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DG Interview Thread: Walrus? Toasted


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Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
fontisian fontisian


How long do you think it will take you to answer these questions?

If you could add or change one thing to your country's constitution (or equivalent) what would you do? (if it's unpopular enough it can be removed in the normal ways)

What is something you find interesting that you guess I wouldn't know?

What's your LARP experience so far? How into LARP are you on a scale from Already quit - This is my lifetime hobby?

In the category of things people actually do get paid for, what is your dream job?

What odds would you give for a bet between humanity establishes a self sufficient colony on another celestial body vs humanity goes extinct?

What is one of your favorite foods?

What is one of your favorite foods that you hadn't tried until you were an adult?

How far ahead do you plan?

What are a few skills do you think everyone should be good at?

What makes you unique?

Would you rather be normal?

What is something you learned you were completely wrong about as an adult?

How long did it take you to answer these questions?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
For Fonti's interview:

When did you first start playing mafia and where? Can you remember the first setup you played in with any detail and if so can you tell us what is was? And what you rolled?

What was your initial impression of the game of mafia? How would you say your relationship with the game has "evolved" over your time playing?

Do you have a "favorite" mafia game that you remember particularly fondly? Why does it stand out?

Do you have a game you consider to be your "best career performance?" Or if not that definitive, a game you think highlights your particular strengths as a player? If so what game was it and what sets it apart from other performances?

Favorite open or semi-open setup? (Top 3 is fine if a few are close)

Which is your preferred format between IRL mafia, live chat mafia, and forum mafia when it comes to personal enjoyment of the game? Why?

Of those 3 formats, which do you believe to be the best "test of skill" as an overall mafia player? Why?

Favorite game size (# of players)?

Multiball/Indys, yea or nay? Regardless of your personal take, what format of multiball or type of indy roles do you think are the most robust from a game design perspective?

Favorite town role to roll? Scum? Indy? Why?

(Most Mountainous) 1 - 10 (Most Role Madness), rank your personal preference on this continuum for setup powerlevels

Do you have someone you think of as a "mafia mentor?" How did you come into contact with them? What about a mafia "rival?"

If you could pick any "normal" role and guarantee you'd never see it again in any game you signed up for no matter what, what role would you pick? Is there any role that you would like to guarantee showed up in every, or a disproportionately common amount of setups? (For the purposes of this question, disregard any potential strategic personal advantage you would get from being aware of your cosmic rigging while other players were unaware)

What made you decide to come give Dgames mafia a shot?

Would you consider me to be a liability if we rolled scum together? What would have you the most worried? (Be honest! :p)

Other than mafia, what are your favorite games to play? (Video, board, card, or otherwise!)

Generally speaking, where are you from? (Feel free to skip, not trying to doxx I'm legitimately curious!)

What's something you're really passionate about?

Favorite class from highschool? Why?

Where was the farthest you've ever been from home?

May edit and add more, wont be offended if you skip any of these, don't feel obligated to do all of these if it feels tedious lol


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
How long do you think it will take you to answer these questions?
A while. I tend to procrastinate while I think about these things until inspiration strikes.

If you could add or change one thing to your country's constitution (or equivalent) what would you do? (if it's unpopular enough it can be removed in the normal ways)
Term limits.

What is something you find interesting that you guess I wouldn't know?
Grey whales need three whales to have sex.

What's your LARP experience so far? How into LARP are you on a scale from Already quit - This is my lifetime hobby?
I’ve been to a few small events with friends (2 battle days and bigger day long event). During my first official larp event one of my friends who brought me there paired up with an ex-military guy during a find quest in the woods. They egged each other on way more than they needed to, traveled way too far into the woods, and got lost. We sent out a search party, failed to find them, and then called the police before they managed to find a road and make their way back. So, that was a time.

Before larp, I was into boffer, mostly with friends. I got introduced to it at a board game convention (which I was at for Witchhunt) and got really into the combat side of it. Larp was a bit of a transition from that because the weapon weighting is a bit different. It’s more about poking and lightest touch then the full on weapon control like things I was used to with the homemade boffer weapons.

The larp group I’m with is pretty combat oriented, which is why I’m in it and the main thing I enjoy. I talked to you about looking for armor, and that’s partially to look more period and partially so I can get armor points, but it’s mostly so I stop coming home with bruises and freaking out my coworkers. I really enjoy the competitive part of the fight, and I’m partial to individual duels. Group combat is fine, and I enjoy taking advantage of people with worse spatial awareness. My particular faction recently formed and was working on some formation style fighting before the pandemic, and I’m looking forward to getting back into that.

