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Daisho's Tournament 11/21/09


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
lol..i bet if he had won the tourny or something he woulda been the first to jump up and be like "OH WERE DEM VIDS AT?!"

Chibos rule is dumb

If you dont want ur vids uploaded just say so before hand or something..

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
and...its not his decision
If the person with the video has any amount of human decency, or just some common courtesy, then it IS ADHD's decision.
i only have the very last round wyatt lol. none of the other games were recorded. still it wont be uploaded
Glad to hear.

i dont even remember what to consequence is

pretty much it just gives the TO the power to upload whatever they want
Your rule sucks. The only possible reason of uploading videos of players without their consent is to "advance the metagame". If I was hosting I'd abide by the desires of my entrants who pay money to be there, instead of going against their will and uploading a match they don't want shown just some scrub in another state can learn a trick or two.

The Truth...

Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2009
lol..i bet if he had won the tourny or something he woulda been the first to jump up and be like "OH WERE DEM VIDS AT?!"

Chibos rule is dumb

If you dont want ur vids uploaded just say so before hand or something..
So, wtf of course he would of. Everyone does. But ADHD has vids of him losing so if he doesnt want them uploaded it's because he probably felt like he played really bad and doesnt want people to see that which is fine and reasonable. Like he said, he wouldnt have mind if the rest of the set is up he just didnt want that last match which is okay (lol at it being the only one recorded).

But yeA you and everyone else need to hop off his ****! IMO Ksizzle SHOULD upload it just so you and evryone else could be stupid and be like "yes! I can beat ADHD WITH META CUZ OF THIS ONE VID! IM GONNA GO MM HIM!" And then get your assess ***** lmao I dont even know ADHD but it angers me when this community have to result to ganging up on one person for his decisions and what not. Especially if you think 1 ****ing video of him playing bad is gonna help you win against him lmao (this post is not only to you suspect its also to everyone else that posted about the vid thing)

Now tell me, You think you can take on this diddy? (no LOL outta all the people here only anti)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56xKWQDn0Ks (almost JV 3 stock LOL)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O7LM_Brc-Y ( 2 stock lol)

Imaginary Link here for his match vs m2k at snes ( 2 stock lol)

Do i need to post more?

He 2 stocked Best Snake, Best Marth, and Best MK!

LOL get at him ****.

Dont even get me started on the stupid people who thought they could beat ally with Marth/Falco after Active Gamers LOL

So yeah ADHD is inconsistent and everyone as their bad days. That is all.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
So, wtf of course he would of. Everyone does. But ADHD has vids of him losing so if he doesnt want them uploaded it's because he probably felt like he played really bad and doesnt want people to see that which is fine and reasonable. Like he said, he wouldnt have mind if the rest of the set is up he just didnt want that last match which is okay (lol at it being the only one recorded).

But yeA you and everyone else need to hop off his ****!

stopped reading right there, i dont even wanna see the vids im just keepin it real. I dont study other peoples vids for one and i dont even really like brawl for two. So YOU obviously :mad: about something.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
He should just let it be uploaded because the kid deserves his moment of shine.

It's just like Mango bytching that he doesn't want his vids against Kage up because hes the best in the world and he lost.

Let the kid get his shine!

The Truth...

Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2009
Truth you need to jump of them nuts and get a life bro. You sound like your 12 or something.

Lol I know you not talking, because you prove my point 100% with the post you made earlier in this thread.

It's not my fault you suck lol.

Edit: I know what you mean Anti, but Ksizzle said the vids not going up, so if him and his brother don't want it up, why everyone beastin to see the vid. Its not like they gonna beat ADHD anyway. Oh and This *** mango doesnt want 2 sets up all ADHD asked for was the last vid. Its not his fault that was the only match recorded


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
He should just let it be uploaded because the kid deserves his moment of shine.

It's just like Mango bytching that he doesn't want his vids against Kage up because hes the best in the world and he lost.

Let the kid get his shine!
He'd get shine, then die out because he can't maintain it.

The reason I don't want it up is bc I lost idea is irrelevant.


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2007
Recording and uploading matches is a favor people do for the entire community, it's entirely within their rights to do what they want with the videos they spent time and effort capturing. It's not like the people being recorded don't know they're being recorded, it's completely self-serving to request that videos being recorded not be uploaded after the fact. But it does kind of sound like a lot of recorders follow the requests of the people being recorded, which i'm not saying there is anything wrong with.

Basically I'm just saying don't hate on people when they do decide to upload videos when the players don't want them too. People can put a lot of time and effort into recording/uploading and they're there's to do what they want with.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
College Park, MD
Recording and uploading matches is a favor people do for the entire community, it's entirely within their rights to do what they want with the videos they spent time and effort capturing. It's not like the people being recorded don't know they're being recorded, it's completely self-serving to request that videos being recorded not be uploaded after the fact. But it does kind of sound like a lot of recorders follow the requests of the people being recorded, which i'm not saying there is anything wrong with.

Basically I'm just saying don't hate on people when they do decide to upload videos when the players don't want them too. People can put a lot of time and effort into recording/uploading and they're there's to do what they want with.
Lol nice speech. But in this case it was just saved as a replay... the recording has yet to take place.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Lol nice speech. But in this case it was just saved as a replay... the recording has yet to take place.
Doesn't matter either way. We are talking about one video here. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort to put it up. Even if it did that'd be worse. You're going out of your way to put up a video which someone simply doesn't want up. If you say "well what about the other person not getting their recognition?". They do. They are known as the winner of the match. The expense of not watching a win seems much less than the expense of watching a loss in which things took place that are somewhat embarassing or things that a player just doesn't want seen.

In this particular case I believe Ksizzle already said his brother didn't want the match up ot simply didn't care. BOTH players said no to it.....there should be no discussion about it going up for this reason alone.

I am Seth

Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2009
SP or Boone where all we smoke is christmas trees.

Lol I know you not talking, because you prove my point 100% with the post you made earlier in this thread.

It's not my fault you suck lol.

Edit: I know what you mean Anti, but Ksizzle said the vids not going up, so if him and his brother don't want it up, why everyone beastin to see the vid. Its not like they gonna beat ADHD anyway. Oh and This *** mango doesnt want 2 sets up all ADHD asked for was the last vid. Its not his fault that was the only match recorded
your an idiot.
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