I don't let go til their dead. Which is also not the greatest sometimes...
Any players you'd like to see play again in a Mafia game?
Id love to see Tom or Frozen play a game with their full attention again
I miss that...I'd also prolly join a game that has Marshy or Camo man in it. camo was fun to play with. SSBF would be fun too, just for the lulz I guess, but also cause he seemed like he legitimately wanted to get better, which is always great
Thank you so much for your time. Do you have any last words before this interview ends?
I would say no, but I suppose that would count as a last word, so I guess my answer is yes, I have a few last words.