This is probably going to be a lifetime hobby, though I’ve only been into it for a little bit. I’m looking to get a more regular job so I can attend the full weekend events. Long term, I want some really nice leather gear, and I’m looking to get to a place financially where I can afford that.

In the category of things people actually do get paid for, what is your dream job?
I’ve been cat-sitting as a side gig for a little bit, and I actually love it. If I could live off of this, I would.

What odds would you give for a bet between humanity establishes a self sufficient colony on another celestial body vs humanity goes extinct?
Oof. Extinct. I think, on a societal level, we tend to be short-sighted and self destructive.

What is one of your favorite foods?
A reuben. Dill pickle on side, black and white cookie if I’m really feeling it.

What is one of your favorite foods that you hadn't tried until you were an adult?
Tibs. I hadn’t actually any Ethiopian food before I met my wife and I was missing out.

How far ahead do you plan?
Depends on your definition of “plan,” I suppose. A lot of what I do in the moment is instinctual, backed up by repetition and a lot of thought about how things could be. I consider how things might turn out and that allows me to react more readily later, but it’s very rare for me to have one set plan.

What are a few skills do you think everyone should be good at?
Deescalation, emotional control, customer service. Those are all really the same thing, and it’s just knowing how to deal with someone who’s being unreasonable or manipulative while they’re in a position of power over you. Empathy would be a good fourth. We often excuse our own behavior because we understand the emotions that led into and but we attribute others’ behavior issues to flaws in their character.

What makes you unique?
Pass. This is too difficult to answer without feeling narcissistic.

Would you rather be normal?
Normal is a social construct, and its definition varies wildly from person to person. I can’t be normal, because “normal” isn’t a real thing a person can be.

What is something you learned you were completely wrong about as an adult?
If we’re going with “completely” wrong, then it’s probably something minor, like misremembering a name or not knowing how a process works. Boring answers, basically. I’d prefer to talk about more complex things, where my takes weren’t /completely/ wrong but missed a lot of nuance and then developed significantly over time. For example, I didn’t know I was a lesbian for about a year of adulthood, but I did know on some level I was what I would now describe as queer. I knew our society has issues, and I had some ingrained racism, homophobia, transphobia etc, but I didn’t understand how much a society shaped by white, cis, straight, wealthy men has influenced the way I think about everything. I didn’t get how much of my view of myself was based on internalized homophobia. Negative feelings about mental illness, internalized racism, internalized sexism, these are things I feel and can now call out within myself in a way I wouldn’t have been able to in my first few years of adulthood.

There’s a line in ContraPoints’ “Transtrenders” where a character calls a non-binary phobic transwomen out with “"Do you think that you can purchase acceptance though conformity?” and **** if those aren’t words to live by. It’s tempting within the queer community to blame people parts of the community who are /too flamboyant/, who give the rest of us “a bad name”. But the homophobes don’t give a ****, their bigotry doesn’t differentiate between us, and we cannot afford to tear each other down. Trans black women who had nothing to lose are the reason I have rights today. It’s all the same fight.

That’s not just about queer issues. Racism, sexism against women, toxic masculinity’s negative effects on men, the othering of disabled people, economic inequalities, environmental issues, they all interlocked and they stem from a system that favors the few over the many, a system that encourages us to scapegoat each other instead of looking for the change we need. It’s all the same fight.

How long did it take you to answer these questions?
An hour or so of writing, several weeks of processing.


Smash Champion
Apr 3, 2020
When did you first start playing mafia and where? Can you remember the first setup you played in with any detail and if so can you tell us what is was? And what you rolled?
August of 2012, Dark Lord Potter, a site that I frequented because I enjoyed reading Harry Potter fanfiction. I was 17. I rolled vanilla town, was flavored as Neville Longbottom, and was promptly yeeted Day 1 by one tunneling town (Rubicon) with some assistance from scum. The setup was fairly basic, 13 players, only a few power roles. There was a serial killer, which I remember, because he helped yeet me.

