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D&D Mafia -- Game over! Mafia wins!

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
Cello said:
That HAD to be Gordito.

...it's staring at me.
Grr... ya got me.


I'm confused... Did Mayling put dat rule up cuz yu have a way of gettin ta Kuz' comp? Dat wuz the only fuel makin dat rule drive iirc.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
@ cello

I was not online at that time when J accused me because I was still at dinner. By the time I got home and read everything, she had unvoted me (iirc).

Wow, though I know you are a veteran because of those golden dice, all those inferences were amazing O_O.

As for who I think is mafia, tandora is kind of suspicious. (assuming she is a girl) She does not say a lot the entire night and then comes and makes some pretty strong statements such as 'the anti-town must die.' The fact that she is being so adamant about being town and being nice to me, may be the thing J is/was trying to do. Being nice to me so that I do not vote to lynch her.

Still, that is only thing I can pin her to, but I say it kind of suspicious. Could be a scum lead.

thanks for the information and advice though ^_^


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
He has never played any sort of mafia before yet he knew what a quicktopic was and that this particular game may range from a lot of special roles to a few of them?

And that makes it fair to assume that I know these things?

Come on man.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
smargaret said:
Wait, Cello and kuz are related? Hang on a minute.
No. Ryunnosuke is my elder brother.

TW said:
I'm confused... Did Mayling put dat rule up cuz yu have a way of gettin ta Kuz' comp? Dat wuz the only fuel makin dat rule drive iirc.
Except Kuz should be Ryu, this is what I believe. It's fair game because it's in-thread.

Who is who's fiance? Only the mods are engaged as far as I know.

Must sleeeep.

Also, Delvro and Tanny, I am actually going to bed now. Keep an eye out for Ryu and see if he drops by here or not. If he does get on immediately after I leave...draw whatever conclusions from that that you will.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Ill be here until 1:30

keep an eye out for ryu? No problem I guess, just wondering what I should do?

Just ask him some questions about the game?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Also, according to rule 4, I cannot discuss the game with anyone outside the thread.

Sorry about playing the 'noobcard' but where else am I going to figure out this information?

Ask yahoo answers how many special roles a particular game of smashboards mafia has?



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
...how is there 7 pages already when I was only gone for 6 hours.

ANYWAY, to not make this completely useless but still pretty useless

J said:
Whoooooa don't lurk goodness no. That will be bad and some silly townspeople will get on you faster such as Smarg.
Get on... faster? Shouldn't that be fast or are you expecting townspeople to get on him fast regardless?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
He has never played any sort of mafia before yet he knew what a quicktopic was and that this particular game may range from a lot of special roles to a few of them?

And that makes it fair to assume that I know these things?

Come on man.
He's my fiance (the feminine form has two e's). He has some mafia knowledge from exposure. I was operating under the assumption that you and Cello either lived together or had access to each others' computers frequently enough to necessitate rule 4b; however, I was mistaking you for ryu. So my point is sort of moot.

However, that don't discuss the game thing? Is the specifics of this game. You can't start a new topic or PM me and say "I think Tandora's scum, will you vote her with me?" You can start a new topic and say "What are some standard mafia roles? How do you make a balanced setup?" - that sort of mechanical question is applicable to all games, not just this one.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
As for who I think is mafia, tandora is kind of suspicious. (assuming she is a girl) She does not say a lot the entire night and then comes and makes some pretty strong statements such as 'the anti-town must die.' The fact that she is being so adamant about being town and being nice to me, may be the thing J is/was trying to do. Being nice to me so that I do not vote to lynch her.

Still, that is only thing I can pin her to, but I say it kind of suspicious. Could be a scum lead.

thanks for the information and advice though ^_^

@ Kuz, yes I'm a girl. J is a boy.

You think me saying anti-town roles all have to die is scummy? WTF? *facepalm*

I would rage, but it's too early in game and I promised TW I wouldn't. =/

And you're welcome. -_-

No. Ryunnosuke is my elder brother.

Except Kuz should be Ryu, this is what I believe. It's fair game because it's in-thread.

