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Dallas/Fort Worth! - www.twitch.tv/tourneylocator at 7pm on Thursdays


Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
Stupid things happen on wifi. It's an unfair lover and we just come back to the abuse because it's the best way to condition yourself against actual human interaction on a daily basis. But wifi will mess with your brain, and stupid people also love this abusive woman, so they act stupid too. Life for the wifi warrior, my friend, is a hard one. It's like maining link.
KaKera (that japenese player) says he only plays wifi. He says he MAINS wifi lol


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2010

I need to quit DK, someone offer suggestions for my new main :)
even though DK sucks and Im being a hypocrite by maining a good character. Don't quit DK your so close to taking the number 2 spot and maybe number 1.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
They haven't been to any of the DFW melee tournaments I've been at. #Mindreader I'd have a small shot at, but #Robblewobble is like The Worst Matchup Period so I wouldn't put a dent in him, haha.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
They haven't been to any of the DFW melee tournaments I've been at. #Mindreader I'd have a small shot at, but #Robblewobble is like The Worst Matchup Period so I wouldn't put a dent in him, haha.
That's actually about how I had imagined it, tbh. If you ever get to play Darkrain and I'm within driving distance call me ahead of time because that would be one hell of an interesting/entertaining set :p

Edit - Did you see any of his matches from FC? Dude was on FAIYAH


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Sethlon, you're just that much better than most of the people that show up to your tournaments. Hell, even I won a (small) tourney with Link back in like early '09. Point is, there will always be straight up booty matchups for the character, and it just takes a player at a high enough skill level to show it.

Like at that crew battle, even though I'm not fluent at Melee, when I had to go against you (you were the last person left, too) with my Sheik, you went Fox instead of your primary main Roy, and I'm sure you did it to give your crew the best possible chance to win, because Mew was next as the last person after me on my crew. I'm sure you would have still destroyed me as Roy, but you didn't want to take that risk then at a horrible matchup. See what I'm saying? At the end of the day, bad characters will still be bad characters no matter who is behind that character (not to bash at the players who choose the character; I understand what it means to pick a bad character, whether it be out of fanboyism, a more difficult challenge, liking that certain playstyle, etc.).


Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Speaking of life stories.

This girl I've been talking to has synesthesia. When I play piano, what she hears is also converted to colors in her mind.
I've ALWAYS been curious about synesthesia. So this is the coolest thing ever.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2011
Altadena, CA
Speaking of life stories.

This girl I've been talking to has synesthesia. When I play piano, what she hears is also converted to colors in her mind.
I've ALWAYS been curious about synesthesia. So this is the coolest thing ever.
I actually think that's complete bull****, yet another way for a some doctors to make some money. Like ADHD. That's just an excuse. If my kids ever think they have ADHD and start hollering random **** at my dinner table, ima jump over the chicken and punch that Negro in the throat. Ain't playin with you *****, what you need is an *** whoopin. Prescription medicine my ***, sit yo caramel cappuccino *** down and finish yo motha ****in food.


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
I actually think that's complete bull****, yet another way for a some doctors to make some money. Like ADHD. That's just an excuse. If my kids ever think they have ADHD and start hollering random **** at my dinner table, ima jump over the chicken and punch that Negro in the throat. Ain't playin with you *****, what you need is an *** whoopin. Prescription medicine my ***, sit yo caramel cappuccino *** down and finish yo motha ****in food.
Read this about synesthesia: http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/syne.html


Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Interesting... What particular colors does she see? Like, I'm thinking she may see different colors depending on the type of music.

She sees a multitude of colors. She actually told me about some other dude who tried playing music for her in the past... that he had written... and it was all gray and boring. She also played piano for a long time but refused to touch it after I "wove such a beautiful tapestry."

Anyway, specific chord quality, range of pitch, tempo, and actually (maybe?) quality of performance apparently have a lot to do with what color she specifically perceives.
Apparently, if you are synesthetic, you will actually see the color instead of imagining it... in your mind's eye or whatever.

Yes. Pretty much. You don't -actually- see the color with your eyes. It just pops up in your mind, and you can't really help it unlike normal people, who have to work at imagining colors.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2011
Altadena, CA
Work at imagining colors? Are you guys serious? Do you hear yourselves? She's smokin or poppin pills, and you guys are probably getting stuff snuck into your food too. You're all crackheads. Crackheads I tell ya!


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
That's actually about how I had imagined it, tbh. If you ever get to play Darkrain and I'm within driving distance call me ahead of time because that would be one hell of an interesting/entertaining set :p

Edit - Did you see any of his matches from FC? Dude was on FAIYAH
We got to play a ton of friendlies the past 4 months or so though, before he moved off again. They were pretty crazy matches; falcon is one of Roy's better high tier matchups in addition to one of my specialties, and Darkrain's, well, Darkrain lol. Lots of zero to deaths for everyone. Got a decent number of them recorded, a lot of the falcon stuff in my upcoming combo video is on him haha.

Haven't seen any of his FC stuff; I've kinda lost interest in watching Melee =/

Sethlon, you're just that much better than most of the people that show up to your tournaments.
S'what happens when you're the best ;)

Like at that crew battle, even though I'm not fluent at Melee, when I had to go against you (you were the last person left, too) with my Sheik, you went Fox instead of your primary main Roy...
I was actually trying to work up my Fox into better shape that tournament, so I was going mostly him; I used Fox until grand finals in singles bracket. I'd already signed up for crews as fox, so I didn't have an option to be anything different haha.

Serious talk though, bad characters are bad for a reason. I don't regret playing Roy all this time, but I definitely wouldn't recommend the Path of Low to anyone else. Quite the opposite.

...sit yo caramel cappuccino *** down and finish yo GOD **** TEA!


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Down B on metaknight is the best! The best! The best!
**** that move! MK Neutral B is an auto win on Diddy though. Stay free bro. Dakpo, I'll get you next time, believe it. Fear me. Infinity, I'll reiterate that I always get the last word. Always. And I'll find a way to beat you and Denti, and it will be glorious. Oh yes, there will be blood. Victory WILL be my destiny. My hunger for vengeance is strong!

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