What was your initial impression of the game of mafia? How would you say your relationship with the game has "evolved" over your time playing?
It’s been a long time, but I imagine I first saw it as a mix of puzzle solving and presentation. It’s hard to assess how much I’ve changed over hundreds of games and several years. I’ve definitely softened, and have learned to value the people in the games more than the game itself. I’ve learned that most reads are gut based, and everything we say about them is a translation of our feelings, not the real thing. Talking about our reads can actually lead us astray, because we try to find justifications for things that do not need to be justified and in the process lead ourselves away from what our gut already knew and lock ourselves into certain lines of thought. This is a problem you in particular struggle with, by the way, and until you understand that your ability to construct persuasive arguments can be a liability because of how /you convince yourself/ you will be vulnerable to manipulation. I’ve learned to doubt myself, a lot, question assumptions. In late games I’ve learned to step outside the game and assess it as if I were someone else looking in, and use that to give myself perspective.

Do you have a "favorite" mafia game that you remember particularly fondly? Why does it stand out?

Do you have a game you consider to be your "best career performance?" Or if not that definitive, a game you think highlights your particular strengths as a player? If so what game was it and what sets it apart from other performances?
In American Gods mafia, a few years back, I rolled Desperado (I had a one-shot day vig, and if I was wrong I died instead of my target). I shot scum!Citrus about 2/3rds of the way through Day 1, let a yeet on scum!Titus immediately afterwards, got neighborized by scum!TMNTurtwig during N1, immediately called him out and yeeted him during D2, and then got shot N2 by the one remaining scum. That game worked for me because it gave me a tool I could use to pressure and force out reactions, and because I happened to know Citrus’ scum game very well. Tl:dr if we’re ever in a game together and you have the ability to give out a gun, please give it to me.

I don’t know, I think in general my gameplay tends to be fairly consistently decent. I try to make myself obviously town. I like to be in a position where I can find and support town leaders, and not have to do that leading myself. My specific strengths, as described by others, are that I can and will drive a yeet by myself if I feel like I need to.

Favorite open or semi-open setup? (Top 3 is fine if a few are close)
Witchhunt or mountainous.

Which is your preferred format between IRL mafia, live chat mafia, and forum mafia when it comes to personal enjoyment of the game? Why?
I don’t do much live chat mafia. I have played a lot of irl, video and forum. They’re all really the same game when it comes down to it, it’s just different moods and timing. In person can be very fun because it can get pretty ridiculous. Forum can be fun because it’s over a longer period of time, so I can do ridiculous **** like charting out someone’s sleep patterns in a thing game to prove that they /definitely/ double jumped. Video is maybe my least favorite of those three, though I still really enjoy it, because it’s an unknown time commitment that’s not as engaging as in person play when you die. I still enjoy it.

Of those 3 formats, which do you believe to be the best "test of skill" as an overall mafia player? Why?
I’m not sure they can be ranked that way, as they required different skills. Video mafia is about knowing how to use time, when to step in, and how to take over a room. Video and in person both required a skill at persuasive speaking, with video usually involving addressing the whole group and in person being much more personal. Body language can also be very useful in video, e.g. as a woman playing video mafia with mostly men, I’m more likely to survive a situation where I might otherwise be yeeted if I lean into the camera and smile. That’s not great, but it is useful to know. Both video and in person mafia require a decent memory for events that isn’t needed in forum, because I can just go back and check any information. In person is the best format for learning if you can actually get a feel for when people lie to you, followed by video, followed by forum, because there’s so much more to work with. Forum allows for more precise inquisitive styles, a focus on wording and process that you can’t really get into with the limited time in other formats. I don’t think it’s valid or fair to say any one format is a better test of skill than any other.

Favorite game size (# of players)?

Multiball/Indys, yea or nay? Regardless of your personal take, what format of multiball or type of indy roles do you think are the most robust from a game design perspective?
Hard nay. Ugh. Most indy roles are bad. If I had to choose something, I’d go with a multi-ball open or semi-open setup, so it’s not a surprise.

Favorite town role to roll? Scum? Indy? Why?
Vanilla town. I see roles as kind of distractions for the core of the game. I prefer sheer behavioral analysis. I know that’s not a really

(Most Mountainous) 1 - 10 (Most Role Madness), rank your personal preference on this continuum for setup powerlevels
1, see above.

Do you have someone you think of as a "mafia mentor?" How did you come into contact with them? What about a mafia "rival?"
Eidolonic, also known as Voxxicus. He ran my first game and several after. I don’t have a rival, I’ve played with too many people over too long of a period and across too many sites.