Also, Delvro and Tanny, I am actually going to bed now. Keep an eye out for Ryu and see if he drops by here or not. If he does get on immediately after I leave...draw whatever conclusions from that that you will.
Ryu isn't on at this time, but BunBun and Rockin are so I hope to see some posts from them.

And I lol at the thought of you looking at Ryu's comp to confirm him role. :awesome:

...how is there 7 pages already when I was only gone for 6 hours.
Should have stayed glued to your comp like the rest of us. ^_~


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Well guys, I come in after RoM results and see 14 pages.


Vote: Cello_Marl

Can't be a liar and go against my own plan ^_^

@Delvro, Rockin, BunBun th3kuzi, Ryun: Hiii I haven't played a game yet with either of you guys. Anyone you haven't played a game with yet here as well?

I wonder how this game will go. ;D
IIRC, I was in a game run by Rockin a year ago. That was it.

giraffelasergun, Dark Horse, BunBun, Delvro: Never REALLY played a game with any of 'ya. GLG I've skimmed a bit on, and DH I've played with, like, once, when he replaced in. Bun Bun I've never seen. Delvro, you're not new to DGames, but ya new ta me. How are you guys looking to approach D1? High hopes? Will your presences and posts be an asset to town, or are you gonna try ta coast ta lylo?
I've never been able to come up with a good way to get around RVS for D1.
I looked at a few different guides, some being very basic to other being very advanced.

In particular, one guide was this


which made me think that mafia was really simple, but then I saw a different one (which I cant manage to find this second) which stated all the different advanced roles and such. Mason and cop were not on that list. Since this is smaller mafia game, I figured that maybe everything was just divided into town and mafia and much of those advanced rolls were just left out.

And no, I guess I missed the part where there is an independent party...at this risk of sounds f***ing redundant, I just want to confirm that there is an independent party in this game
Closed game means no one gets confirmation like that unless someone claims.

Also, welcome to forum mafia!

I like the Lynch All Liars approach. Innocent people should have no reason to lie.
This includes lying by omission, such as ignoring a question asked to you.

Cello_Marl: What made you so sure that Smargaret is town?

Tandora: What is your opinion on J's responses to Cello's claim that he is scum

Also, good night!


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Man, this is what I get for being a bit too busy x.x

I was mainly skimming a bit of the thread, but I saw a lot of headbutting between Toastin and J, and Cello and J. I better really read up and look at them a bit more carefully. But first, I'll answer some questions

Can't be a liar and go against my own plan ^_^

@Delvro, Rockin, BunBun th3kuzi, Ryun: Hiii I haven't played a game yet with either of you guys. Anyone you haven't played a game with yet here as well?

I wonder how this game will go. ;D

It's these guys here

2. giraffelasergun
3. Dark Horse
5. Delvro
6. smargaret
7. Tandora
8. J
9. th3kuzinator
10. Ryunnosuke

So yeah, there's a lot of new faces here. :p

Alright. Let's toast us some walrus >:D.
Rockin: Yo. Replay of Sonic amirite :p?
You mean someone making a semi retarted reason of lynching me? Nah, I'm pretty sure not in this game. Chibo ain't playing here :p

Let's pick random names out of the list and ask them a standard question ;D

@Delvro, th3Kuzi, Rockin, Smarg: How do you feel about lynching inactives?
I'm willing to lynch inactives if need be. If they're being a bit inactive, but providing good info and being helpful, then they could live. Otherwise, lynch away

Question?? This game is going faster than sonic the hedgehog.

Here's your answer after my scumskimming:

I've never played with over half of the cast, so here's the people that I REMEMBER playing with:

Cello_marl, Giraffelasergun (as peekajoo), Tandora, Summoner (very vaguely remember), Ryunnosuke (not on forums)

And of course I've never played with myself. Because everyone knows that's wrong.
Lynch all liars. =p
scum team. Right Thar XD

I'm actually late. Normally, I'm sure of the whole scum team by the end of the first page (40ppp)
No you didn't. You practically made half/most of town stump themselves in 'Tree Stump Mafia' D:<

Lynch all liars D:<

Are there masons in this game?
Kuz, I understand this is your first mafia game, but please understand we want to avoid people claiming roles (at least so early in the game. If within a few Days down the line role claiming is beneficial, then fine then).


