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Data Decisive Games Introduction Thread (make sure to check the new forum rules as well!)


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Isn't there a rule that says you can't sign up to host a game for a que your are already on, or while you are already hosting a game?

If there isn't, there should be lol.

Not that I don't think you should be hosting OS, just on principle.
You can't be on both queues, Xiivi is (not complaining) and I'm pretty sure I've seen others do it.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Sorry OS, I can't bend the rules for you as cool a mod as you are. Same to Adumb.

KingNothing, how experienced are you? If you're not very experienced you should join the small game, Bear & Fish mafia. If you're experienced and looking for a challenge, you should join FMA:B.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
No I think frozen means that OS shouldn't be added to the large queue until his large game finishes.

Tom why aren't you allowing hydras for your game :(
its 20 players. i assumed that disallowing hydras would help me fill the game because people wouldnt hydra up. but ive been sitting in queue for almost a month now and am about halfway full. small games have flown by me and even a large private game started signups and finished signups as i gained like a net of 2, and that game wont even start for another month.

if chuckie wants to hydra in the game or something, and you promise the two of you werent interested in joining it individually, then i would gladly have you play.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
You can't be on both queues, Xiivi is (not complaining) and I'm pretty sure I've seen others do it.

If you would like to host a mafia game, it is required that you post in this thread and wait in line. If you would like to host a game, simply post "/in to mod (small/large)". You may only have one game on each list at a time. Mods are allowed to switch between queues where they'll be placed in the appropriate spot depending on their number.
This is what the rules state right now. Pay close attention to the bolded. The current language states that you may be on each list once. So technically you can be on both the small que, and the large que.

Personally, I think you should only be able to be on one que at a time, and if you are currently hosting any game, you cannot sign up to be on any que again until after that game is completed.

Reasoning behind this is that allowing people to be on both ques can lead to bad timing where both of their games come up either at the same time or one after the other, which can impede modding ability and is potentially hazardous (i.e., accidentally forwarding/sending game sensitive info to a player who is in both games, from one game, to the player who shouldn't have the info in the correct game, etc.) Also just on principle, I think it's greedy and childish to want to be on both ques at the same time but that's just more of a personal opinion.

As for not being able to sign up while hosting a game, this is just a matter of principle. If you're in the middle of hosting a game (ANY game, private/small/large/newbie whatever) you have no reason to sign up to host another. You are hosting. Give the people who aren't a chance to get in the proper spot in line instead of just front loading yourself.

What do people think about this? Should I move this to the Social Thread or make a new one to discuss this proposal?


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
I disagree; I think it's more of knowing your limits, kind of like with playing [KiKi only moderates, so if he feels its in his limit to be on both queues I don't mind; tom's been on both, as has OS, and marshy, and more etc... and it has very rarely caused a problem, and someone can easily put their game 'on hold' and let people skip them to avoid having to run two at once if that ends up happening]. Your chances of accidentally talking to a scum partner about another different game you both happen to be town in is another potentially damaging factor to people playing multiple games (which can be just as devastating to a game as a mod error).


Smash Rookie
Dec 5, 2010
Dude, you have the best name ever.

lol; Thanks. I'm a fan of Metallica songs, and King Nothing's one of my favorites.

KingNothing, how experienced are you? If you're not very experienced you should join the small game, Bear & Fish mafia. If you're experienced and looking for a challenge, you should join FMA:B.

I've played 4 games and hosted 1 on one site, playing 1 on another site (one for an MMO, the other is mafiascum; each respectively).

And if those are what the challenge levels look like, then I'd like to be /in for FMA:B.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
lol; Thanks. I'm a fan of Metallica songs, and King Nothing's one of my favorites.

I've played 4 games and hosted 1 on one site, playing 1 on another site (one for an MMO, the other is mafiascum; each respectively).

And if those are what the challenge levels look like, then I'd like to be /in for FMA:B.
king nothing is a great one.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Sorry OS, I can't bend the rules for you as cool a mod as you are. Same to Adumb.