If you could pick any "normal" role and guarantee you'd never see it again in any game you signed up for no matter what, what role would you pick? Is there any role that you would like to guarantee showed up in every, or a disproportionately common amount of setups? (For the purposes of this question, disregard any potential strategic personal advantage you would get from being aware of your cosmic rigging while other players were unaware)
Serial killer. There’s no role I’d like to guarantee.

What made you decide to come give Dgames mafia a shot?
Osie asked me to replace into a game. I took a look at it and saw things had gotten toxic, and thought I had a shot at reducing that toxicity. I was also fairly certain I would be replacing into a scum!slot, which is normally something I avoid, but I figured since no one knew me that’d be the best time to role scum anyway.

Would you consider me to be a liability if we rolled scum together? What would have you the most worried? (Be honest!


Other than mafia, what are your favorite games to play? (Video, board, card, or otherwise!)
Video games: Crypt of the Necrodancer, Dark Souls (mostly Scholar of the First Sin), ARK, Skyrim, Monster Hunter: World, Tabletop Simulator
Board games: Betrayal at the House on the Hill, DnD 5e, Love Letter, Coup
Card games: ERS, Rummy 500, Caps

Generally speaking, where are you from? (Feel free to skip, not trying to doxx I'm legitimately curious!)
Virginia, mostly near DC.

What's something you're really passionate about?
Pass again.

Favorite class from highschool? Why?
Lord, I don’t know if I even liked any of my classes in highschool. I burned myself out hard in highschool and college, via a pretty extreme course load and some undiagnosed adhd. It wasn’t really a joyous time. I enjoyed European History, probably, because it was an elective class that let me do a fair bit of independent research. I was good at Physics and enjoyed helping other students with it, but that was more an enjoyment of the subject than the actual class. Analog Electronics was interesting and I loved the teacher but I also, humm, felt lost in it and on some level felt like I didn’t belong there, which was probably internalized sexism. Marine Biology and Geosystems were interesting. I also remember liking my U.S. History teacher even though I didn’t really enjoy the subject. Yeah, I don’t know if I ever actually liked any of my classes, they were just something I did because they were what I was supposed to do. That’s kind of a bummer.

Where was the farthest you've ever been from home?
Australia, visiting the woman who is now my wife.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Term limits.
not a bad call, what's your take on amendment of first past the post, winner take all, single member districts?

What is something you find interesting that you guess I wouldn't know?
Grey whales need three whales to have sex.

What are a few skills do you think everyone should be good at?
Deescalation, emotional control, customer service. Those are all really the same thing, and it’s just knowing how to deal with someone who’s being unreasonable or manipulative while they’re in a position of power over you. Empathy would be a good fourth. We often excuse our own behavior because we understand the emotions that led into and but we attribute others’ behavior issues to flaws in their character.
literally how to argue effectively with cantankerous judges 101

"Do you think that you can purchase acceptance though conformity?” and **** if those aren’t words to live by.
crazy right? I think this fundamentally comes down to tribalistic instincts developed in prehistory. Different = unknown and unknown = risky/bad. Conformity purchases acceptance and acceptance = survival, rejection = death for most of our existence as a species. So many of our cognitive biases stem from this type of in group/out group heuristic thinking, fundamental attribution error being I think the most salient

When did you first start playing mafia and where? Can you remember the first setup you played in with any detail and if so can you tell us what is was? And what you rolled?
August of 2012, Dark Lord Potter, a site that I frequented because I enjoyed reading Harry Potter fanfiction.
I think its so awesome how many people (myself included!) end up running into mafia due to it being present on niche interest forums like this one, DLP, xkcd, that Fire Emblem fandom site we kind merged with here for awhile, etc.

What was your initial impression of the game of mafia? How would you say your relationship with the game has "evolved" over your time playing?
It’s been a long time, but I imagine I first saw it as a mix of puzzle solving and presentation. It’s hard to assess how much I’ve changed over hundreds of games and several years. I’ve definitely softened, and have learned to value the people in the games more than the game itself. I’ve learned that most reads are gut based, and everything we say about them is a translation of our feelings, not the real thing. Talking about our reads can actually lead us astray, because we try to find justifications for things that do not need to be justified and in the process lead ourselves away from what our gut already knew and lock ourselves into certain lines of thought. This is a problem you in particular struggle with, by the way, and until you understand that your ability to construct persuasive arguments can be a liability because of how /you convince yourself/ you will be vulnerable to manipulation. I’ve learned to doubt myself, a lot, question assumptions. In late games I’ve learned to step outside the game and assess it as if I were someone else looking in, and use that to give myself perspective.
insightful take here, I appreciate that. I am definitely susceptible to scum who know how to mimic my headspace and thought process and use mirroring to get me to convince myself of what they want me to think

