Why are are you siding with take's reply, Gnes? Lol, most of the stuff he said was plain ******** outside of number 1 and number 6.
First of all... LOL at number 2 as an argument. The games being played should all be selected and running before the tournament starts anyway, and, assuming people played something on their PS3 before turning it off, it will also be selected.
Number 4 is absolutely ******** as well. Both consoles are similarly bulky in their own right (slim versions not included), but the XBOX has the added bulk of a huge external power adapter and giant brick sized controllers.
Number 5 is also a very weak argument. It's assumed that people need to have all the necessary things unlocked in a game for it to be used in tournament. Regardless, save files can be easily transferred from system to system in any game for unlocks and such. Why would you spend 43 dollars on an external hard drive? BTW, your two 20 gig HDs would run you like 80 dollars new, the same that it costs you to buy a 500 gig HDD for the PS3).
Loading times are entirely dependent on the game and how they were developed. Whichever console they were developed for originally has the lower loading times, the ports usually get the **** in that regard (in this case, Bayonetta was a PS3 port and it's terrible with loading times). Hell, Uncharted 2 doesn't even HAVE loading times. Loading times on fighting games are tiny for both systems.
7 is also stupid. Just tell people to bring a USB cable with them for synching or have one available. People aren't so ******** that they'll literally be confused by synching stuff. Also, most people play with sticks anyway, which are wired.