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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Dallas - The Land of The Killers
Dallas was ****, most of your guys placed high and d4ba got either second or first I believe.
Speaking of d4ba, I can't seem to get in touch w/ him thru smashboards.
I still owe him 20$ for gas this weekend.

I just want him to know that I intend to make good on that ASAP.
(**** money and ATMs aren't **** anywhere when you need 'em) :laugh:

ADDITION: For all the people that I went to Houston with.

Thanks again for taking me along on less than a weeks notice, and
without even knowing who I was to boot. I had a ton of fun
brawling, hanging out and meeting you guys.

I'm glad there are a lot of fun and really good brawlers
in the area. I can't wait to smash with you guys again.
I could learn a lot hanging out and playing
with you guys more.

Too good. You guys are too good, XD

Hit me up sometime, ALL of you. Keep in touch.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
heres how dallas people did

2nd - d4ba
9th - Infinity
13th - Fogo
17th - Bwett
17th - Phoenix Alpha
25th - Shuz
25th - UTDZac
33rd - DallasPhat
33rd - Ice

out of 118 players

utd zac and infinity got second in teams.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Land of the Killers, TX
Speaking of d4ba, I can't seem to get in touch w/ him thru smashboards.
I still owe him 20$ for gas this weekend.

I just want him to know that I intend to make good on that ASAP.
(**** money and ATMs aren't **** anywhere when you need 'em) :laugh:

ADDITION: For all the people that I went to Houston with.

Thanks again for taking me along on less than a weeks notice, and
without even knowing who I was to boot. I had a ton of fun
brawling, hanging out and meeting you guys.

I'm glad there are a lot of fun and really good brawlers
in the area. I can't wait to smash with you guys again.
I could learn a lot hanging out and playing
with you guys more.

Too good. You guys are too good, XD

Hit me up sometime, ALL of you. Keep in touch.
Good job snaggin' 17th place with a Lucas man. And major props to the rest of Dallas as well, especially Infinity and D4ba for getting top 10. Too good.

And btw.

**** josh. :D


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
heres how dallas people did

2nd - d4ba
9th - Infinity
13th - Fogo
17th - Bwett
17th - Phoenix Alpha
25th - Shuz
25th - UTDZac
33rd - DallasPhat
33rd - Ice

out of 118 players

utd zac and infinity got second in teams.

Don't look at singles ><

A shame we had to play Dphat and Fogo. Glad Fogo got to go on and do better than I would have. I'm just not that good yet. Gah it feels so weird.


Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2008
Arlington, TX
Wow, good **** guys. Congrats to d4ba and Zac/Infinity for their second place finishes. Wish I could have made it.

Side note, any of you get a chance to try out Street Fighter IV?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx
Wow, good **** guys. Congrats to d4ba and Zac/Infinity for their second place finishes. Wish I could have made it.

Side note, any of you get a chance to try out Street Fighter IV?
has that game came out already I been waiting fo it


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Dallas - The Land of The Killers
17th - Phoenix Alpha
no need to fix this one. chronoize OWNS!!

Good job snaggin' 17th place with a Lucas man. And major props to the rest of Dallas as well, especially Infinity and D4ba for getting top 10. Too good.

And btw.

**** josh. :D
I appreciate the support, man. And **** you too, w/ a &*^$ and *#)%(* in #)*(^&% for ******



Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
Speaking of d4ba, I can't seem to get in touch w/ him thru smashboards.
I still owe him 20$ for gas this weekend.
It's not a big deal at the moment. I simply hope to see you at our next bwogo or future gathering. Pm me, this is d4bA.

Regarding HOBO 10: saving my comments for the shoutouts page.

Overall trip: My car sprung a leak in my coolant reservoir on the way to Hobo10. I'm gonna have that fixed sometime early this week.

Tourny talk: Who all is interested in hittin up LeeHarris's 2v2 only tourny? Figure we can start talking about it early.


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
I tried that new street fighter game, and i've decided to pick it up seriously.

also, me and billy are down for 2v2 tourney, carpool with you and melee1?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Ivy has an infinite in SC4, that kills it for awhile until it either gets an online patch or a new retail version.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Well then, play on. Still, a patch for it would be nice, kinda silly they missed it in testing. It's not super complicated compared to most infinites in fighting games.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Dallas - The Land of The Killers
It's not a big deal at the moment. I simply hope to see you at our next bwogo or future gathering. Pm me, this is d4bA.
I'll do that. I was trying to get in touch w/ you thru the member list, looking for D4BA, or some variation of that. Thanks for speaking up. It's getting easier to connect the dots now that I've seen you guys in person.

It's banned, yo.
No, way. You just gotta let up after 5 iterations, just like all infinites @ Planet Zero :laugh:


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
So, I've done the math and technically Billy placed 10% better than normal according to player to place ratios.