I also suggest you look through these links so you can have a good idea of how to play Mafia. Remember, we need to work together as town so as to find Mafia :p

I need to reread the thread now in a more thorough angle so I can fully catch up with the thread. Sorry that I've been slightly inactive. I'll share my thoughts soon.

However, one thing I would like to wonder though is this...

Don't listen to Cello. I do not see good fortune in my lynch being so quick.

Though Cello is always a bit hasty in his desicions.
Cello makes a big post about you and your scumminess and you seem to get pretty defensive over it quick (especially since like...Toastin and maybe another person finds you scummy). Why is that?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

Thanks for the welcome!

I was also going to ask cello in the morning about Smargaret, I dont see any reason to deny him the possibility of scum.

All he did was switch back and forth over whether I am noobscum or noobtown and then come to the conclusion that J is scum because he called out TW.

Cello: If I could lynch one person at this moment, it would probably be Smargaret. I do not necessarily find him scummy, but I would definitely be interested in learning about his actual relationship with TW and J.


Smash Rookie
Jun 24, 2010
Hey guys, Ryunnosuke checking in here.

Like to start off by saying sorry for not checking in earlier, but you guys have to share me with Starcraft. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Second, yes I am indeed the Yap sibling the rest were referring to, Tandora being the eldest, me second, Cello third, and May fourth.

J, Smarg, and Walrus.... said a lot. Someone asked me the question of what I would do during the RVS, and the answer to that is pretty much wait and see who's talking and who's not. I've only played one game of mafia and the guys who were mafia were the quiet ones and the ones who buddied. I know that by that own logic it throws suspicion on myself, but that's pretty much what I would do in a forum game. Gotta be honest about it.

Normally I take RVS with a grain of salt; usually in favor of killing off the inactives since proper reads can't be taken with good players. But I just gotta say that Kuz smell like scum to me. I think Smarg had it when he pointed out that anyone with any amount of exposure to Mafia generally would know about the basics, and Kuz is coming off like he hasn't even heard of cop or doctor.

I looked at a few different guides, some being very basic to other being very advanced.

In particular, one guide was this


which made me think that mafia was really simple, but then I saw a different one (which I cant manage to find this second) which stated all the different advanced roles and such. Mason and cop were not on that list. Since this is smaller mafia game, I figured that maybe everything was just divided into town and mafia and much of those advanced rolls were just left out.

And no, I guess I missed the part where there is an independent party...at this risk of sounds f***ing redundant, I just want to confirm that there is an independent party in this game
Seriously, you expect me to believe that you found a list of advanced roles that did NOT include COP? Cop has to be the most common power role out there, hell its even in that basic guide you provided but it's called Inspector. I'm not believing this guy, and I'd like everyone's opinions on this, if you please.

But, man, aside from that I'm just cruising through RVS atm.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Kuz, in your last post, you mentioned that you didn't necessarily find Smargaret scum, what are your thoughts on him then? What makes you think this?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Rockin: The reason for a bit of defense is because Cello has done this to me before in which he has called me scum for not smart reasonings and then I ended up at L-1 and needed to claim at the beginning of D2. Having read Oddworld gives insight to alot ^^".

But yea I hope I answered what u asked. Thank you for answering my questions!

@Tanny: Why do you keep putting my name in pink? :o

@Summoner: Smarg is a girl ;D

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
K. Swiss here.

1) TW WILL be going to LyLo. Why? I've given Gord free reign to post whatever he wants. No scum (especially me) would be ******** enough to give Gord free reign of the account. It'd be akin to letting an epileptic bull loose in a china shop I just built and stocked. Epic WIFOM? No, everyone knows I hate WIFOM.

I've never been able to figure out the exact moment RVS ends (except possibly Swiss declaring it over =p).


