- Strange
- Deadpool
- Star-Lord
Big respect to Chadwick BTW, I liked a lot his portrayal has T'Challa, but I personally don't like a lot his solo movie so yeah, there is a lot of bias in my votes.
I need to post my ideas for all costumes?, if not the there are only three I want to submit
Superman Red
Superman Blue
Superman One Million
I will maybe do a Batman moveset but I want to see what you will do first (:
It's your call; so far, the black suit, Kingdom Come, and Red Son suits have been consistent between the lists, so if it stays that way, then I could have those three be guaranteed to be three of his costumes and have people vote on the remaining options. (including the three that you nominated here)
Batman moveset:
Unique Action - Explosive Gel: Batman sprays explosive gel on the ground, and a timer ticks down, indicated by a circle depleting and changing colour around the unique action icon on-screen. If the unique action button is pressed again while this timer is active, Batman will detonate the explosive gel, which can work well for continuing combos, getting some extra damage in, or keeping the opponent suspended in midair for a little longer. If the timer runs out, the gel will disintegrate. Either way, Batman will need to wait a certain amount of time before spraying more gel.
Batarang (quarter circle forward + attack - air OK): Batman pulls out a Batarang and throws it; the angle depends on which attack was used (light is thrown at a downwards angle, medium is thrown straight ahead, and heavy is thrown overhead)
Grappling Hook (dragon punch motion + attack - air OK): Batman shoots his grappling hook diagonally upwards. If it connects with an opponent, the grappling hook pulls him up towards them and he attacks once he gets close; if it misses, then he is launched into the air, and he can ram into anyone who he connects with on the way up. (though he doesn't travel as far if he misses) The speed and height depends on the attack, with the heavier version launching him further but taking longer to use
Freeze Cluster (quarter circle back + attack): using technology adapted from Mr. Freeze's discoveries, Batman tosses a grenade that can encase its targets in ice. The angle and speed of the throw depends on which button was used.
Cape Parry (reverse quarter circle back + attack -

if you're on the left side of the screen) - Batman holds his arm in front of him, using his cape to cover his movements. If attacked, he'll counter similar to the takedowns in the Arkham games.
Glide (forward twice in midair) - spreading out his cape, Batman will glide across the screen, allowing him to go over his opponent's head easier. However, his glide is at a lower angle than Spider-Man's.
Level 1: Beatdown (quarter circle forward x 2 + attack): Batman swings his cape in front of him. If it connects, the opponent is briefly stunned and he unleashes
a flurry of blows upon them. (not quite as long as what's in the video, but it gives you an idea of the visual) If he misses, then nothing happens and you just wasted your super meter.
Level 2: Bat Swarm (quarter circle back x 2 + attack): using a device, Batman calls in a swarm of bats to fly around him, rapidly damaging anyone in the immediate area. This works regardless of the stage; we'll just say that any bats that show up in the Fortress of Solitude are rare Kryptonian super-bats that Superman was keeping for study, or stages set on other worlds have animals that are close enough to bats that the device works on them.
Level 3: Evening the Odds (all buttons pressed): Batman throws a smoke bomb, disorienting the opponent long enough for a remote-controlled Batmobile to drive into them. This launches them into the air, where Batman swoops down (I'm tempted to pay homage to
this shot - I haven't read the Dark Knight Returns yet, since some of it seems too gritty for my tastes, but the shot of Batman silhouetted against the lightning and the night sky is a great one) and slams them into the ground.