personally i don't like the idea but i'm not entirely against it. i don't see much usefulness in talking behind new people's backs just because their reasoning is flawed.
I second this. The whole premise behind a BRoom for the Debate Hall is to discuss booting people without them being able to see it. Honestly, it seems kind of pointless and just as a way to give senior members some sort of superiority--they'd basically become a lesser mod of the Debate Hall. I think the current boot topic works fine, no reason to make it private. If you don't want to come off as mean to someone, then clearly they can't have done something that bad to get kicked out, so no point in bringing them up.
How are you going to choose who's in this room,and whos not. You don't want to lose activity because a bunch of people felt like they sucked at debating cause they weren't in the DHBR.
I still think people are going to be more concerned about getting into the DHBR, than making a debate they believe in.
But if we did dot his, we could just convert the DWYP subsection into the DHBR.
The impression I get is that senior members would get in. What that means exactly, I don't know. Probably a requirement like "You have to have been a member of the Debate Hall for this long and have been a good contributor". The phrase 'Senior Member' seems to keep popping up.
But yeah, I think a BRoom would discourage activity in the normal one. At first, they'd want to try hard and be a dedicated member so as to be a part of the BRoom, and eventually, when it doesn't happen, they'll give up.
but there wouldn't be much incentive to getting into the dhbr if it's only a ban topic and official judgment threads for dwyp.
I wouldn't want to debate a private debate with only 3 people.
Why should there be a huge incentive to get into the BRoom? The only debatable (in my opinion) reason for adding a Back Room is to allow a private boot topic. I see no reason to create a whole new room just to basically add another system like the original Debate Hall system. It's basically a way to filter out people so you can have more intelligent debates, and if Crimson King specifically got rid of the system because it was a pain to do all of the work to read essays and such, another room shouldn't be created to recreate the system.
lonejedi has a point. The purpose of having the boot topic public is to let people know they are in danger of being booted because of their behavior. This either encourages them to change their behavior, or they just get ejected. Discussing booting someone in a private room also can lead to bias, and other people who support the person in question wouldn't have an opportunity to vouch for the person in danger of being booted.
This is a very good point against having a private boot topic. If you have a private topic, not only will bias be able to roam free (not that it would necessarily happen, but it could), but others besides the accused who wish to defend them might not be able to. What if none of the members of the Back Room care to defend them?
The only remotely viable reason I see to make a Back Room for the Debate Hall is to have a private boot topic. But the current one works fine, and the Back Room would just develop into a place for senior debaters to hang out, and as it was said, the 50/50 intelligence ratio is going to drop way down. I mean, why go in the normal Debate Hall if you've got your own private one? You probably won't. I know I probably wouldn't.
If a Back Room is created, I think that the only things in the Back Room should be a private boot topic and DWYP judgment threads.