Tandora: Gots no questions for ya, 'cept, got milk?
Before I answer that, how old are (both of) you?
I can't think of anything amusing to say which wouldn't enrage most of your siblings. And I'm 21.

3) Cello, you must have been very tired when you made that 'big' post. I hope you were.

4) Ryu - did you play in Newbie 7? You quickvoted in LyLo. Don't do that >_<


Smarg is (probably) town. Question is - did Cello clear her for the right reason?

so TW now you are gonna rely on Cello to dig yourself out of the hole you have dug. And make what you have said (which sounds terrible) sound better?
J talk to me. Explain clearly and concisely exactly what hole Gord dug himself (how & why), then suggest a possible way in which I could dig him out. Will I do this? Why or why not? If Cello were scum would he find it beneficial to dig this hydra out of a hypothetical hole? Would he prefer to see us dead? Why?

You say you just wanted to help out a noob that was in exactly the same position as you, yet you do not consider why we repeatedly put noobs in this position (you've seen me do this multiple times iirc). Surely town must gain something from it - so why did you actively go against a strategy which town regularly employs?

Smarg, considering J repeatedly said he felt other players were taking the game personally (too defensive etc) why do you feel he is scummy? Does this mean Gord wasn't defensive, or was he justified in any defensiveness? Why was it necessary to point out that Gord followed you and not the other way around? What did we (as town) gain from pointing this out?

I'll post more later. Maybe.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
yeah yeah, I knew that. ANYWAY J

Why did you ignore/not comment on my #251?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
i'm so sorry I was trying to answer questions before I left for school so everyone would not be waiting. (might not be back till like 4-5ish)

At first I didn't get your question till I read it like 5 times then I saw what you meant. It was supposed to be fast ^^".

Swissy, I wanna get to you when I can on a cpu.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ryu said:
Seriously, you expect me to believe that you found a list of advanced roles that did NOT include COP? Cop has to be the most common power role out there, hell its even in that basic guide you provided but it's called Inspector. I'm not believing this guy, and I'd like everyone's opinions on this, if you please.
In one of his posts, he said "sheriff". He's more familiar with Werewolf, and likely knew the concept of Cop as Seer. Further, opening up the eHow.com link mentions the Cop-like as an "Inspector". Your concern is misplaced.

@Swiss (not Gordito): smargaret is town because I think of something, then she's already posted it. Basically the same rationale I used to mistakenly believe you were town in Oddworld. Or was that Mayling? Doesn't matter. Difference here is, JoanBud isn't holding the scum group DOWN and making for a super easy bus. You could have considered J for that position, but I doubt your interactions would have gone the way they have. There's an unplanned feel to it. J would have been silent for a moment while discussing it with you guys, then be more indignant and vicious.
J said:
The reason for a bit of defense is because Cello has done this to me before in which he has called me scum for not smart reasonings and then I ended up at L-1 and needed to claim at the beginning of D2.
If someone farts in my garden, I'm not going to let them say "I didn't sh**!" and walk away. If it smells like scum, its scum. You smelled like scum. Not as naturally as I thought, but you did. Invisible so we don't think to pressure you...grumble grumble.

@Rockin: Being sure and being right are two different things. You were being difficult. See fart analogy above.

Also, J/Rockin scumteam? It's more likely than you think.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Tandora: What is your opinion on J's responses to Cello's claim that he is scum
Normal for someone who's played with Cello.

Hey guys, Ryunnosuke checking in here.

Like to start off by saying sorry for not checking in earlier, but you guys have to share me with Starcraft. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
:glare: Son, I am disappoint.

@Tanny: Why do you keep putting my name in pink? :o

Kinda as an inside joke to myself. You post in pink and my brother Ryunnosuke's IRL nickname is Jay so it differentiates you two. Should I stop because it's distracting?