KingNothing, how experienced are you? If you're not very experienced you should join the small game, Bear & Fish mafia. If you're experienced and looking for a challenge, you should join FMA:B.
I don't remember there ever being a rule against being in both lists at the same time, it's common practice to /in both at once actually.

Also, FozenFlame just clarified it.

The issue with OS is that he's currently hosting a game on that list, I on the other hand am adding myself to the small list when I already have a large.

its 20 players. i assumed that disallowing hydras would help me fill the game because people wouldnt hydra up. but ive been sitting in queue for almost a month now and am about halfway full. small games have flown by me and even a large private game started signups and finished signups as i gained like a net of 2, and that game wont even start for another month.

if chuckie wants to hydra in the game or something, and you promise the two of you werent interested in joining it individually, then i would gladly have you play.
I'm in sort of in the same situation, I don't wanna /in this game because i have potential activity concerns, but if I'm allowed to hydra, I will find somebody to hydra with guarenteed. I will not join without a hydramate however.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I don't think the idea of "knowing your limits" when it comes to modding is even close to the same concept as it applies to playing.

If you are playing and you can't handle a game, you can just replace out. It's not a good thing (not knowing your limits and needing replacements in any scenario is never a good thing) but the relative ease in replacing a player compared to replacing a moderator is leagues apart. Knowing your limits when dealing with modding becomes more of a necessity, not just a strong guideline like it is for playing.

Furthermore, just because it can be done (i.e. being on both lists concurrently) doesn't in any way prove that it should be done. That's just arguing the status quo by means of the status quo. I agree that mods have been able to handle it in the past. I pretty much have to, because it's simple fact. But the point is, that based on risk factors and principles, I really don't think we should let it occur.

The point is, that allowing people to be on two ques at once just allows for people to frontload their games and limit the amount of diversity in hosting. Because we have an imperfect system of hosting competition (since we limit the amount of games being played, and with good reason), I feel that we also need to more strictly regulate how often given people can host games. It doesn't make sense to me that we literally have two lines for people to wait in in order to have a chance to do an activity (I.e. hosting a game), but we allow a single person to be waiting in both lines. It makes even less sense to me if we allow someone who is already "on the ride" so to speak (hosting a game) to get in line again before they even finished the ride.

If we had some kind of shortage of hosts or whatever, then I wouldn't really mind people doubling up and being in both lines, but we don't have a situation like that at all. People's ability to host games is severely limited already as it is, whereas playing in games is quite the opposite (we have what, like 6 or 7 active games right now?). As such, with hosting being as limited to the general populous as it is, we should take steps to insure that an already scarce opportunity isn't being given to any one person or handful of people over any other.

And in that regard, I'll pre-emptively dismiss the concept people might have that "well people who have enough time and are willing to host more, should host more", because again, the status quo doesn't call for people to do any more work. We very much have a ceiling when it comes to how many games we need to be hosted at the current time. As such, we don't need to flood the que with more games just because some hosts are "more able to", because it's already a waiting list months long as it is.

As for the dangers of potential ruining of games because of misinformation exchanging, I agree players can also cause this to happen. However, it is MUCH more likely, just from a mere numbers and scope of attention standpoint, that a mod would send an incorrect message to a player in both of his games, since he simply has to deal with more players, more messaging, and more organization, compared to a player who only has to manage two roles. The point is relatively minor though, it was just a benefit, though a small one, that we would gain from only allowing people to sign up to mod one game at a time.

EDIT: /In to replace for either discworld or Youtube memes, whichever game needs one first


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
its 20 players. i assumed that disallowing hydras would help me fill the game because people wouldnt hydra up. but ive been sitting in queue for almost a month now and am about halfway full. small games have flown by me and even a large private game started signups and finished signups as i gained like a net of 2, and that game wont even start for another month.

if chuckie wants to hydra in the game or something, and you promise the two of you werent interested in joining it individually, then i would gladly have you play.
I'll see if Kat wants to then :). If Kat wants to sign up alone, I'll wait till the sign ups eventually fill and see what my status is.

