RoK the Reaper
Smash Lord
Rawr: Gimme the address again, Text it to me or somethin' when you gonna be over Pi3's so I know how to get out there when you take me to flowermound with ya. Also, I want you to run me by Little Ceaser's (They take debit card?) I wanna bye my fat *** two large pizza's to eat all by myself, and like, a 2 liter of coke.
BlueZaft, UTD Zac, Swift: I need to see how my Roy Fair's against ya'll. Last time I played ya'll with my Roy; I got swift down to 2 stocks, BlueZaft 4 stocked me with his Marth, or I got him down to three stock, can't quite remember. (I go to smashfests/Tournaments with him there all the time and never play him.) And UTD Zac, see how my Roy does against j00 as well. Got you down to ... 2 or three stock at the tournament, and my Link got you down to 3 on Dreamland, but I don't count those, laggy T.V.'s >=]
Pi3: Awww that's too bad. Maybe I can play ya before I leave to go to Flower Mound.
BlueZaft, UTD Zac, Swift: I need to see how my Roy Fair's against ya'll. Last time I played ya'll with my Roy; I got swift down to 2 stocks, BlueZaft 4 stocked me with his Marth, or I got him down to three stock, can't quite remember. (I go to smashfests/Tournaments with him there all the time and never play him.) And UTD Zac, see how my Roy does against j00 as well. Got you down to ... 2 or three stock at the tournament, and my Link got you down to 3 on Dreamland, but I don't count those, laggy T.V.'s >=]
Pi3: Awww that's too bad. Maybe I can play ya before I leave to go to Flower Mound.