5th out of 20 = top 25%
17th out of 118 = Top 15%

Edit - Also, I looked it up on IMDB and both of us were right. If you look up Jimmy Stewart it comes up with Mr Smith Goes to Washington.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Dallas - The Land of The Killers
Tourny talk: Who all is interested in hittin up LeeHarris's 2v2 only tourny? Figure we can start talking about it early.
I'm interested in pretty much every tourney w/in driving distance, as long as it's not driving 4 hours for a tourney w/ 12 people, or something dumb like that. :bee:

Early tourney talk is a good plan. There are TWO taking place on September 20th from what I've seen. And then 2 more in early October IIRC.

I think they are in Waco, San Antonio, and 2 in the Houston area.

I've been reading about a BUNCH of Texas tourneys and potential overlap between them.

I'm about to crash out for the night. I'll gather up some concrete info about the upcoming Texas tourneys and put it here so all the Dallas people are on the same page. That is, unless someone beats me to it.


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
Melee last night was freaking fun. Jesi/Silent Jupiter: BEST FALCO IN DALLAS.

Training day Friday for the Houston tournament, I'm calling it.

dallas, stop losing to houston. we don't do that.
We'll just have to go to Houston ourselves to make up for their shameful behavior.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
I'm interested in pretty much every tourney w/in driving distance, as long as it's not driving 4 hours for a tourney w/ 12 people, or something dumb like that. :bee:

Early tourney talk is a good plan. There are TWO taking place on September 20th from what I've seen. And then 2 more in early October IIRC.
Glad to hear this! Norman, OK is a scant 2.5-3 drive away from Dallas, and my next tournament that I will be hosting (OHSNAP v4) will be in a couple months. The tentative date right now is 22 November - I'm currently trying to work around some of the Houston and Austin Smashers' schedules so that as many of them can make it as possible. Bwett and Fogo came up to my first ever tournament endeavor (30 entrants) in early August, and I and some of my other crew members would be happy to offer free weekend housing to OOS attendants. Now that school's back in session, I'm shooting for an all-time high of 60 participants, which is kind of a big deal as far as Oklahoma is concerned. =)

I've already begun hyping up participation by some of the top Smashers from Texas, so don't disappoint me guys. =) I'll be back very soon for more concrete details.


Smash Lord
Nov 19, 2007
New Braunfels / San Antonio / Austin, TX
I'm torn between http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=185642&page=11
or http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=192677
or the waco tournament.

All of these are on sept 20th. There are obvious pros and cons to each. I believe that we should begin discussing which ones to go to and for what reasons. I'll post my opinions later.
I don't think the Gamelot monthlies will get much attendance due to the fact that it has Brawl singles only and the last Gamelot tourney was very heavily promoted and only pulled in around 40 something people, including plenty of scrubs. I will have doubles only, but at the same time I am doing something different (swiss) so that people get more bang for your buck and it's far more engaging. It's also on Oct 11, which is Gamelot's second monthly in a row, so you can still go to the Sept 20th Gamelot monthly.

Plus I can give housing if necessary and we can hang out and booze it up if everyone is down :p


Smash Lord
Feb 8, 2008
ventura county CA
Well then, play on. Still, a patch for it would be nice, kinda silly they missed it in testing. It's not super complicated compared to most infinites in fighting games.
sometimes game testers miss the obvious (hint: dk pops right the **** in front of dedede, how do you miss that)

@ fogo - street fighter 4 is awesome, try abel and gief, from what i've played they're great

@ dallas, come out to california in january, srsly


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
I don't think the Gamelot monthlies will get much attendance due to the fact that it has Brawl singles only and the last Gamelot tourney was very heavily promoted and only pulled in around 40 something people, including plenty of scrubs. I will have doubles only, but at the same time I am doing something different (swiss) so that people get more bang for your buck and it's far more engaging. It's also on Oct 11, which is Gamelot's second monthly in a row, so you can still go to the Sept 20th Gamelot monthly.

Plus I can give housing if necessary and we can hang out and booze it up if everyone is down :p
All of this sounds promising but...Using the swiss structure does not warrant a larger entry fee based on the fact that each team has to play more team entrants. As stated in previous threads, $20 each person in teams does sound steep factoring in travel costs etc. Take HOBO 10 for example, they charged $10 and received 38 teams (x2=76 players). Out of all the single tournament entrants (118), ~65% entered the doubles tournament. Excellent turnout for the teams community (in my opinion) and should be replicated.
I am 100% for this tournament AND boozing it up...emphasizing the booze.
poker+drank any1?