I can't think of anything amusing to say which wouldn't enrage most of your siblings. And I'm 21.
Clearly we need to talk privately then. ^_~

4) Ryu - did you play in Newbie 7? You quickvoted in LyLo. Don't do that >_<

J talk to me. Explain clearly and concisely exactly what hole Gord dug himself (how & why), then suggest a possible way in which I could dig him out.
Wait, Gord as the brash loudmouth and Swiss as the diplomat? I don't buy it. =p

Anyway, not to be a little short (which I cannot help given my personal character), I think I"ll have to be nosey with you TW. But, you're lucky because I like creatures who dig themselves a hole. XD

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
Clearly we need to talk privately then. ^_~

Wait, Gord as the brash loudmouth and Swiss as the diplomat? I don't buy it. =p

Anyway, not to be a little short (which I cannot help given my personal character), I think I"ll have to be nosey with you TW. But, you're lucky because I like creatures who dig themselves a hole. XD
Being the diplomat and playing off the unstyled raw doucheyness of Gord I find I can secure reads on a majority of players, (aside from helping out the local homeless children and volunteering at [attach heartsting] that is).

Nose away, I have nothing to hide. Ish.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
I'd like to add a quick FYI. Throughout most of the day, you might see me on the thread. If I don't immediately respond, I'm not ignoring you. I check SWF a lot during class on my phone, but will rarely post.

The majority of my posts will come at night, around midnight Central.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Kuz, in your last post, you mentioned that you didn't necessarily find Smargaret scum, what are your thoughts on him then? What makes you think this?
My first conclusion was that TW smarg and J were a scum team (assuming there are 3 people). I thought J targeted TW to make it seem that they wanted each other dead and then smarg backed up tw to give the argument some more heat/validity.

However, both smarh and tw dont seem to be backing down even when cello came into the picture, so I figured that maybe they were not using deception but literally trying to lynch J.

Regardless of whether J is scum and the other two are not or vice-a-versa, I think putting pressure on Smarg would be a good decision.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
:o There was another debater in this game?

Doubt the mods would have given both of us the same role
even though its random

And since I have nothing to hide...
or do I

FoS Dark Horse


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I feel like I am being too active in the morning (I am excited for some reason)

@Ryu found the guide


Under the bottom tab labeled "Variations" it has so many roles which I am not familiar with (Sherrif, Informant, Cupid etc). This is what I was going off of, but thanks to the links by rockin I now know the correct names for the basic roles.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Well, I 'm back and contributing next to nothing! :awesome:

I like the Lynch All Liars approach. Innocent people should have no reason to lie.
You just left docs out to dry. How sad.

:o There was another debater in this game?

Doubt the mods would have given both of us the same role
even though its random

And since I have nothing to hide...
or do I

FoS Dark Horse
Any particular reason? Or is it just because i'm a debater?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
Dark Horse, we have seven pages of real stuff going on, not all just usual RVS shenanigans. There are some serious votes out there. Why aren't you contributing?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
OKAY, was able to do a bit of a analysis of all the posts thus far.

The little bouts between J and TW were not as much as I thought there be (in terms of info gathering), but it's still enough. I think the reasons for the said bouts were slightly silly (the 'J not answering a better question to me and others' thing). Then again, I think J was slightly defensive off of that (cause TW just said to ask a better question....not saying he was scummy). I think both people were in the wrong for this: Meaning J should've asked a better question possibly and maybe TW should've tried to ask a good question himself. Eh

Kuz REALLY needs to step it up at this point. All/most of what I've seen from him is asking how the game works and not enough scum hunting. I would understand if you have a bit of questions if this is your first forum game, but really...forum mafia isn't that much different from IRL Mafia. The only main difference is that

1) the pace is a bit slower/varies

2) Everything you say is forever documented and more readable.

As for viewing the thread, I just left my computer on and was watching the music awards, sorry about that inactivity.

Muse won the alternative award though! <3

As for my accusation for stupid reasons?

Vote Delvro

because math makes my heard hurt.

I also dont want to officially vote TW because then I wont hear the end of it how I am just trying to get him lynched for accusing me.
Stop being scared to vote. Voting is a powerful weapon to town. If you feel TW is suspicious/scummy, then vote (with legitimate reasoning of course).

If me and J were truly partners then wouldn't it be obvious from the start to not make it look too conspicuous by helping/favoring each other too quickly.
Important thing when playing forum mafia: be careful of what you say.