Do you have a "favorite" mafia game that you remember particularly fondly? Why does it stand out?
Did I just watch a dayvig shoot a cop literally as that cop was claiming? :rotfl: that game looks like it was a riot, large IRL games with friends really do reach a level of fun that's hard to match in any other format, I used to play weekly with my best friends during college, we had a little club and had lots of moments very similar to this clip haha. What was the occasion here? One off game at a big event or was this something you did regularly with friends?

Tl:dr if we’re ever in a game together and you have the ability to give out a gun, please give it to me.
Noted ;) (will be big mad if you end up shooting me with it :hulk:)

Multiball/Indys, yea or nay? Regardless of your personal take, what format of multiball or type of indy roles do you think are the most robust from a game design perspective?
Hard nay. Ugh. Most indy roles are bad. If I had to choose something, I’d go with a multi-ball open or semi-open setup, so it’s not a surprise.
Have you ever played with an "Abductor?"

Generally speaking, where are you from? (Feel free to skip, not trying to doxx I'm legitimately curious!)
Virginia, mostly near DC.
damn a few years ago we would have been crazy close! I went to law school in Virginia from 2013-2016 and spent a lot of time in DC!

Favorite class from highschool? Why?
Lord, I don’t know if I even liked any of my classes in highschool. I burned myself out hard in highschool and college, via a pretty extreme course load and some undiagnosed adhd. It wasn’t really a joyous time. I enjoyed European History, probably, because it was an elective class that let me do a fair bit of independent research. I was good at Physics and enjoyed helping other students with it, but that was more an enjoyment of the subject than the actual class.
lmao are you me? I vibe with this heavy, 9 AP classes between junior and senior year, the burnout was so ****ing real
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
fontisian fontisian Great answers, although I'd argue that instant runoff voting is a more critical fix then term limits.

What's a sleep double jump? Staying up all night and sleeping the next afternoon so you skip a night?

Thanks for the detailed responses. Remember you get to nominate someone to go next now.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
For example, I didn’t know I was a lesbian for about a year of adulthood, but I did know on some level I was what I would now describe as queer.
How would you describe queer? Also, did you always have an attraction to women but just denied it, or was it like you just weren't conscious of it, or you just didn't experience events that would cause you to recognize an attraction? Or other?

Tl:dr if we’re ever in a game together and you have the ability to give out a gun, please give it to me.

Vanilla town. I see roles as kind of distractions for the core of the game. I prefer sheer behavioral analysis.

I’ve learned that most reads are gut based, and everything we say about them is a translation of our feelings, not the real thing.

Australia, visiting the woman who is now my wife.
Heh. I had a dream a while back that you posted about visiting Southeast Asia. A was later informed by bessie that a mafia player on their forum had once posted such a thing, and she's from Australia. From our convo:
Are you certain you’re not dreaming about Madge too? Madge is the Australian, and Madge is the one that posted a bunch of vacation photos from her vacation in Southeast Asia (on xkcd), not fonti.
Oh yooo whaaat, I think you're right. Did I know about the southeast Asia trip? Was it during my time there?

Fonti, Triss, and Madge all occupy a similar space in my mind, like there's a lot of overlap on the ven diagrams in terms of the vibe/essence they give off. And I could see my mind easily combining Fonti and Madge based on their avatars.

Some questions I wanted to ask:

On average, on a scale of 1-10 how likely are you to go to an event (that you would enjoy, say a D&D session) on short (say like an hour's) notice?

If you had one wish that could be granted as you intended, aside from any wish that results in more wishes, what would you wish for?

If you could have 500 million dollars in exchange for your hearing (unable to be repaired by technology), would you take it? If no, what's the highest amount you would need in exchange? If yes, what's the lowest amount you would exchange it for? How about vision?

If society A has laws protecting children from harm and it is the custom in society B for the eldest child to enter into a gruesome death battle at a certain age for the glory of the family, is it the responsibility of society A to intervene with this custom?

Would you say that a person's personality is primarily a result of nature or nurture, and is it mostly static once developed, or can it easily change (e.g. throughout a week)?

What type of music do you enjoy?
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