Regarding gamelot vs waco tourny: I prefer the waco tournament based on these following reasons.
1-Waco will provide a teams and singles tournament for BRAWL whereas gamelot is singles only.
2-Waco did an excellent job running their previous tournament which goes to say that they (waco) has good history.
3-Waco does not have the threat of population control issues. Gamelot will be hosting a tournament for THREE separate games. All of which will bring separate crowds.
4-I'm biased (not a real reason)


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Regarding gamelot vs waco tourny: I prefer the waco tournament based on these following reasons.
1-Waco will provide a teams and singles tournament for BRAWL whereas gamelot is singles only.
2-Waco did an excellent job running their previous tournament which goes to say that they (waco) has good history.
3-Waco does not have the threat of population control issues. Gamelot will be hosting a tournament for THREE separate games. All of which will bring separate crowds.
4-I'm biased (not a real reason)
You forgot to mention that the Dallas guys don't have to travel as far to get to Waco compared to San Antonio, or the fact that I reside in Waco :)

Do you guys have a good estimate on how many Dallas people would go to Waco? We're just trying to figure out how many setups we would need to get things rolling somewhat fast. It would be fantastic if some of you guys could bring a full setup, and I could probably eliminate the venue fee or make the doubles fee less or something like that.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
after the Houston tournament I'm so pumped and motivated. Now after getting the first non-Dallas tournament out of the way, i know what i need to work on and expect. I won't be able to make it to the Waco tournament unfortunately. I'm eying the 2vs 2 tournament on the 11th. Ice tell me if u can make that or not, or if i need another teams partner.

PS. *** cats!


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2005
In a Kingdom of Mushrooms, max'n
Melee last night was freaking fun. Jesi/Silent Jupiter: BEST FALCO IN DALLAS.
INdeed and too true. Sorry my energy drained so early. Long day of chiefing and drinking took it's toll. I say we play a little earlier this week and this friday. Jesi i'm sure you have a better idea how to get here now, how far is it?
Yo Fargo I need my controller back. The orange one from months back. Please have it whole soon. Hit me up when completed and we can work out a session to play smash. Gracias.
fogo magic, all day every day! Anyways, if anybody wants last minute repairs or upgrades please resond to me so i can do them before i leave to houston! i would appreciate the money as well :)
SERIOUS?!?!?! Fook Fargo Magic. Zelda's got more magic in her left ovary. My friend, get at me with my controller. Making me madsad


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx

You guys should pick up Soul Calibur with me dude.

I main yoda.lol he's immune to grabs cause hes so small he's already broken.lol and Ima attempt to go competitive wit street fighter. I already know ima probably get my *** handed to me at my first touney but hey thats journey to geeting better right? I just hope I dont run into that dude that went into beast mode on that evo moment vid.lol fogo know what Im talking about Id be pissed if that happend to me.lol

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
So first of all, a big congrats to everyone who went to HOBO this past Saturday.

I just wanted to post while I had a chance, we are indeed on for Smash fun this Sat., and as of now I will be able to host Smash every other Sat. Here be details, yo.

DATE: Saturday, Sept. 13th, and every other Sat. after that (unless otherwise noted)

TIME: 5PM - Whenever people leave

(The house with all the crap out front)

Brawl 1v1 Tournament for sure, Melee/2v2 Brawl on demand
$1 Venue Fee (waived with a setup or food)
$5 Entry Fee

We'll have 3 setups at minimum (2 Brawl, 1 Melee), but we always need more. If everyone brings money for food, we are willing to order dinner. No illegal stuff. Bring your own controllers; we don't have many, unfortunately.

Any questions? PM me or call me at (214) 797-6108.

So, we'd love to see everyone come; lord knows the house could use some action in it. :laugh: How about we get some of that oft heard of FOGO MAGIC for an OP update? ^_^ Plz?

Oh, Fogo, while I'm reminded, I've been having some controller problems; any way you could take a look at it on Sat? I assume you guys will be there. :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Dallas - The Land of The Killers
Sweet tourney in Oklahoma, sometime in November. Come join, etc.
Heck, I'm down XD. BUT, I'm thinking us Dallas people need to discuss this other handful of tourneys and get those straightened out first. Thanks for the info, though.

So why don't we split up the groups and dominate both? This is Dallas after all :p
This is kind of an interesting idea. Especially if we have a split decision on where we want to go. Or, rather, if the people who DRIVE have differing opinions, lol.

Assuming these are all on the same day (20th), then I would cast my vote for the Waco tourney as well. Having both events is preferred.

2v2 tourney: My teammate was a no-show at HOBO 10, and the Dallas people came in a group of 10, but one guy (Dphat's friend) didn't play, so I was without a teammate. This would SUCK WAY MORE if it were at a 2v2 only tournament.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say. It's not like I can have a "plan B" for such a tourney. Anyone going would already have a partner lined up. Most (if not all) of Dallas is paired up. I'm just iffy about this one I guess. I would like to get my same partner, but I need to make sure he'll be there.
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