I'm letting that go in a warning, but you should seriously be cautious of what you say. Some townies may mistake that for scummy vibes (or worse, Mafia may try to take advantage of that)

As for who I think is mafia, tandora is kind of suspicious. (assuming she is a girl) She does not say a lot the entire night and then comes and makes some pretty strong statements such as 'the anti-town must die.' The fact that she is being so adamant about being town and being nice to me, may be the thing J is/was trying to do. Being nice to me so that I do not vote to lynch her.
I don't like this reasoning cause you're doing the near exact same thing (only yours your posts of n00bness of the forum mechanics)

Dunno about Cello atm, but all I'm seeing right now is him pressuring J, to which I don't see anything scummy about him (except the bit of him being defensive)

GLG, Delvro, Summoner, Tandora, Bunbun, Dark Horse, and Ryunn are in a similar boat as Cello, except it's either cause they havn't posted enough or I just can't get a good mindset of them.

Eh....smargaret is neutral to me. I can see a bit of town aspects, but all I see him doing is pressuring Kuz (the reasons are eh, cause smargaret is doing the n00bcard and it's still early).

****...I have little idea about TW, but that's cause I plain can't read either of them. **** YOU SWISS! XDD

Time to ask some questions

Everyone (except smarget) - who do you feel is scummy and why?

Smarget - Besides Kuz, is there anyone else you feel is scummy?

J - Earlier, I saw you wanting Cello to help lead town. Is that still the case now?

Tandora, Delvro, - What do ya think of the headbutts between J vs. TW and TW/Smarget vs. Kuz?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
I think my vote is actually on J now ... at least it should be ... so there's the big answer to who else I think is scummy. A case could be made for TW buddying me, but that's not bad enough that I want to vote them for it. Cello is Cello. Nobody else has really posted enough for me to read them yet.

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
Smarg, considering J repeatedly said he felt other players were taking the game personally (too defensive etc) why do you feel he is scummy? Does this mean Gord wasn't defensive, or was he justified in any defensiveness? Why was it necessary to point out that Gord followed you and not the other way around? What did we (as town) gain from pointing this out?
You must have missed this.

I think my vote is actually on J now ... at least it should be ... so there's the big answer to who else I think is scummy. A case could be made for TW buddying me, but that's not bad enough that I want to vote them for it. Cello is Cello. Nobody else has really posted enough for me to read them yet.
Explain why he buddied you as opposed to offering to hold your hand like he said in thread. Then, make a small case on Gord (not me, I'm immune) and see how he reacts.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
For the millionth time this is my first forum game. I am learning from my mistakes. I will try to put more thought in my future posts.

IK i need to step up my game but I am not entirely sure what constitutes as valid basis for conjecture yet.

I think there is something in the smargaret, TW, J triangle and since lynching one may tell us info on the others.

I agree with you rockin that smargaret seems more neutral which is why I do not think he is scum, but then again it could all be an act set up with his scum buddies just like the act he quickly accused me of.

Though I think I need to speak with him more ill put my vote down.

Vote Smargaret

I also want to hear from Dark Horse, Tandora, Bun Bun, Ryu, Delvro --> what do you think about smargarets quick accusation of me and do you find anything fishy between J, Smargaret and TW?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
Yeah, I did miss that. My bad.

I feel like J's defense of kuz is a scummy defense. He completely dismisses the possibility of noobscum, when several people have pointed out contradictions in what kuz was asking - if he'd read any of those guides, I have a hard time seeing how he wouldn't know what a cop was. J also didn't do any scumhunting outside of the chainsaw defense - and he did focus on you as opposed to me, even though I was making the same exact case. That's mostly why I wanted to point out that it was Gboy following me and not the other way around - IGMEOY because I think what you're doing is borderline buddying, and I want people to know IGMEOY.

As to why buddying as opposed to handholding, is there a significant difference? I phrased the bolded part badly; I mean "A case could be made" in the "I could argue that TW's behavior is buddying" not "I could write a case based on the buddying behavior TW is displaying."
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