Similar to what adum said, I'm in 2 other active games and an additional 20 player game would be too much for me to handle atm, but I still want to sign up. Instead of being an inactive ****, which I never want to do to a game mod.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
lol; Thanks. I'm a fan of Metallica songs, and King Nothing's one of my favorites.

I've played 4 games and hosted 1 on one site, playing 1 on another site (one for an MMO, the other is mafiascum; each respectively).

And if those are what the challenge levels look like, then I'd like to be /in for FMA:B.
glad to have you in my game :)

I'll see if Kat wants to then :). If Kat wants to sign up alone, I'll wait till the sign ups eventually fill and see what my status is.

Similar to what adum said, I'm in 2 other active games and an additional 20 player game would be too much for me to handle atm, but I still want to sign up. Instead of being an inactive ****, which I never want to do to a game mod.
okay :] use your best judgement and thanks for being honest


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I'll see if Kat wants to then :). If Kat wants to sign up alone, I'll wait till the sign ups eventually fill and see what my status is.

Similar to what adum said, I'm in 2 other active games and an additional 20 player game would be too much for me to handle atm, but I still want to sign up. Instead of being an inactive ****, which I never want to do to a game mod.
If I weren't in games at the moment I'd /in JUST because I'd know I'd get scum against Chuckie again ^_^

Still, getting served by SwissScum three four in times a row would be impossible, right? :awesome: Haha :p


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I don't think modding 2 games is a problem I was modding Zelda and non-existant, then zelda ended and now non-exist1 and non-exist2

Does anyone want to co-mod and/or co-design my next large game? its going to be epic =]

EDIT: also can someone give me the skinny on what are good sizes for large games (13-20) in terms of balance. Or linking me to somewhere with this info would be great =] I searched mafiascum wiki to little avail


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
x1-12 id be willing to help if you'd have me.

i would also advise you to shoot for 15, but find a theme that you like and try to fit it to 15, and if you have to add more to work with the theme or have the game balance with what you already have, then add some.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Yeah I'd love to have you on board Tom, at the moment I'm just writing out some of the roles and characters and I'll fiddle alignments etc later. Can 15 player allow for Independants?

I'll send you the basis for it when I've got something near-coherent

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Actually what I meant is that you have to send a complete set-up to /in haha. There is no rule about being on both queues.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

/in host small

/in host large when my large game is done

both games are minimum amount of players, open set up, no roles for anyone. 3 mafia rest are town.

I will change my game prior to it being run. :B

Would that work?! :D

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
lmao OS....

If we don't have a rule stating you have to run the setup that you submit to gain entry to the que, then we need to change that as well. =P

Even if you guys are gonna ignore my other suggestions, let's at least be prudent and make sure we keep our hosting system within the realm of reasonability.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN

/in host small

/in host large when my large game is done

both games are minimum amount of players, open set up, no roles for anyone. 3 mafia rest are town.

I will change my game prior to it being run. :B

Would that work?! :D
there is a rule about changing your game and needing it to be re-submitted

there is also a rule stating the list mod can refuse your /in

if i were still the list mod

i would delete all of your posts everywhere

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
there is a rule about changing your game and needing it to be re-submitted

there is also a rule stating the list mod can refuse your /in
this. It'd be funny if I let you do that and you never changed it and we ended up having a 1 person small game with no roles. But no.

Also, woo woo FMA:B go. I wish I could play in it!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
If I get a set-up approved by Tom is that good enough? I want you to be able to play it S2, you'll love it =] We're just tweaking it atm

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
X1-12, while I trust Tom to approve only the finest of set-ups, it'll still have to go through a list mod (Xiivi). Another part of submitting the set-up is to prevent games from being abandoned, or from set-ups being lost.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I'm going to be a bit more patient and wait for 2 replacements before starting the game. Also, I have my Calc 2 final today, so I wont be putting the thread up and sending Role PMs until this Sunday morning.
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